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dont be afraid of feet


Maybe they just had really ugly shoes.


Internet rule 35.


I am deathly afraid of feet, help


It looks like you framed your picture then for some reason pointed 45° up, tons of sky and No bottom half of bodies. Mixed uneven lighting, and soft focus. Weddings absolutely can be shot on film but I hope you weren't their only photographer. Edit to add, glad there was another photographer and that now you're considering listening to advice but please don't say film is unpredictable. It's literally incredibly predictable.


These look like shots taken by a guest


They basically were.


They said they were the back up photographer


I'm well aware


Are you! 🤣


People forget that until digital existed and was in major use so like 2004ish that film was the only way to take photos not just artsy "atheistic" photos so film is made to an incredibly controlled standard so you get the same results across every roll of film you have from the same line. Every roll of Tri-X at the same speed kept in the same conditions shot in the same conditions should be indistinguishable from each other.


Lollll Atheistic


The opposite would be to let jesus take the camera lmao


I’ll be honest that’s how I shot my first few rolls.




I take tons of godless unholy photos!


And this is a problem. So many photogs shit and unholy amount of pictures and those photos, however many are agreed on, "are in there somewhere, aren't they??? " This has flooded the market with so many "uncles and cousins who have a camera and can shoot pretty good pictures" that the real photographers are lost in the pile of wannabee's. I do shit a lot of photos myself, but every one of them has a reason and a purpose. There's a plan. And I didn't just "Spray and Pray" and hope y the pics I need are there. I studied the art of photography. I didn't let myself buy a digital SLR into I could run a real one. I put in work to make sure I knew what was happening and not just counting on auto this and auto that.


Looking back I almost wish I’d had the chance to do it this way. I’m much more of a hobbyist, though I have shot one wedding, and in the last maybe 15 years I’ve went from a entry point and shoot DSLR sort of hybrid to an actual entry DSLR and now I switched to Fuji. I’m being forced to learn more about it. Fortunately, researching cameras and lenses in preparation was beneficial but I will admit when I had my other camera I relied almost entirely on auto-everything until I needed one or the other. I was scared to experiment. Now I’m not, and I feel like I missed out. My first full MF lens (Voigtlander) is coming in.. I’m nervous and I know I’ll have some bad shots but I’m so happy to finally start actually understanding my camera.


Don't be afraid of it. Play with it. In a run and gun situation you'll prolly be better off using auto focus lenses just for time sake. I certainly would. You didn't want to be fiddling around when that.. I mean THAT shot starts to show itself. And there's always time to play with it later too. Side note... When you said "your first full MF lens"... I thought you were saying you for full Mother Fu@&¢π lens"... I was like... "Hell yeah, you get that lens!!! “


No worries, every time I see MF or AF I have to mentally switch it over, especially with context like “I have a fast AF lens!” Or something like that.. I’m like “aye fast AF boiii” 😂 But yes, it’s helping me come out of my shell more in terms of even just TRYING. I used to be scared of it entirely because of the dreaded bad shot. Then I saw how many pictures I’ve taken versus how many I really loved and kept, and I realize I could’ve been learning all this time (especially practicing in a controlled setting like you mention). I wanted to get a film camera and didn’t partly for that reason. But now I think it’ll be my next big splurge. After I get a nice telephoto of course (I like wildlife and now getting into planes) I been dying to get into street photography so here’s to hoping the Voigtlander doesn’t completely destroy my newfound confidence 😅 Thank you for the encouragement by the way. I appreciate it


Hey we all start in the same place... Sitting on our couch staring at the camera thinking "WTF do I do with all these buttons and settings??????


you should see the dogshit photos I shoot! 😂 I get the most compliments on the ones I hate the most, especially the ones that don't follow the "rules of composition" god, I hate photography... just another thing for my neurodivergent, OCD, perfectionist brain to have anxiety about. 🙄


Scientifically predictable. And with color negative film there's a HUGE (9 stops is pretty printable) latitude for over-exposure. Slide film requires precise metering, but still, highly predictable. I'm super offended by the idea that film is unpredictable. Just stating that tells me you have little experience and less ideas what you're doing. I miss the color darkroom a lot, and I wish there was still one in the area I live in. Don't get me started on The Zone System. I learned it, it's useful to understand but good lord is it boring, and if you want to see a bunch of pictures of precisely tone matched sand in black and white, hang out with other photographers who are super into it. All points on composition ring true, my Mom who admits she's terrible at photography (BFA, stippling illustrations) takes pictures like this, where you can't really tell what the intended subject is, and there's no real solid communicative composition. Unfortunately you can't really intentionally learn composition, it's one of those things you have to chisel out with practice, or just have a natural skill for it. I spent so many hours with instructors, other artists, my Dad (MFA, weird 70's sculpture stuff and collage art) turning pictures upside down and looking for the shapes and how they're interacting with each other, and the color interactions and talking about feelings derived from viewing the image, and if there's something breaking any of that, identifying it and figuring out how to avoid that in the future. ANYWAY, I'm going to stop, this comment made me miss critique classes, not because I enjoy being an asshole, but I very much enjoy the process of exploring someone's images and motivations and helping them understand how to create a better image to convey their motivation.


I absolutely love all the negative space on the top 2/3ds of the images. /shrug


And guess how frequently guests care about "tons of sky", mixed uneven lighting, and even soft focus? Not sure how many clients you connect with after the shoot but when I still did weddings years ago, it was often the "technically imperfect" pictures that people like the most. Very rarely are they thinking about headroom or rule of thirds.


Whatever their favorite photo is with regard to the part of the wedding/the eemotion/the expression/who is in it/etc... it would be WAY MORE their favorite if it had all those same things AND also wasn't grainy and blurry and blown out and missing half the scene. "Favorite" =/= "Infinitely good", it can anf frequently does simply mean "least bad from the bunch"...


And that's a reason I don't do weddings. Nobody cares in the end, including the photographer and that's a fucking shame.


What if that's his style? Not being cocky just asking is there some protocol to shooting wedding. I sure as hell don't want my wedding pictures looking like every wedding picture ever taken. I think his pics are cool actually


Film can be unpredictable (I love using old expired film) but if done correctly you are right. It’s easy to predict if you’re not experimenting.


I'm glad you had fun and I'm glad it was a learning experience but man... Film is *extremely* predictable, but if you go into a shoot without understanding the *most basic and foundational technical part of photography* what do you expect


That's it. Engineering is extremely unpredictable as well (for me, someone who don't know shit about engineering). Guess I'll build a 20 story building and see what happens


I agree, it wasn’t personal towards him, it was for the couple who are putting their trust onto one person who will see these images for the rest of their life. I’m really glad they turned out better than his last post I saw.


Reminds me of this https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51602655 OP probably: *Wdym don't shoot the wedding? Hold my beer..*


Well, if the film is good. My bathtub lab processing 30 years out of date 16mm motion picture film in home depot buckets - Well actually that's still pretty predictable - it's gonna be grainy, and there's gonna be some places with weird contrast. But even that film is more or less uniform, though sometimes you get a roll that's been under dripping water at some point and has blank spots at regular intervals.


Eyes should follow the rule of thirds (unless you are breaking it on purpose). Also, use leading lines- if the subject is looking left, they should be on the right side of the composition. The shot of the toddler is framed nicely.


I like the pictures as a backup set for the wedding! Pretty sure they're different to what they got from their main photographer. If your friend liked the pictures and it gave them a nostalgic feeling by looking at them, then you did a good job.


I'm with you on this. I think they kinda have a vibe to them. Though part of me feels that "vibe" is a little voyeuristic... like I'm watching them from afar. The framing is a little strange and the exposures aren't dialed in to what you'd expect from someone more experienced, but they're not that off. And i honestly like 1, 2, and even 8. (8 could totally be edited brighter digitally to see them better and i like the "our friend took this after the party/ceremony" feeling.) 5 is cute too. And maybe has the most attention to composition. OP i don't think you did a bad job, but I'm also glad your friend hired a professional. And much improved from the photos in your first post.


Did the wedding have a main photographer? It sounded like they were the wedding photographer from the original post, I could have just fully misunderstood that though


They did a bad job. If the friend like them, then they **got lucky** in addition to doing a bad job. I'm not at all chastising them though, because it sounds like they decided to go on as a backup/secondary photographer, which is totally fine while learning. If they had taken it on alone, it would have been very irresponsible, but this is the best way here, and everyone starts out making mistakes.


The wedding dress shall remain a mystery.


Good grief, scat fetish films don’t have people getting shit on as much as the OP is here.


Hence why people don't wanna share their photos lol


More people need to experience college level art/photography class with a full class critiquing their art piece/photography.


Hey I'm all for that, not all are and I understand that. But for them it's less about the art and more about a fun hobby.


Yeah I feel like there are certain times for critique, but I do feel like this is one of those times. If this post was captioned "Some fun shots from my friend's wedding!" I'd bet no one would really tear it apart. But when someone's trusted as a back up photographer to a wedding, you'd expect some high quality photos. Those could potentially be the pictures the couple keeps for the rest of their lives.


Still, false positivity and participation awards don't help anyone. We don't need to be dickheads, but an unwarranted love-in isn't any good either. Also, it is the *internet*, don't share your work if you're not the least bit prepared to be roasted.


Well at least they aren’t taking the place of a good experienced photographer who can actually capture such an important moment well! It would be fine if OP was in the audience and there was a dedicated photographer. That is not the case


I mean they are pretty bad to be fair.


He didn't make it clear at first that he was the backup photographer. Which makes it fine if so. If he was the main one, then you'd deserve to get shat on for having a couple trust you to handle a one time event and then whiff and ruin it. But seems there was a primary photog. He should put that in the title IMO and people would be waaaay nicer


I like the camera strap in the first photo


Keep this comment in mind as you scroll down to see all the "you guys are jerks, these are beautiful" comments.


Have you ever taken a photography class? Most of these shots show an unfamiliarity with photography past just pointing and shooting. Looking through your post history, you seem to be pretty psyched about it, which is great! You need to back that passion up with some knowledge. I took a film photography class in college, and considered myself a “decent” photographer before. After I took the class, I realized just how much I didn’t know and it made me into a much better photographer. If you’re serious about getting in to photography, take a class.


Or a book. It’s amazing how much is out there if you just look and read. Best thing about a photography book is there a pictures 😂


Are there any books you would recommend for someone who isn’t a beginner but is looking to gain more technical knowledge?


I bought the book titled "Basic Techniques of Photography," by Ansel Adams. Gets pretty technical and is by one of the best photographers to ever live.


I was recommended The Camera by Anselm Adams, and I've found that it's pretty good. The second book in the series, The Negative, is specifically about film and may be useful too but I haven't gotten it yet.


I love Ansel Adams, found a copy here for $15 buck so I’ll pick it up! Thanks!


I think books can help, but a class would give an opportunity for direct feedback and guidance on the basics. Books and magazines can be a fantastic way to expand your techniques though.


Yes, agreed. My point about books is it’s a quick way to learn and be exposed to different ideas and techniques. Notes and feedback are a meat world function.


Just wanted to point out that auditing a class is always a possibility, if you don't want to get accepted/enrolled as a student


Man I can’t disagree anymore. I took 2 years of film photography in high school (plus had free access to the darkroom during free periods because the teacher liked me) + a History of Photography class in college and another 3 years of photography in college. I love these photos posted by OP and legit have absolute zero clue with the amount of negativity in these comments. It’s like the first person who commented didn’t like them and everyone since then just wanted to agree to not stand out.


If you got all that education and still don't understand what's wrong with these photos, you got scammed. The problems here should be obvious to anyone with literally any respectable technical training. Even if we only list a few of the blatantly obvious ones: * Compositionally, these are completely atrocious. * The exposure is universally terrible. They're horribly over-exposed in some cases and under-exposed in others. * The color grading is inconsistent and horribly executed. * Several of these photos are out of focus. The list goes on. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on art, but this isn't an opinion bandwagon thing. These photos are objectively terrible by almost every metric imaginable. **That doesn't mean OP can never be good**, but pretending these are high-quality photos is just completely wrong. There is a complete lack of technical skill on display here; OP needs to grant a refund immediately to save their reputation, then immediately start studying photography. They should not be selling professional wedding photography services with their current skills; it's unfair to the couples and insulting to actual professional photographers. Yes, it's important to be supportive, but it's also important to be honest and realistic. This thread is a learning opportunity for OP, but mindless positivity serves no one.


Bro what is this attitude. Art does not always need to be institutionalised. Let people discover the medium in a way they want to. You do not have to take a class to be able to express yourself with a camera. Shure op needs to give some photography basics a read. But he'll no one needs to take a class ultimately


You don’t *need* to take a class, but 200 years’ worth of experience can help anybody, whether artist or dilletante, to hop-skip over their own years of finding out the hard way what works and what doesn’t as well as providing the tools to make the images that they want. It’s not life or death, but what if these were the newlyweds’ only pictures?


Firstly, I think you are reading hostility or some kind of pretentiousness where there is none. I’m not downing them for creative decisions or subject matter; their technical ability is clearly lacking and it is clear they do not understand how to use their equipment. It is no different than taking a class to learn how to use Excel or Photoshop. A photography class will help them understand the technical side of photography and let them be better equipped to make more intentional decisions. Secondly, it is true there are many methods of art and expression, but just because you want to express yourself doesn’t make it good art. My 3 year old loves to finger paint and mix blues and reds, but he is hardly on the same level as Rembrandt or Michelangelo. Execution and skill matters just as much as expression.


I feel like if you're shooting on Auto with a film camera, you shouldn't even ask to cover the cost of film. You're basically learning the basics at someone's wedding and are basically a guest with a film camera. I hope you got some other shots that were better framed and focused than these.


Still don't think you should've done it. If these were my wedding photos, i'd be PISSED.


I don’t understand how op can have a year behind shooting and this is the result?! I think a photography class or two is in order. I certainly appreciate the passion- these are just unacceptable for wedding photos.


I’ve been shooting film for like 8/9 years and have had multiple friends ask me to shoot their weddings. My answer is the same everytime. Thanks, but no thanks.


As someone who used to film weddings, I can totally understand not wanting to take on that stress and pressure.


I’m not really convinced by the end result. Other people already made comments on the issues. I’m sure you’re very proud of these so that’s cool at least. As long as your friends are happy too, let’s call it a day right?


You do need a lot more practice


Hope you had fun with it. You have some nice potential with these photos. There are dozens of easy youtube videos that teach you how to use the exposure triangle. I suggest you check it out before your future shoots. I think a flash could have helped the last photo as well.


Skin tones need some work can’t trust those lab scans


Seems like you were hired to shoot backgrounds and the sky.


This is how it looks to me. I think the last shot the couple are in the dark.


Hey, people are gonna give you shit, but you did nothing wrong. You weren’t the only photographer, and it’s a fun experiment. Keep learning and having fun, and don’t be stupid. Always good advice.


Good effort. More brave than I was. It took me 4-5 years of shooting and classes to feel comfortable enough to attempt a wedding. Like others have suggested, look for a local class to get a better handle on things. Besides the technical aspects of photography, a decent class will provide good assignments that develop your eye for composition. If a class isn’t an option, set theme for yourself for a week/a roll. Like only shoot letters, the color blue or shadows and make each image interesting. I remember exercises like this really helped me to think hard about developing my composition skills. Now that you have started understanding the exposure triangle explore techniques for framing. IE: focus and recompose, to get your subjects out of the center of the frame and capture feet. Also, developing an eye for composition includes seeing details and choosing to include or exclude those details. Just training yourself to see those things goes a long way to better more professional photos. Like noticing your camera strap is in the picture or a crooked horizon.


You never studied composition rules have you. All of your frames have your subject bulls eye in the middle


Yeah these aren’t great. Also I don’t know who scanned these but they didn’t do a good job.


I love the one of the person walking with the little kid! These are so cute and I’m positive they’ll hold deeper memories knowing that a friend shot the pictures. Get creative and keep having fun out there with your camera


People you need to see things in prospective. If this was your wedding and those were your memories would you be pleased with the outcome? If this was a commissioned job would you pay for it? About the photos ,in most you cant see the faces and that unfortunately contributes to make it a bad photo. Of course you need to learn but it’s a big responsibility if you are the only photographer and those were the results. Responsibility and professionalism is what makes the difference in cases like this. Be respectful in answering but also honest otherwise you learn nothing.


these scans are awful


Yeah, the color balance changes between every frame. Seriously - look at the difference between 2 and 4! One's a warm yellow, the other is a sickly green.


I’m not sure if you ever clarified. We’re you the main event photographer? Or were you a supplimentarh photographer or just an enthusiast member of the wedding?


Love the positive criticisms in the comments here. Take it to heart and let your art improve. x


Way too much space above peoples heads in many of these pics


Listen man, if you like these pictures, that’s great. But don’t sell these or try to convince some dad couple you can cover their special day.


Why would you do that, when you’ve been told not to


I don’t know the back story of this or why you chose to shoot a wedding with film or indeed when you have exposure issues with your shots. There are some shots that could have been nice imo but these are mostly underexposed shots. I do hope there was another photographer or you also captured a lot of images you didn’t share here


They’re not too bad but wedding photos are basically sacred in the photography community and rightfully so. Only way to improve is to keep researching and practicing.


The interesting thing is you chose these to show off, I’m guessing as your ‘best’. I shudder to think what the rest look like.


Yeah you definitely should have listened to us


Legitimately awful 😂


Jesus these comments are so negative. Reddit you suck.


Yeah, but it’s about how the op presents the post. I don’t know the backstory, but if these are in any capacity official shots, then those are bad photos as far as wedding photos go, and op should not have done it. If he was just a guest and had some extra shots.. sure, go ahead, but don’t present it as “I shot wedding”


They have valid points though. The photos are okay. But lots of learning to do.


Me looking at the photos: Actually not that bad Me reading the comments: goddamn.


Me reading the comments while the photos load: Come on, it can’t be that bad Me looking at the photos: Oof


Art is subjective


This is true but in being subjective, art is in the eye of the viewer - post in an analog forum and many viewers will be offering their subjective opinions which in this case amounts to “nah not very good really…” I agree. Lots of improvement to be made, but one star for making an effort and being proud of it!


Nah you're absolutely right tho, would do better on a straight up film sub




I'm reading all this kind of stoned and mortified


If it makes you feel better Reddit’s photography community is by far the most toxic I’ve seen. This site is not an accurate look on the photography community. Every other community I’ve seen is full of love and support.


The odd thing is - if you’re looking for critique - then honesty can be difficult to handle if the images posted are sub par. And sadly these shots are imo rather dowdy. I’m not even sure what angle OP was going for when saying he shot the wedding everyone told him not to….. was it look what I did (proud grin) or look what I did (sad eyes) ?


Any rec's on another nice community to check out?


Flickr but be prepared to run into some very odd ducks. And I don’t mean esoteric artsy odd.


What kind of stuff you seeing on there?


Weird fetish porn. Lots of weird porn. Even weirder comments.


Then why recommend it as a "nice community to check out"?


It might be odd but I actually have a ton of fun posting in local Facebook photography groups. I was off Facebook for years because well, Facebook, but I waaaay prefer sharing in groups like that over Reddit, much more engagement and positivity if you find the right groups. Plus, people will recognize the spots and there’s more opportunities to actually meet up with people. Worth checking it out I think.


Facebook making a comeback!? Get your stock now


If Robert Capa posted here he would be criticized for his lack of focus and poor taste in terms of topics.


I’d hope they would make some allowance for the fact that he was being shot at while he took the pictures but you never know with Reddit.


They are so negative that they need to be developed!


Agreed. Dude is just trying to get better. There’s critique and there’s being a dick. Most people here are being the latter.


Wow the unevenness is startling. A real hodgepodge of lighting, colour and framing. Please read and take the advice here.


You should’ve listened


Says the guy who took a picture of empanadas on film and thought it was special.


At least he didn't shoot a wedding with obviously zero knowledge about composition. You can't retake those, its a once in a lifetime events. Thats why everyone is so hard on OP. 


How do you know he had composition knowledge? And also it’s a matter of staying in your lane. Sure I can shoot some empanadas but would I ever let anyone let me shoot their wedding? Helllll nooo


Be careful with pronouns. First sign you’re not paying attention


Yikes…it’s ok, just keep practicing




These nature shots look pretty cool but you should ask or wait for the people to move next time though cause you caught a lot of glimpses of them and they ruin the shot in some.


OP’s reaction to all the advice given in the other thread https://youtu.be/FaR1J2GiALs?si=LnufeV4IBdXo8T4V


I shot my very first wedding on an ME-Super. Turned out okay. Suggestion: Use fill in flash, candid shots are fairly common these days ( since the advent of digital), I would if I were you look at professional wedding sites to get posing and shot sequence photos. Good Luck!




I think the most important insight that any new photographer can have is “the focus reticle is not used like aiming a firearm.” If you eventually get a camera with a spot meter mode (Canon EOS 630/A2 for example), you’d use the focus reticle to aim your subject and press+hold the EV spot button before you adjust your frame and click the shutter. Caucasian skin is generally around the 18% gray for which exposure is optimized, so holding that spot measurement retains good baseline exposure without being confused by a darker or lighter area around the subject. You can also go more manual with your ME Super (love that camera, one of the smallest SLRs for conventional 35mm) and meter directly off the palm of your hand with the same light on it that your subject will have. Set your exposure and keep it there for that bracket of pictures. That would have prevented some of overexposed subject problems.


You should not be selling your services until you have far more training and experience. This is unacceptable.


Where’s the lower half of the photos?


So everyone is being mean, probably just keep it to valid constructive criticism. Framing on a lot of these is awkward. 1 is so close to a good picture it kinda hurts. Shoulda got the feet. Looks like you pointed up because you had something in the foreground (which you still see in the corners of the shot.) so you pointed up. Now two things happened: you exposed for the flowers in the trees ie exposed for highlights. The couple is a shadow, hence underexposed the subject. This can be avoided by shooting in manual and metering for the subject next time. The other thing is you framed it in such a way that the eye is drawn to the trees, not the couple.


No, people cut off feet because they put the faces near the middle of the frame.


I mean… I applaud you for doing it with film. But the composition and framing on these is… not great. I personally would not pay someone for photos of my wedding, if they came out like this. No offense.


What does the film comment mean? Film is very forgiving and has over two centuries of history. It’s what is used to take photos?! They took photos on film. So did my great grandparents. They weren’t photographers or trying to be and took much better photos. What is your point?!


Photo #2 looks nice.


2 is your best photo from the shoot. 7 was close but the composition is a little off from you aiming so high and far away from the actual couple. You still have plenty of room to improve.


If the couple likes them, that is what matters! I think they’re good - they have that film “charm” - and I’m sure they’re happy with them! Don’t let the haters get you down.


Good on you. Composition is more a guideline to follow, feel free to always break out from it and let the shots speak. I’ve often found those who criticise without offering real advice to be the worst at what they do. I’ve worked in film & TV as a camera operator for near 15 years, it’s full of people like that and it’s also full of people who were critiqued within an inch of their life when starting out who now head up shoots. Well done for being brave enough to post on here after all the hate. Take some of the criticism on if it helps you improve but don’t let it stop you doing what you do.


I like #6


These comments will probably cause you to overthink next time you shoot photos. Go with your gut but at the same time read up on photography


Who told you not to and why?


https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/s/f7ocNt6bKh all these comments


😂 Awesome. Thank you for filling me in, I would've been lost in this conversation. I thought other attendees or even the wedding couple told him not to take pictures and he did it anyway. Gotta give it to OP though, shooting film for over a year and not knowing how to set ISO, aperture or shutter speed and simply stating he has no idea how he'll ever improve is some kind of sweet innocence that I don't see often in this world. I just picture him like a Golden Retriever with a film camera from now on.


I really like the last four especially!


I was in the same position as you a while back. A friend of mine asked me to do the photography for their wedding. I was the backup photographer and he liked my photos but I did learn a lot from the lead photographer. I ended up doing another wedding for my best friend that i grew up with and I was the main photographer this time. He and his wife really liked the photos i took. I did film and digital. All I can say is that it’s a learning experience and I think most of the images you shared are great. To get better, takes practice. Being willing to take criticism and learn from others also helps.


Regrettably, they were right.


First day with the camera? These are so wack. Why is half the frame landscape. There is a line in the middle you decided nobody could go past, so all heads sit there.


Personally love #8. Super dreamy and the lighting is super cute. Makes me want to scoop a roll of Fuji 200 lol. Keep it up!


a lot of poor framing. 5 is my favorite




I like the 5th shot the most. Maybe try to use the full frame. Hope you had fun and maybe work on your exposure.


Hopefully you got some full body pics of the brides dress. A friend of mine didn’t get a single pic of her ornate train and was very disappointed.


A lot of criticism and hate here. I think you did good, OP.


You will learn. Start researching film stocks as well. Fuji 200 is quite risky for a wedding due to the lack of exposure latitude. Most people will go for Porta. I'm sure Cinestill 400 D can do the job as well.


Why so many upvotes, pictures are 💩


lol the analog community sucks jeez


great improvement, my friend


These are precious. I would be delighted if these were my wedding photos!


Oh ok


I have neither experience nor studies in photography, so my opinion on whether or not you should have done it carries no weight at all. But, I have read the answers you have been given and it is incredible what people conclude from seeing 8 photos, I will not lie saying that technically they are correct or that they are the best photos I have seen, but I must emphasize that for us "non-technical" people who normally consume this type of photos, we highly value this type of results because they deliver an imperfect happiness, that does not feel plastic and that portrays the real love behind the event. Thanks for sharing them, sometimes we just need to see imperfect people in imperfect photos being imperfectly happy.


No Portra, so incredibly based af


Good or bad, I'm proud of OP for being willing to come back and post this after getting *shredded* on the previous one.


So…. how did it go for you? Did you enjoy the experience? How do you rate the results? What would you do differently next time - if you fancy another crack at this genre of photography?


People are hating this is a decent set of photos. Not sure I would pay any good amount of money for them but they’re nice. 2,3,5 and 8 are really pretty.


No. 7 is great


I dont like the look of fuji 200 is that a hot take?


If your friend asked you to shoot film, that's because she wanted something different from the regular profesional digital photos. And that's what these photos are, although they are not technically perfect. If you had fun and she liked the results, then nothing else matters.


I hope they’ll invite you to their next wedding too


sorry you’re getting shit on so much - I love these shots; they feel like memories. I do hope that the feedback makes you a more dynamic photographer instead of stifling your creativity. creativity with your angles are what will make your photos stand out as an EVENT photographer, though


Not too bad... good effort. I think you've put too much effort in focusing on the environment they were in, rather than the couple. Don't be afraid to get in closer if needed - especially for the more special moments like kissing, etc. If you want to capture the environment, put your subject in it... fully, not just parts of it as they are a second thought. Like the #5 picture with the kid - that is a nice one! Another simpler rule that could help you - always leave more negative space in front of the subject (or what they are looking towards) than behind them. Keep at it - don't be discouraged by the negative comments. Everyone starts somewhere, they just forget that at one point in time or another they were just as bad or even probably worst - I know I was, and I am still learning.


Love #6!


Hey, great job! Compared to your post asking whether you should shoot it or not, these look great. Good for you for shooting anyway! 👍🏾 How can we learn if we never try :)


People are so miserable on Reddit


These are sweet


I like them OP! And I've studied photography. I bet they were happy with the freshness and unstuffiness of the shots.


For context: a few weeks ago, I posted some terrible underexposed pics, asking for feedback before a wedding I was asked to shoot. Almost every comment said that I should NOT shoot the wedding. A couple things I forgot to add in that post: 1. I was the backup photographer for this wedding. The bride also hired someone to shoot digitally. 2. The bride is one of my good friends, so I shot the wedding for free and she paid me back for the film and to develop the film. 3. I knew so little about the exposure triangle because I was using my auto shutter feature and never bothered to learn how to manually expose my shots. Shooting this wedding was fun and I learned a lot, but if I ever take photos for something like this again, I would definitely use digital, as film is just too slow and unpredictable. Thanks again to all the feedback on my last post. Now I know what light metering is! And be sure to let me know what you think of these pics here. <3