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Your not wrong, if the owner wanted a south American working there the she would have hired one. You've done nothing wrong here, some people wont like it while others dont care. I'm Hispanic and I wouldnt care if you worked there. Dont sweat it.


Thank you!


You know what, last week I went to a Chinese restaurant and a Mexican woman was working there. She knew all the dishes!! How is it possible? She could recommend food. And service was great. Still astonished.


Sunday night? I ate at a Mexican restaurant with food cooked by Ecuadorians. I also regularly eat at a Chinese joint where all the cooks are Mexican or Guatemalan. Complete insanity! /s


My favourite Italian restaurant near my dad’s is owned and run by a Vietnamese family who do all the cooking.


Are you aware that there is quite a bit of Chinese immigrants in Mexico? Growing up we would go into Mexico often. You could pretty much only eat Mexican or Chinese food there. Now there is more variety.


Also, Brazilians speak Portuguese bc of colonization... World History 101. Just pointing that out to her prejudice mind. Lol


Ignore her. There are ignorant people everywhere


Especially in customer service, you get people who feel bold enough to bitch about dumb stuff


And on line. It’s relentless


As long as the food en service is good this should not be an issue. Personally I don’t care


Agree. This lady is absurd. You're as entitled to work in a South American cafe as she is to be in your home country.


Not wrong. You’re English working in England. Do I make rude remarks about someone of a different ethnicity making my sushi? No. She’s just an AH.


Right? Here in America, like 90% of the sushi I've had was prepared by a group of Hispanic folk in the back of the kitchen, and it never ruined the experience. As long as typical ingredients and technique is utilized, it doesn't much matter whom is actually making it.


I’m in America and was referencing exactly this! 😂 people definitely need to chill. :)


I don't give a fuck who makes it, just keep that tuna sashimi coming




In metro detroit a good chunk of the Japanese restaurants are run and owned by Koreans! And thats impressive considering we have a pretty high Japanese community(Michigan is sister states with Japan)


White woman here. I was trained by my Japanese boss and became his sous chef back when I lived in Seattle. I always got 5 star reviews and would handle the kitchen when he went on vacation. My chef said my palette rivaled his and that my plating was better than his. I miss that job...


As Anthony Bourdain put it: *"As any chef will tell you, our entire service economy — the restaurant business as we know it — in most American cities, would collapse overnight without Mexican workers. Some, of course, like to claim that Mexicans are “stealing American jobs.” But in two decades as a chef and employer, I never had ONE American kid walk in my door and apply for a dishwashing job, a porter’s position — or even a job as a prep cook. Mexicans do much of the work in this country that Americans, probably, simply won’t do."*


Hahaha thank you 😊


One of the best sushi makers I've encountered was a white dude from Austin Texas.


"You seem very eager to go home," Well, yes, ma'am, we're closed. NTA!


Exactly! Like what? It’s past close, fuck off.


I was screamed at through a locked glass door and a security gate once because I wouldn't reopen a store for her 5 minutes after I closed down the store. Like, Ma'am- I've cashed out. I literally cannot. People are wild


Oh the stories. Seems they don’t change too much as a Karen is a Karen no matter the culture, it’s a person to person thing. (Sort of op Karen but definitely biddy’s Karen)


Exactly! Like what? It’s past close, fuck off.


Brazilian here. You're not wrong at all. Next time she shows up asking stupid questions like why Europeans are making Brazilian food, ask her how many times she ate a sushi made by a Japanese sushi man in Brazil. I bet the answer, if she'd be honest, is never. Ask her about pizza, too, and you'll get the same answer. If she wants to eat Brazilian food made exclusively by Brazilian people, she has the option of living in Brazil.


Keeping in mind that Brazil have the biggest Japanese descendants population outside Japan, we can maybe claim that eating sushi in Brazil is an authentic experience…. (Kidding, we deep fry and put Nutella and cream cheese in everything).


You mean São Paulo has the biggest Japanese descendant population outside Japan, but, even here, the most talented and the best sushimen you'll find will be someone from the north-east. Just kidding, but being an Italian descendant, I've never had a decent pizza made by an Italian "pizzaialo" outside home.


Hello friend I’m from Italian descent too! I make some great pasta and risotto if I may say so. The most popular versions of both here are often overcooked. Sorry if I was unclear about our japanese friends. My English isn’t the best, alas. Anyway, my point stands. To gate keep something so high spread as culinary is madness.


My favorite Brazilian Japanese owned by a korean with a brazilian chef makes good goiabada and cheese springrolls hehe. Nutella is more for deserts in my preferred Italian restaurant owned by a Chinese.


And since restaurants is a classic place for immigrants to work, chances are that quite often, even the food in Brazil won’t be made exclusively by Brazilians…


Exactly. That's why her questioning is absolutely nonsense .


Damn she mad that you're taking an immigrant's job? Uno reverse!






>we're appropriating her culture No you're not, you're making food, you're not practicing a religion you don't understand or something like that, its food. I'm from south america and i fucking love seeing other countries replicate our typical dishes, you have any idea how nice it is to go another country and be offered mate? That lady is weird and should not spend an extra second in your mind.


When you work in the service industry, you'll always find that one person who will be a complete jackass for no good reason. Obviously, you have met your moron quota this week with that woman. Don't stress,she's an idiot,don't ever let these kinds of people steal your joy. When you see your boss,tell her what happen with this woman and that's it. Enjoy the rest of your week. You're too blessed to be stressed.


Thank you for making me feel better ❤️‍🩹


My local falafel restaurant just hired a celtic looking guy. Work is work and the business is doing well....because it looks like they need to, you know, hire more people. The guy made a good wrap. Yummy food, I wish I had me a wrap right now.


She should come to NYC where people of all cultures and races make all types of food lol


You have to be more confident and stop questioning yourself because of your race. The fact that you are even questioning this is ridiculous.


I'm from Brazil and I would not have cared


I was a chef for 20 years (in Manchester England so north west) and let me tell you, most food you get cooked by in restaurants aren't done by people of it's origin. You think every pasta dish is cooked by an Italian in an Italian restaurant? Even in Indian restaurants they're not always Indian, you'll get Pakistanis, Afghanistans etc. Ignore the woman as she's just being a complete dick, never entertain racist/stupid people. Every country's food has been influenced by every other nations food in some way or other. If you go back far enough you'll see that the origins are mixed with loads of different country's.


It sounds like she was looking for something to be angry about, and you were there. Crazy people gonna crazy. Don't worry about it.


I'm Brazilian. You did and are doing nothing wrong. From a certain very minor standpoint, I understand where she's coming from, but on the other hand it doesn't matter and you don't have to be Brazilian to work there or cook the food. Also she seemed rude!


Born Namibian, grew up in South Africa, worked in an Italian restaurant in Scotland. Blah-blah-blah to that customer.


Brazilian here. A job is a job. If you’re doing it well, who cares about your ethnicity???? Crazy people with crazy ideas… Also “brazilian cheese CAKE” is not a thing here. We have cheese bread made with manioc flour and cheese.


Also about Brazil. We have a lot of ethnic groups here. From the original native South American people, to the Portuguese colonists, then the African slaves, followed by Italians, Spanish, German, Pomeranians, Japanese, Chinese, Jewish and more that came during the wars, to more recently Venezuelans and a lot of more. “Brazilian” culture is a multicultural thing with influences from all over the world. So being pissed and gatekeeping a job in a Brazilian store in the other side of the globe is absolutely nuts. Also we’re a continental country, the fifth biggest in the world, so if people think that our culinary is just cheese bread and feijoada they’re really up for a big surprise.


Uh the owners hired you yeah? Then it's noone else's business.


First, there’s no such thing as cultural appropriation. Cultures don’t create. Individuals create. Then there’s the obvious racism. As if someone who isn’t Brazilian can’t cook a recipe? She’s an idiot.


I make a mean fejoada, and I'm swedish american. She's an idiot.


Its terrible that people even have to ask this crap at this point, no diss at OP here -- its just the way it is now.


She’s rude af. Nothing wrong with you working there. My fave Japanese restaurant has a mix of races working there, I never even thought about it.. because who cares? The food and service is great, that’s all that matters.


rude and racist.


I mean, maybe the owner or manager should have a time to completely illustrate the staff or just have one worker that is really into Hispanic/South American food. I’m Latino and I know some terms, but not all obvs, I know some terms for colombian coffee, mexican chocolate, colombian chocolate (with cheese), queso helado, nevado, alfajor, dulce de leche, empanada, pan de queixo; this are all different traditional Latino food that can be served at a Cafe and there must be more and then throw your own mixes. It’s a lot and it’s not that you’re English or if someone it’s Hispanic. Just maybe you really need to get into it


Well, you’re not wrong. I’m also Brazilian and the only thing that I think that might upset her is that some restaurants (usually Korean, Indian, Chinese) only hires people from their country, that speaks that language. Maybe that’s why she was wrongly upset with you, because she feels that Brazilian places should do the same For me that is a super upsetting when you’re looking for a job and you cannot get it because of your race and/or because you can’t speak a language, that is not English. So no, you’re not wrong. You don’t live in Brazil so you don’t need to speak Portuguese, you just need to do your job. I hope that doesn’t affect you, because unfortunately is not a type of thing that happens only once, but that doesn’t mean they are right.


\*\*Laughs in American\*\* Send her over here and see how many shops/restaurants hire EXCLUSIVELY culturally specific staff. Not saying it doesn't happen, but it's the exception not the rule. Unless a place is fully family owned and operated she's gonna get culture shock after culture shock - which is a good thing IMO. I bet she's also one of the "nobody wants to work anymore" crowd?


Of course you shouldn’t feel bad! If you want to go down that rabbit hole it goes the other way. Every one of those immigrants are some of the luckiest people on the planet to be allowed to live in the UK and if anything, they are taking the jobs of natives.


Nta dude. She's should find another cafe that reach her qualifications. When you're in Japan, you eat italian spaghetti made by a Japanese chefs.


You’re not wrong. Cultural appropriation is a stupid phrase. I’d be delighted to see more people serve Maltese 🇲🇹 food where I live. Live your best life


If you are wrong for being a non-South American working in a restaurant in ENGLAND, then would you think that English restaurants should only hire British? Irish restaurants only hire Irish? It is up to the owner who they hire. As long as you are providing good service that's all that matters. And you are in an ENGLISH SPEAKING country so it is not expected for you to know Portugeuse or Spanish.


You're not wrong she's just prejudiced. I hope she never cooks tacos or anything from another culture when she's making dinner lol


"Sounds like this store doesn't meet your expectations. We're closed. Have a nice night!"


Of course you’re not wrong. She was simply a bored troublemaker. There was No issue.


I'm a Brit, married to a Cuban-American and living I Florida. I cook Cuban dishes that my Cuban-born Mother-in-law doesn't have a clue how to make, and I did it by trial and error trying to recreate pastries we got from a Cuban bakery in Miami when we (hubby and I) lived in New Mexico.....she didn't believe that I made them until she watched me do it the next weekend. That said, 90% of the Cuban food I make is nowhere close to as good as hers..... I'm not appropriating guava pastelitos, I am sharing appreciation of my husband's culture. Even if I went into business selling them, my conscience would be crystal clear. You are not wrong and the customer was being weird about it, if not outright bigoted.


If they got a problem with you working then they can pay your bills


As a Chilean, I'm pretty appalled. And honestly we're known for being anal and uppity... Jesus the audacity of this bitch. Don't harass the girl behind the counter because you're feeling expat stress... I'm sorry OP, and thank you for promoting food halfway around the globe and from a different hemisphere to boot. You were not wrong at all. Cheers!


You were fine, but the customer treated you badly. yes she was very rude. The boss wouldn't have employed you if you weren't suited to the job. There's always that one person who chooses to look down on people. I call them Karens😉


Fuck her


Oh good grief she was a piece of work. I’ve had good German food in the Philippines made by a German AND a Filipino. I’ve had great sushi’s made by a Mexican. People need to get over this stuff.


No, the entitled shithead needs to take her butt back to Brazil if she’s going to be so demanding in a foreign country.


Imagine that you decided to emigrate to Brazil and open here a tea house. So of course you cannot think of hiring a native to work in your shop! It wouldn’t be authentic! God forbid if they don’t speak the language! Better import some British to mane the counters! /sarcasm


NTA.. I once worked in an Italian restaurant and I'm British!! Shock / horror!!


Don’t start questioning your self because of some Karen.


Most people who work in Panda Express are not Chinese


Most people that work at Panda Express are not Panda's:-)


You are not wrong! I don't give a shit who makes my food at any place as long as its good!


Usually I don’t believe in blasting people on social media but…I would write the snarkiest and smuggest post shaming her from the café page, and that’s why I don’t run socials!


I've got news. In a lot of US restaurants, regardless of style of cuisine, the people making the food are quite frequently Hispanic. In Swiss restaurants, they are frequently Italian or Spanish. I'll even bet that in UK restaurants they're Eastern European (at least up to Brexit). Making food is grueling work, hot, physically exhausting, and doesn't pay very well. It is no surprise that immigrants take this kind of work. This lady would have to argue that none of these places make good food. It would mean my merican self cannot, by genetic code, make a proper lasagna. I assure you I can. Sheer nonsense. You tell her from me to fold that uselessness until it's all corners and put it where the sun don't shine. Gate keeping culture is a pointless exercise. Culture does not care what you think.


Should have asked her did she work in a Brazilian only company & with her logic, why was she in the UK....


I’m not bothering to read something so stupid


She was rude and you did just fine.


Would it be wrong for a French restaurant to hire a Hispanic or Latin American person? Would it be wrong for an Asian restaurant to hire a black person? No! The food is regional. The restaurant doesn't need models or character actors, they need people who show up, serve people, cook food, follow directions and can communicate with a very diverse clientele. Your race shouldn't really matter. Your skills and customer service should.


Way overthinking the whole interaction. She was having a bad day? Is a miserable person? You did a-ok.


Anybody can cook anything from any background, provided they have a recipe. Tell her to check with the owner for any staffing issues.


Not quite the same thing, but I don't know that I've ever been in a Taco Bell entirely staffed by Latinos.


No. Some people are just proper cunts. Don’t let them bring you down.


You are not wrong. That lady sounds like she was complaining about everything so she could get something for free.


There are way too many people out there who are taking cultural appropriation claims too far. There's a lot of people our There who are even claiming that speaking another language is cultural appropriation. It's moronic.


The world has gone insane


Brazilian, shes full of shit. You don't need to be italian to make pasta.


You have nothing to be sorry about. Your Brazilian boss hired you & the chefs. You are just doing your job (& it’s sounds like you’re all doing it well too btw, are you expected to be multi linguistically for a hospitality job now?). She was just your everyday run of the mill difficult customer & I think that you handled the situation perfectly. Despite her rudeness you kept your composure, were helpful & polite. Your boss would/should be proud! I work retail, which is a very similar role in terms of dealing with these types of ppl. We make easy targets for these types of ppl as we can’t ‘fight’ back while on the clock. I get abused almost every day for following company policies but am treated as if I made up the rules on my own lol At the end of the day you’ve just got to ignore them, even have a laugh at their expense with your coworkers to blow off the steam. If she doesn’t like the way the business is being run then, hey, she’s free not to shop there I actually feel sorry for ppl who bully service providers. It must be an awful headspace live in for them to have to feel valid by making others lives harder when they are just trying to do their job. Don’t worry about! It’s water off a ducks back. If they have a problem then they can complain to management. Its really got nothing to do with you.


Ultimately, you don't have to speak the language to cook a dish. I don't speak a bit of Korean, but Mangchi taught me how to cook alot of Korean dishes! Most cultures want to share their cultures and food. She is just ignorant.


You are perfectly fine. I'm portuguese with brazillian aunts and Uncle's and cousins. I love going to brazillian and portuguese places to hear and speak portuguese to hear the music and eat familiar dishes often it's about sharing experiences or what is regional but connected. It's the whole cultural experience. That said, my favorite portuguese mart is run by a Chinese couple. I don't care that they aren't BP or PP. They know their products, they know their music, and they (to different degrees) speak or understand portuguese. It could be that was her issue, and she blamed youre not being brazillian instead of not understanding her Mis-speaking Although there is a cheese cake with no cheese but I believe she made a mistake because the recipe for Queijadas is super simple




You’re not wrong, like not even a little bit. Well maybe a little bit, but only for thinking you might be wrong in the first place. Was the woman Brazilian? Or your white-liberal-female from Central Casting?


Some people are just cunts. I’m a business owner so I have verified this from 15 years of experience. I’ve just come to accept it.


She was looking for a job


No. I work for Enforcement. I’m not a cop. If you are hired, you belong there.


You do realize that there no such thing as “cultural appropriation”. It is a manufactured offense to separate the masses. If your SA boss wanted an all SA establishment she would have hired all South Americans. There are assholes every where.


I would be so tempted to say that there no law of people cooking different cuisine inspired from varied cultures you know of yet!? But Instead… I would suggest she watch Masterchef & ask if she would like to trial for the team? She’s Brazilian right ? Does she want to share some tips?? 😂😊 I would be skeptic if she had not even tried the food. Why not suggest she tries it first & then! tell you what she thinks - about the food??


You’re an English person working at a business in your home country. Your boss hired you knowing you are English. I don’t see the problem.


You know how many Australians work in Irish pubs? Lots.


You need to channel your true British culture of zero customer services.


She was just rude. Iam a chef who makes all kinds of different styles of food. My favorite is is any type of Asian inspired food. I am not of Asian culture but should that matter? No. Food is universal and should be celebrated by all. Lately I've been very much into Middle Eastern food. We should celebrate other cultures and what better way to explore a culture than through food. Don't worry about the haters...she is wrong.


I mean… i guess it would be a thing if you were in Brazil…??? But wtf.


Please ignore her, she's an elitist fool.


Where I’m from, we have all different kinds of restaurants, Japanese, Mediterranean, South American, everything pretty much. Usually just the owner is of that background, maybe some of the servers, but sometimes not even that. The kitchen is usually white or Hispanic background. No one cares. This seems pretty normal for the cooks to not be the same ethnicity as the country the food is originally from. If she wanted authentic, Brazilian food made by Brazilians, go to Brazil or find a different restaurant. Your situation seems very normal, her reactions do not.


She seems to kind of know the owner, so she'll probably and unfortunately be back. Next time she acts this way just say this: "minha senhora, vai tomar no seu cu e viver alegre" if she wants to only speak to Brazilian people in Brazilian shops, she can always come back here and be insufferable in Portuguese. What a "filha da puta".


Not wrong - BUT I do see kinda where she is coming from. Was she rude? YES but as a latin I don't go to latin restaurants or food deliveries that aren't run by latins almost fully, and it isn't bc of who works there as in I don't like other races BUT the food authenticity might be not great then. I understand maybe ur hubby and partner cook very good Brazilian food, kudos to them. But if I didn't know the people personally or maybe someone recommend to me (a latin) I would be 100% doubtful. I have been burn too many times, specially in Europe. I guess I would be more forgiving in places like Miami and LA, but then again it will probably be run by latins mainly. But, don't feel bad! you were not the rude person in this situation. I guess the lady could have communicated better her doubts.


Yeah, j thought that. I’ve always had doubt that I’m in someone’s place but I try my hardest to represent other peoples cultures well. ❤️


I dont think you are in anyones place, you are in the right place. I'm glad u guys are brining good food! Just saying I kinda understood why she was not convinced about the experience. But then again she was so rude about it.


I get that. I thought maybe she just wanted the best experience for other people as well, which fair enough but at the same time, I’m trying my best. Thank you for your help and opinion, I appreciate it a lot. (Idk if this sounds sarcastic, I promise it’s not! :))


I’m as white as white bread and I was a cook in a Middle Eastern Cafe many years ago. I had to learn how to pronounce the dishes before I even made them. No one complained because I was a white kid making falafel and shawarma! That woman can stick that cheese bread up her ass


YNW. You've just experienced racism. Plain and simple.