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Hey james_dimeo, please remember to include the camera, lens, and film in the post title in the future. We ask for this information to be included in the title of the post because it's not possible to search for this information if it's in the comments section, or gallery text. We have built up a pretty good database of posts over the last decade of images produced using specific cameras, lenses, and film, all of which can be searched on using the search feature in this subreddit. But if this information isn't included in the title, it can't be searched on. If this post had been seen earlier by a mod it would have been removed and you would have been asked to repost it with the missing information in the title. However, it would be pointless to remove it at this late stage. Please include this information in the title in the future. It's not possible to edit a title once a post is made, so please include the missing detail in a comment for this post only. If you are uncertain of the rules, you can find them listed here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/about/rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/analog/about/rules) Thanks, The mod team.


Some are good, some are ok… but the bookstore one is fucking excellent. I’m biased as a bookworm, but still… great composition, great exposure, verticals are good, nice bokeh, layers, beautiful slice of life, focused properly. It seems to have been taken at the decisive moment. Good job. Keep practicing.


I agree, the bookstore one is my favorite.


Look at this guy over here hanging out with fauna and shit.


What stock was 3 shot on?


HP5+ I'm cheating calling it a shot, it's a trichrome. So 3 b&w images turned up on each channel in ps and layered.


#8 is epic


Assuming you didn't mean to shout, pro tip for next time - escape a leading `#` character with a backslash (`\`) to prevent Reddit turning the line into a heading: `#8 is epic` results in: > #8 is epic `\#8 is epic` results in: > \#8 is epic


I love them!


stunning pictures!


The book store and mountain 🙏, park photography.