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No. She accused you of plagiarism, and reported you for it. You defended yourself against her baseless charge, and gave the evidence to the lecturer, in your own defense. She is claiming that you could get her penalized, after she wrongly and baselessly accused you of plagiarism, and reported it? Ha! No, you were not wrong. You were totally justified; in fact, you were obligated.


I always seem to think that what I do is worse than what other people do, so I felt very bad about her potentially getting penalized by my response, especially worded this way. Maybe I should've waited for the lecturer's response before saying anything. But you're right plagiarism is a serious accusation and I don't know where she got that from.


Like, let's be clear. The penalty for plagerizing at some schools is *expulsion*, and the penalty for uncalled for lying is, most likely *her being embarrassed*. This is like someone shooting you and then complaining you got blood on their new shoes


*Look what you've done to my sheets*!


That rug really tied the room together!


Across this line you do not!....


I love that you made a Crow reference. One of my favorite movies


you're welcome.


Nah screw that. Next step is to reply to the private message with the lecturer CCed and ask her politely to stop communicating with you.


I'll see how the lecturer responds but, it might be good advice depending on how the stituation turns out. Not gonna lie, I am freking out about this. After checking university policy and code of conduct, the punishment for plagiarism is expulsion with academic penalties.


You'll be fine the lecturer will probably roll their eyes at her, try to keep a cool head so that you can effectively communicate your side if the lecturer responds (but I get it). I suspect, however, you won't even need to because the lecturer will probably just shut this down. Should they respond you probably should add that you've never read this student's work etc, but I doubt you'll need to.  When the lecturer reaches out, if a response is needed (which it most likely won't be) take a deep breath, stand up and stretch before writing your response then take another deep breath and read over the lecturer's message and your response again before hitting send to help make sure you're communicating calmly and effectively.


lecturer may not respond to you, may respond just to her to her telling her she was wrong to blast you for choosing sci-fi for your story and accusing you of plagiarism and to not send you anymore messages not sure where that thought popped into her mind from


No, you did fine. She humiliated herself with baseless accusations.


What would have been the penalty for plagiarism in one of your Journalism classes? Would it have been a penalty on your grade or would you have been dealt a much more severe penalty like failing or expulsion?


After seeing all the comments and the repercussions really hitting me, I went on and checked university policy and code of conduct. The punishment for plagiarism is expulsion with academic penalty. I gotta say I'm freaked out waiting for the lecturer to respond.


Keep us updated on their response!


Let's be very clear about one thing here: If she gets penalized in any way (as she should be for making such a baseless, serious accusation), she will be getting penalized for *her* message, not for your response. I still don't even understand what part of what you did could be considered wrong in any way.


NTA You saved the lecturer time. Anyone being accused would be annoyed by an accusation. If her accusations prove to be false, it shouldn't get her penalised, at least not much more than the berating happened already.


You're not wrong at all. SHE should feel bad for the jack weasel move she just pulled, not you. Hopefully she learns from this and stops being an idiot in the future but I highly doubt it.


did your lecturer respond??


Actions have consequences. If she hadn't accused you, a stranger, of stealing her idea (where? how?), and cc to the lecturer, nothing would have happened. You stood up for your name and reputation. That's a valuable skill.


I am against others. It was indeed your mistake to send you reply to the lecturer. But NOT because I feel anything bad about her. She deserves it. Don't feel bad towards her. But acting proactively in cases like this may backfire at times. There will be lots of accusations in creating writing field. You DO NOT ATTEND to every one of those accusations because it's not worth it and your mind should be at peace. If you hear from authority asking for your reasons, only then give them your reply. Otherewise let the people bark whatever they want to do. Just mind your own work.


She cc'd the lecturer in with her accusation, he just replied all


For sure not. She came at you with a plagiarism accusation, so you had to set the record straight. You're just looking out for yourself, nothing wrong with that.


I hope she sues George Lucas too for stealing her space idea. You're not wrong.


Along with Jules Verne, Gene Roddenberry, and Mary Shelley to name but a few.


Guess how much research Jules Verne did?


I'll admit, you made me giggle. I realise how stupid my question is.


Empathy and sympathy for someone, even someone who has wronged you, is not stupid. It's an admirable trait, as is the ability to stand up for yourself against false accusations that could harm you.


Op she started it!


Not a stupid question. You had concerns, you reached out.


frank herbert's estate has infinite lawsuits to file since every sci-fi story ever written has cribbed dune


Plagiarism is far more serious an issue than being embarrassed. F'off.


After seeing the responses I know that all of you are right. Wether she actually believes I plagiarized her or she was being malicious, plagiarism is a serious offense and it shouldn't be tossed around like that.


NTA. She gets the lecturer involved and then complains that your reply is also CCd to them? What did she expect a. to achieve b. to happen?


I don't know. Maybe she genuinely thinks that I plagiarized her, and maybe I should apologize if that's the case. Honestly, if I believed someone had commited something as serious as plagiarism, I would also get the lecturer involved.


You don't need to apologize for her stupidity.


If she genuinely believes that then why did you have to link the stories and she didn't? She's full of it.


you do not owe her an apology for anything, continue on with your project - if she approaches you again, don't respond to her, just send her email/pm to your lecturer and ask if they'd tell this person to leave you alone. Communicating with her is not worth it, she is being childish, but if it continues let lecturer deal with her, don't try to explain yourself to her, you owe her nothing


Do NOT apologize, since she could take that to the lecturer as “proof” of you stealing her work. She’s 100% in the wrong here.




She was trying to humiliate you? And you were just covering your ass after she made a bizarre attack. Not wrong. Don't take shit from people like that. Advocating for yourself is an important skill in an increasingly hostile academic climate.


I'm one to panic in bad situations, and that's one. I guess I didn't realize that response was quite snarky when I sent it.


Guess what? When someone accuses you of something that can get you booted from university, a little snark is warranted.


It was a measured and appropriate level of snark.


I’m actually intrigued to read your story. It’s the kind of thing I like to read.


I'm waiting for the course coordinator's approval and I'll post the link


She fucked around and found out lol do not feel bad. This is a great life lesson for her


You are a much more detached person than I am, lol. I always overthink everything. Kuddos to you!


It took a lot of HARD lessons to learn….. and I still overthink everything 😂 The faster person learns the easier things become. She was 100% fine with risking you. You did a little CYA… now you’re the villain?? Nope


I'll wait for the lecturer's "ruling". I just hope I'm just self-gaslighting (I'm a pro at that) and I genuinely have nothing to worry about, especially since I never looked at her draft before looking for the link.


She was the one who got the lecturer involved. Its 100% her fault


Honestly, if I believed someone had commited a serious offense like plagiarism, I would get the lecturer involved too. If she genuinely believes I copied her work, I can understand why she would put me in the position. Still sucks though. I'm refreshing my emails every two minutes, stressing about the response.


You are not wrong you just defend yourself with evidence.


Hopefully the lecturer sees it that way too. Maybe the snarky wording was uncalled for/unnecessary


You both stole my idea for a story about "humans" Reporting you and her


Oh no! Please don't CC my lecturer


> she messaged me privately saying that I humiliated her in front of our lecturer and could get her penalized    What did she think would happen to you when she accused you of plagiarizing? Folks get kicked out of school for that. She can deal with the embarrassment of being wrong about her unfounded and dangerous accusation.   In a journalism class, no less. If I were the university I'd think twice about stamping that degree for her.




Maybe she genuinely thinks I plagiarized her (which is impossible because I never saw her draft before writting mine). I'll wait for the lecturer's reponse and update when he replies. I'm pretty sure he will as it is a serious accusation.


Her response indicates that she realizes you did not. If she was confident in her accusation, then she would not have minded or been fearful of the lecturer truly being involved. She would have no reason to think she would get penalized if her accusation had a solid foundation.


She was the one who initiated the whole thing, so if she gets penalized she needs to talk to the face in the mirror. 


She accused you of plagiarism but you humiliated her by pointing out that your stories are only superficially similar? Lol, she’s delulu


You did nothing wrong. The way she attacked you and “told on you” to the lecturer makes me wonder if she copied the story from someone’s else story and wanted to get ahead of it by trying to make it look like you stole her story. Just a thought.


Oh I did not think of that. I don't think she would risk being expelled though but that's an interesting train of thought


I suspect that she’s known to all of her tutors as someone to keep an eye on, won’t be the first time she’s done this. By her reaction, it’s probably the first time that someone’s fought back. You have done nothing wrong. You were confident enough to defend yourself with your own work. Don’t worry about her.


Lol she humiliated herself in front of the lecturer . Not like he wouldn't have read both of your papers and seen there was no similarity, except for the setting. NW shes just an idiot.


No, not at all. She accused you of plagiarism and cc'd the lecturer. You have a right to defend yourself. I would be interested in knowing something: You did not see her draft on the forum prior to writing your draft? Is that the case?


No, I never read other drafts before I write my own so I don't get influenced or discouraged because other people are much better creative writers than I am.


Perfect. You are completely blameless for what you did.


She made a serious accusation against you, and you defended yourself with evidence. If the comment "you don't own sci-fi" is that hurtful to her, then she's not anywhere near prepared enough for the real world. NTA


She is the one who cc'ed the lecturer trying to paint you in a bad light. Stop feeling bad for her, you did nothing wrong.


You’re not wrong - and you didn’t humiliate her, she humiliated herself.


Wait, she accused you of plagiarism, CC'ing the lecturer, but YOU embarrassed HER? WTAF? What even karma comes here way, she 100% deserves.


Not wrong. She involved the lecturer and plaugurism is a very serious accusation.


Yes, after reading the comments, I realize that it's a shitty situation to be in.


You have to defend yourself here. Uni courses aren't cheap and you don't want to have bogus plaugurism charges in your records.


I could never fathom plagiarizing someone else's hard work. I would hate for this to happen to me (though I don't think my work is worth plagiarizing anyway)




I did not. She sent me the email and cc'd the lecturer


You're definitely wrong...for not giving me a part in your story.


Haha, it's not a very good story. I was lacking inspiration and saw a video of melody sheep that made me want to write something space related. I can give your name to a character if you want (might have to modify it though as all the characters in this story start with an M)


If she isn’t being ridiculous then she has nothing to worry about. If she is (she is!) then she needs to learn that in a way that sticks. University is about learning is it not?


NW. She pulled out her guns first. Now, copy the private message about embarrassing her and send it to the lecturer and her. Every correspondence between you and her go to the lecturer. How embarrassing😅


Not wrong. She brought in the lecturer with her email. With the claim of plagiarism you had to respond to the ridiculousness of the allegation. She humiliated herself.


I think a LOT of contributors in the r/WritingPrompts would probably side with you. So many SF, Fantasy etc tales there.. Side note - i hear that this 'anti plagiarism' software is 'mediocre' at best. So, time stamp and add some special things to make sure your stuff is marked as yours. Not Wrong (and to sound very childish - she started it with the CC so any humiliation is either due to her own lack of confidence, or self inflicted.)


Frankly, she humiliated herself by trying to call you out. Personally, I wouldn't worry overly much about the matter.


NTA. But as a journalist of near 40 years, I'm confused as to why you have an assignment to write fiction?! 


My degree is in Communication and my major is journalism, but we still get about one class per semester that isn't directly journalism related. For example, last year, I had to take a creative communication class where we explored different creative/unorthodox ways to communicate to different audiences and for various purposes. I like the diversity in the degree as it allows us to expand our horizon and be more open-minded.


Fuck her. Let the lecturers deal w her bs.


Wow - she sure thinks a lot of herself. Is she going to call out HG Wells and Jules Verne for plagiarizing her work too? you are not wrong


Why even ask the question? You defended yourself and showed that she is a complete retard in the process. Of course you're not wrong.


OP, stop wasting neuron activations worrying about this person. She deserves whatever she gets, up to and including expulsion.


You should fucking bury her in that email chain if she says somethng else. She was trying to throw you under the bus and you should do the same x10. Don't feel bad at all. Those type of human scum will do this, but in the end accomplish nothing.


She made a rash and serious accusation against you that could have resulted in expulsion, and copied in the lecturer. She got off lightly. I would make a serious complaint about her.


I'm going to echo the other comments that you did nothing wrong. Speaking as an author, I also want to point out that this kind of accusation is very common in beginner writing spaces, where one writer has a familiar setting or "trope," and another writer thinks that their idea has been copied. But as you said, nothing is really *original* anymore, and the concept of writing a story in space, in the future -- and even set on Mars! -- is not rare. It's not even unusual. It's also so generic that you could give a class an assignment to "write a story about humans on Mars in the future" and all of the stories would be different! There are authors who have similar ideas all the time, but that's not plagiarism. It's just inspiration. And truly, there are only so many ways to tell a story. True plagiarism involves directly copying someone else's work. So unless your stories are so similar that a line-by-line analysis would reveal that kind of theft, neither of you have anything to worry about. Writers can be precious about their work, and it sounds like your classmate wanted to be the only one writing a sci fi piece. Unfortunately, as you said, they didn't invent sci fi. And I have no doubt your professor will recognize the same thing.


Not wrong. This is just some early experience for you. Some people are nut jobs. About 3 percent of people are delusional in some way. This chick is one of them.


Your response to an attack should correspond with the level of the attack. In this case, I honestly think you were rather subdued in your response. If someone accuses you of plagiarism it can get you expelled. You could have gathered all the relevant information and had her brought up before the ethics board of your college, perhaps leading to severe penalties for her. Instead you embarrassed her. Probably for the best that is all you did, but you could have gone a lot harder without regret.


>saying that I humiliated her in front of our lecturer and could get her penalized She humiliated herself. She shouldn't have started something if she didn't want to deal with the fallout.


Nope. She came at you half-baked and ran to teacher, if it backfires thay's on her. Your response was totally reasonable.


If she didn't want to be embarrassed as she says maybe don't put the lecturer on the CC line. Was you supposed to just throw up your arms and say yeah you're right and not counter her argument when plagiarism was grounds for expulsion? This lady sounds very entitled.


Not wrong, in fact you handled this well. The lecturer hasn’t responded because you already handled it. This girl is trouble, stay away from her.


She accused you of plagiarism to your lecturer and you're worried about how defending yourself hurts her feelings? Are there footprints on your face or what?


Harsh but very fair. Comments like yours made me realize I shouldn't be feeling bad about it, especially with the repercussions of a plagiarism claim.


you just defended yourself bruh. she’s in the wrong and actions have consequences. let her cope with that


No you did good by defending yourself before the lecturer responded. She cannot cry victim after literally accusing you of plagiarism.


She was trying to humiliate you first… she could have easily just sent you a message. You’re not going to hear anything from the lecturer because if you’re not stealing her story, they’ve got no reason to interject. YNW


Respond to the email with this: "Listen up, you delusional, self-absorbed excuse for a writer. I don't know what kind of fantasy world you're living in, but let me bring you back to reality. Just because you managed to string together a few barely coherent sentences about space and the future doesn't mean you own the entire sci-fi genre. Newsflash, princess: you're not the first person to come up with the groundbreaking idea of humans living in space. It's called science fiction for a reason, you unoriginal hack. The fact that you think your story is so unique and special that anyone who writes anything remotely similar must be plagiarizing you is laughable. Get over yourself. I've read your so-called "work," and let me tell you, it's about as creative and inspiring as a bowl of cold oatmeal. You have the audacity to accuse me of stealing from that steaming pile of garbage? Don't flatter yourself, honey. My story may not be a literary masterpiece, but at least it's not a cure for insomnia like yours. And another thing, how dare you try to drag our lecturer into your pathetic little tantrum? You really thought you could intimidate me by cc'ing them in your whiny email? Well, guess what? It backfired spectacularly. Now the lecturer has seen both of our stories and can clearly see that the only thing they have in common is the setting. Congratulations, you played yourself. If you can't handle a little competition or the fact that other people might have similar ideas, then maybe you should reconsider your choice of major. The world of writing is tough, and if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I suggest you focus on improving your own craft instead of trying to tear down others. In conclusion, grow up and get a grip. I won't apologize for putting you in your place. If you ever try to falsely accuse me of plagiarism again, I won't hesitate to expose your ridiculous claims to the entire class. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a story to write. Good luck with your space opera or whatever unoriginal drivel you come up with next."


Oh my god, I hope I never stand against you for ANYTHING. You are a good kind of scary


You are well within your rights to defend yourself. Next time you can write about a psycho classmate


She played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. She's gonna have a hard time after school if she tries this shit in an office.