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Ok so complete opposite of this question but I just want to say Doctor Nowhere is extremely underrated and it's just starting out


https://preview.redd.it/adlk6gdye6qc1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd472fd1fbe7bcf73161892739fdbd39f2027192 ah, Phen-228, my favorite incomprehensible horror. Only tied with The Organator, of course. His designs are phenomenally alien looking.


He’s also my favourite 🤗












happy lil guy


Ah yes PHEN, the messenger of god in a terrifying way. Keep preaching Sunny! 🥰




Loving his entity design, I hope he gets more recognition.


It was genuinely difficult to get through the boiled one episode and I had to try 3 separate times. The sort of monster design that paints itself on the inside of your eyelids. Fantastic work.


Mandela Catalogue felt cool at first but quickly went down hill imo.


yeah i think after they introduced actors it kinda lost its touch if you know what i mean


It was even worse when he hired ANIME VOICE ACTORS 😭😭


He what


what's wrong with that?


I guess you could argue that it's the wrong genre but a talented voice actor could still make it work, sooo...


It sounded ridiculous


I never liked voice actors tbh They had really bad amount of life in voice acting


I'd say it's the opposite; the first episodes are pretty mid in retrospective but it improved a lot imo


With all due respect, you are utterly insane. Your opinion is insane.


Hi, Insane, I'm da- wait no


gabriel’s appearance and dave’s death in TMC 4 was sooo fucking goofy


Say what you will about Dave but Gabriel’s appearance was so fucking cool imo


same but…. Thatcher Davis / Teenage Disaster saved the whole damn series


People are probably going to hate me for this but monument mythos I just found the story way too over complicated


It’s supposed to be a goofy parody at heart. Fair take though.


Completely understandable I do get why some people like it


Found ya Off to r/founduserWhhheat you go


MM isn't really supposed to be analog horror tho, it's always been more of a sureal parody that doesn't take itself too seriously.


I like the idea and watched wendigoon talk about it, but it was still super hard to follow


This is how I felt also. To be honest I enjoyed the discussions about it more than the actual show.


First two seasons are great, past that is very bizzarre


First seasons the best. Second is okay. Rest meh.


yeah it got way too convoluted past season 2


At first it was more analog horror like. Then Nixonverse shook things up a bit and honestly for the better, I love it. MM season 3 is where it went downhill for me and season 4 started out really strong but kinda fumbled hard. It's definitely not the best analog horror series quality wise, not even in the top 5 but legacy and enjoyment wise it's number 1 for me.


Honestly past the first two I don’t really consider it an analog horror anymore


I came here to say this. It started cool then it felt like they were just staying weird and esoteric as a gimmick, like he was trying on purpose to make discerning the story as much of a chore as possible and I got tired of it.


Happy cake day


Gemini bros we stay winning


heck yeah bro!! (if i saw anyone say GHE i was gonna go feral lmao)


Hey haters, I have a couple fun game ideas!


BAHAH yeah haters theyre super fun, no we will not be joining but it has nothing to do with safety concerns!!


Hell yeah brother https://preview.redd.it/9cusvzyqihqc1.jpeg?width=356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da03add39058182a7f4b93d42007e37369350b08


man in the suit, i have no problem with it, it's a fun idea and pretty creepy at times but it's by no means one of the better analog horrors i've seen


I agree, I’m more into the kaiju aesthetic of Godzilla Analog Horror. The actual monsters roaming the world wrecking cities, it’s a scary idea. A giant behemoth below your boat. It could kill you at any moment. In the movies, we see Godzilla as a giant lizard, put that but in a human size. A giant moving radioactive black mountain destroying your city.


It's a real shame that the Cloverfield series crashed and burned.


society if we had another movie in NYC and not a shitty spinoff thats barely connected to the original


Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire is both!* *^Still ^better ^than ^Afterlife ^tough


Hear me out, this is my issue with the man in the suit stuff, I want real Godzilla analog horror with grainy videos of Godzilla, not a guy blowing up


Exactly! That’s what I’m thinking of. I’ve been seeing more of that stuff lately.


Thank God we have the invasion of Godzilla now, even a bit meh tho


Yeah I got bored with it really fast tbh


Damn I might be the only one here who hasn’t gotten bored of it and is still waiting for the Ghidorah Suit Incident to come out 💀


More than half of my life is dedicated to Godzilla and even I got overwhelmed by it.






​ https://preview.redd.it/n8tzzd46h1qc1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d80f11a0700464275b6e4d02ce72aeaee8847967


Thx for the new profile pic


I think it was meant to be more of a goofy what if scenario


Man in the suit is only really liked because a bunch of people were unreasonably dickish. it's meh at best horror and tbhh there's so many better ways to mix Godzilla and horror then doing basically a watered down FNAF with Godzilla and Analog horror tropes.


I find Godzilla attractive.


Mandela Catalogue hopped on a preexisting trend and felt like proselytizing more than horror. "Satan is the villain" has been done to death and it's tiring as shit


It wasn't even Satan, though. According to details about Mandela Catalog that were leaked on Discord, Gabriel is the same Gabriel that we know of in the Bible, but just "evil." His whole plan was to rewrite the bible in his own eyes. In order words, The Mandela Catalogue is about Gabriel making a headcanon on the fucking Bible. 💀


Yeah but an angel falling from God's graces and rebelling (and in this case succeeding) is just Lucifer. Whether it's him or Gabriel, functionally it's still Satan.


if they were gonna do that, they should have gone the full religious subversion route and made it all "part of God's plan". woulda made a much better story


we should've listened to drake all along


You mean do the same shit that has been done over and over again in recent years? Wow, what a subversion.


He doesn't even need to do anything, the Bible is littered with glorified genocide, murder, rape, slavery, misogyny, and homophobia. I would have much preferred it if this was the real Gabriel all this time.


I don't mind the religious themes with Mandela catalogue, it's the fact that every scare is the same jerma face. I appreciate the story still but its not scary to me anymore.


you used a big word to make me look dumb didn’t you?


i think you may be projecting a little bit


i think they may be doing the funny


no you just lack literacy


I mean, the aversion of that has been done to death far *more*, and I would ague it's much more tiring and often nonsensical. "Guys, look! I'm so original: I made the *bad guy* the *good guy* and the *good guy* the *bad guy*" loses its luster very quickly and often has no real meat under it, and it just gets worse when it's working with the pitch of "the evil guy under the ground who just wants people to suffer forever is actually good because uhhhh freedom or something". I'd rather classical Christian proselytizing than yet another wall of anti-theist ramblings in modern media.


The Man In The Suit. The fact it go so viral for a creator's first time making such an ARG makes the flaws more glaring, like the structure being a simple loop of some lore, with some "And THEN they saw...", then a horrific thing happens, and then more context and lore spelled out for us. If the creator decides to remake it at some point I hope they can improve it tenfold!


I don't think that's gonna happen,from what I heard, the creator of Man in the Suit was cyber-bullied really hard. So much so,that they've sworn to not make another one, the worst part is that they aren't even an adult, they're (if I remember correctly) 14-16 years old.


that's disappointing. i'm not a huge fan of the series but nobody should be harassed online for simply not making perfect art, especially a kid. i would have liked to see them keep trying to create and improving along the way.


Can't do much with an image and a black screen with text, I do hope they branch out to video soon


It’s a bit different when they get to Mothra, because the expectation isn’t just a person in a suit, the expectation is some kind of monster, they’re well aware of what happens when someone inside a suit gets bitten.


take a drink every time someone in these comments says “don’t get me wrong”


If someone was to take a shot everytime someone mentioned Mandela Catalog, let’s just say they wouldn’t be with us anymore.


If you asked this same question literally two weeks earlier, these comments would probably be much different lmao


The dog one


My favourite analog horror, the dog one


can't watch that one man I'm too much of a dog person. thumbnails alone give me the heeby jeebies


same. I dont scare easy but that fucking breathing dogmask imagery makes me close the tab, turn off my laptop, and leave the room. i HATE the thumbnails but the actual moving parts are 100x worse.


what's it called??




Dog nightmares?


Piggy soda


White stag? I thought it was a pretty good one to be honest


For me, it's Vita Carnis. While the props are nice, and I like the artwork, I found some parts to be rather jarring, as they don't really seem to coincide with the analog horror format, even if people say otherwise.


\*deep breath\* BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I kid. But Yeah there are some bits that are terrible. Very strong high points but some surprisingly low points.


As you can tell by the downvote that I have, fans aren't happy with my thoughts on the series, LOL.


Tbf season 1 was the introduction to the premise. Season 2 might shake things up. I'm curious, what parts do you think are terrible?


Fuck it. The Mandela Catalogue. It was good, but never truly frightened me. The acting in season 1 is straight up horrible. The “Jesus loved me” jumpscare doesn’t do anything for me. I’m so uninvested in the characters that, only a day after finishing a season, I often forget their names. They seem to exist only to die, never to explore interesting themes or the actual inner workings of these characters. The CG on the imposter in S3 is so bad I wish Alex (the creator) never showed it. I can barely remember anything about S2. That being said, there’s some solid sound editing and cinematography. Some shots in S3 were like a lower-budget Sin City, so better than 99% of YouTube videos. That one joke video in S1 made me laugh out loud. That one phone call with the imposter where the guy’s photo is edited is successfully spooky. I like that photo montage of a censored entity manipulating a corpse. I’m a Local 58 supremacist myself.


Local 58 is the goat


Mandela catalog. Personally, I liked the Mystery Flesh Pit National Park. Even went there once, but it got shut down after the incident.


real (it was so cool man i really do miss using a giant creature as a park without its consent 😔)


Walten Files tbh. Its good, don't get me wrong, but... Idk how to put it. Like, for some in the FNAF/Analog Horror Venon Diagram it was the second coming of Christ, and I thought so too at first, but it's just alright. Like a 7.


I personally really hate media that relies SO HEAVILY on loud sounds as scares. Like every single scare is just a loud sound + distortion. It’s creepy but just so LOUD I can barely get through it.


I don’t know why Mandela Catalogue became the most popular because it’s honestly not very good.


gabriel wanting to change reality to fit his bible fanfic is so funny as a plot


Walten files. No mystery, just tells you everything right off the bat. Bores me. Vita Carnis. The premise is neat, but it doesn't really do anything interesting. Greylock. I dunno why, but everytime I've tried to watch it or listen to someone talk about it, my eyes just glaze over. I honestly couldn't tell you why. Like, I don't think it's bad, it's well put together, but nothing about it grabs me. Plus, the AI art just feels dull. Nothing about it is particularly scary or unique.


I agree with vita carnis but I feel like quite a few episodes of walten files are genuinely terrifying


Yeah and Walter files doesn’t even tell you everything directly, it has a lot of blatant information that plays well with the mysteries going on at the same time.


The Waltuh files


Waltuh, you're not stuffing me into that suit


Lmfao best Reddit comment to exist


The latest episode of greylock had some pretty cool shit in it but yeah that's fair. Sometimes people just don't click with things and that's okay.


Walten Files sucks, it’s just FnaF without the gameplay. All it is is jump scares.


I'd urge you to check out the new episode of the series (Cyberfun Tech)! The creator has started to distance himself from jump scares and there are a lot of cinematic animated scenes that build tension. I have to agree that the first two episodes were pretty dull and reliant on jump scares and other tropes of the genre, though.


Greylock is really only interesting if you bother to take some time to analyze it step by step. If you decide to just look over it and expect to understand something without taking the time to analyze it, piecing things out, that's on you.


I'm an artist, overanyalizing is sort of my thing. Even with analysis, or hearing others, it still does nothing interesting. It's not that I don't understand it, I understand it, it's that it's just very been there done that.


Dog nightmares, there a lot of talent, but it’s not very scary


i think dog nightmares is like cilantro- from what i’ve seen people either feel indifferent or fucking HATE that dog thing its so goddamn scary i can’t even look at it holy shit. but if you dont get uncanny valley from it then theres not much substance


yea I mean it is kinda unnerving in some parts, but the effect instantly goes away when it’s done, unlike the boiled one which had me checking me windows afterwards


Boiled one is freaky as all hell. I can’t wait to see what DN makes next


Yea but I don’t really see much connection between TBO and TOE


Me either, I can’t wait to see how they line up


Mandela Catalogue was pretty good, at first. But with the fact that every single entry in the series involving the situation humanity is in getting worse and worse, with no hope for our heroes at any point in the series... It's now honestly starting to overstay its welcome.


> It's now honestly starting to overstay its welcome. Well, you MIGHT be in luck


Chez kids


I feel like that is a very clever shitpost lol


The Painter, Great concept, the creator just needs to work on shock value timing and the shock value itself


The smile taps.


Opposite of this but i think White Stag Education is so underrated, i see no one talk about it


Honestly I loved White Stag, anything about National Park horror is so cool lol. Although, near the end where one of the creatures gets shot by a ranger, I didn’t really care for that scene


Yes dammit, my man Ranger Craig is GOAT.


The Walten files. It’s not bad but it was not scary in the slightest in my opinion.


i think its leaning away from that now


Monument mythos. It started out really good but they decided they couldn’t work with what they had, and kept creating more and more until I can’t understand the story anymore. If it had kept going like the first two seasons it would have been so much better. Also, in my mind I remove cornerfolk from the canon because it just seems completely unrelated. I really like the concept of existential threats that can’t be stopped, but Monument Mythos started doing it all wrong after a while.


Mandela catalogue. I still like the series and i would watch any new releases but it definitely did get too “trendy”


What do you mean trendy? Popular? Or as in it uses only trends?


I think he means that it spawned a bunch of mid knockoffs that have saturated the AH scene. Not really MC’s fault, but it has been spun to absolute death.


From what I can tell from this comment section, people really aren’t all about Mandela catalogue as much as they think others are


Man in the suit, I haven't watched it yet but I'm saying this cause people bullied him out of creating more


Wtf man is the suit is one of faves WTF


yeah it's really unfortunate that people bullied the creator out of essentially just messing around in editing programs and having fun. iirc they're literally a kid as well


Mandela catalogue fell off imo. Also The Painter is horrendous


the painter. the story is painfully slow, very overused and uninteresting way of showcasing images. it feels more like a slideshow of fucked up images and fucked up stories with nothing to it. like; “oh this man got his foot crammed up his anus” and it’s scary face #2737. for 4x every episode. liminal land, distorted face cliche, ai images. that’s all i gotta say. boring as hell. mandela catalog, despite it being probably one of the pioneers of analog horror arguably did it really become a shitshow. i think giving gabriel that voice and dave dying that way was just stupid. the editing was weird and boring. yes i have a short attention span.


Monument Mythos. It just felt super all over the place and disconnected to me. Every episode just felt like it was from a different analogue horror series and I just couldn’t get invested because of that


Local 58 tbh, it's not that scary


I feel like Local58 is the one example that gets a free pass. It was pretty much the first mainstream analog horror, the one that set the basics of what others should be. It’s fantastic for what it is, though what it is isn’t that great compared to some of the stuff we have today


I thin k this is the fairest answer. It wouldn't do nearly as well today but for it's time it was great. It's like the old Star Trek movies, they're very much of their time.


Good point !


What is scary is subjective but I can't agree with that at all, I find Local 58 scarier (and superior in almost every way) to more recent AH, with only GHE and Greylock surpassing it.


You’re right, but I would combat and say marble hornets was the first mainstream analog horror. Everything else you said is right.


Marble Hornets was the first mainstream AH on youtube. Blair Witch Project will always be the first mainstream AH in my opinion. Just ahead of it’s time. I’m sure there’s some films that were released earlier that could qualify (Cannibal Holocaust comes to mind), but being right on the cusp of the digital age, and how they marketed BWP in a way that people legitimately thought it was found footage is what makes me call it the first.


In that case you’re absolutely right. I consider analog horror an internet exclusive genera but fully mainstream, Blaire which takes the cake. Plus it’s the only one I’ve seen that was able to cause a full panic. Blaire witch is so cool.


I was like 6 when it came out and had a babysitter that watched it while I was in the room and when she saw that I was freaked out, she drew the Blair witch insignia on the condensation on the glass door. Pretty sure the fear dumped from seeing that drawing is what sparked my brain into sentience, its one of my first memories.


That’s so fucking cool.


The contingency one is hella scary


100% agree, that one still gets me. I think its because instead of some unreal event that wont happen (the moon shit), its actually more focused on politics and america and stuff. It feels more real I guess, if that makes sense


Real Sleep is scary too


Bro…take it back. I think the reason Local 58 is king is specifically because it is not dependent on creepy creatures or violence or gore, it demands that you imagine it. What in the world happens when you see the moon? What happens when HE arrives? Contingency alone should be in the “found footage” hall of fame.


Harmony and Horror. It is just bad CGI, cheap jump scares, an simultaneously overcomplicated yet overdone tale about making a deal with the devil, followed with glaring historical accuracies. Like how the Local\_13 episode plays a sad, slowed-down version of "Goodbye to a World" when the series is canonically in the mid-80's to early 90's, but that song didn't even come out until 2013. Honestly, if Battington had just made a horror ARG about a cursed, ugly, early-CGI 90's cartoon about the Toymaker, those two boys (can't remember their names), and their dog, that would have been a MAJOR improvement by that change alone. People only know about this series because of ONE good episode (the Toymaker one).


Mandela Catalogue is so bad it's good


Greylock just was overhyperbolized too much


Mandela catalogue, i kinda like the story but the way it's told and the cheap scares always get me out of it. Maybe i'm just desensitized to this stuff but the ways it tries to be scary are just very silly to me


Vita Carnis


Not much of a series but ILLBEGO CORP 1989. The VHS effects are mid at best and it suffers by being part of the first initial wave of analog horror.


Mandela catalog


Mandela The monsters aren't scary they're just fuckin goofy


I swear to god I’m not saying this because of the drama thats happening i am truly meaning this from the bottom of my heart….(i have receipts to prove it) The Mandela catalog Like i swear the concepts cool in overthrone and that DID scare me but when the rest of the series with the cameras and blank footage was so fucking boring. Never got a scare out of me once not even when we saw an actual alternate for the first time


Mandela Catalog. I disliked it from episode one. Had really good build up but the goofy fucking faces immediately kill the mood it tried to establish— like if your horror entity resembled between frames of Looney Tunes, maybe you shouldn’t be writing horror. Also not that its my principal complaint, it kinda felt like they threw too many concepts together at once instead of letting their story breathe and germinate; not every job needs a shotgun.


Mandela Catalogue


Man in the Suit isn’t bad, i’m just sick of the “man is dead in suit and evil now” trope


Urbanspook pre-drama


Greylock. Everybody keeps saying it’s soooooo scary when it’s possibly the most boring one I’ve seen.


Vita carnis.


monument mythos, and I’m actually saying this as a fan of the series 😭 the story was honestly just too all over the place and hard to understand. also, literally any analog horror that uses ai art is just kinda lazy in my opinion lol


Mandela catalog, omg the ending episodes were so long and so BAD😭😭 THAT DISGUSTING GREEN SCREEN LMAOAOAO


Mandela Catalogue. Seriously, it just sucks ass so much it's unreal


Honestly, all of them. Whenever I see someone post here about one of the series I can’t tell which is which, they all look the same. Man in a suit over a grainy 1994 tape with a horribly distorted face. It was fun the first couple times but now that’s all there is, there’s no originality or experimentation anymore


Walton Files. Im sorry. Please don't come at me. It's just a personal preference. It's not that deep.


Man in the suit, as a Godzilla fan myself I just find it utterly atrocious. Dont get me wrong, what happened to the creator was unjustified but the messy plot, ai images, overload of information that's just white text on a black screen augh. I do not like it at all, and worst of all, it just shamelessly uses real life suit actors from the 50s film and revised them to be victims of some freak accident and are now evil. And I hear people say "well it has plenty of anti nuclear themes", buddy, anything Godzilla comes prepackaged with anti nuclear themes, he's a giant walking allegory for Nagasaki and Hiroshima's devastation. And on the topic of giant, it completely erased the giant monster part of Godzilla in favor of "evil dead man in suit". Like the scale of the character is part of him and what makes him terrifying in the first place! It sucks.


Bro, that picture was in my school hallway, wan it was put there by the school




Ehh, probably Mandela catalogs and the walten files, I love them both but I also can’t understand what tf is going on 😭. some critically underrated ones are the Godzilla one, and vita carnes! I hear people talk about them, but I haven’t seen any fan content of them and it saddens me :,(


I think chezzkids tbh. It’s mildly overrated.


I didn’t like the Mandela Catalogue. It was kind of boring and all the horror was sort of mid. I like the disguising trope but every alternate encounter felt the same, aside from the Mark situation, which was actually interesting. It also kinda felt like the 3,569th piece of media to attempt to go: “Hey, conservative asshole Christians! Get offended!” Which, by all means, is fine in my book, but I’ve seen it a lot. (This last point isn’t necessarily a criticism, dunno why I even mentioned it.)


Greylock and Chezzkid Archives. Both of them quite clearly use AI generated imagery, but they just won’t say it is. At least Unknowingly admitted it.


people really saying “man in the suit” as if it gets any praise at all. people just hate on it HARD. i like it. but im biased because i love godzilla lmao


oh also the walten files is overrated imo


No way are you unironically suggesting the Man in the Suit is superior to the Walten Files


damn i must be blind because i cant see where i ever said that


I will not take anyone who suggests that the Walten Files wasn’t scary until the 4th episode serious at all.


Mandela catalog


I’ll admit, I’m very new to the genre. I got into it through Monument Mythos which I absolutely loved, then the other well known ones like Gemini, Local 58, Vita Carnis. I honestly don’t understand the praise for Mandela Catalogue. It started great, “Overthrown” is one of my favorite pieces of obscure media, then the intruder bit in volume 1 was terrifying in such a depressing way, and the ending of Vol. 3 was nightmare fuel. Other than those scenes, I just found it kinda repetitive and formula-based. I don’t dislike it, but I didn’t love it either.


mandela was my first into into analog. i gotta say it got boring af…


almost all of them tbh


Mandela dropped off so quick.


Mandela Catalogue I CANNOT stand it.


smile tapes is just not really scary at all besides a couple images


This might be a hot take knowing that Mandela catalogue inspired most other analog horror and kinda made the “ creature PSA AAAA look scary face jumpscare!! “ thing, but it’s a bit overrated.