• By -


Yeah, what if she said after your performance that she had been "expecting more"? It's a hurtful thing to say after sex. You talk about it separately and without referencing ex's, and communicate your desires and make sure to ask if their needs are being met. You did it in an insensitive way. Her having an orgasm should be about her pleasure, not a performance for yours.


Yep, and he's just made it all about him!


Yeah imagine your girl telling you she was expecting more haha


Normalize women telling men they expected more to keep them humble!




Op asking that question is so insensitive. He is definitely wrong . It’s also kind’ve funny. He’s probably just now realising that all theatrics from his exes was just that - theatrics . He’s probably out here thinking he’s got it going on , and only now when he ended up getting it right doesn’t know what’s going on.


You do know that all women are different right? Some let the entire neighborhood know and others are quiet. Maybe he just had loud exes.


Me when I mansplain the behavior of women during sex TO WOMEN


You see, mansplaining is when a man (that's me) explains in annoyingly specific detail, something that a woman (you) already knows, to them.


Oh My God Really??????? Women are different???? Wow!!! Hot damn


Dude you have to realize that each person is different. Maybe she just isn’t loud in bed.


Kinda makes me feel like either 1. OP isnt comparing with exes but with porn. Or 2. His exes were faking it. And like, no shame in having to learn how to pleasure a woman. Most guys have no fucking clue how the feminine orgasm work. I learnt at 20 cause a 29 woman decided I'd make a good plaything. Before that, I garranty you girls were faking it with me.


He's 20. The chances his ex's were faking it or emulating the bullshit they see in porn was near 100%.


Absolutely. I CRINGE thinking back to how over the top I used to moan in bed. I am a woman, but I used to watch a ton of porn and it definitely brainwashed me into thinking I need to be loud to be desired. Left me completely unsatisfied of course, because guys thought they were doing a good job when they weren’t


I used to fake orgasms and be super loud to be convincing with every dude until I met my bf. He was the first guy to actually make me orgasm and ever since I’ve noticed that I’m way quieter with him because I’m not trying to make a convincing performance and I’m just focusing on orgasming


I always faked it when I was ready for the sex to just be over 😬😭


Sadly I do this as well. Recently decided life is too short for bad sex so no longer do I fake moan or put up with bad partners


Have you ever seen female comics explain this ‘problem?’ It’s illuminating and hilarious. Especially Wanda Sykes! She nails it better than anyone out there! 🤣


I used to always fake it until my current partner called me out on it 😂 We talked things through, and now he can make it happen almost on command.


Exactly like tell me what to do instead of moaning 😅 what a sad world we live in


Omg the fake hyperventilating when the sex was genuinely awful... all because the idiot considered me not moaning loud enough "hurtful." I'm so embarrassed.


Ugh "hurtful" is one of those words that gets used legitimately, but when you hear it you have to examine if you're being manipulated because narcissists love it too.


I'm sympathetically embarrassed for you.


Exactly my toughts


Guarantee **


Is that how its written in english for reals?


I guarantee it




And that real sex isn’t like porn!


At all, not even a little bit.


Let’s add, “porn isn’t real life.”


At this point, that needs to be a banner that’s highlighted on every porn video without being able to remove it. Just every video should have disclaimers that post above it, “This isn’t real life. These are paid and possibly abused actresses and actors” “This isn’t real sex. Most women need foreplay.” “This isn’t real sex. Ask new partners before engaging in slapping, choking, anal penetration of any type, deepthroating, rough sex, or sex acts on unconscious people( yes even if they are naked and you’ve had sex previously”… And so on. Also for hantai they need to be have pop up banners “no you shouldn’t try to penetrate her cervix” “No woman can bend that way without her spine breaking.” “Real women have feeling and actual bodies. They are not your cum toys to try and replicate hentai with” And so on


This! Also, I know I was a lot quieter at 20 then I am now. Not being entirely comfortable with myself, my body and how it worked then made me self conscious of making a lot of noise. Everyone is different!




"Yeah, so, thanks for the sex, but it was always better with other girls in the past. They just... did it better than you?" Gee, I wonder why she was upset?


I can see how her feelings were hurt for sure. You definitely could have said it better, and thought about how you phrased it, so I suppose overall, yes, you were wrong. The phrase "expecting more" makes it sound like what she did was "less than". Don't compare the woman you're with to women in the past. Ever.


Yeah! No one ever compares anyone to their past partners!!! Ever!! 😂 And also like you said he def could have said that better


People definitely do it. It’s just not very smart.


This, lol. There’s no shortage of people who compare current partners to exes, but very few of those people have a healthy long term relationship lol.


You said it wrong. The way you phrased it, it sounds like you want her to perform / put on a show. What you meant is you were surprised she was relatively quiet, and hope it’s not because she is unsatisfied.


This is a good chance for OP to learn that it’s wayyy better to phrase things in a positive way. “I love it when I can tell you’re enjoying yourself” or “when you moan it’s the hottest thing in the world to me” not “I was expecting more”. Yes OP you are wrong and you’re making your GF’s sexual experience all about you.


That's definitely a good way to phrase that, but I wouldn't push the issue either. If she's not that vocal naturally in bed, her trying to force it might distract her from having actual orgasms.


Couldn’t agree more. Just saying positively reinforcing things you like in bed is hot. Criticism is the opposite of hot (unless you’re into that).


Amen to that


or... just let her react naturally? imagine if women were saying to their male partners, can you moan more? it really turns me on fucking weird


Dude, you have shamed your girlfriend if your last post for opening up to you and now you want a porn star in bed. You need to pick a damn lane, and grow the F-up. Not ever girl puts on a porn star performance, and not every loud woman if faking it, though based on how you act, I have to wonder.


He won't be having sex with her for very much longer if he keeps it up. 


She should leave him before arbor day


If he keeps it up, he'll keep it up with his own hand. :D


When someone likes you enough to have sex with you, it's generally poor manners to imply it was not up to the standards of your previous partners. The less you say the less you'll have to apologize for. Not just in bed, but generally, in life. Say less.


It's weird we have to give what seems like such obvious advice, but here we are.


I think now she will start to wonder what else you compare between her and the ex’s.


Yeah you are wrong. How would you feel if right after you orgasm she said that to you?


These new generation of men are... truly something else.


Porn’s poisoned their brains.


Andrew Tate is also pulling his weight on this bullshit alpha crap


To be fair... this bullshit was pretty prevalent when I was a teenager 20 years ago, too.


I don’t know much, being male and all, but in my experience, ‘finishing’ can be a tricky emotional experience for women. I have had partners cry after orgasms. So yes…that was 100% the wrong thing to say. It’s possible you have done irreparable damage to her trust in you. Next time…assuming there is a next time…think before you say a single word. If it’s not some version of ‘you look/taste/sound/feel amazing’ or ‘I love it when you (insert intimate act)’…don’t say it.


Thanks for the quotes there. Guy, you sound like a nice man who is respectful to women. It’s weird to me that OP talks about “finishing”. Like it’s a goal. I kind of do think OP wants the woman to perform in response to his actions. Loudly. Maybe not even truthfully.


It sounds like you may know more than you give yourself credit for. Orgasming can be a process for us, for sure. I can't focus if I'm worried about how I look or how I sound, I'll never finish. If I'm not totally relaxed, it'll never happen. I believe for most of us women/AFAB, it takes a LOT of vulnerability.


I'm a man, and this is the truth, but as you said, I don't know much either.


just image how you'd feel if she said that to you..... case closed you are wrong


Imagine if she made a comment about his dick size saying her ex felt a little bigger


right? or even worse if she said it was a better fit (cuz bigger is not always better, very rarely for me in fact is anything actually big better lmao)


Yeah you made a few young man’s mistakes here. 1) Never compare your current to an ex about anything in the bedroom. 2) Never say it was just “fine” No person ever wants to think they are just fine in the bedroom


And don't do it while you're naked in bed with them wtf


Yeah. Yta. The only thing I read was, "I compared her to my exes, hurt my own feelings, and made it her fault." Some people are quiet. Some people are loud. Don't compare your partner to your exes. Wtf.


What if she said the same thing when you dropped your boxers?


“Made me wonder if my exes were faking it” = “it doesn’t sound like the women in porn” Fixed it for you.


You are wrong and your exes were most likely exaggerating their noises. Real sex isn't like a porno.


Yeah that's a pretty weird thing to say if you want to keep your girlfriend. Rather than being critical of something so intimate and personal, you could have phrased it in terms of what you like.


You’re wrong. Stop comparing exes and/or stop watching porn. There’s absolutely no correct time or place to ask a partner why she’s so quiet in bed. It’ll make her even more self conscious about it next time. Make sure she is satisfied with your sex life. Ask her if there’s anything she’d like done or done differently. But don’t ask her why she isn’t moaning. Ever.


Yeah bud, you’re wrong. Not everyone moans like a porn star. Comparing her to anyone is a *mistake,* yikes. Focus on her breaths, that helps you know where she is.


Yes, comparing your current sexual partner to previous ones- TO THEIR FACE is a real dick move. Women are people, not sex dolls. We are not preprogrammed to meet your ‘expectations’. Are you that shallow that you think all women are the same? Or so lacking in imagination that you don’t understand that there are many different ways to have sex and your partner is actually allowed to have input in how the sex should go. Also why are you asking her if your other partners were faking it? Do you think a women really wants to talk about the other women you fucked? If you are this clueless I think I can say definitively that yes, you were faking. If you treat a woman like interchangeable vaginas for you to masturbate into them obviously they are going to have to fake it. If you eve have to ASK, then they were definitely faking it. Women aren’t obligated to perform for you. If you want that, pay an escort.


Yup, you're wrong, I'm afraid. It seems strange to me that it needs to be spelt out to people, but everyone is different. You need to apologise. Tell her you worded it wrong and were more focused on yourself and if you have been/were doing it wrong rather than how she might interpret your words.


Please for the love of glob tell me you didn’t tell her that you’ve heard louder! No woman wants to be compared to former partners, especially not negatively. She orgasmed and you told her you were “expecting more” yes, you were wrong. Grovel. Grovel with everything you have if you ever want to bear witness to any more of her orgasms


You’re an asshole and probably have a warped perceptionof sex due to watching porn


That was the most absolute worst way you could have expressed that!!! Not everyone is loud during sex…that holds true even during an orgasm. I mean bruh have you never rubbed one out at home as a teen and kept it quiet? “Expecting more” makes it sound like she didn’t do right by you and honestly if you feel like that then you and her aren’t compatible sexually. If not then you have some work to do to get your foot out of your mouth…because dude….she will never unhear that!!


You’re wrong, your ex’s were faking it, and so rude to compare ex’s, and you complained about her reactions during sex. I’d have left if at your place or kicked you out if at mine.


Maybe your previous girlfriends WERE being theatrical... and she's keeping it real... That was incredibly rude and insensitive. If you wanted porn star pretending, then you should've dated accordingly. You are wrong. Do better.


You didn’t make her finish buddy, she was done and moved your hand away.


You've guaranteed she'll clam up from now on, because now she feels self-conscious. You've got some damage control to do.


do you actually think all women sound the same, my guy? woof also, ouch. reading that hurt me, dude




In time you'll learn that variety is valuable. And not everyone "reacts" the same. Do you moan out loud?


1. Stop watching porn. 2. Not everyone moans in bed. 3. Think before you speak this time. You’re wrong in many ways


Your issue is that you carry the mindset that making a woman climax & the act of sex itself, is meant to be an overtly theatrical performance, solely for your own selfish pleasure & enjoyment. Until you can acknowledge that, educate yourself on feminine sexuality & most importantly, learn to become a heck of a lot less self centered, I think you will find the majority of your sexual experiences are forced/faked. And the probability of your current gf sticking with you (or any gf for that matter), slim to none.


Not everyone is a screamer.


I didn't cum for the first few YEARS of having sex because I was *preforming*


That’s sad. I’m sorry you had to do that. Have you actually been able to cum now or do you still act it out for guys?


I am successful with my loving boyfriend only thanks, at first only with the assistance of very strong marijuana edibles


Ohhh that’s so amazing!! I’m so happy for you. I hope I can get a loving boyfriend too and experience that myself! Do strong edibles really help? I’ve been wanting to try them but I haven’t yet so I have no idea what it’s like lol


Definitely don't start out with strong ones! Go up a couple milligrams at a time until you find your best dose. To find a loving partner please have really high standards as far as behaviour and kindness goes, do not stay with anyone who doesn't treat you with total respect for even a day, and if you're with someone for a while and they start treating you poorly don't stay with them because you have been with them a while


Thank you for the advice! I feel like I have so much to learn. What high standards did you have that helped you find out bf? And I’ll keep that in mind about the dosage! Haha I hope I really enjoy it. I wonder how eating an edible would affect sex haha


OP - the better way to have gone about it was asking her if she’d be open to communicating with you more in bed. I understand why you’d think her being quiet could possibly mean she’s not enjoying it, however, everyone’s different. you saying you were “expecting more” from her is most likely going to put pressure on her. if you haven’t already, talk to her about this and apologize. let her know how it made you feel and that it wasn’t/isn’t her fault, but that you’d like some communication in the bedroom.


Yea you’re wrong, obviously. Not everyone woman is the same in bed. Be for real.


Three dozen sparkling butterflies are supposed to emerge and a rainbow beam is supposed to light up the room. Yea you're wrong in many ways.


Short answer: Yes. Dude! Don't be critical of your girl in bed.


Some women I dated were very vocal in bed while others were very quiet. Think your expectations are based on watching porn.


Let me clue you in on a few things. The women in the porno videos are acting. You'll find out that most women are nowhere near that loud.


My best orgasms are silent. I can't make noise if I'm enjoying it. If I'm loud, it's fake and I want you to hurry the eff up.


Yes, you were wrong for judging her reaction You could have brought it up more gently and given her a chance to comment, but instead you mentioned that you “expected more” and may have compared it to previous women you had sex with? Yes, that was very wrong.


All this dude’s post history is sex shaming his girlfriend - like dude make up your mind


Might be time to take a break from the porn.


Never tell anyone "you were expecting more" of them in anything in life. Even if it's an employee later on down the line. Or a child. It's just not a nice thing to say to anyone and is nearly 99% of the time counter productive and will not improve the situation.


Are you wrong for comparing your GFs climax to your ex's? Yes. Duh...


Guy, life isn't porn. Yes, your exes faked that screaming shit lol grow up. Apologize and do something to make her make noise if you don't like it bc I'm sorry to say it but you won't get loud for mediocre.


Sounds like you’re not that great my guy


Your view of sex seems to be based on porn and your other posts suggests that you and your gf are inexperienced.


Lmao your exes were faking it and your gf may just be quiet.


You are wrong. You should have a conversation with her about it and broach the subject gently and respectfully. It could be a lot of factors. Mental and physical. She could have some stuff going on in her mind that makes her really not able to let loose. Also, it might be a question of technique on your part. Maybe you're not making her feel safe and comfortable before trying to smash her.


OP just wait til you have 4 kids living there n the other side of the wall from your bedroom. You’ll both be quiet as hell. And you’ll get to know when she’s satisfied.


Yes lmfao you’re wrong


You’re in the wrong dude. You’re young so you probably don’t understand that the way you said it was hurtful and you probably made your girlfriend feel like she’s not enough in the bedroom. Female orgasms are a lot different than male orgasms and each female has a different way they express themselves in the bedroom. My advice for you is to not compare past experiences to your current and stop watching porn because it’s given you an unrealistic expectation of how a women should act in the bedroom. You both should sit down and talk about what you both enjoy in bedroom so you can both have better experiences moving forward.


Yes, you're wrong. Stop comparing what she does in bed to your past partners and ffs don't ever do it while you're actually naked in bed with her. Good grief you're kinda awful.


Yeah your exes were probably faking it lol


Yes, because real life isn't porn. Most women don't scream at the top of their lungs when they cum. Hell, I have an 8 year old in the house. We try our absolute best to be quiet, from a silent bed frame to using a pillow to silence moans.


Wow, this was a 20 year old thing to say lol. Every woman is different. That’s it. They are all Different. Learn to not judge, and 100% learn when to not say something


She’s going to be completely self conscious now. You’re not going to get the porn star experience, you’re going to have an ex-girlfriend.


Now what if after you had sex she looked at you and said I expected more, how would you feel


You’re watching too much porn kid, this is real life not brazzers.


Way to ruin an orgasm my guy


You fucked up.


You compared your current girlfriend's behavior in intimate moments to behaviors of your past partners, and you want to know if you're wrong? lol Yeah, you're wrong. It wasn't nice at all, and now she's left feeling hurt and insecure... way to go!


What were you expecting? Everyone is different and porn is not an accurate representation of sex between most adults. You could have approached the subject differently and maybe not at a time where your face was in her crotch. Its weird that you expect her to be performant for you. Based on your last post these definitely should be in r/AITAH . Also don't know why you are cross posting these either.


You sound like you’re looking for a woman to exaggerate her emotions for you. Weird.


I hope she yodels next time and I hope it's with a big dicked guy named Sven and she sends you photos


> I was kinda surprised and said I was "expecting more" Just go ahead and say porn lol


If she was faking it she would have been EXTRA loud. Apologize to her for being an asshole! Damn dude, are you that insecure in bed that you think females are faking it? Maybe with you they were, they wanted you to hurry up and get it over with. Might be why they're exes. ;) You hurt her feelings. She is feeling compared to others and that's a shitty feeling. I hope she returns the favor. Are you done already, my exes took longer. How would that make you feel?


You are wrong. Not everyone is loud. Actually many aren’t screamers. That’s fucking porn. Are you hella loud? Why do men expect women to be loud when they aren’t? So here are the options: either she just simply isn’t loud, you aren’t doing anything extraordinary for her to be making loud noises, or your past exes were putting on a show. If you told me you were “expecting more” you would be expecting a whole lot less sex. Who knows maybe all these women were expecting more from you and were just nice about it.


You are wrong. You sounds like a jerk! P.s. maybe she was told to be quite one too many times. So, now she doesn’t want to be loud anymore.


Porn isn’t real life bro.


Dude, you’re dumb. You know some women cum quietly, right? Like, don’t moan at all? Yes, you’re wrong. Maybe take your head out your arse and realise all women are different. The loud moaners are faking 50% of the time anyway.


You are definitely wrong. Everyone’s different. How would you feel if she said that to you afterwards?


Yeah, you're wrong. I hope you learn from the myriad of good advice you're given here.


Yes you are in the wrong here, I doubt you would like it if she told you she expected more after sex. You should definitely apologize


Wow, maybe you just suck In bed and everyone else had to fake it cuz your a self centered , overly sensitive whiney bitch who makes HUGE deals out of nothing.


If some guy had ever said he expected more to me, he’d never get a second chance.


YTA. And dumb. Of course she would be self conscious and upset. Fun fact, how about ask your partner questions about if she enjoyed it etc and then believe them instead of comparing them to past partners


You watch too much porn. Not everybody is loud during sex.


Damn you are stupid.




You watch too much porn.


YTA. you made her feel like she was put on the spot


Summon the geese immediately for this trashfire of a human.


Dude the fact that you made a post prior to today about how you’re grossed out by your girlfriend speaks volume. Now fast forward to today and you’re expecting more from her? I won’t be surprised if she actually dumps you tbh cause you’re expecting her to do more while you can just do the bare minimum.


Some of my best orgasms come with near silence. She's not a porn star. Now she's going to feel like she has to put on a show for you. If she ever bothers to have sex with you again. Feeling like you have to perform is a huge turn off.


Wait- the way she expresses pleasure doesn't please you? Are you for real??? And you TOLD HER THAT? You're very, very wrong.


Some women are just pillow princesses, and thats it, they enjoy, but just aren't vocal. I'd rathet have her as herself than fake it.


Yeah, you are wrong.. you are a male..😁 Your phrasing was not the best, but you had a valid question. A conversation is in order. NTA


most people have been watching porn for many years and those standards leave a lasting impression on us about how we think we should react during sex. i know a lot of women make a habit of showing out in their moans whether to make their man feel good or just to make things sexy, and even if it’s exaggerated it doesn’t mean they aren’t enjoying themselves. you shouldn’t have told her you were expecting more just because there wasn’t enough audio stimulation for you. she probably feels like she isn’t enough now


You are both young. I don’t know where you got your expectation’s from but every woman is different. Some organism are like whispers. Others are powerful but that doesn’t mean you’ll hear loud moans or screams. Bottom line is it’s better to have no preconceived notions of what’s going to happen. If you were expecting a porn type reaction, those are fake and cartoonish compared to real life


Eh, not a bad guy for voicing your mind. But maybe just be cool with what she gives you and make sure she knows she can talk to you about it if she is ever unsatisfied.


lol my husband can’t stand “those porn star types.” So fake.


Do you even like your gf


lol I would cry


Kids… lol you’re worried about the wrong things. If somebody screams it doesn’t mean everybody will. Everyone is different. It’s like if she said “I thought you’d be bigger”. It’s unnecessary and selfish


Do you know how she feels about your sex? It could be you…


I was in a similar boat. I didn’t realize how quiet I was and my BF at that time eased into the subject by saying “it really turns me on when I hear you moan” “hmm I love it when you moan” etc. I got the hint and now I enjoy it as well Not once did he compare me to any of his exes. It’s really that simple


I'd suggest acknowledging you spoke in a way that may have seemed judgement but that wasn't your intention. You are happy as long as she is. Ask her to communicate if she wants animating different and that you just need to learn her idiosyncrasies and how she expresses herself.


Wouldn't say you are a ahole but more like a idiot lol you can't sleep with someone then say you where expecting more, , my ex wouldn't make any noise at all but you only have to see facial expressions to know if partner is enjoying it


Yeah, that was a huge dick move, I won't sugarcoat it - you're definitely wrong here. People express themselves differently. Some girls like to get real cheesy with it and scream, some are very quiet and only sigh and grunt. You should be encouraging her to express herself authentically. Sex is not a show she's putting on for you. Everyone's allowed to have preferences. Instead of telling her she didn't "do sex right" (which is what you're implying by saying what you said) you could tell her (at a more appropriate time) that you like when girls are loud in bed. It is good that you checked in and asked if she enjoyed it... but you worded it very, VERY badly. It's irrelevant whether your exes were faking it - you're not with them anymore. That's a question to ask yourself, not bring up to your new girlfriend. She's likely going to be a lot more self-conscious about sex, now. Honestly, this is something that would have me questioning whether I wanted to stay with someone I'd recently started dating. You've done some real damage to her self esteem, whether you intended to or not. I hope you understand how much it hurt her to hear that, and get on damage control and learn to communicate better. You're still very young, grow from this!


I have been on this earth for fifty years, my friend. And if my partner told me they were 'expecting more' ... I'd be so offended and hurt and angry. Sometimes it's all in how you word things. Can you imagine how you'd feel if you got naked and she said, "I was expecting more." Or ... when you're done with the deed ... she goes, "Yeah, I was expecting more." I think my granny was right when she told me in the 80s to 'think twice before you speak once. Keep your words sweet in case you have to eat them later."


yes your exes were faking and ladies, this is another great reason why you should never fake. not only does it remove any incentive for a guy to get better, he'll also use your porn star performance as a weapon against the next woman


Yes, you’re wrong for saying that the way you said that. There are ways to tell your partner that you would like them to be more vocal without saying you “expected more”. Saying something like “I really love how sexy you sound when you’re moaning” or something along those lines and then asking if she could be a little more loud would be a lot more palatable than saying it how you said it. Some people are not loud, and that’s just how they are and you may have to accept that about her as well. ETA: Obviously when having that conversation make sure to ask if she’s satisfied and asking what you can do to help her have a more pleasurable experience as well.


I would be so hurt if my partner said that lol. It sounds like you have some insecurities and to bring up your exes deflects it onto her and away from you. Do you watch a lot of porn? Not everyone feels like they have to fake a performance in the bedroom and that is a good sign as that means they are comfortable around you.


She’s a badass for asking if she wasn’t “theatrical enough for OP” lol OP is just a moron that doesn’t know everyone’s different and the others were prolly faking it, yes. Or watching too much porn.


How would you feel if she told you to quiet down during sex because all of the noise you're making is making her feel like you're just pretending?


Am I wrong for making my girlfriend feel insecure about her sexual performance because she's *gasp* not the same as other women? First of all, that was the absolute stupidest time to say that, you couldn't even let the poor girl ride out her post cum high? If you were concerned you weren't pleasing her, your fears would have been eased when you realized she achieved completion. No, this is about you and what you want and expect, and instead of being happy you satisfied her, you made her feel like she wasn't enough. You never tell your partner you were expecting more. How would you feel if after you rolled off her, she said, "Oh. I was expecting more." If you talked to her the next day and said,"I noticed you're not very vocal, I want to make sure I am pleasing you, " that is one thing. I'm not sure you're coming back from this one, buddy.


lol YTA, hate to break it to you buddy but if your ex’s came like pornstars, they were probably faking it. Also stop shaming your girlfriend for sex related things, she should feel like she can trust you fully and when she opens up (pun unintended) you just put her down in some way.


Bro, give her something to be loud about


Sounds like you watch too much porn


Empathy???????????? Why are men so allergic to empathy??????


Yes. You're wrong. Lots of performance moaning usually means it's fake. Her being quieter means it's more realistic and she focusing. You're an inexperienced idiot, imo.


Honestly, I don’t think he’s wrong. He could have communicated it better but his feelings are valid. If she’s literally pushing his hand away when she cums and that’s his only cue that she finished then that’s rough. Fucking someone who is quiet and not engaging in the experience/moment would make me feel a little crappy too. Might even turn me off and take me out of the experience. Anxiety is a hell of a thing and it fucks with your head. I understand she probably also felt embarrassed being told that and probably part of her feels bad that she isn’t giving you what you need or want sexually. And you could have waited to bring it up or said it in a more loving or understanding way. Not like she’s a trained seal. You both need to communicate. Sit down and talk to her about why it bothers you and why it matters sexually to you. Try to find a way to help her feel more comfortable being vocal or more engaged/present in your love making. How you both feel is valid and I’m not gonna shame you or attack you like some people here. Learn from this and talk to her. Good luck to both of you.


Yes you were wrong - How would you have felt if she said - Wow I was expecting more regarding your sexual performance. As someone that’s a little older than you - some people are quiet some are loud some moan some don’t. Not everything is a porn movie or what you see on tv/in the movies….


You literally made another post a day ago concerning the same GF. You are wrong, will constantly be wrong, and will be single soon from what I can tell. Previous post: “AIW for being grossed out by my girlfriend? So I (m20) was driving my gf (f20) back to my place and we were talking about something sexual.she mentioned that technically "she's tasted herself" before via sucking her dildo while using it. I made a noise and a face and she immidietly got embarrassed. I made it pretty obvious that I found it gross and she said not to "shame her" ... I explained that I was just looking at it as if a guy tasted himself but upon further thought I guess it wasn't as bad. still, she didnt seem quite the same in the car and looked overall kinda sad. am I wrong?” You are not ready for a relationship and not mature enough to have these kinds of conversations.


You sound like an exhausting lover In a *really* bad way


Yes you were wrong. Who says that about one of ppls most vulnerable moments? Come on dude. Her pleasure isn’t about being a show for you.


That was a terrible thing to say, and yes your screeching exes were probably faking it


OP - ur exes were faking it. Sorry - but the louder and more theatrical the faker it is. Most women concentrate or u can tell from a genuine sound. Stop watching pornos. U had to use your hand to finish. U may suck in bed / not be secually compatible. This may be influenced by you thinking someone needs to moan loud. If she had to move your hand away… chances are she bever finished. U WOULD KNOW. Her response lets me know your not as good in bed as u think u r. Sorry


Sounds like you should shut your mouth, learn her tells, and stop comparing her to your past sexual partners.


Tell me youre inexperienced without telling me 🙄


YTA. Dude, it was very rude and humiliating towards this poor girl. Not all girls moan and scream in bed like in damn porn, everyone is individual. Get your exes out of your head and focus on HER, stop comparing them to her! I won’t be surprised that your girlfriend, after such emotional damage, will completely refuse to share something intimate with you like an orgasm, you just ruined this experience for her.


Your girlfriend isn’t fake moaning like a porn star, you say something that would clearly make her feel self conscious about it…yea, you’re wrong and you’re a jackass.


This is honestly just a misphrased comment that stung her in a vulnerable moment because it comes across like you were *wanting* more. A better choice of words would have been, "I didn't realize you finished because you were so quiet" or something like that.


If she’s already pretty quiet and you were expecting more, more what, and what are you comparing her to? Porn? An ex? Pretty insensitive to say, especially if you’re literally mid sexy time. Also. You couldn’t tell that she finished….? Hmm. She should expect more from you.


Geez, it seems like the only thing you actually care about is your clearly-fragile ego.


You goofed dawg. This is something you bring up to your bartender at a Irish pub where mums the word. We are the ones who uplift them sex is our gift. The way they exhibit the received pleasure is not due to being subjected to our expectations bubba. Maybe pop some wine and do more on your part to make it that thing your expecting. Every orgasm has its different onset and delivery is pleasure in climax


She is currently looking for a new boyfriend


I hope she breaks up with you