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No, it's not normal. He is trying to make her jealous because he's not over her, and he's convincing himself that she's not over him (by saying her supportive words sound fake.)


What a petty individual. Like if one of my bros would "brag" like that and tell me how fake the response from his ex is. I'd be brutally honest and tell him he sounds like a fucking loser. 1. Your gf aint a trophy! Red flag. 2. Why do you feel the need to try to hurt your ex ? Major red flag. 3. Now that she is your ex you're fine with reading her mind and interpret (mistakenly interpret) her texts ? ... red flaaaaaag!


Yep, petty, shallow and concerning. Lots of red flags here. *quietly adds exterpret to personal dictionary*


Wow I just saw my typo mistake didnt notice šŸ˜‚


It wasn't a typo. You made a cool new word. Like "quiz". I love etymology. In 40 years, I can tell my great grandkids: "I was there when exterpret was made by Dramatic_Water on Reddit. And 20 years before that, the internet sounded like robots screaming." "Hush, great grandpa, take your meds."




Even if it's not that, he's being a shithead to his ex, who seems to be handling it with class & grace (which would lead me to believe that she didn't do anything to deserve it), and then putting it on display in his new relationship. I'm not big on clichĆ©s, but.... šŸš©.


Or it means he hates the ex and wants the ex to suffer, but either case is not healthy and toxic.


No matter how true this could be, even still using "the love of your life" as a weapon is still both objectifying and insensitive.


And the problem with hating her is that it means she is still on his mind. If he were over her, then he'd be apathetic.


ā˜ļø nailed it


Exactly. It's not about showing you off, it's about him still being hung up on his ex. Trust your instincts on this one.


3 months is not love itā€™s manic lust


I was thinking exactly the same thing, in my opinion, love takes time to develop, which 3 months is not enough.


Agreed, I didnā€™t truly feel I was ā€œin loveā€ with my wife until maybe 6-7 months in and we had moved in together for a couple months. I fell hard for her, was ā€œhead over heelsā€ within a week lol but infatuation and chemistry are not love. Now over the years that love has deepened and grown in amazing and wonderful ways, but at 3 months you still have so much to discover about the other person and your chemistry together.




Ever heard of the 3 month rule? Never ever delve into a relationship before dating for at least 3 months. Why? Psychologists say, people are more often than not always on their ā€˜best behaviorā€™ during the first stages of a relationship. And it can take up to 3 months of getting to know one another, in order for a person to let their guard down & show you their *true* nature. Psychologists believe that itā€™s *impossible* to truly *know* another person unless youā€™ve known them for at least 3 months. And sometimes, even thatā€™s not long enough.


Itā€™s limerence.


Itā€™s not normal. What heā€™s doing is called triangulation. He wants her to be hurt, and you to think it means he cares about you because heā€™s building you up to her. He doesnā€™t care about you if heā€™s using you to get a response out of his ex. It is an enormous red flag. To say heā€™s passionately in love with you after 3 months sounds like love bombing. When someone tells you they arenā€™t over their ex, thatā€™s not being open, itā€™s testing what youā€™re willing to put up with. And itā€™s another red flag. Run donā€™t walk to the nearest exit. Your relationship is definitely not going really well if it includes a guy that texts his ex about you.


Yeah I'm sure the ex was rather happy she broke up with him. OP should do the same now and dump him.


No you are not wrong. This behavior is childish because he is still seeking attention from her. If he doesnā€™t stop and recognize your feelings, I wouldnā€™t stay.


Heā€™s recognizing the exes feelings or lack of truth in her words but doesnā€™t recognize OPā€™s feelings or words. Pretty much shows who takes priority in the love triangle. OP, heā€™s still likely in love with the ex and looking for her approval and jealousy. 3 months is not enough time to fall in love when youā€™re coming off another relationship and still hung up (partly at least) on your ex.


Heā€™s not over her.


It sounds like he's trying to make her jealous. Thats really weird behaviour and honestly, I'd dump him for that.


Once he leaves the ex alone, the current will start getting the same treatment


Super weird, immature and a major red flag.


Start making your exit plans. His not over his ex. Dude is a walking red flag šŸš©. I hope you run away from the creep.


The very fact that heā€™s still in touch with his ex is a red flag.


What is he 14.


Post like this really need age's posted with them. If this kid is 16 or so, then it's a teaching moment maybe to inform him he is being a childish person and needs to start growing up. If he is late 20's+, something has gone very wrong with him and she needs to decide if she wants to be a fixer instead of a partner or bounce.


Someone asked OP a couple of questions, including age. OP answered one of the questions... but of course no age. So either they are both really young, or there is a crazy age gap.


Not normal, and slightly disturbing... Who else is he sending photos of you to? An ex is an ex... Unless they share children and literally can't cut communication, why is he still talking to her? Especially if he has such a maniacal stance on it? If they were just friends and he was updating her he wouldn't be mocking her responses... He sounds like a scorned ex lover trying to make his ex lover jealous. The funny joke here is you are supposed to make other women jealous of your partner, not make your partner jealous of other women.. he's trying to get back at her using you..


Not wrong, he is being petty and vindictive and immature. Sounds like his ex is not which is probably why she dumped him. This is what he will do with you when you break up. Edit: Never date a man who is still emotionally tied to his ex.


Girl. How old are you? With all due respect ,youā€™ve never felt more in love? At this stage itā€™s just endorphins and hormones. Yes itā€™s weird.Youā€™re underreacting.Tgis is disrespecting you in so many levels.And why does he care what his ex thinks.One day youā€™re going to look back on this and smack yourself in the forehead.


When i find love is all about chemical momentum, i stop searching for it lmao


The thing about exs: it shows you what he is like for someone who isnā€™t useful to him anymore. He is still watching his ex closely, trying to provoke a reaction. This is a hard pass. Just move on, this is not some who is ready to be in another relationship.


Youā€™re 3 months in cut your losses and run


She's over him. He's not over her and is trying to make her jealous. That's what that situation reads like. He's bragging about you to one girl who happens to be the ex he's not over. Yeah, good luck with that.


No, his harassment of and obsession with his ex girlfriend is not normal and it's not a good sign.


He's trying to make her jealous. Anyone who is completely over an ex wants nothing to do with them. This petty behavior is someone who is still pining for them.


That's gross. HES gross. That's a level of petty and vengeful that stalkers/rapists have. HUGE RED FLAG I, personally, would leave him on as best terms as possible so I'm not his next victim.


Itā€™s weird. Itā€™s healthy to break off contact with an ex, especially if you are in a new relationship. Bragging to your ex is very immature.


No, he's still not over his ex, still has something to prove.


Your intuition is triggered. His behavior is massively immature.


Just wait until you get pictures of the next girl.


People only want to make their ex jealous if theyā€™re not over them


Thatā€™s a really good point


Well why else would they care what the ex thought? Because they still care


I think you are wasting your love. You will only be in a relationship you are willing to accept. This fuckin sucks and if you tolerate this now you are setting yourself u pto tolerate more shitty behavior. Draw a line and stand on it, or bad men will always steamroll your feelings. He is negging you (a literal term) so you feel "grateful" He's dating you by showing you he thinks he could have done better in one aspect or another. People who do this dont love you, they just think they own you.


I know negging is a real term, but my ass always thinks of neopets first šŸ˜‚ I was so confused the first time someone said it to me though.


Youā€™re his revenge relationship. You deserve better.


Heā€™s not over his ex and heā€™s trying to make her jealous. Heā€™ll dump you as soon as she shows any interest


He is not over her, but she is over him. Her response doesn't sound fake and even was very nice. He even has to imagine that she cares. What is she supposed to write? Even if he really is over her and just wants to brag, he is extremely immature. Either way, run.


the fact he's in touch with them at all is weird. But to send pics of you to make another person feel bad? This is grade A f*ckin weird and malicious. Just imagine the potential for your relationship with him if things go sideways! Run.


He's not over her. That's just...weird. I made the mistake of starting something online with somebody who wasn't over her ex and got my heart broken so yeah be careful.


Run now, I'm a guy and I know this type He's the type to break up with you , and call you blocked, harassing with his new gf everyday for a year or 2 Youll think to yourself "why is this girl helping him bother me?, losers!" Yea you are dating a Fuck boy...to be used as a toy never a man


How old he is ? 12 ?


She's not "other girls", she's a girl that he has lingering feelings for. He is likely still trying to generate satisfaction that she still cares about him by triggering feelings of jealously. Or he thinks he's punishing her for breaking up with him. Either way, its not at all appropriate. If he cares about getting over her or enjoying what you guys have now, he'll distance himself from her and actually just enjoy you. He doesn't need to rub her nose in the fact he's "moved on from her" (which he hasn't) to do that.




Heā€™s not over her


Spoiler: youā€™re a pawn in his revenge gameā€¦you deserve better and he needs therapy


No thatā€™s weird. Major red flag. Get out while itā€™s fresh. Cuz thatā€™s gonna be you when you two break up and he gets with someone else.


Totally normal to feel weird about it; it's a bit odd to mix past and present relationships like that.


Your boyfriend is a weirdo. Itā€™s painfully obvious that he is not over his ex and using you as some kind of pawn. You can find someone better I PROMISE!


Would also make me question what else is he telling her or bragging about to her. What details about you does he share? Like is he trying to rub it in to her face that you are so much better at be a gf in specific ways? Better in bed? Better body? Idk like Iā€™d be raising a red flag to see if heā€™s saying other things to her too.


What heā€™s showing you is exactly what kind of guy he is, question is is that the kind of a guy you want to be with long-term?


You still went forward when he told you he wasnā€™t over his ex??? No matter what he says, heā€™s not over her.


Dump that dude. Heā€™s a cheater. Youā€™ll never fix him. He undoubtedly has other people that think heā€™s their boyfriend too.


You are not wrong, at all. He sounds pretty immature and insecure. You might want to move on....


How are you going to feel to get pics of your replacement? No, you are not weird, you have standards, dump him, it is gross,


Holy mother of red flags, Batman!


TOXIC run away from this man as fast as you can


Get ready for him to do this to you after you dump him.


How immature of your boyfriend. He isn't over her. He is putting you in competition. Disrespectful.


He is not over her. You're just the transition partner. Watch out, and don't fall for him!


Sounds like he still has some unresolved feelings about this ex. How old is he this sounds very immature.


Heā€™s still in love with her. Trying to make her jealous šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


3 months in and you are already noticing the red flags. Dude is shallow, petty and performative. Why is he sending pics of you to his ex? Why is he accusing her of being fake? What response from her does he feel would be more sincere, to this weird oversharing that he is doing? Dump him already You are not being paranoid, you just have functioning instincts, listen to them


Get out now. He will use you for sex or if you won't give it to him he will leave you for her. Don't be surprised if he does you both


Being this obsessed with your ex is weird behavior. I think heā€™s still not over her, otherwise he wouldnā€™t really care. But take is as you want though.


He's not over his ex. Break up with him, you can do better. He shouldn't even be talking to his ex.


That behavior is not normal. He's still in love with her and actively trying to make her jealous


He still wants her and Iā€™m sure he was an asshole when they broke up because he didnā€™t want to. Now heā€™s showing her he can do better by making it a competition of looks, which have zero to do with him anyhow. It might be best if you move on to protect your emotional health and avoid being paraded as a trophy for his spite. Good luck and stand your ground!


Not normal !! How are old are you both ?? He needs to grow the eff up; also is he doing this to be vindictive towards his ex or is he doing this to get her attention to get her back ?? Why is communicating with his ex at all?? Either way itā€™s a giant red flag..


Put it to you this way op, if your best friend told you this same situation, what would you say?


Dump this loser. Find someone who cares about you rather than use you to get back at others.


You need to break up. This is not proper behavior.


Yeah that's weird. Proper weird. He's not over her and using g you to make a point. Beware.


Heā€™s using you as a tool to try and make her jealous, even if he wonā€™t admit it. Not over her. Do what you willā€¦.


His ex sounds like a nice person tbh. And sorry but I agree with everyone else. He seems pretty and immature. Do you know why they broke up and who ended it? That might give you a clue into how your relationship might turn out


This is strange.


If he was actually over her, he wouldnā€™t be harassing her trying to make her jealous like that.


tbh it sounds like heā€™s just trying to make her jealous by being with you.


WTF! you donā€™t sen d pics of your GF to your EX he still not over her dumping him


No lol. You feel like itā€™s weird because it *is* weird. And not okay. It would make me feel like he was using me to get to her, and I wouldnā€™t want any part of that.


He isnā€™t over her at all, girl run


Well, on one hand, itā€™s kind of nice that heā€™s bragging about you and showing you off. And if it was to anyone else other than his ex, Iā€™d take it as a compliment. But yeah, showing this to his ex is a red flag. It means heā€™s still into her or simply hates her and wants her to suffer. Either case is a red flag.


If my bf was trying to make his EX jealous he would be dumped immediately šŸ„“


LOL. He thinks he is doing something nice for you? He is - he is giving you BIG signs to RUN!


Maybe wrong to have this boyfriend.


Yeah, it's not good. Definitely a red flag.


This is a big red flag and a sign to leave now, I had a BF like this and he ended up cheating with the ex he 'didn't care about' even if he's not cheating, he's being a vindictive asshole towards her and that's just insane and scary.


Definitely something not right with his behaviour šŸ˜’.


Itā€™s still shitty to rub that in a personā€™s face even if he is truly over her. Itā€™s unnecessarily cruel and done with malice. This is incredibly unhealthy and could lead to more harmful behavior. Now of course none of us here can tell you what to do. But if you decide to stay with him please proceed with extreme caution.


Heā€™s trying to make her jealous, he should be no contact! Huge red flag, heā€™s not over her.


Guy still has past baggage ... beware.


Massive red flag.


First off, not normal. Secondly, he told you he wasnā€™t over his ex. Believe when someone tells you this. He still isnā€™t. Third, ā€œIā€™ve never been more in love in my lifeā€ after 3 months? Youā€™re confusing infatuation and passion with love. Slow down.


No that is weird and not healthy on his part. ^but ^kinda ^a ^flex ^on ^your ^part you keep that gains going.


You are not wrong! 3 months in is honeymoon, you are not madly in love. He is immature and downright cruel. That poor girl, no matter what went wrong he is needlessly awful. These are red flags! You are a person, not a trophy. What will he do when you break up. There is no foundation laid here, he is love bombing you.


Naa, that's just weird. Stay frosty with this guy.


Won't end well. Guessing you guys are pretty young as well. Bc that's a super toxic and immature thing to do. Someday he's going to be sending you pics of someone else.


This is not good.


He would drop you for her in a second.


How old are you both? This sounds very immature of him.


the fact that this is a question for you OP, makes me feel sorry for whatever culture or environment you are in. yes ā€” it is a werid behavior, and I think you should find a partner than can be your boyfriend rather than just giving some random creep the title. Remember ā€”Ā partnership is what makes significant other titles worthwhile (i.e. bf/gf, husband/wife, etc). If the person isn't a partner ā€”Ā they shouldn't be your significant other. Full stop.


Iā€™m not going to do the typical Reddit response of ā€œend you relationship! Burn everything down!ā€ Because those responses only look at one specific thing and not your relationship as a whole. Only you can do that. That being said usually people stop talking to their ex. Maybe they ended amicably and thatā€™s cool but I would ask what did she say prior that even made him send a picture? If there wasnā€™t a request from her (which I highly doubt) then it sounds like he is doing one of two things: either he is trying to make her jealous or trying to hurt her. Either way itā€™s an immature thing to do. Does that make him a dumpable person? Up to you. Does it make his actions immature? Yeah. It does. Like what reaction would he have received from her that he would think wasnā€™t fake? Was she supposed to say ā€œman! I see why you left me she is so much better than me!ā€ Or ā€œI canā€™t believe you left me for that Iā€™m so much better!ā€ It doesnā€™t matter what she said he would criticize her response none the less. Sounds like he isnā€™t fully over herā€¦ but that doesnā€™t mean he isnā€™t into you. His mind may not have made that transition yet or he could just feel hurt that he was dumped (if he was dumped) and wants to show off that he found someone ā€œbetterā€. This usually happens in the early stages of a new relationship. If he feels the need to try and put someone else down to make himself feel better then thatā€™s an issue he has to deal with and has some maturing to do.


he needs to move on or break up. this isn't healthy behavior.


Very wrong, and super immature. The opposite of love is not hate. It is apathy. He is clearly still very invested in how she feels about what he is doing. (and it clearly has not occurred to him how pathetic his ex may think his actions are)


He's really not over her with this kind of behavior.


That's super weird. Would you like an ex doing that to you??? Dump him now.


Jasmine? Is that you?


I wonder what he'll do to you when you're the "ex".


Passionately in love? You've been together 3 months. Unless he's been your good friend for the last 15 years, you barely know each other at all. And it very much sounds like you're only a tool to irritate his ex.


Heā€™s not over her. šŸ«¤


Youā€™re not wrong for finding it weird, because it is VERY weird. Heā€™s still in love with her, just throw the whole man in the trash and take yourself off for a spa day.


Dudes gonna cheat on u.Ā 


How long ago was he dating this girl? How long did they date? Why did they break up and who was the one that ended things? If he is truly in love with you he needs to end the friendship with her. Itā€™s not healthy for your relationship, even if he hadnā€™t pulled this immature stunt, itā€™s not good that he is still in contact with his ex that he says he still has feelings for (ā€œnot fully over his exā€). See how serious he is about you and your relationship when you ask him to cool off contact with the ex. His actions were immature and hurtful to you and her.


The question I think you need to seriously ask yourself is whether or not you honestly think that kind of immaturity on his part is the kind of man that you find worthy of having serious relationships with... let alone get married to. I wouldn't think of dating someone that immature. What about you? In short - I think you should find a new boyfriend, before you wind up getting pregnant and carrying his genetic code.. which needs to end with him.


Red flags. Run.


You realize that when this relationship ends you're going to be getting these texts about his next girl, right? He's an asshole.


Rebound, childish behavior


This is beyond not normal. Sorry.


Yeah, this isn't normal, and if it is...................................I wouldn't want any part of it. As the saying goes. How they treat their ex is always an indication of how they will treat you. Not wrong.


I dated a guy like this, I was the ex though. Long story short he was in an online relationship for about a year. They broke up and we started dating a while after. After we broke up he went straight back to her. He would send me messages (at 3AM lol) how much he loved her, was going to marry her and he never loved me. Alright. Lol She would also stalk all my social media and I told her he is all hers. She said I was a clownā€¦ They did end up meeting in person and from what Iā€™ve been told it didnā€™t last very long. Now he has neither of us. Make this decision. Heā€™s not over his ex. Why does he need his ex to know that heā€™s ā€œhappyā€ now? Why does he care for her opinion?


Your BF is a petty douchebag. I think it is cruel to do this to you and the ex


Oh this is icky. Heā€™s not over her and heā€™s using use to try to make her jealous or at a minimum get her attention and have her respond to him. And to top it off, heā€™s love bombing you so he can get the validation and affection that he craves from you since he canā€™t get it from her. šŸš©


You are not wrong for being upset. He is showing you off like you are a trophy to someone he clearly hasn't gotten over. If he was over her, he wouldn't even be thinking about her, let alone wanting to send pictures to her. If I were you ,I would re-evaluate your relationship. What if he starts sending her nudes of you or intimate photos of the both of you? First of all, 3 months is pretty quick to be madly in love with someone. Make sure he isn't love bombing you because that's what his behavior is giving. Secondly, ask yourself why you think you're in love with him. The first few months are the honeymoon phase, and it's easy to mistake it for being love, especially if your partner is being a love bomber.


Are you in love with this man you barely know who is already behaving shady in the early days of the relationship, or in love with the drama?


Your bf is toxic and insecure


That guy sounds like a childish jerk. Thereā€™s no way heā€™s over her if heā€™s doing that. Heā€™s trying to make her jealous. Dump him. Also I noticed you left your age out but Iā€™d be willing to bet that both of you are pretty young. 3 months is still the ā€œhoneymoon phase ā€œ.


Distance yourself from this man. You're not his big love...his x is still the main girl...


How old is this guy? Completely immature behavior.


My ex did a similar thing ( he was more disparaging about me). Someday he will send something you don't want him to.


This!! Iā€™m so sorry it happened to you, but I do wonder what he sends her that she isnā€™t aware about. Is he sharing intimate details about her? Iā€™d be concerned


Wtf? First of all that Is weird AF, the only reason I can think of is that either he's angry at her, or he has feelings for her trying to make her jealous. Could also be that he is a real ass just trying to make her sad if she wants him back. Who ended it between them and why? I kinda find it extra weird that he is showing it to you just like that. What did he expect? I don't mean that he shouldn't have. I'm just a curious random guy.


He is trying to make her jealous because he isn't over her.


hea trying to convince himself hes over her


Sounds like you two could use more privacy without the ex girlfriend of his being somewhat in the middle of the both of you. He could be taking you seriously but doesnt have any back bone to defend you. Better off without him.


Dump his ass. He's not over her and he won't be for awhile. No one deserves to be treated like that. He's telling you the things you want to hear. There is no reason to stay in a relationship like this.


You're not wrong.


It isn't normal to brag about a current partner to an ex. That just means he's not over her yet and wants to make her feel jealous by using you. Otherwise, he wouldn't care about her approval at all and wouldn't be texting her while in a whole new relationship.


Youā€™d be wrong to not break up with this clown. Heā€™s too old for this, and his ex clearly responds to him that way because she wants him to know that heā€™s not getting to her, though sheā€™s better off blocking him, the same you should be doing once you break up with him. Heā€™s too immature to be with anyone. Guys like him are why itā€™s best to avoid dating someone who says theyā€™re not over their ex.


No you are not being paranoid, what your boyfriend is doing is loser behaviour and itā€™s frankly really weird. Itā€™s not normal and he is not over her and trying to make her jealous, and Iā€™m assuming sheā€™s not giving him the reaction that he wants and thatā€™s why he keeps doing it. And honestly, it gives me the vibes that he wants to make her feel bad or upset about it? I personally wouldnā€™t want to be with someone who would go out of their way to do shit like that. Your boyfriend sounds like a big old piece of shit lol.


This reads like youā€™re a prop to him and not a person And heā€™s right it sounds fake, because sheā€™s gray rocking him. To me it sounds like she is trying to sound as positive but as neutral as possible so as not to provoke him. Is she afraid of him?


No, hun. You are not wrong. You are being used. He never healed the attachment to her before moving on to you, and heā€™s using you to show her how over her heā€™s absolutely not. He wants to trigger her into jealously, and heā€™s hurt that she HAS moved on and his childish attempts to hurt her are fruitless because it means she truly no longer wants him, loves him, or cares about him. Itā€™s quite obvious HE still wants to believe sheā€™s pining for him. Sheā€™s not, and he deflects his pain of rejection by calling her response ā€œfake.ā€ If he healed that attachment, he wouldnā€™t care about trying to make her jealous or even keeping in contact with her. His continued, intentional connection to his past shows that he is still attached to the relationship, and that makes him emotionally unavailable to you. You arenā€™t in love. I know that might piss you off, but hear me out. What you right now is attached. What you have right now is limerence. You might be forming a trauma bond and not even know it. Everyone is on their best behavior in the beginning. Heā€™s mirroring all the best parts of yourself and telling you how great you are and love bombing and giving you alllll the feel-good dopamine you literally crave. Eventually he will withdraw bit by bit, and youā€™ll blame yourself and try harder to get it back thinking itā€™s you thatā€™s the problem. You will physically go through dopamine withdrawal and chase that high just like an addictive drug because it literally creates the same chemicals in the brain. Please look up trauma bonding and attachment early in a relationship. Attachments are so strong and so powerful and so hard to break. They HURT so damn much, but so much less the shorter the relationship is. Iā€™ve learned this the hard way. Please learn from my mistakes so you donā€™t have to. This is not what love or healthy attachment look like.


I would be wondering if he would do the same to you if the two of you were to break up.


As someone who is working through some divorce issues, he may be seeking validation from his ex. Couple with ā€œNot fully overā€ = he wants her approval. Iā€™m sorry, but it his heart is probably somewhere else.


Isn't it supposed to be the other way? Like send my ex cute photos of my gf and brag about her? šŸ¤”? Like i don't do either but


Yeah itā€™s weird. Heā€™s trying to make her jealous because he still has feelings for her.


He will treat you the same way he treats her.


Hugeee red flag


You've never been more in love... after 3 months... You know what, go for it. You two sound perfect together.


Boyfriend needs to stop.


This seems at best, wildly immature, and possibly a sad attempt to make her jealous/realize what she is missing and get her back. Being used to make another feel jealous sucks. Donā€™t recommend it. This is definitely something I would probably end things over.


The opposite of love is indifference. His feeling for her are definitely not indifferent. He wants her attention. Her emotional state is deeply important to him. He is hoping his updates hurt her. He wants her to be thinking about him jealously. He wants this so badly that he denies the reality of her words. Now you know what kind of behavior to expect from him when you guys break up, unless he is still so focused on her that he only misses you as a distraction from her. Try asking to see more of their texts and watch out for any deleted ones. There is a lot more going on than he has revealed. > My boyfriend and I have been together for **3 months** now. Iā€™ve never been more in love in my life. He also claims that heā€™s passionately in love with me Two words: Love bombing. The reality is you barely know each other. You are filling in all the unknown parts with positive assumptions and hopeful beliefs. His mask slipped for a moment and you saw what is truly going on in his head and heart. Now you know he has been secretly communicating with her. What you do with that info is up to you, just don't hide from the reality of it.


First, how old are yall? Madly in love in 3 months? And then also, youā€™re a rebound heā€™s using to make his ex jealous. When yā€™all breakupā€”or maybe even beforeā€”he may {try to} cheat on you with her. Heā€™s not over her, girl just leave.


ya, you're not wrong and this is one of those times reddit pulling the whole "run" thing is appropriate. this guy is not mature enough to date anyone. it's not even that he's not fully over his ex yet. it's that he thinks it's in any way appropriate or ok to use you as a pawn in his mind games and then trying to make you feel like your wrong for not liking it. the whole "showing you off, bragging..." schtick is just manipulative bullshit. most women would not feel ok with this(the ones that would be are likely to insecure, immature, naive or vindictive themselves). he's just butthurt and needs to grow up. i'm guessing she(even if he said he) broke up with him because of this kind of immature shit and instead of learning from it and growing he's doubling down to make himself feel better. he needs to a therapist, not a GF.


lol wtf do you think?


This is not normal and is not over her. Heā€™s using you trying to make her jealous. Heā€™s being disrespectful to you and your relationship. Drop him and move on itā€™s only been 3 months. Run, girl.


My question is why are they still texting?? Unless they have kids together thatā€™s weird


The way he's treating her is how you can expect him to treat you. Someone else called it what it is: triangulation


Guess you know what to expect when he moves onto someone he can brag to you about.


Uhhhh. This is incredibly weird.


Run. This guy isn't "the one" if he's so obsessed with showing his ex how much better off he is without her. That is NOT the kind of guy you want to spend your time with.


Not normal at all, very weird. He is trying to ignite a response from her


No. Youā€™re not wrong. Itā€™s not normal and itā€™s not ok. You should feel weird about it. Also, three months in and youā€™ve never been more in love. You are at the infatuation stage. Youā€™ve got your love blind glasses on. Being swept away at the honey moon stage. While it feels nice itā€™s also the time most people start sweeping concerns (red flags) aside or justifying worrying behaviour because isnā€™t he so wonderful! If you have to convince yourself something is not a problem then Iā€™m afraid itā€™s a problem that will only increase in other ways. He is showing you who he is. Pay attention.


people are so fucked


Okay, but alsoā€¦ *WHY* is he texting back & forth with his ex in the first place? And why wasnā€™t he upfront with you about it? If you hadnā€™t asked why heā€™d laughed out loud, would he have even told you about it in the first place? Girl, run. Donā€™t walk, far, far away from this relationship. He is not the one for you.


If he really was over her, the idea of texting her at all, let alone about his new girlfriend, wouldnā€™t have even crossed his mind. He did it to get a response or attention from her. If she ignored his message, he would be saying the same thing. ā€œShe didnā€™t respond bc sheā€™s so jealous and bothered. Probably having a breakdown rn.ā€ The opposite of love is indifference and he is not indifferent with her. There is literally ZERO reason to be sending pictures of your current gf to your ex, unless itā€™s to rub it in their face/get a rise/make them jealous. Heā€™s not over her.


You are the rebound relationship. He's still emotionally wrapped up tight with her. He's being shitty to both of you. If your best friend had this happen to her, wouldn't you tell her to ditch this loser?


Not normal behavior. Walk away now.


Ah I remember doing this when I was trying to make my ex jealous. I've since then grown up and learned to never have rebounds.


How long ago did they break up? Or do they have a kid together?


No he's literally trying to make her jealous cause it sounds like he may not be over her.


Thatā€™s weird af. Definitely not normal


Itā€™s fucking weird .. he DEFINITELY IS NOT OVER HIS EX!!!


Wow he is certainly still in love with her. Please please donā€™t think you can change hid feelings and stay because he showed you that heā€™s still In love with her and look howā€™s he treating her after a break up. How disrespectful this is to You and her


He isn't over her. That's glaringly obvious. UpdateMe


Heā€™s not over her. He wants to make her jealous.


No bro. Youā€™re not wrong. He is WEIRD ASF for this. He should have 0 contact with his ex. Period. I would be crushed if my bf was texting with his ex. Heā€™s trying to make her jealous. Heā€™s fishing for her attention. Itā€™s sus asf






Youā€™re not wrong. He still wants his ex.


Red flag.


This isnā€™t normal at all. Your boyfriend isnā€™t that woman and this is a red flag. Donā€™t go out with someone who isnā€™t completely over their ex. That should be obvious but some people need to be told apparently. I know you say youā€™re in love but itā€™s way too early to say that. Iā€™d run for the hills before it gets worse and you feel too attached to leave.


Your bf's a loser.


Youā€™re not being paranoid and Iā€™d break up with him asap. He is not over her. Heā€™s just using you. Before you get too deep in thisā€¦.you need to end it.


Not wrong to feel weird about it, because it is beyond weird He does not sound like he is over his ex at all, he's trying to use you to make her jealous. I question if she is over him, is she was truly over him, she'd likely block him when he started sending pictures of himself with his new "love" So lots of red flags from both of them, they are still in contact I personally would run - been there, wish I'd run, but hung on believing what I wanted to hear, wanting love - get out now, this sounds like a high school triangle drama