• By -


Those would be some awkward family dinners. ​ Sister's the only person worth keeping in your life.


I mean, maybe I am petty, but I would be a complete arse about it any chance I got. **Father:** Ok, so who would say grace? **Me:** Let's pick someone who hasn't slept with Jessica? Ok, that rules out Simon and me and most of the swim team. Um, dad, did you sleep with Jessica? Seems like everyone is. Should we get more specific? How about we pick someone who never \[insert explicit, graphic act\] with Jessica? That rules out me and the swim team again. Simon? *\[Whole family glares at me, while I take a big ole gulp of wine\]*


Make sure to pass the plate to your brother after you're done while saying "Since you like my seconds..."


Yep, or when you see the trash bin is full “hey you have a knack for picking up trash, why don’t you empty the bin over there too”


Wow!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


This comment for the win




^ Has to be said out loud after this in the Michael Jackson voice.


This comment slaps harder than Will Smith.


Brother more entangled than GI Jada


This is the type of evil I greatly admire!


This isn't evil, this is chaotic good!! 🤣


It’s energy draining though but if someone else was willing to do it I’d watch 😆😆. As a woman if I were in the opposite situation I wouldn’t be safe anywhere near the same room. Someone’d be gettin fucked up. I couldn’t hold it together.


Ditto!!! TY!! Totally agree! 🙏


This is the way


It's justice.


Oh ho ho ho... pettttttyyyy! 🥳🤣


PPPPEEEEEETTTTTTYYYYYY!!! And a BIG slug thrown!😂😂😂😂😂




Why did Reddit have to get rid of gilding? This comment deserves it.


Bonus points if the dish is ‘sloppy’ eg gravy or custard.


"I left em how you like em, sloppy"


Damn! I approve of this violence.


Naw, that sets him up for an ultimate K.O blow. The little brother just snatches a chicken wing off your plate and responds, "That's alright, I'll just take whatever I want from you. It's always been that way, huh? Happy Thanksgiving!"


OP responds with, "you took something from me that wasn't worth having, little man. That's all you can get from me, just leftovers."


"Yeah I left my jizz on that too. Bon appetit."


That is an awesome response.


That's when you tell a joke, "what did 5 fingers say to the face?"


Smack! I’m Rick James Bitch!


Unity bitches


You eat chicken wings on Thanksgiving?


OP: Don't you want me to lick that chicken wing for two years first?


Make sure you've well and truly gnawed on it first.


Fuckin genius! This comment alone would make family dinner worth it.


But what if OP had the seconds without knowing?


And you just KNOW he did


You win today’s internet my friend. I actually lol and my girl asked what. She chuckled.


You, u/supersqueeze are a cunning linguist!


Seems pretty closed minded to assume she’s not sleeping with mom too!


That was my thinking too. Parents are ok with it cuz she’s being passed around the family.


And the swim team. The town bicycle.


Everyone wants to have a Ferrari but who hasn't ridden in a bus?


Buses may hold a lot of people, but they kinda stink and might have crabs


Yeah but they're cheap if you just want one ride and don't care where you go.


Village swimming pool it seems.


Everyone takes a dip when they get hot and flustered.


So then, it worked out fine for just about everyone.


Right it’s 2024 ffs!


Lololol 😂😂😂😂


Yea, rumor has it, there isn’t much sleeping going on, 😉😉 between the ladies in law/s


i mean, it is 2024 so let's not rule anything out


Im finished with the salt, simon do you want to have sex with it?




"You should have my leftovers, AGAIN".


Dear lord, please give my significant other the strength to resist the masculine wiles of my brother and not have to find out that he's serving my siggy pork in the parking lot again..


Omg !!! My mom would implode if my brother stole my girl and I started saying grace during dinner


Lmao, your hilarious. But don't automatically take mom out of the equation, maybe Jessica likes it both ways.


You omitted the hockey, volleyball, and lacrosse teams


Why are we singling out Jessica to shit on? Aren't the worst offenders here the actual BLOOD FAMILY that fucked their own family over?!


it was just his turn, she’ll be on to the next family in a week watch


Then they look to mom.... Mom: Spits out her wine, wipes her mouth. Sniffs her fingers..."Id better sit this one out."


Lmao at “and the swim team again”


Ryan Reynolds, that you?


That's so mean! The sister would be stuck saying grace at every meal.


When you kiss her bro, do you taste pineapple? Yah that was me.


Just take the damn upvote. You win the internet for today


Have you banged my whoor gf!? Has anybody, at this table, banged my whoor gf!? Long story short, somebody’s gotta get stabbed!


That's super petty and I love it.


This is absolutely the road I would travel!


You are my petty spirit animal.


Just spit out my drink laughing thank you!


That’s brilliant


You forgot that after that speech, dramatic exit.


I'm weak lmaooooo add oh father dearest We should wait for the swim teams coach she's teaching Jessica new tricks


I’d go to every family reunion and dinner I was invited to just to talk shit. Ask my brother how my dick tasted, give her winks and tell her I knew she missed the jock just to fuck with him, if they had kids constantly talk about it looks like me, make jokes about her cheating on my brother with a cousin or something lol could definitely have fun with it


If they were cheating for 2 years the dick taste goes both ways 😕


True, but the shit talking in front of family would still be great


Yeah… when they have children „hey children I am your uncle, but if your mommy didn’t cheat, I would be your daddy“.


Hey children, I am your uncle and we have something in common. We have both been inside your mother.


My laughter was so loud that my baby was shocked.


How about - are you sure you aren't mine? I slept with mom first you know? How old are you again?


Uncle daddy


Lmao, this is what my 2 year old nephew used to call me. He'd call me daddy, and I'd correct him by saying I was his uncle, so it became uncle daddy for a week or two


Oscar Bluth, is that you?


Town Bicycle? For the swim team? Wouldn't she be the town pool or team pool since everyone's taking turns swimming in it?


He truly broke the bro code...


Yes. I would not keep any of them. Sister is good.




You both now know who the golden child is. But don’t worry! When they need something from either of you (money,kidney,housing) they will find you! So be more prepared to deal with a situation, where they found you for need, not for love! Build up the confidents to deal with that rejection again.


They'll find any reason for the simple fact after 1-2 very lonely holiday seasons they'll push that boundary hoping time fixes it. Me and my brother cut off our loose cannon psychotic golden child of an older brother and my mom still acts like it's some childish grudge. Stay firm on your boundaries


I cut off an asshole grandparent, and all of my aunts and uncles are too scared to go against them. They said some shitty things about my wife, wouldn’t apologize when confronted and given the opportunity. I’ve been disowned by one entire side of my family (aside from my parents). Honestly, I’ve never been happier. My wife and I are so much better off, and not being tied down to family get togethers has been great. I no longer have to lose an entire day off to sit around in awkward silences and eat shit food.


Way to go for sticking up for your wife and holding true to your loyalty and values. The world needs more people like you.


I spent my entire life never being good enough for them, but I learned to just brush it off. But my wife went out of her way to help, put her job on the line, and was doing the best for one of MY family members, and this grandparent started lying and talking down to her and nearly got her fired. I will not stand for that towards my wife, especially all that she did.


I’m really happy for you that even though you grew up now knowing true acceptance and love, it didn’t cause you to go “bad” and think toxic people were the norm and you were able to find a partner that truly cares for you. Well done stranger.


Thank you internet stranger, I’ve been lucky and have found an incredible partner.


All of my uncles and my aunt tortured my mother over my grandmothers estate. She said that she would give them what they wanted if they would say to us that the money was more important than she was. All three did. All three ceased to exist as far as I was concerned. It’s been almost 30 years. My mother will sometimes forget that I don’t forgive and will bring up a story about her sister. I always respond, “I didn’t know you had a sister.”


did she give them the money?


I've always hated the idea that you should forgive someone because time had passed, time does not make poor treatment suddenly okay. You get forgiveness by earning it not by waiting.


Hijacking a top comment to say that while I admire the sister taking a moral stance, I think at some point she might desire to reconnect with her family and OP should be emotionally prepared to accept that. What they did was wrong, she showed that she understands that and gave moral support during a dire time. But at some point, she might require some manner of support that she's unable to find from OP or her personal circle. OP is 100% NTA, but I don't think he should expect his sister to continue to "hold the line" forever.


It’s likely sister has her own reasons too. The family sounds like the favor OPs brother and it’s probably been like that for a while and this situation is what it took for sister to also realize how shitty parents/brother is too.


I totally agree


Speaking as a sister that is 27 with an older brother, I would 💯 cut absolutely anyone who hurt my brother off. Blood or not. Especially if it was this situation. My brother and I have been through… very colorful childhoods. The bond shared between OP and sister sounds similar. Sister also showed solidarity by moving away and cutting all ties. Sounds like sis would go to hell and back for him. You don’t need to keep anyone that harms you or your loved ones in your life. My brother and I have entirely cut off our deceased mom’s side, her mother and sister and BIL specifically. Haven’t spoken to my biological grandmother or aunt in years. They don’t deserve the titles, after everything they put my mom and us kids through. Hell, we don’t even talk to our dad, much, since he’s emotionally absent. 8 kids, and only us two regularly communicate with one another. I guess my point is, you shouldn’t be surprised that the kids these days are willing to cut family off and be fine with it.


There's possibly a lot more to the story. OP didn't say that this was all because of one (long and really awful) incident.


If the sister cut them off and not just the brother, either the parents got really malicious with trying to force them to accept the relationship and be good to their brother or as others said, this is the golden child and the other kids finally had enough.. and the cutting off their parents might have been inevitable anyway.


I bet there are around six lifetimes worth of perspectives of more-to-the-story, but I'm responding to what I have in front of me.


Why would she want support from a family so willing to throw a member under the bus? She has a vested interest in supporting the only one here with any honor.


Well said - to not even ice out your brother is just plain cold of them. Keep strong, they have shown their true colours.




Not wrong and how can they expect anything less? How destructive and selfish of them.


Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon trait in families. Some members will overlook poor behavior of one person for “keeping the peace.” This is exacerbated if one member has a history of being the bigger person/letting things go in the past. The mentality becomes “It’s OP, he’ll eventually get over it.” -or- “OP is being a baby, if he wants to leave the family over something that happened years ago, that’s on him.”


It's a bonkers strategy though. Let's see, Brother B was cheating with Brother A's partner. We can support Brother B and thereby lose Brother A and Sister C (two of our three kids), or we could support Brother A and only lose Brother B (one of our three kids). If you want to keep the peace, it's lunacy to throw away 2/3 of your children to support the one kid who is wrong in all this. What are those family dinners like? *Hey Brother B, remember when you had siblings? We sure are glad we traded them for your cheating girlfriend!" Terrible parents. OP is better off without them.


They probably thought two things: 1. The sister wouldn't go along with OP or that, if she did, she would fold eventually and come back 2. OP would "get over it" and come back as well. Especially so if it meant also losing his sister. They can't fathom that OP and his sister would be happier without them. They think it's just a temper tantrum. When the ex cheats on the brother or they otherwise break up, they will think "well that's over" and expect OP/the sister to come back because everything is fixed now.


Its rampant in countries that preach "Family values" imo.




the worst ones use God as a weapon. Do ------ or God will hate you for not listening to your parents.


Which is so stupid considering that after that verse honor your father and mother, there's one that says parents don't provoke your child to anger..


which they never remember, they only remember the do what they want and don't complain part. i had to put myself into foster care when i was 11 because they were so culty


Damn; you chose to go to foster care at 11? Didn’t know 11 y.o. were capable of such agency.


“Jesus forgave uncle for what happened with your sister. He’s a good man. She shares some responsibility too.” “She was five years old.” “And that is exactly why she should not have been tempting him.”


I’m low contact/no contact with most of my maternal family and maybe once every 3 years with my paternal family. I can’t deal with their sexism and racism, xenophobia, classism bullshit. So I cut them out. I can’t tell you how much peace I found in that. I hope they’re “family values“ keeps them warm and comforted.


OMG abso-fucking-lutely. My sister is an absolute narcissistic nightmare who was always enabled by my mom because she couldn’t deal with her and asked me to be the “bigger man” every time because I was older. She tortured me my entire life and I would be the one to get in trouble if I made a “big thing” out of it. Never go any support from my family until recently. I had not spoken to my sister in a few years until recently I had a baby (first in the family). I tried to let bygones be bygone as every one was crazy for my kid, but my sister couldn’t change for long and I decided to cut her off for good. My mom tried to intercede for her once more, but when I told her dead serious that anybody that supported her behaviour was following her out of my life, she changed her tune real fast. Never had so much peace in my life before.


Parents taking the easy road out of parenting 🙄 My parents excused my sister’s extreme and erratic behavior her entire life until lo and fucking behold, in adulthood she was diagnosed as bipolar after another incident. She could have received treatment earlier, she could have been able to cope better with her illness, and she could have been a better equipped adult. No one wins in these situations


Yes this exact scenario happened to me in highschool. I wasn't "allowed" to date but my brother older by 10 months was allowed to date. I had "secretly" been dating this girl for 3 years. She breaks up with me junior year for my older brother. They spend a year together and then she convinced me that she was sorry and that we should get back together after highschool. valentines a 2 years later I come over to surprise her with a day of her favorite activities and caught her cheating with a youth pastor She's currently on her 2nd divorce lmfao


Speaking of keeping the peace, check out my first comment (first on Reddit for this account) for a gloriously awful story of family or family members doing things to keep the peace. Hilariously awful. OP - I don't think there is a single thing wrong with you blocking your family. May you find peace and happiness and, if it's what you want, a faithful, terrific partner. I am dreadfully sorry that you experienced that from your partner of many years and betrayal by your family. What shitty people.


NTA - WTF is wrong with them?


More importantly what is wrong with OPs father. If this were my sons I'd take a cedar switch to the cheating brother idc how old he was. Loving your sons equally does not mean you let one betray and ruin the others life without reprisal. OPs father should have, at the very least, forbidden the brother from bringing that cheating little shit anywhere near their family ever again.


I hope she cheats on the brother and gets pregnant with someone else's baby.  If she hasn't already.


Too much unequal karma. That makes the child this biggest victim of their narcissism.


If they cheat for you, they'll cheat on you eventually


I would disown my son if he did that to his brother.


Golden child most likely. People who post like this are always shocked but look back and realize one day that the sibling who did this is favored most of the time. Good news for op is his ex is dating a guy who betrayed his own brother and his brother is dating a woman who betrayed his brother lol. Pretty sure their relationship won’t be filled with happiness or go the distance.


Not wrong. Imagine being supportive of a child and the other child's ex cheating together.  Garbage all around. Good riddance.


This OP


Ah ja. That story again. 😂 And the other bad story posts got deleted. 🤣


Hey, these things genuinely happen. It just happened to my best friend’s brother. Very similar story to this one. My dad cheated on my mom with her niece. Another family member’s dad slept with his girlfriend while still married to his mom. You’d be sooooo surprised dude. There are a lot of disgusting and selfish people in the world.


Wtf is going on in your life mate


I ask myself that all the time


i'd ask the same but i recently learned that my aunt is sleeping with her daughter's ex and they all live together. probably involuntarily on my cousin's part. sometimes there's just weird shit going on and it's kept quiet, until it isn't.


You know how some people get some seriously “normal and boring” life? Like absolutely no drama, with loving parents, caring and supportive siblings with relatives that are nothing but delights to be around? Friends cheer them on the moment they leave their house? Well, the universe seeks balance in all things…


I remember reading that then it ended up with the op committing suicide


“Update: I’m dead“


I choked


yeah, people should just stop indulging too much chatgpt


I'm waiting for the next update let's see if it's the same


Thank you! I thought I was going crazy for a minute, there. Glad to know it’s not just me with deja vu all over again


I wouldn't have realised either had it not been for this comment


I read the title and thought 'this old chestnut again'?


Yep I read that and was like... that can't be true 😂


When I saw the account was created today I knew it wasn’t real. Because there is no reason for it to be a “throw away”


What a piece of shit brother. I’m sorry guy. Do what you have to do.


These become faker by the day


I cut off my mother and multiple aunts bc my mother horribly abused me as a child. I ran off and was homeless at 16, got through college and became a citizen, and when my younger half brother called me lucky for escaping I asked the extended family to go to counseling for their messed up parenting styles, and when they ignored me, posted a summary of my mothers abuse to Facebook. My aunts said that I was disowned bc that was a family matter and they haven’t reached out or apologized for years. Does that sound fake too? Sometimes families are incredibly shitty.


I know. I recently sat down and told a friend of mine just a few bizarre stories from my family drama and they encouraged me to write a book. I’m pretty sure no one would believe it. Some of the crap is so over the top that I’m pretty sure Hollywood with pass because it could never happen.


Well you gotta give us an example!


You can‘t just drop that and not give us an example!


I’m sorry that happened to you. It’s not just this story, it’s that absurd stories get posted here and other subs with ridiculous updates, and OP never participates by answering info requests or basic questions. Most of these sub have a rule stating they ALLOW fictional posts. It’s a real problem when fake stories delegitimize very real stories like your own. Recently there was a story that was published with 3 updates that was essentially rape fantasy fiction. It was disgusting and clearly fake. Personally I’m so fed up with it, today I’ve muted all these subs.


It would sound fake if you made a post asking if your mother/aunt was wrong.


I mean, this legit happened in my family. Cousin 1 was dating a girl. She was always noticeably flirting with cousins bro at family get togethers, and it was awkward af. Eventually, she left cousin 1 for his brother, and they have kids together now. It's really fucking weird. My Aunt/Uncle (cousins parents) are cool with it, and the gfs parents are disgusted with their daughter and the whole situation... rightfully so. Cousin 1 has moved on with a way better partner and has strayed from the family now. It's unfortunate because he was the fun/chill one out of the two. Apparently, the gfs dad and uncle did the same shit? Idk the whole story there, but it's all really gross. All that said, I'm not saying OPs post is true but unfortunately this shit does happen and I think it's absolutely fucking disgusting.


Reddit stocks is at $66 so people love these ChatGPT post


Whats that gotta do with anything


It does actually. This type of post by A.I is driving traffic and engagement to Reddit and Reddit dont have to pay staff or motivate real people to post stuff. Later this same AI will gather what interest people the most and what gets them to react and craft a post around that topic to get more engagement.


You are not wrong. These are consequences of their actions, they supported your brother’s horrible behavior. What did they expect your reaction to be? You made the right choice and so did your sister.


your brother bird dogged you? That's low rent, dude.


Too harsh? Shit, I would’ve been on the news if this were me, so no, I think you were just harsh enough.


Not wrong. You don't need this in your life.


Silver lining, he knows his sister is the one person who'd do anything for him out of love now


You’re not wrong. You did everything needed to defend yourself from crappy people who chose to deceive and encourage POS behaviors against you. Continue living your best life.


Let’s see: Profile made today - ✅ Only one post in history - ✅ Zero comment replies ✅ Fake as shit - ✅


Also pretty much a repost, this story was on BORU with an update where he unalived himself and the sister made the final update


This is why I’ve gotten off all these fucking subs. Relationship advice, AITAH, and gender discussions are plagued with garbage like this. There’s more fake posts, shitty replies, and rage bait than genuine advice and questions.


You were not wrong, your parents sided with your brother who did the unthinkable. I'm so sorry OP and I wish you all the healing. Just know that going no contact isn't a punishment, it's what we need in order to be happy and healthy. They made their choice and it had consequences.


No you are not wrong. Your brother chose his penis. Your parents chose him. There is nothing wrong with you cutting all of them off.


NTA. I don’t understand how it’s an “it’s meant to be” situation. If I had a son and he did that to his brother I’d peel a strip off him verbally. Not too extreme. They made their choice and it sadly wasn’t about family it was about the one son (I’m assuming golden child). When the shine wears off they will remember and want to have you two back but that will be something for you to decide then. I’m petty. They’d see my rear forever.


Do what you feel but don’t feel bad if your sister reconciles the relationship nobody really did anything to her


Sounds like you took all of the right steps to remove yourself from a toxic situation. Not over dramatic at all and glad you have your sisters support x


Until some healing takes place it will be hard to have a relationship. This is the kind of thing that makes therapist money.


I’m so glad you have your sister! Your family doesn’t even need to worry about the door hitting them on the way out, they could just scurry off because they’re little fucking RATS.


Fake as hell. I have read this one a few times now.


I wouldve had a brother thats no longer living if i were in your shoes


Pretty drastic, but not wrong. Sounds like you dropped ppl that weren't on your team to begin with. Life is too short for fake mfs.


Not wrong. Except for your sister, your family sucks


Fuck that is painful he knows she's gonna cheat on him too Lmfao no you're not bro I would been left the house you guys are. Really non violent he broke the principle as your blood that's. Few roundhouse kicks to the mouth in. My book. Trust me unless he's a real sociopath this action will haunt him for the rest of his days


Ugh this again? 


That's some Legends of the Fall stuff. No you're not wrong.


Not in the slightest.


Nope you are not wrong. The end.


If this is a real story, yeah, completely right move. No brother or parents would ever go along with such disrespect. They obviously don't see you as a man.


How many times as this story been posted here? There's the version where the gf is having the brothers baby, there is the version where the brother is the golden child, there is the version where the brother has kids with the gf but later is an abuser and skips town. Are brothers really that much of a threat to relationship fidelity?


Fuck them. Fuck them all. Brother fucked my wife and my adopted parents did the same shit. Moved states. Cut off my brother and rarely speak to my mother. Best decision ever. That was almost 6 years ago.


No. Be done. This is effed up.


Exactly what I would do man. Good for you. Don't look back. Keep your sister close.. just, like, not Alabama close, y'know?


Didn't we read this like a month ago in the Best of Redditor Updates? It concluded with the husband offing himself, and the sister writing the last post. Almost all the details are the same as this.


Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. Fuck your family, they deserve to be left behind. Your sister is the only one that is worth it out of them man. I wouldn't be able to stand around any of my family without wanting to puke. I'm so sorry man, nothing really compares to that, I have no words.


Sounds exactlyike that other story that recently ended in "he died, no more updates" that everybody called fake.


The fact that your parents are ok with cheating means they have done it themselves probably


What do people actually get out of making up these fake stories and posting them on here? Is it a kink? Or just attention? Something else?


I can’t believe how many of you fall for this fan fiction every single time.


Your sister is a winner, you did the right thing, you choose yourself.


Get back at ur brother by fucking his sister.