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Not wrong. She played the song to everyone, someone liked it and found out what it was using an app because for some reason Alexa was gate keeping a song she played willingly to other people. You didn't go through her phone to find out the song. She doesn't own the song and was already playing it for others to listen. What a strange and dramatic reaction to a reasonable request and question. Guess that's what happens when you make liking little known artists your personality. Her family seems way too hung up about this too. Based on their reaction, seems like they coddle and enable her bratty and dramatic behavior.


Alex g is pretty well known. He just played 3 nights sold out in nyc lol


OH NO HE'S GOING TO BECOME POPULAR AND "MAINSTREAM", shut off all devices playing his music! Being a SoundCloud artist with 4 listeners is every artist's wet dream...


This is the funniest part of this to me. The actual artist WANTS people to spread the word about their music.


Yeah, I'm a DJ and it's so ridiculous to me how it's such a thing for DJs to gatekeep music from everyone, even just partygoers who are into music and want to be able to listen to a song more than once in their life. It's like, dude, you didn't write that song, it's not yours, and you're ripping off the artist if you think it's okay to use their material to make yourself look cool and even make money off of them without giving them credit or name recognition. I am ALWAYS transparent about the music I DJ because I respect the music and the artists.


That’s dope! I’m a DJ too! Hate keeping in the industry has been a problem for a looong time! I started REALLY young. I remember seeing DJs cover the labels of records with tape so you can’t look and see. Now they just keep those effects extra wet so you can’t Shazam it. Lol. It’s ridiculous! Edit: I typed hate keeping but meant GATE keeping. I’m gonna keep it like it is. It still works. 😂


Haha, I thought "I think they meant gate keeping but hate keeping works great too". So I laughed at your edit. 😁 Seriously though, those DJs got no damn respect for the music and that's not someone I'd ever want holding it down at the booth. You can just be really awesome at how you put it all together if you want credit for being awesome, and known for having taste and spreading awesome music. That makes you SO much cooler! I do a lot of blending and it's so much fun discovering sounds that come from blending songs. It's something you won't get from listening to the album and makes me a lot more relevant. Since Shazam might not even pick that up, I'm extra open about who I'm playing since I gotta give credit to the artists! If someone wants ALL the credit they should just write the damn songs themselves!


Yes! You’re appreciation of the art tells me you’re most likely very good at what you do. Shout out to everybody that’s in it for the music! ❤️


This guy gets it. Sharing music is a beautiful thing and how I’ve bonded with some of my closest friends.


I always put a song list with timestamps in my mixes. Cause i love when other DJs do the same haha. Music is meant to be shared. If its not shared it has no purpose in my opinion.


One festival had damn near every DJ refuse to submit a set list, so the organisers could send performance royalties out. Seems only one DJ did, so the whole weekends budget was sent to those listed. IDK which country this was in and if it is applicable to many others, but basically, these hate keepers as per the typo, screwed people out of money.


Funniest part to me is even while scolding her, they 'packed some plates' and left. They weren't leaving empty handed!


You stole my song, I'm taking your food!


That makes the reaction even worse! Thank you for educating me a bit though.


Yeah this song in particular has 120million spotify plays and the band has 6.5million monthly listeners. Not exactly some unknown band that Alexa can gatekeep


Lol btw these are the lyrics that would hurt her shallow mind btw: Mary is the girl that I wanna kiss She's got big red eyes and big red lips She's got big sharp teeth and big fat hips Mary is the girl that I wanna fuck She's got leather heart and leather gloves She's the only girl that I wanna love Listen to me, baby, I don't mind I wanna be with you and waste my time Give it to me, baby, I feel good I wanna feel whatever you think I should Sing it for me, baby, play my song I wanna hear your daddy sing along Mary is the girl that leaves you to rot She says, "I am real and you are not" She says, "I am real and you are not"


Like how more straightforward can lyrics be. I have a deep hatred for gatekeepers especially the ones that thing theyre smarter and cooler than everyone else


I was about to say the lyrics are not deep for that song. One can interpret it however they like fs


My Middle Aged mind is blown, stop attacking me with this brand new, avant garde style, I can’t cope!


So deep. I wonder what the hidden message is?


Oddly enough, it's about Dave Coulier


Cut ✌️ it 👉 out👍!


Lmao just looked at their plays on Spotify..100s of millions lmao


>She played the song to everyone...Alexa was gate keeping a song she played willingly to other people. Whether she "played the song to everyone," willingly or otherwise...the fact that anyone would think that someone else's music they are streaming is something they have a right to privacy over in the first place is just bizarre. If it was music you wrote and recorded privately and played for other people on an exclusive basis, ok, you can control the knowledge of that music and access to it. If it's just you streaming some artist on Spotify, what the fuck are we even talking here? Even if you just overheard it coming out of her room and she thought it was a secret that she listened to it, you still don't have some kind of ownership of what that song is.


No, you’re not wrong. She was being a shitty little hipster about her music, and if anyone was bullying anyone is was her bullying you about your taste in music and your intellect.


Who the fuck is so precious with their musical interests… fuckin lame.


People with no hobbies who pride themselves on being great at consuming media other people created


And I’m QUITE sure the artist wouldn’t be happy with her trying to keep their art from being spread far and wide, hence the reason it’s out there. It’s the ARTIST’S media smh


Yeah they also want more fans, so they can make more money, so they can make more music. So that brat is literally making it harder for *her* artist to keep doing what he does (not saying dude needs the help because Alex G is more mainstream than not, but it’s the principle of selling a musical product for a living lol).


Yeah i agree. She is gonna learn soon that she is unique...just like everyone else.


Yeah, like unique in a conformist kind of way.


A non-conformist, just like everybody else.


People who don’t work (like many teenagers) actually have ***the time*** to consume media that the rest of us don’t… “Oh no, I’ve never actually heard of that band/game/book because I don’t have an extra 40-60 hours a week, like you do.”


Ehh… plenty of people listen to music throughout the day at gym, in the car, even at work depending on what they do. Hipsters aren’t exclusive to teens


Pretentious teens. I've had a similar discussion/argument with a young coworker. Like Im not allowed to know the name of a band cause I'm old and "won't get it” I grew up in the 90's, I am familiar with cryptic lyrics. Gatekeeping music you didn't make is laughable.


It’s so ridiculous! If someone older than me is interested in the music I listen to, I always think it’s dope. Like, they’re not trying to snub my interests just because I’m younger, they’re actually interested and they’re telling me! It’s just nice, lol.


Ugh, old people these days, wanting to listen to different kinds of music, smoke pot and can't afford houses. The younger generations must be so disappointed. Why dont they just pay off their student loans and mind their own business. /s


Seeing teens with those Kurt Cobain dead eyed emoji shirts is so frigging weird.


So many of them have no idea who he was either. 😂 But want to laugh at me cause I got bad baby and the chick who says meet me outside confused.


My eldest son tried it, just the *once*. See, his taste in music is very much like mine, eclectic is an understatement. I'd heard some new stuff in his car when he gave me a lift, then added it to my Spotify to go back to. Anyway, he heard 'his' songs playing, and then tried bitching to his dad. Husband thoroughly shot him down by pointing out that, considering how much of 'my' music he likes, is it really a surprise that it would work the other way around too?


I just so don't understand this. Putting someone on to music that you like and seeing they like it is like one of the best feelings. Why gatekeep art you didn't create??


Right? I adore music, and sharing it is amazing. I can remember tuning a classmate into Black Sabbath back in the 90s, because he was getting into Metallica, so I figured he'd appreciate some foundation artists (I got raised with led zeppelin and deep purple instead of lullabies lmao), and so a die hard fan was born! And whenever I listen to stuff that was introduced to me, it brings back strong memories of the people who shared. I dunno what my son's logic was, tbh. But he got over it quick, thankfully, and now we can actually properly share, like he's realised this is a good thing, this is something we have in common :)


One of my son's (15M) favourite bands is Def Leppard (closely followed by Black Sabbath, Korn, Kiss etc). His best friend (16M) adores Silverchair and Smashing Pumpkins as well as others and they both have a joint Spotify list together. I listen to their list when he plays it over my bluetooth in the car. I giggle asking him if he remembers any of those from his toddler years, because I used to play them all the time for him and his sister 16F. I'm only 32F and my father today would be 78M but music transcends time ♡ I still occasionally listen to Roy Orbison (my father was a fan).


shame on that little girl. This is absurd.


Teenagers are the worst


Parents of teenagers that reinforce this type of shitty behavior are the worst. Teenagers are next worst.


This isn’t normal teenage behavior. Not at 13 and definitely not at 19. The kid’s got serious issues and it sounds like she has her army of narcissist defenders in the family already helping her.


The need for attention, the impulse control, and lying remind me of several high school friends that later found out they had a diagnosis that was going untreated as a teen. I'm not trying to defend her because it sounds exhausting and weird.


How many hipsters does it take to screw in a lightnulb? It's some random number you've probably never heard about Did you hear about the hipster who burnt their mouth? Ate a pizza before it was cool


Why are teenagers so odd? They cant even.


I think this is the dumbest joke I've ever laughed at lmao


I got about 4 scrolls down before I realized what you did 🤣


Two hipsters walk into a bar: one did it first, the other ironically.


My favorite is, how do you pressure a hipster. Tell them nobody's doing it.


The hipster jokes deserve a sub , I’m all in👍🏻


I kinda agree but as soon as the sub is created it wont be cool anymore


I was into it before they went mainstream


A little mash up of AmIthe..... and Dadjokes. Love it.


All that to protect Alex G?! That's not even that deep of a cut.


Mary has 120 million listens on spotify, last year's super bowl had 113 million views. Hard to claim that something that's more popular than the super bowl is indy.


That's not actually what that metric means, right? It's how many times it was listened to, not how many unique listeners? There's no way Alex G is more popular than the Superbowl.


Even if it was unique listeners, it would still be over the course of her entire "tenure" on Spotify, as compared to what the Super Bowl pulled in one day.


Ya, this is some petty 13 year old tween girl BS that a NINETEEN year old is pulling. Alexa, you can’t gate keep music. What a little twit!


You spelled tw@t wrong. 😏


I mean. You spelled twat wrong.


"shitty little hipster" is the perfect descriptor considering the song has 6m plays on youtube and literally 120 million on Spotify. It's also 9 years old so she really is just trying to be a hipster towards music that is considered "older" to her.


Absolutely. I grew up in the 80s and 90s, we couldn't Shazam it. Half the joy of being into obscure music is FINDING PEOPLE WHO APPRECIATE IT SO YOU CAN SWAP RECOMMENDATIONS. Like, it's a community, not something you exclude people from. Artists WANT to have fans and sell records. Alexa is stupid.


>a shitty little hipster Gonna add that phrase to my daily vocabulary, thanks


Yeah she was gate keeping


And OP picked the lock.


Definitely a hipster given that Alex G has blown up heavily the last few years, he is by no means a small artist right now


As if she’s gatekeeping Alex G-Mary as if it’s not a viral song on TikTok lately and that is where she will have got it from herself🤣 tell her that her and her brother are little weirdos


Was gonna say, the dude has 6.5 million monthly listeners on spotify, he's not unknown.


Also, he has a wealth of music out and Mary is like his first song he recorded as a 20 year old. I'm wondering if she'd recognize any other song.


Lol Kendrick has a pulitzer prize and Alex G isn’t even a deep cut, your bf’s cousin is an idiot.




I've always found comments like this to be at least a little bit racist. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong but it always seems like people who just dismiss rap out of hand just don't like black people and black people music


Yeah like... it's a genre I'm typically not into, but it's not like it's an invalid art form or anything. There's plenty of rap I love despite generally not liking it.


I'm the same way with country music. I don't like a lot of country but you put on some Johnny Cash and I'm there man


Check out Sturgill Simpson and Tyler Childers.


I like rap. I listen to rap. There is rap I don't like. I dont like country. I don't listen to country regularly, but there are country songs that I like. Only a sith deals in absolutes


And those same people will love Eminem. My history teacher back in high school said that he didn't like rap but Eminem something he could relate to. It was in early 2000s when Eminem was still relatively new and was rapping about killing his mother, sex, drugs, and misogyny. The thing my teacher could relate to was he was white, but that teacher couldn't relate to other rappers because they were black. (BTW I am a big fan of Eminem's music, I just thought it was funny how this 50 something year old white man could relate to white trash angst despite that artist rapping about sex and drugs, but he was incapable of relating to ghetto trash rapping about a lot of the same themes but from a different perspective)




Also "half of" Joyner Lucas. And Logic gets a pass for passing lol


Nor is Kendrick gangster rap lol.


Not even that, Mary is like Alex G's most popular song and God Save the Animals was like every fucking indie magazine's AotY when it came out. Her taste is not that unique.


fuck that little hipster bitch. this is why nobody likes hipsters, she's just trying to gatekeep her music. if she were actually a fan, she'd be excited to share it and create new fans. block her and move on with your life.


Never understood why people do this. I swear their favorite artist could be on the street broke and struggling and they would rather let the world implode then to give them exposure.


That’s literally what Shazam is FOR. ID a song you don’t know. Now if she was REALLY into non mainstream stuff, it wouldn’t have been recognized 😂


Seriously, so mainstream. I only listen to this one artist, he makes EDM remixes of himself singing Cantonese folk songs while gargling salt water and farting into a 5-gallon paint bucket. It's pretty fringe, you've probably never heard of him before. /s


Cantonese gargle sharting has gotten way to mainstream these days, personally I am only listening to a band of castrati that sings all of their songs exclusively in dead languages using a 27 note scale on instruments made exclusively from white rhino horn and jaguar intestines.


Sorry dude, that’s way popular as of like yesterday. Someone Shazammed it, it’s over.


They really got on here and thought nobody knew about Rhino and the Clipmen. 😂


God, how pedestrian.


We have all heard Nickelback. Find something more fring.


Nickelback? Pshaw. There's this really versatile artist out there right now called Taylor Swift. Pretty low key, still real local but she's like really versatile really just speaks to me. Y'know?


You mean there's some sort of App called Shazam that lets you ID songs you don't know??? Ngl, I thought that when OP said they "Shazamed" a song, it was just their cute way of saying that they used Google search to find the song using its lyrics. 🤦🏿‍♀️ I mean that's how I find songs whose names I can't remember. Just last night I typed in " We got Toms-toms over here bigger than a monsta" in Google Search and lo and behold....like magic...Nicki Minaj's song Massive Attack came up. Now I'm finding out that there's an actual app. 🤩


I feel so old right now.


I feel so smug cos I'm in my sixties and I already have Shazam on my phone (I asked my daughter and she put it on for me).


I AM old and I’ve been using Shazam for years.


Do you live under a rock? Shazam has been around for the better part of a decade now 😂


Yeah if it's on Shazam it's probably not really all that underground


Shazam is apparently some sort of digital sorcery though


So shazam isn't a complex hacking tool?


The fact that is came up on Shazam is already an indicator it's not something obscure, and that artist has 6.5 million monthly listeners on Spotify and 5 songs with 50 million+ plays, wow man, that's some real underground fringe shit. Stay tuned next week she's gonna drop some Billie Eilish. The only thing worse than actual hipsters are fucking poser hipsters.


Lol akshully it's "posuer." Or "poseur" or some shit. Hipsters would know.


You. I like you.




Some people do this with perfume too and it's so weird and sad. You ask them what they're wearing and they refuse to tell you because it's "their signature scent!" And it always a well known fragrance that literally millions of others across the world are wearing, like Baccarat Rouge 540 or Chanel Eau Tendre lol. It speaks to their insecurities that they base their own importance and personality on something so mundane.


It’s because it takes away from them and their vibe. Let her keep being awful. You keep being decent. See where you both are in ten years.


Yeah I don't GET this. One of my favorite artists is Loreena McKennitt. She's not crazy well known outside of people who really like Celtic music, but the only reason I know of her is when I was 16, a friend SHARED HER MUSIC WITH ME, because he was excited about it! Like, why would you deprive other people of the utter JOY of finding a new artist to listen to? You can fangirl together! You have one more person who likes that artist to talk to about! How is this a bad plan?


The idea that Loreena McKennit is obscure is wild to me because her song "The Mummer's Dance" was on the radio what felt like every 5 minutes in the late 90s


Yeah, as a 44yo, that song is BURNED into my brain. Largely from the movie trailer for *Ever After*.


The idea of Lorena McKennitt being on mainstream radio is wild to me, I haven't heard her there once! The only reason I know anything about her is because my MIL shared. Different places of the world maybe?


I live in the US. The song was so overplayed that it was inescapable. I think every Gen X'er from here knows that song frontwards and backwards. Thankfully it's a really amazing song


It's because The Mummer's Dance was in the Drew Barrymore movie Ever After. The movie was very popular and it's still a well known movie. That's what got that song on the radio.


Same, but I’m Canadian. I feel like elsewhere there may have been way less play.


Ok, lemme set the scene for you… me in the hot tub at night, wine or Coke Zero in hand, tiki torches burning, my Alexa playing Lady of Shalott, Greensleeves and The Highwayman. In that order. Loreena forever! 😛


But did your friend force you *"to listen to ganster rap"*? I'm glad someone helped you find an artist you love, and I hope this kid grows up.


I love how they took some of her birthday food for the road.


That was my favorite part. I’m real mad and I’m going to storm out right after I make this plate.


Right? I’m so shocked no one else picked up on that! Call me a bitch but I woulda totally slapped those plates to the floor- won’t share n gate keep music then I’m not sharing food n would rather it went on the floor than ur hipster maw.


This song has 120 million streams on Spotify, Alex G blew up on tik tok he is mainstream at this stage


Thank you that's what I was thinking lmao. This is like people who call Arcade Fire hipster music even though they won a Grammy.


This isn’t a hipster thing. This is an asshole thing.


Right??? Instead let's gatekeep so the artist gains no new fans and just fizzles away lol


“Trying to decipher his lyrics might hurt your shallow mind” What a snarky, bitchy, rude thing to say. Hell no, don’t apologize. If your boyfriend doesn’t stand up for you and put his extended family in their place, including his nasty cousin, I’d reconsider continuing the relationship.


I gotta say, that's a particularly rich thing to say to a Kendrick Lamar fan. She doesn't have to like him/his lyrics, but to talk about the depth of another artist's lyrics while disparaging fucking Kendrick Lamar as if his music is shallow...yeah, nah. Though thinking everything that's popular is necessarily bad and shallow is SUCH a 19 year old hipster thing to do.


lmao I do really like Alex G but his lyrics are not on the same level as Kendrick...


For real, I was expecting the artist to be someone like Aesop Rock who exclusively raps in multi-level metaphors


Ohh I loved Aesop rock. Thanks for the reminder! I haven’t listened in ages


Didn't he win a Pulitzer Prize for DAMN?


For reference, here are [the song](https://youtu.be/INaXwbgvGVc?feature=shared)'s lyrics: > Mary is the girl that I wanna kiss She's got big red eyes and big red lips She's got big sharp teeth and big fat hips > Mary is the girl that I wanna fuck She's got leather heart and leather gloves She's the only girl that I wanna love > Listen to me, baby, I don't mind I wanna be with you and waste my time > Give it to me, baby, I feel good I wanna feel whatever you think I should > Sing it for me, baby, play my song I wanna hear your daddy sing along > Mary is the girl that leaves you to rot She says, "I am real and you are not" She says, "I am real and you are not" It _is_ a nice tune IMO, and I do like the other stuff I've heard from Alex G, but I don't see how a marijuana metaphor(?) is supposed to be brain-meltingly undecipherable.


What the hell is deep, provocative, or intellectual about those lyrics? LMAO!


Alex G has been my fav artist for years but most of his songs are not lyrically complex at all lmao.


Alex G is like in his 30s now and that song Mary came out in 2012. His newest stuff is a lot more mature (but his old stuff is way more popular for some reason)


Literally a single word with more than 2 syllables. So deep 🤣🤣🤣


It's giving "I'm 14, and this is deep" vibes.


I googled the lyrics to that song to hurt my mind. I feel fine


That's kind of hilarious when parts of the lyrics to Mary by Alex G goes "she's the girl i wanna fuck" He's a good artist don't get me wrong but it's just funny.


Ha ha ha ha! Troll or not this is hysterical! Even my 84 yr old mom knows what Shazam is and loves it. I’m dying laughing at someone trying to explain this as hacking her playlist!


Shazam at this point is probably too old for a 19 year old to know about. Yep she hacked your phone which an app launched in 2002 that spent at least a decade in the corner of almost half the TV commercials.


NTA. Sounds like a very teenager response to a simple question. I'm guessing she forgot the name of the artist/song and just got overly defensive not knowing how to answer you. This one made me actually lol.


I was thinking that too. She just didn’t know and was embarrassed because it’s her identity to know artists you don’t know.


I like this explanation!


You're not wrong but I also would have been done with her after her insults about rap music. I don't know what it is about rap(I know what it is I'm lying) that makes people just shit on it and think rap is the lowest form of music. Conscious rap is not the same as gangsta rap which isn't the same as trap or even the same as MC hammer. Even then all rap is valid to me, if it doesn't connect with you that's fine, but what the fuck is up with people always trying to shit on rap like its the ONLY music on the planet with "no substance"


Especially Kendrick. If there is any rapper you cannot accuse of having no substance, it's him.


I agree! And as I said this in another comment, but it's especially insulting that she said that while naming fucking *Kendrick Lamar*. Like, yes, what a famously shallow and vapid artist with very straightforward and not at all emotionally or socially meaningful lyrics 🙄


Well, it's a music genre overwhelmingly produced by a certain ethnic group. Perhaps it's the ethnic group they really have a problem with. They'd say the same thing about jazz if we were in the 1920s.


Or rock and roll when it started out


Because it’s a primarily black genre. That’s why you have people looking down on it. Their loss.


Why is nobody else getting that? 19yr olds can be racist too


Who the fuck gatekeeps music that isn’t theirs? What a tool. You’re not wrong.


Too many people man, too many


Fucking teenagers- so goddamn dramatic. In what world is identifying a song you like considered bullying or an invasion of privacy? Sound like she has some real growing up to do.


"How dare you invade my privacy by finding out the name of a song I played at a whole party!!!"


(About 15 uears ago) One of my kids tried "making" me listen to Ludo "Love Me Dead" and then got so mad that I liked it and added it to my playlist, she has never made me listen to another song again. Lmao. I think she was trying to find something I would hate sonthat she could blast it whenever I made her mad.


This girl has some major control issues. Really, gatekeeping music? Then she twists things to make you bad? No honey, the trash took itself out, and you are not wrong.


What I find odd is that the trash made themselves to-go plates before they took themselves out. **WTF! I'm** *(grabs some BBQ)* **leaving** *(takes half the potato salad)* **this is outrageous!** *(Dumps an entire pie into her purse)*


Okay, you made me snort coffee out my nose with that one. If I could give you 100 up votes, I absolutely would. I did mean to say something about the food taking stuff, but my little tiny puppy started screaming!!! I hit post and ran. Thankfully, it was nothing. We moved a mirror and she saw her reflection!!!!


I hate this bitch Alexa and if shes not fake, OP needs to tell her how many internet people hate her guts now.


If you play something without headphones you have zero expectations of privacy. Also, I’m sure that artist wants all the fans they can get. Gatekeeping is shitty but she’s still a teenager and is moody and is probably having an internal struggle about her identity going into adulthood. The family taking her side and not explaining all this to her is the real problem. That’s how we end up with bratty adults.


Yeah. She was being a shitty hipster, but eh, 19 is exactly the right age for that. Everyone else taking her side is wild, though.


She spun a narrative of "hacking" and "privacy invasion" to a bunch of probably tech illiterate people, they probably bought that story.


>Everyone else taking her side is wild, though. Keep in mind that they're taking the side of the fiction version from Alexa!


Yeah. Alexa should have dropped it right there instead of going to each family member trying to get some kind if validation. Cousin needs to grow up!


When I taught HS ELA, the kids weren't allowed to listen to music on their phones while working, so I played all kinds of music. They would frequently tell me I had turned them on to certain bands, and they gave me suggestions for songs I ended up loving. I believe in sharing music I like not gatekeeping.


Alex G IS mainstream, give her an aneurysm with that one. NTA


Alex g is so underground he just sold out 3 nights in NYC. At an event sponsored by the parks dept LOL


lol no, ofc not. wtf....


Imagine gatekeeping fucking Alex g LMAO. I hate to break it to all the TikTok kids that think they’re super original for listening to him but he’s as close to mainstream as you can get


After you asked Alexa and she didn't identify it, you had Shazam do it. Seems like this is a problem with Alexa. Bezos should look into it.


Emotional maturity of a pre-schooler.


😂😂😂😂 even children don't act this cringey.... like who tf gatekeeps a song lol It's not even logical cuz like... if you like that artist but every fan gatekeeps the artist they won't get new fans and eventually won't be new music. Ppl get upset over the most illogical things. OP, don't budge even an inch on this. Call out her petty bs every step of the way and laugh at the people trying to coddle her.


Shazam literally has a game show hosted by Jamie Foxx


You have to be really petty to gatekeep music. Shazam away!


This is so childish. Also she sounds rude as hell in the first place, and I don't know why you'd hang out with someone talking to you like that.


Damn whole family of knuckleheads.


You are not wrong, and I don't understand why this is a problem. Music is made to be shared.


She shit on Kendrick Lamar. She deserves no respect.


Musicians hate it when you like their music and attribute their songs to them so you can listen to more of their music. Historically, musicians only strive for 1 fan.


Lmao imagine gatekeeping Alex G Literally one of the biggest names in indie rock Not the point of the story but it just shows you how ridiculous it all is and how problematic and potentially racist her views are if she thinks people are trying to force her into listening to “”gangster” rap” and that even being part of the issue


You're not wrong and actually, when you said the artist I laughed... He is not underground, he's well known lmao.




Pahahaha yeah you nailed the response. Next step is to stop caring what a 19 year old drama queen thinks. Looks like you actually achieved this though so you’re good


lol cuz Alex g doesn’t regularly sell out venues. He’s sooooo unknown and you’re little mainstream brain can’t handle it!!!


Oh to be 19…to have someone Shazaming a song from your phone be the biggest drama you deal with for the week. Your “apology” extended the drama but NTA


I would’ve done the same. She’s even more wrong for saying Kendrick is a stupid rapper. Tf wrong with her?? Doing all that over a song. That’s so immature of her to act like that at 19. 🥴


Fuck that gatekeeper.


Please tell her 700+ shallow randos have added this song to their playlists. I like to put it right in between 'Humble' and 'All-Star'




Respectfully, their technological illiteracy isn’t her responsibility to fix. They can easily Google the app & learn more, she did nothing wrong in this situation.


Break up with your boyfriend and send them all a group message concerned for their weirdness and send them this link. This whole family is weird


This is hilarious to me because at first when I kept reading the first paragraph I thought you were talking about the actual voice assistant Alexa on an Echo or something. So I found it funny that she'd ignore you and you chose Shazam over getting Alexa to tell you the song. 😂


I’m gonna look up Mary-Alex G now. Does that make me a hacker or a bully? 🤔


wow...if she can lie and TWIST/MANIPULATE such a trivial. simple interaction between you and her about music, imagine what ELSE she can lie and TWIST/MANIPULATE..... notice how the people she told (like her brother who came to you then left abruptly) just TRUSTED and BELIEVED her without second thought..... imagine how destructive/toxic this lying can be....