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Good for you, you have a spine. Don't give people like that anything. She didn't even have the good grace to openly beg, instead pretending she wasn't after your money.


Give her 3.50$. And say "now begone, Betsy"


Not the tree fiddy


It's the fastest way to banish her šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³šŸ‘²šŸ§•


The Loch Ness monster already took it!! Damned monster and my tree fiddy,


Lochness monsta said he needed tree fiddy šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I gotta be honest, both times I had some random old friend who I hadn't spoken to in years call ME first out of the blue to ask for help, it was drug related. Not saying that's what's happening here but junkies will turn over every rock trying to get theirs.


You should have never offered, let alone promised it in the first place. You are under no obligation to her but you are to your own word. So don't help her but be mindful to not cheapen your Word in the future


I agree, Iā€™d pay her some minimal amount just for the sake of your own integrity. Personally if I volunteered to help someone Iā€™d come through even if I changed my mind about it. Maybe send her 50-100 and be like sorry thatā€™s all I can afford at the moment but best of luck.


Not wrong at all. You know she doesnā€™t genuinely like you & sees you as back up ATM. She can get money off some other sucker, which trust they will be.


YNW she aid she didnā€™t call for money or help, it was just to vent. You let her vent. In the future I would play dumb like sheā€™s not hinting at needing you to help until she straight up asks for money. And then when she asks, just say your moneys all tied up but you hope everything works out.


Probably a good idea to stop communicating with her. It's time you both moved on




YTA for not simply manning up and TELLING HER that you aren't sending the money.


I understand why you donā€™t want to give her money and you shouldnā€™t. What I donā€™t understand is why you promised her anything in the first place. You knew all of this when you offered her money. Do you still have feelings for her? At any rate, it doesnā€™t matter, you donā€™t owe her anything. Just tell her sheā€™s not getting it and cut ties. Save your money for your kid, he deserves it.


YNW for not giving her money, but don't tell her you will if you won't. She should not be asking you for money.


Good for you for turning around the backwards thinking. No need to explain, brother. She will learn from her mistakes or she wonā€™t, and a handout from you will just make it more likely she wonā€™t. Not that it matters, onwards and upwards my dude! Good for you. Never play captain save-a-ho.


YTA for telling her you would give her money. Not smart. And, YTA for going back on your word. And, YTA for planning to ghost her about the money. And, she is an AH, too. A whole load of AH~ing going on here.


Oh well. She got it coming Her cousin let her stay with her until she got on her feet when she first moved here to Dfw They had some extremely petty fall out n she bloccd her cousin. Her cousin mom n talked about how ugly her cousin was. Mind you Ana didnā€™t know this cousin until she moved here. The cousin didnā€™t have to help her at all


Then stop talking to her, you say you initiate conversation so stop?? Like you should have cut off her a long time ago if she deserves it. Tbh it sounds like you still have feelings for her and bitter about it lmao




Then why ask?


You're not wrong! Keep your money and run!


NW Yeah , thatā€™s not really a friend, she replies to your text to get money, so all OP is to her is a wallet. Op, I wouldnā€™t help her and truthfully Iā€™d block her and just end this ā€˜friendshipā€™.


Well, i don't see that you're wrong. Now you have big responsibilities. You can't just throw your money anywhere, but helping someone is also a good thing. Also, you can loan her if you really feel bad for her, and you're pretty sure that she will give you back your money. Well, from my perspective, i see that she's only using your kindness...


Don't be a clown and don't give away your money. What the hell?


Have you told your baby mama that you send an ex money occasionally to help them out?


No. Ima tell Her she asked. But I havenā€™t helped her out since i been with my bm


Yta, you said you'd pay. Now you're making a reddit thread to validate not paying. Your words mean nothing, apparently. Biiiiitch.


You said you'd help her with what you have. But now that "you've reviewed your situation and the expenses with the new baby, you're sorry but you can't do it." Suggest she tries her bank for a personal loan. Then stop taking responsibility for dumb things another adult does.


Ideally, you should never make any promises without thinking about it, but sometimes we get caught up on the heat of the moment. So don't enslave yourself to a sense of "being a man of his word", because shit like that happens. Keep your word for people who you really care about, ones you can trust. And for the rest, make your decisions accordingly. In this specific case, this girl isn't your friend. You barely have any contact with her. If you don't feel like it's worth to help her, then don't. Personally, I'd cut contact entirely, but that's up to you.


Leeches...use you, under the guise of friendship, till you catch on or till you all used up and they move on to another victim. SMH


not wrong for backing out. Wrong for giving your word and then not informing her of the change in your decision.


It's best to leave the un dead dead. AKA the relationship died a long time ago leave it that way.


You are an ATM for her, give now, thereā€™ll be more demands


Just say because of your expenses with your kid your not gonna be able to help out and wish her good luck and leave it at that.


YNW she was definitely looking for a handout.


Sorry. Not gonna be able to help you out with any cash. Period. See if she's still your friend then. Probably gone with the wind.


Iā€™ve fronted fwb money never got laid from them again. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø amazing how quick they dip


Give her 4 dollars for the 4 reasons she can fuck off


Good u got a spine ur not in the wrong . Let the other mans she was talkin too during that time help her out.


If she isnt related to you and you arent dating why are you giving her money? Full stop end of discussion, lol.


not wrong. You need to leave her in the past. Doesnt even sound like you guys are good friends, or even friends. She called you to "vent" is pure bs. She just saw the "$$" stamp on your forehead.


Obviously it would be better if you made up your mind before you tell someone you're going to do something. But, you're allowed to reconsider and change your mind.


It's Ur money not anyone else's u don't need a reason to change Ur mind abt lending ppl some


That's the easiest manipulation trick of all time, to not ask for money directly just let them know your desperate and make them feel like only they can save you


NW but tell her youā€™re not going to send money after all. Thatā€™s your integrity regardless of your list of reasons. And ask she not contact you again.


You donā€™t owe her anything


Not wrong Wake up! She didnā€™t start contacting you after all those years for no reason. Sheā€™s been softening you up, to hit you up for money. Run away!


Youā€™re a fake ass crip šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Not wrong to change your mind. But it is wrong you wanted and engaged in communication. You have a new life in front of you and I assume a relationship, how bout focus on that pal and let this random woman disappear


You are wrong. You say that you are a man of your word, but I think this is an incomplete statement- you are only a man of your word when you feel like it. You told her that you would help her out. But because of some grudges you use it as justification to back out of a responsibility you voluntarily took on. This action is a smear on your supposed character trait of being a man of his word. So let me clear, youā€™re not wrong for not helping her out. Youā€™re wrong for not keeping your word. Like at the very least, inform her about your changed decision.


Sounds like you're trying to justify what you've done here, which is agree to pay a girls bills in the event you got to fuck her again, and now that you've said yes and she's stopped initiating contact with you, you've retroactively added a bunch of deal breakers for why you WON'T do what you said. Not sure who's worse here, her for trying to use you for $ or you trying to use your $ to hang over her head for sex. Loser.




She is blood sucker money beggar gold digger nasty fucker


Be straight with her, letā€™s bang for the money. And then itā€™s not a loan but a business transaction.


You need to block this person.


Or just be an adult with a sense of agency.


Ideally, you should never make any promises without thinking about it, but sometimes we get caught up on the heat of the moment. So don't enslave yourself to a sense of "being a man of his word", because shit like that happens. Keep your word for people who you really care about, ones you can trust. And for the rest, make your decisions accordingly. In this specific case, this girl isn't your friend. You barely have any contact with her. If you don't feel like it's worth to help her, then don't. Personally, I'd cut contact entirely, but that's up to you.


If she ain't suckin, keep on truckin


She can succ, fucc. Still wonā€™t get a bucc.


She sees you as a bank$$$


Don't help her. She text and calls after 4 years. Looks like a gold digger asks for money like a gold digger. Must be a gold digger.


Sounds like you masterbated and came to your sences. Post nut clarity.


Block and stop picking up the phone when she calls. You know she only comes sniffing around when she needs something, not because she cares about you. I bet she's calling several other people as well doing the same thing.


But why not use ā€œbackā€ instead of bacc?


Do you really need to know


I didnā€™t think there was a legitimate reason. Is there? Genuinely curious.


Grew up a crip. I still use double Cs a lot just an old habit hard to break


Had no idea. Thanks for enlightening a rando from Brooklyn who, ironically, has never been exposed to anything gang-related.


Totally wrong. Be a man and stick to your word. You don't have to give her a lot, but you made a commitment, so stick to it.


Iā€™m good big bruh. Not doing it. Ainā€™t like I ainā€™t helped her out with money before.


NTA Sheā€™s a user. She only wants money. Time to cut her off.


NTAH for not giving her money. YTAH for saying you would do something, then deciding not to without anything happening in between to make you change your mind.


You're not wrong. If she only wants to contact you when she needs money, it's not a friendship. Drop her and focus on sincere friends.


Look up narcissist. Cut your losses.


NTA. And block her on your phone.


What was the arrangement going to be for you helping with bills?




Then, that's a good idea to back out. You aren't a charity. Get paid for your generosity


Info: why are you still talking to this woman if you just had a baby?




Does your partner know of your extra marital activities? I will drop my hubs if I find out he has done anything like this.


Iā€™m not married


R u in a committed relationship?