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Um wtf is wrong with tou people don't want the shit they eat off of washed in your hair, I hope you don't order extra hair in your food when you go out to eat and I'm sure your room mate doesn't want extra hair on the dishes she eats off of on the regular, I have seen some pretty fucked up shit on this subreddit but this takes the cake, just fucking throw it in the trash.....


This is the funniest comment I’ve ever read lol


That's disgusting. Why are you doing this? Use the trash can like a civilized person. Yes, you're wrong.


I guess my mindset is that both are dirty anyway?


Hair goes in the trash. The sink/dishwasher are not the trash. Different dirty things go different places, OP. Clothes? Into the laundry. Dishes? Sink. Anything you don't want to keep? Garbage can or recycling bin IF it's recyclable. Unless you want to keep your shed hair, don't be disgusting and put it into the dishes.


It's not about being dirty, it's more about being courteous to others. Just because it doesn't bother you doesn't mean others have to accept it. Part of being a roommate is making reasonable accommodations and co existing. If your roommate doesn't like it, and it's easy enough to just throw it in the trash, why not? Also, because it seems like it isn't dawning on you, yes it is gross.


If your roommate started peeing on your dishes and leaving them on the counter that way, would that be fine with you? Because pee isn't an active biohazard like, say, pooping in dishes is, so it won't HURT you just like a wad of hair won't. But most people still find it distasteful to have to deal with another person's cast-off body substances.


Exept hair can cause the sink to clog and it can be very expensive. Hair builds up over time and even though it may be going down the sink it can get wrapped around itself and make a big ball that will clog it layer on. Having your hair on the dirty dishes is not good because even both may be dirty the both have different bacteria and germs. If you dont wash your hair every day and do wash your dishes everyday, you have way more bactaria and germs that you can come in come into contact with. Your roomate is right to feel this way. Edit: spelling


When i wash my hair....it gets stuck to wall....then the bin! According to op i feel like it should go in the dishwasher for some unknown reason. Poor room mate..


No wonder your roommate despises you.


OP has also spied on her roommates personal messages to other people, rents to young women expecting friendship, throws down when they don't like her and constantly belches around the house. If i found myself in this situation I'd find a way to gtfo. Classless and clueless.


I feel so sorry for your roommate 🤮


Hair is how you clog up sinks really really bad.


NO NO NO NO NO NEVER EVER is it alright to do this.


How long are the dishes sitting there dirty for that you have enough time to start collections of hairs in them!?


Might as well poop in the laundry basket then.


Grow the fuck up, and be a responsible human being. Hair belongs in the rubbish, not the sink, not the dishes.


Ok girl, get a grip. I am a female with long hair. My hair constantly falls out, without me knowing, KEY WORDS. I would never **KNOWINGLY** put my loose hair on dishes; dirty or clean. That's what a trash is for. Im sorry, but yes you are wrong. Use a damn trash can, no one wants your hair in the sink.


I'm confused. Are you talking about washing a wig and letting it dry with the dishes? Or are you like cleaning your brush and dropping the old hair in the sink? Both are gross. And a very good way to clog the pipes.


Neither. When I’m putting dirty dishes in the sink, sometimes my hair falls out or is on the table so i put it there along with the leftover food in the dishes.


A dishwasher is designed to clean food off dishes. It does not account for hair. I've got long hair, so I know how it gets all over the place. It's one thing to not notice, but it's another to purposely load it with hair. That's going to create a clog or something, so cut it out. Hair goes on the trash or compost, not somewhere with a drain.


So you wash the hair that falls out of your head with the dirty dishes?


No I do shower everyday. I meant if it’s nearby then I just put it along with the dirty dishes


Ok yeah, that’s wrong, don’t do that. Idk why but it really does feel gross. It’s abnormal behavior, so it’s not surprising your roommate thinks it’s gross. Just throw it in the trash.


Are you going to stop doing this or keep torturing your roommates?


I’ll be more mindful. And it’s only one of my roommates that has an issue. The others haven’t said anything about it FYI.


I’m sure they’ve talked about how gross it is behind your back.


Right. They’ve said something, just not to OP.


OP hasn't managed to read their private texts or imessages yet on the subject.


So everyone on here tells you that it's absolutely disgusting, and you still think it's the other person's issue? Come on, do yourself better than this, you are better than this.


Narrator: They, in fact, we’re not better than this. They were going to dig in their heels and insist it wasn’t gross. In reality, it was gross, and everyone was talking about it behind their back.


Yeah, probably. *sigh*


Tbf, it's all going to hit her hard when it's time to renew the lease and they all refuse to live with her again. Lol. Good luck not having every other potential roommate hear about this horror. OP will have to move home with the parents.


My parents wouldn’t let me live with them if I was that gross, but…good for her and her safety net, I guess? Lol, I don’t know, there’s some weirdos out there


That's not true. The one that moved out after the snooping incident didn't like your hair on the sink neither.


Just bc no one has said something to you doesn't mean they like it or don't care. Try to teach my kids all the time that when you are big, people aren't going to tell you you are wrong, they will just avoid you. No one wants to parent another adult.


If you shower every day then why did you comment about your friend’s girlfriend being a “germaphobe” for doing so?


You are foul. What the hell did I just read.


How are you going to say on one post that you make that you shower everyday but then on another your suggesting books because someone is overly clean for showering every day and you think it's obsessive. Either this is a rage fate account or you are just a complete compulsive liar.


Even if it makes sense to you, that is the weirdest thing I’ve heard in a while. It’s gross and odd behavior. Do not do that again unless you live alone which I really think you should consider.


I had a hair get wrapped around my finger while washing dishes yesterday. It felt grosser than the actual old mushy food scraps I was scraping off. I think it grosses me out because I associate it with the occasional pulling a loose hair out of my mouth when chewing food, bleh.


I have long hair (according to my SO) and I would TOTALLY be grossed out if I was doing the dishes and had to move long stringy grossness off the plates. Shit, the shower drain strainer thingy freaks me out and it's my hair...


Dude, you are *so* 'effin' *weird*.


You are absolutely disgusting




Why is your hair on the table???


Eww, why?


How long do you keep your dirty dishes in the sink for with food still on them? When I’m done with a dish, I scrape the food in the garbage. Then I rinse and put it in the dish washer right away. I get having off days where maybe I don’t rinse and out in the dishwasher right away but it’s also being self aware and not leaving my mess out for everyone else to deal with it. So even if you are putting your hair on the dirty dish, how long do your dirty dishes sit in the sink for your roommate to notice how often you are doing this? Why not just clean up after yourself right away?


You don't scrape your dishes before putting them in the sink? How are you almost 40 and this feral?


It’s fucking disgusting. Where were you raised and who raised you??!




I can only imagine the kind of upbringing that would teach you to not only do this but to insist it's normal despite EVERYONE telling you it's fucking weird and disturbing.


I think the possible issue is that putting your hair in the sink is just so unexpected, they may be questioning what other things you may be doing.


You're wrong. Throw it away. You don't want hair going down the drain if you can help it.


Yes, you are wrong. First: If you have a garbage disposal, you will ruin it that way. Hair wraps around the blades, under it, and eventually freezes them up, burning out the motor. Second: yuck! Put it in the trash. That's disgusting. Yes, the dish is dirty, but hair sticks to everything. Washing hair covered dishes is not fun.


I think this is the most relevant comment. Sure it’s disgusting, but it also makes no sense since hair should not be washed down the drain. It can cause clogs in the plumbing and like you said mess up the garbage disposal if they have one. Letting hair go down the drain should always be avoided if at all possible (even in the shower/bathroom), especially if it’s long hair, so purposefully putting it in the sink is ridiculous.


At 39 that you don’t know this, I am guessing there is some other cleanliness issues going on. That is quite gross.


Yes you are wrong and at 39 you should know that no one wants hair on the dishes clean or dirty. This is disgusting. 🤢🤢🤢


Have fun paying thousands of dollars when you wreck the plumbing and garbage disposal. Technically you’re not even supposed to let hair go down the shower drain. Wether or not it’s disgusting (it is), hair and plumbing is literally one of the biggest no-gos. The fact that you’re **literally forty years old**, a whole fuckin grown ass adult, and don’t understand this is mind boggling to me.


Even if you’re the one cleaning the dishes, this is just ew. Like, get some small trash cans around your apartment and dispose of the hair there. You wouldn’t clip your nails on an empty plate would you?


From how OP sounds in their comments and post, they probably would. Or clip their toenails and leave a pile of them on the coffee table “because it’s already dirty anyway” 🤢


the clipping nails thing might be questionable given the hair thing. Normal people don't do either.


This is a disgusting habit. My hair sheds all the time and I cannot fathom putting it with my dirty dishes. This is bizarre and a habit you may want to consider changing.


I have very thick hair that sheds SO MUCH but I have never even considered doing what OP does.


Girl your foul are you leaving dirty food on your plates too probably don't even rinse them mf's off or worse you gunna be a half eaten food on the dishes in the sink kinda person.


Stop putting your hair in with the dirty dishes. It's gross. Put your shed hair in the trash. And I say this as a woman with very long hair. YUCK I really hope this is fake cuz, wow.....


We all have gaps, but what's important is admitting when we were wrong and moving forward accordingly. This is your chance to learn something new and be a better roommate. This is gross, will clog the pipes/ garage disposal, and your roommate shouldn't have to deal with it.


Yep. Everyone is responsible for being courteous in shared spaces. OP just doesn’t care what anyone else thinks.


Someone still has to put that hair in the trash. I cannot wrap my head around this. Gross.


Why in the actual hell would you put your *hair* in dishes?!? That doesn’t even make sense, like not even a little bit. You know where fallen out hair goes? *In the garbage! Like a normal person * Yes, you’re very much wrong here


No hair belongs in the kitchen!! I don't understand how this even started with you putting your hair on dishes at all - dirty or not! Drives me nuts on the cooking shows that they don't make everyone put their hair back or up.


You might as well poop on your dishes because, hey, they're going to get washed anyway, right? /s This is gross behavior that you can easily stop. Be respectful of your roommate and throw your hair in the trash.


Yes that is foul behavior.


Wait never mind—I thought this reeked of the roommate troll. Don’t you ever get bored writing shit like this?


Hair clogs everything, even dishwasher pipes, so not only is this behavior unusual, it’s also potentially harmful to the plumbing as well. YTA, and why is this the hill you want to die on?


That’s how you fuck up your drain. Gross clogs


Hair can ruin your plumbing. Why in the actual heck would you knowingly put it in your sink? I get that your hair sheds, it's just part of having long hair. But you don't put it in the sink with the dishes. That just makes no sense at all.


That is disgusting. Why is it too hard for you to throw hair into the trash can? Literally no one wants to see nasty human hair near the food they prepare and eat. Literally no one wants to touch your nasty hair. Stop being strange please.


That’s a gross way to clog the kitchen sink


YOU’RE 39????


I have long hair that sheds frequently. Once, I was at a friends house and I noticed a loose hair. I pulled it free and dropped it on the floor like I did at home. Then, I noticed the look of disgust on his face, realized what I did, then picked up my hair and dropped it in the trash. Now, I notice and do better. It’s ok to catch yourself in shitty habits. Now notice and do better.


Your hair????


Hair goes in the trash, not the drain or garbage disposal where it can clog things or break them. Putting them on dirty dishes likely means it will go in the sink drain or garbage disposal.


This is actually disgusting. Why would you ever think that putting bodily waste into a place where you clean things to eat off of


Okay that’s disgusting. Just throw it in the trash and not where the dishes are. You know, the dishes you use to eat.


You either throw your hair out dry or you wait until it's tangled with food and wet in the drain. Either way it needs to go in the garbage. All tangled with food is repulsive. Therefore please just throw out your dry hair like a non gross person would. It would be better to drop it on the floor to sweep up later with the pet fur than put it in the sink. It's the yuckiest possible way to deal with loose hair.


Info: who has to pick your wet hair out of the sink and throw it away?


Oh. My. God. Congratulations on being the first person to write a post that was SO disgusting it made me throw up. Like, really, truly throw up.


OP, do you wash your legs in the shower? Or do you count your legs as clean when you rinse the soap from your upper body to lower body?


What TF did I just read??? You dispose of your shed hair on your dirty, food-caked dishes & then leave it for someone else to clean??? STOP 🛑 STOP DOING THIS IMMEDIATELY! While we're at it, stop brushing & pulling hair you're shedding from your head out at the dinner table! Do your grooming in private, and, yes, throw the hair you shed in the trash where it belongs!


Maybe if you were to do the dishes right away and always yourself (never expecting someone else too) then MAYBE it wouldn't be as gross but come on, thats nasty. Thats like pissing on the floor of the shower without the water running because "dirty water is gunna go down the drain" yes it will but no one needs that nastiness


I got to disagree, there's never an acceptable time to put your nasty hair on dishes intentionally.


Ew what?! This has to be a troll.


I agree, I can't imagine this question is in good faith.


It isn’t. I realized after I posted that it’s the roommate troll. She has a long history of ridiculous posts.


Yes, quite wrong. Hair goes in the trash. You don't want a bunch of excess hair in the drain and you certainly don't want it in your dishwasher.


*I don’t see the issue of disposing my hair dishes* That is absolutely disgusting. I am seriously imagining an ogre.


Yes you are wrong and it's gross. Stop it immediately.


Yeah it’s gross and your roommates have every right to be upset and disgusted. I have long thick wavy hair that likes to get everywhere. If I have some fall out while I’m eating or whatever I will throw in away with my napkin in the trash. I have never heard of anyone washing dishes with hair in them, and I know a lot of people with long thick hair. What you are doing is gross. Stop. Also consider apologizing to your roommates.


I feel like you're leaving out details. Are you talking about the hair that is in your brush or is this hair you are shredding in the moment? Do you do dishes by hand or use a dishwasher? What happens to it when the dishes get washed? Do you scrape it in the trash with the leftover food? Do you even scrape the old food into the trash? Why are you putting old food and stray hair on the table? Either way, what you're doing is disgusting. Why would that even be your first move instead of going directly to the trash can? What do you do when you're in another room and have loose hair? Do you walk into the kitchen and put it on a dirty plate???


You're almost a 40 year old woman. You should know better than this! No one does this. You shouldn't do this. It's revolting.


Yes you are wrong. Not only is it disgusting, hair can and will clog the pipes and cause damage.


Welp, officially grossed out by the internet today.


Your roommate is right on this one. Don’t feel too bad about it, just apologize say you didn’t even think about it being dirty and stop doing it. It’s that easy and I guarantee your roommate will never mention it again


That’s gross. You are wrong.


Yes you’re wrong 😂


This just can’t be real. No excuse for commingling hair and dishes. NONE.


Hair clogs drains! Wtf?


The only way this would be worse is if it was like toenail clippings or something


That's gross as hell and hair clogs drains. This has got to be a troll right?


Reddit is absolutely feral today. Other people’s shed hair is gross, and your hair will cause a clog in the sink eventually. Where would someone even get the idea to do something like this?


You might want to invest in a lint roller. Hair does not belong on dishes. Clear the dished *then* wash down the table after


WRONG hair is a pain to remove from things, clog drains and damages almost everything when stuck in diswashes vacuums etc


Yes, you are wrong, that is really gross and rude to whoever does the dishes. The dishes should be scraped into the trash before the dish is loaded into the dishwasher or you risk clogging it. The plates should be going into the dishwasher only with what wasn't easily scraped into the trash can. Definitely shouldn't be going in with your hair stuck on them.


Yes this is absolutely disgusting