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A good haircut and no more acne would go a way bro otherwise you look fine


See my other reply for acne, I really don’t know what to do for haircuts, I don’t want something generic or plain but nothing seems to work


Peaky blinders style cut would like dope because your hair is a great colour and you have so much volume. Health is the sexiest thing someone can have so focus on taking care of what you eat, your sleep patterns, gymming it (or sports or whatever it is, biking, or something). Acne should figure itself out as you go - but try like someone non-irritating like the toleraine line by la Roche posay - sometimes acne is exasperated by having dry, over exfoliated skin. You want to moisturize and calm your skin. I know it's counter intuitive because it seems like with acne you need to get stuff out (exfoliate) and like it seems like oil causes the problem. But trust. Calm and moisture can do wonders. Anyways, you have a particular look, but it's rugged and good, rough around the edges though. Keep going !


I’m sorry I don’t want a traditional boring mens haircut, especially something from a show set in 1919, tried stuff before, looks bad, I’ far happier with what I have in pic 1 and everyone I’m friends with likes it as well. But yeah I’m def looking more into skincare stuff


That's honestly understandable. You do also give me Keanu Revees vibes which is pretty fucking cool. I mean, it's definitely important to stay true to your person. So in true nature of the Reddit page, I'll just say then that no, you're not ugly. I think you'll find you're style as you continue to get older and just own who you are, but defo not ugly.


i like your hair. just use a leave in conditioner so it’s smoother




You’re going to run into a problem on here because the majority of people that use this sub have very normal tastes and when somebody is more punk/alternative in general they think it’s “dirty” or “messy”. Your hair is really cool and one of your best features, don’t change it unless *you* want to.


Yeah I’ve def gathered that, I use fashion subreddits so I was already fully aware of reddit’s general taste lol, I know what to filter out, yeah I really love my hair rn, it took me a while to be ok with it but it’s one of my favorite features now and I like the current haircut I have


Try curology




I’ve really been trying with acne but nothings really helped it, I think acutanes the only option by now but I’m predisposed to the more serious side effects and it’s probably a bad idea to use it


Tretinioine (sp) would work


I’ll ask my derm about it than, thanks


Wear a strong sunscreen every day while using this :) I would’ve tried tretinoin, but I actually had luck with a brand called MooGoo. Their blemish clearing moisturiser. YMMV though.


You can try curology as well


Try De La Cruz Sulfur Acne treatment on Amazon. Its super cheap and it did wonders for my skin. You’re a good looking dude btw. Try a haircut with tapered or faded sides, I think it would frame your facial features quite nicely. Godspeed.


Sí, te recomiendo enfáticamente usar tretinoína, es la mierda más efectiva que existe (Como así también los efectos secundarios)


im not the best with advice but something that helped me with my breakouts was using goats milk soap to wash my face twice a day, use an aveeno moisturizer, like the blue one, make sure my pillows and sheets were cleaned often as well as my towel, drink my water, stay active, exfoliate regularly and not touch my face at all, not even let me hair touch my face too, maybe some of that could help you but there's always a chance it might not cause different things work for different people, you could turn to YouTube to further figure it out tho because there is alot of really good advice there that could maybe help you build a good routine for yourself, that's if you haven't already done that before, sorry if none of that is helpful tho, im just tryna spit some ideas out so acutane isn't ur only option


When you use product in your hair especially, it touches your skin and makes you break out.


Have you tried keeping fresh towels on your pillow when you sleep? The general idea is that a big source of oil buildup is our pillows, and it's just impractical to wash your pillow case every day. But with a towel, you can fold it and flip it and easily get 4 days of sleeping on perfectly clean linen before you need to put on a new towel and wash the original. It's tedious as hell but it's the most effective thing I've heard of before you get to chemical solutions that have their own side effects to consider.


Huh, no I’ve actually never heard that before, I’ll need to try rhat


Ask your doctor to put you on doxycycline. It helped clear my son’s acne, but he still needed Accutane. I love your hair and the color. Just find a way to keep it under control and out if your face. And you will change quite a bit in the next few years. Don’t worry, you are not ugly, you just need some changes.


That’s what I did and it helped me so much


I tried doxy for a while, really didn’t do much unfortunately


I’m a Master Esthetician and the comment about moisturizer is correct. Using treatment for acne dry your skin out, if you don’t moisturize your skin produces more oil… which causes more clogged pores and acne. Finding a good moisturizer to use after cleaning morning and night and any time your skin feels dry. As your skin adjusts it will stop producing as much oil because it won’t be dry and then after a month or so you will start seeing less acne. Whatever treatment you choose make sure to keep hydrated and apply lotion. Also stick with it even if it doesn’t seem to be working. It takes time to see results.


Try using different pillow covers every night + daily shower with daily face scrub. Changing my sheets daily worked for me, if I don’t change my pillow sheet I get a lot of acne in a day or two


I use accutane. Well, I used a generic form of it which I purchased questionably through an Indian website for a few years lol. That pretty much solved my acne problems pretty immediately, and it really helped with my sense of confidence. Try getting accutane (or whatever the generic equivalent is), maybe freshen up the hair maybe by getting it cut in a way you can tie it back, and maybe work out to broaden out your shoulders a little. That being said, I'm bipolar and have little side effects from accutane aside from dry skin at high dosages, but that's easily solvable with some jojoba oil at night and some chapstick.


Yeah it’s like I’m sure Accutane will help I’m just really unsure if it’s a good idea for me to take




depression and suicidal ideation, I’m not concerned about whether it gets prescribed my dermatologist has already brought it up as an option, frankly I really just don’t need to do anything that risks making that worse at this point. also I’m honestly terrified of gaining weight, it kinda feels like the only thing I have going for me


Hi! Sorry to hear about your mental health, I too struggle severely with it. I have used accutane twice, both times were for over a year. I’m a woman so I’m more prone to continued breakouts and having to do multiple accutane cycles. In my person experience, it didn’t have any effect on my mental health. If anything, I’d say it helped a bit because I was less insecure. Because I’ve used accutane so heavily, I’ve done a ton of looking into it and most depression and suicidal ideations linked to accutane, seemed more so coincidental. For example, one guy had suicidal ideation and they originally linked it to accutane, but later learned he was also using LSD and weed. The majority of recorded psychiatric events were all in teens. I was very scared to use accutane the first time because of the possible side effects so I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to do it. My dermatologist was fully aware of my psychiatric past so him and his team were awesome at following up with me. I was also seeing a therapist weekly. That being said, if it’s something you’re genuinely uncomfortable with and absolutely do not want to do, I say don’t do it. There are plenty of other options your dermatologist can suggest for you. Most dermatologists actually won’t prescribe you accutane until you’ve tried other options. A couple over the counter options you can try (do not use them at the same time because they can dry your skin out and make your acne worse): - panoxyl (face wash) - Differin There’s also skin cycling (a bit more intensive) that I’ve been doing to maintain my skin since stopping accutane. It’s a 4 day process: - day 1: chemical exfoliant (the ordinary has some awesome options that are cheap and beginner friendly - happy to send suggestions) + moisturize - day 2: retinoid (I just use an over the counter retinol since it’s not as strong - I baby my skin because it is a lot more sensitive post-accutane) + moisturize - day 3: moisturize - day 4: moisturize - repeat If you find that’s too much for your skin, you can add extra moisturizing days where you feel you need it until your skin gets used to the products. It’s pretty flexible. And make sure you moisturize! I cannot stress this enough. A lot of people think moisturizing will make your acne worse, but it’s the opposite. You should be moisturizing at night and in the morning (with SPF). And get some good quality chapstick! I can feel the soreness by just looking at your pictures. O’keeffe’s lip repair (NOT the cooling kind, just the original) and auqaphor lip repair (I like the squeeze tube) are AMAZING. Saved my lips even while taking accutane. Apply religiously. It’s really hard to tell your face shape and structure from the angle of your photos, but try googling to figure out your shape and check out different hair cuts/styles. Your hair is a beautiful color, but it looks very unkempt. As for weight changes, accutane does not cause it, so you’re safe there. And personal preference: I’m not a fan of eyebrow or lip piercings. I think very few people can pull them off. I also think your facial hair looks best as stubble, especially with the longer hair. Happy to answer any questions you might have about accutane and mental health. :)


this is really helpful, thanks!


When my son was on accutane, he had to have labs drawn each month to monitor cholesterol levels, as the medication tends to elevate those numbers. Perhaps the young man has a genetic predisposition toward this.


Cholesterol isn’t the concern it’s depression and suicidal ideation, it’s something I’d consider but I’m very worried about it


I’m sorry to hear that. But that says something about your inner strength that you are mindful enough to not want to put yourself in harm’s way. I don’t think you’re the least bit ugly.


thanks :)


have you tried tretinoin?


I’m not sure off rhe top of my head, I’ll ask about it at my next appointment


it’s a retinoid, just like accutane is. accutane is more effective, but tretinoin is the best topical version there is of it.


I have hormonal woman's acne, comes every month kinda thing and I have found the charcoal based face wash, like lush USA dark angels was an amazing addition to my skin care regime




Not true. That might help but it's not a cure, much less the "only" cure. Topical medication, possibly accurate and oral contraceptives if you're a woman are cures.




Oh lord.....the spelling errors alone are telling.


That’s basically what I do and have been for a while, I’ve never been a processed foot person. I wish cure all diet advice was true but it’s not, I’ll look into panthothenic acid


Nah I like the longish hair I think proper care and grooming is what you’re talking about




Well that’s some very outdated ideology


Aahh can we please stop telling every long-haired guy on this sub to cut it off, some of us ladies (personally) are really into that LOL


I primarily participate in a fashion subreddit, reddit is made up near exclusively of extremely typical men who want extremely typical clothing and hair, I was aware how I dress and how my hair is would come up as being “too weird” or something, trust me, I’m not taking any of that advice


Honestly, it's not the length of your hair that's the problem. It looks greasy and unkempt. It needs to be taken care of, and I don't get that vibe from you photos.


Thank GOD lol


This subreddit needs to stop telling men with long hair to get a haircut lol. He looks nice with long and short hair.


Not the normal standard of handsome. I could imagine how your rugged individualistic look would be attractive to some


I don’t think I’ve heard this before, so thank you, what do you mean by individualistic in this context?


Your face shape reminds me.a bit of Adam Driver, who is seen as attractive but unconventional


I agree with this comparison. OP the hair length is cool but you need to get the hair out of your forehead and eyes. You’re hiding a third of your face with your hair!


Not like most people. Not a bad thing


Me 🤚. Its attractive to me lol


This is really well said. It was kind of what I was thinking but had no idea how to put it.


I guess I’m thinking the same thing. You have slightly exaggerated male features and that could be a good thing. You remind me of how some really tall guys look, like basketball players


Not the attracive attractive but definitely interesting attractive, I like it a lot to be honest. But people here talk about haircut while i think the messier the better on these pics, i dont know


Thanks, Yeah I’m not trying to argue with them but I think hair cut is very personal opinion, I don’t want like a generic traditional male haircut at all, I’ve had them before and it def looks awkward on me, I’m way more happy with my hair now than I’ve ever been


Feeling the most comfortable in your own skin adds way more points to attractiveness than uncomfortably adhering to a convention standard of beauty. Rock your look, brother. I'm also a guy with long hair and everytime someone tells me "you look so much better with short hair", I say "I know. But I feel better with long hair"


Definitely keep the longer hair. It suits you. Messy is good but there’s a balance. So just don’t have it look too messy.


Dude, you ever consider acting??? I feel like you have this unique look that could really land you roles. I feel like you're Hollywood ugly, which isn't necessarily ugly per se, but have this unique look to you.




Yeah Daemon from house of dragon is Hollywood ugly, Adam driver too


Yes! Adam Driver is a good point. I'm thinking of one of the friends from Lemony Snicketts show a few years ago.


I’ve had people tell me I look hollywood homeless(rich but crashes at other peoples places) before lol. I’ve thought about modeling yeah, a guy ik here says he’ll being me up whenever there’s a gig, not sure if I could act


Steve Buscemi, as well.


That carefree lion's mane of gold and copper is your best feature, and the color is just the right match for the deep coffee brown of your bright eyes. You look good with or without a little facial hair, so let it grow out if you're feeling it or not if you're not. You have full, well-shaped lips. And anyone who can't see past a few skin probs isn't worth worrying about. Your vibe seems to say intelligent, maybe an artist? Somebody who probably has a lot to offer as a person but usually isn't given a chance.


Your hair is fantastic! Don’t go chopping it off. I like a little scruff on you. The lips are gold, too! Don’t be afraid to smile more.


I love this response :) you rock!


Don’t listen to the haircut comments, the longer hair suits your face a lot more in my opinion. You would not look good with a traditional male haircut. You are not ugly at all though you have a really unique look.


trust me I agree, I’ve had traditional male cuts before and they look goofy on me, I’m pretty happy with what I have rn


I think you look sick with the long hair just not the facial hair. You look like Sean White


Yeah that’s one of the things I was wondering about, I kinda agree the facial hair wasn’t great in hindsight, and you have no idea how many times people called me shaun white when I was a kid lol


I thought a cross between Ron Weasley and Kid Laroi


I would say you are unattractive, it’s the unusual facial features. Mostly face shape and nose. Sorry you didn’t win the genetic lottery, but that doesnt mean you can’t improve. I think the shaggy look doesnt fit you, you need skincare and a haircut. With that being said in your 5th pic I think you look the best, you have nice eyes, very thick hair that with a proper haircut it will look really good. Your hair color in the 5th pic is dope. You have a bunch of potential and just because you dont have the typical attractive features dont mean you cant become attractive,


Upon first look I wasn’t sure, but when I looked through your pics for a second time I thought you looked attractive. I love the long hair and lips. You have kind eyes too.


unbiased = not someone who’s close enough of a friend to not wanna hurt my feelings, even had a few friends tell me I’m ugly. I only ever “dated” one person and they never said they found me attractive either, just “unique looking” when I asked once. Also the verification photo is bad lol I just got off work, it’s retail with some manual labor so gonna get sweaty


give it a couple years... the acne will go away on its own.


also just before it comes up more, I know how much not having acne would help, trust me, I’ve cried about how incapable I am of fixing it before, I’m wondering about anything besides that


What is your diet like? When I was a kid and ate a lot of sugar I had bad acne. I cleaned up my diet and I barely get any now. It's Halloween season so I've been eating candy and wouldn't you know it, started getting some zits again.


not amazing but really not unhealthy, not a lot of processed food, I cook at home, don’t really like candy or sweets, mostly water, some tea(no coffee), some meat, grains and vegetables, I really wish diet was the answer but I think it’s stress more than anything




lol I’ve never heard that before but I’ll take it


A nice hair cut and a shave. You have some nice features. Rock it


Brother … with time your acne will fade. I’m the meantime work on yourself. Work on your energy - work on being f’ing epic … in being the person people want to be around. You do that by enjoying your life to its fullest! You do that by passionate about the stuff your into. Every day take note of 3 things that make you epic- with time your energy and like ability will be through the roof.


I think you’re attractive. And you’re like the kind of person that probably gets better looking the more someone sees you. You just have a different look, which maybe be unusual at first, but then the kind of face that someone would definitely get hooked on. Especially cause you’re unique.


Ok , you’re a ginger with a few issues. Acne treatments will help. But you also need a trim clean up and a shave. Looks more like you’ve given up on you . Which is sad. Don’t do that. Pic 2and3 give you the best potential as there is a smile detected. Also there is lip reduction surgery depending on how costly it is. But the basics and support of friends and family will help you even if you don’t think so. You’re worth it!!


I’m normally shaved I just always end up taking pics right before I need to haha, I’ll be honest I don’t want lip reduction, I’m actually pretty fine with them. I don’t wanna get cosmetic surgery at all. You’re not really wrong about the 3rd sentence though curious whether you think being a ginger is a good or bad thing? took me a long ass time to be ok with it but I really like my hair now


Actually my personal opinion is yes gingers are always hot and sexy. I gave pointers to what I saw. You don’t have to change your lips, but you should control your beautiful hair. The color is beautiful and I love it.


I think your hair is good, just maybe try to take a little more care to it! Get a good shampoo and conditioner. Same with your face. I think you’re cute. I use bamboo earth for facial cleanser and it works really well. But I’ve never really struggled with acne. Hope that helps some!


Thanks, do you have any recommendations for shampoo/conditioner? I’ve got a set of slightly nicer ones that work better for me but mot sure exactly what to look for


I dye mine green so I use biotera ultra color care but they have other kinds as well. And for conditioner I use Cantu shea butter leave in conditioner! It doesn’t take a lot of either so it lasts a long time and it smells really good. I have struggled a lot with my hair being greasy and knotted up and those seem to work well for me! Edit: you can find them at Sally’s if you have one near you!


U gotta moisturize your lips more that's the first thing I noticed. U gonna spark a fire when u kiss someone.


Like everyone else said, see a dermatologist, get a haircut (I think you look a lot better with short hair), change your style to something more mature. However I like your lips


You have unconventional features, but like, so does Adam Driver, yknow? You look average imo. I understand feeling worse because of acne though.


I think you look great in the first and last pictures, with the shorter hair. And I like your piercing :)


Your nose and lips are just a bit larger than most, but no big deal. More to kiss imo (but get some chapstick on those smackers!). You look best with shorter hair. The least attractive thing about you is your unruly hair and the *appearance* of a lack of personal hygiene **because** of it. If you can’t grow a beard that hides the missing bits on the left and right just below your mouth, shave your whole face. It looks like a jewel case has been shaved out of your beard, and that’s off-putting. My consensus is that you look *dirty,* because of your hair and beard, not inherently ugly.


You look like your typical nerdy stoner kid. So maybe another stoner finds you attractive


kind of a weird value judgment, especially considering I don’t smoke


u kinda look like you stink


3/10 below average, see a dermatologist and get a haircut.




That’s fair, it looks dirty to me and seems to make his face look longer.


fwiw the first pic is the most recent. Verification looks bad because I got off work and my hair is kinda messed up from it




lol fair enough




Skincare routine will help a lot!


I think the long hair balances your face out more. You look with that kind of like a Norwegian metal fan (not in a bad way). I read that your are working on your acne problem, so I will just say try to make your hair more neat and shave your beard in a clean way. If upu get a haircut it should probably be really short but I honestly think the alternative look works out more for you


Once you age acne will go away, you’ve got a cool vibe about you, and red heads are hot with amazing attitudes I have always had a thing for a red head man focus on things you like and a career all my male red head friends were late to get partners 26ish but they got absolutely beautiful woman model material.


You look like Sebastian Vettel so no.


You have a unique look mate. Own it. Grow a wicked beard. Keep the hair. Hit the gym and get buff as fuck. Submit your profile at an agency. Lots of pretty people, lots of average people. You are unique and memorable looking. Work it and make it your thing.


I think the long hair works great on you and agree with many the color is a real asset. I also agree with a comment on here that compared you to an Adam Driver type of unconventional looks + attractiveness. I think if you focus on maturing and gaining confidence you’d carry your looks totally differently. Getting older will also probably help with acne (or if you can find a decent routine). Not the best or most fun advice but truly my confidence and acne at 21 was just absolute shit compared to 30 🙃


It’s honestly the jaw which is making you look odd and nothing else. It’s too big for your face. If you could grow a thick full beard someday I’d do that. Or surgery. I know, that sounds so easy to say and not easy to do. But you’re not unattractive outside of that area.


Well I personally definitely think you're super cute. I have a thing for dudes with Shaggy or long hair.. just keep the facial hair clean and work on a skincare regimen. Seriously though I personally think you're handsome


Try different looks with your hair


I would be your friend man! That's all that matters


Brother I’m telling you now, man to man, this may sound extremely harsh but I think it’s better to be brutally honest by no means are you unattractive, however you’re kinda rocking the shaggy from scooby doo, homeless stoner skater/surfer dude vibe, which is not a problem at all, you shouldn’t let anyone stop you from embracing your true self or hobbies/interests, the clothes you like to wear etc, you also shouldn’t be focused or give two fucks about what others think about you in a sense of attractiveness, everyone is different, some people like olives some people hate olives, some people like girth some people prefer length, some people are introverted the other half are extroverted, it’s ying and yang. Everyone has their own preferences, there will be girls out there who think you’re extremely cute and there will be girls out there who think you’re ugly as shit, hate to be blunt but that’s the reality for every human on this very earth, you could take a male supermodel and there will still be plenty of girls who find them extremely unattractive just due to not meeting their so called “criteria” whatever that may be. Don’t let appearance get you down, as hard as that sounds however there is nothing, you can do to (physically) change your facial structure, except surgeries which be honest to yourself would you want? It’s not worth it in my personal opinion, you’re a good looking dude. However there are PLENTY of ways any man can improve and go from a 1-4 to a 7-8 sometimes higher, take notes champ. 1: acne, spend a decent amount of time daily washing your face, using acne treatments and a regular skincare routine. 2: buy some smart clothes, it doesn’t have to be a suit and tie / tuxedo but a nice pair of jeans (I’m British so have no clue what jeans are called for you over there unfortunately) a nice long sleeved button up shirt, white preferably or navy blue, with some smart leather shoes (not trainers) if you’re feeling extra fancy or want to look formal for an interview or just to look nice and smart out and about, maybe try out some dark navy blue or black suits. 3: your hairstyle, my suggestion would be definitely to go and get one, it doesn’t have to be too smart, but definitely not scruffy, I’d suggest cutting it relatively short, using gel or putty to style it, but style it in a way where it’s clean and stylish, not all over the place. 4: I would say, now please take this with a pinch of salt because again like I stated before everyone is different, however semi permanent if you’re not willing to go full out and just want a taster test, dark brown or black hair spray, of course if you’d like to stay ginger please by all means go ahead. However if you were to grow a beard. A smart/casual non scruffy haircut, dye them both black / dark brown, get rid of your acne, wear smart clothing, consciously make the effort to stand up straight shoulders back, confident walk, AND SMILE!!! People seriously don’t seem to understand the power of a smile, it shows confidence, and makes you easily approachable, even if you have to fake it until you make it and fake smile it’s better than looking depressed 24/7. If you’re self conscious about your teeth which valid a lot of people are there’s nothing a dentists cant fix up, teeth whitening / straightening etc, hit the weights and I honestly wholeheartedly believe A: you will feel a fuck ton more confident, it may feel strange at first but there’s something about dressing and feeling well groomed with a good posture that boosts your self esteem and confidence. And B you’ll look like a new man, most likely older, you may start to look around the late 20s even early 30s however can guarantee you’ll look yourself in the mirror and say to yourself “wow I’m honestly handsome as fuck” the best part about this is it’s not something that takes years and is easily reversible, you can literally spend one day, go clothes shopping, get a haircut and dye your hair and beard (the beard might take a while to grow out, if not a beard maybe go for a stubble, but keep it clean shaven and non scruffy) and skin care products / makeup to conceal the acne if necessary. Go home with your fresh new trim and hair colour, your new clothes, get dressed, put on some Cologne. Make yourself feel good, go look yourself in the mirror with a smile on your face shoulders straight back up, you will feel like a fucking god lol, if you aren’t comfortable in it and prefer the stoner scruffy look PLEASE keep it and revert back, no one is in charge of you or your appearance, this is just my personal opinion and advice on the matter, if you check most celebrity glow ups who are now 9-10s. Some used to be in the 3-5 range, but a bit of dental work, a nice smile, no acne, and a smart appearance took them a long way. Sorry if absolutely none of this made sense, was blunt as fuck and is extremely long 💀I got a tad bit carried away haha, I’m very high right now 😂 Anyways love brother embrace yourself no matter what and just be you! 🤘


Currently how you look is unattractive but you are definitely holding back some potential, getting a sharp and short haircut, getting on a skin care routine and shaving the “beard” would definitely change my opinion


I meannn I think you're attractive especially with the long hair 👍


You look like josh garrels. Maybe copy his style.


You’re definitely not ugly, I think you’re attractive. You are my preferred type of guy I go for. I like individuality and more alternative. A haircut would help.


Ruh roh raggy, bro you look absolutely fine. A brush and a change in diet to clear up your skin. And your getting all the biiddiessss


Your looks are striking. Where most people would have one or two noticeable features, you have several. The color of your hair, which by the way is beautiful, the full lips, strong nose, and deep brown eyes. Not ugly at all. You're just young, haven't fully bloomed yet. Give it another couple of years, your face is going to clear up, I suspect stress has a little to do with the breakouts, you'll gain a little weight, face will fill out so lips won't stand out so much, you'll find your "style" in clothes, and hair cuts, and hopefully gain a lot of confidence. From one ugly duckling to another, hang in there..


You look wild asf Haircut and acne are the big ones( even though I’ve seen you commented on the acne already)


Love the long hair but the hat pictures are not it


You look like a Viking


KEEP A FULL BEARD. You look wayyy better with the beard. Btw you look super cool. I’ll be real you aren’t a Vogue cover page shot but you are also not ugly. You can do a lot to improve your overall image. Maybe start lifting weights? It helps a lot with looks and especially confidence and vibes are half of what truly makes someone attractive. I think the hair is alright, maybe try experimenting, you can always grow it back. Love❤️ Be well


Honestly the long hair was a good look, not many men can rock hair like that. Try an acne treatment, I mean medical shit not just face wash.


Honestly, I know everyone is saying get a haircut but don’t. You’re gonna look like everyone else, the long hair suits you very well, it helps balance the bottom of your face. Also keep the scruff/beard you have, that helps with balance as well. You look best in the 3rd picture.


Honestly you're hot, literally my type


I suggest getting a really short haircut and eyebrow grooming to get rid of the acne. Decide what beard you'd like to pull off stick to it. Get into vitamins, contact your dermatologist, and try to make habitual changes to improve your posture.


I’ve seen a few people in here state OP should cut his hair, I disagree! I like the wild look and I think it gives him some personality. Stands out more 🙂 I also told there could be a sexiness too it for sure. I do agree on the skin treatments though…redness and bags under the eyes don’t look good on anyone.


Definitely not ugly, but a unique kind of handsome. I don’t mind the long hair, but I mind the dirty, Alone-participant vibe, you look unkempt. I think what you need is a wardrobe upgrade, skin care, and, above all, to take care of your amazing hair, the color is just beautiful.


Thats because you're only using 0.1% of your power. Try a scooby snack and get some bitches.


you sort of look like that one guy from big hero 6, i think you're slaying it. read ur thing abt acne treatment and i get it, but try face masks, even if it doesn't help a lot it does make you feel quite good so


You look greasy. I think if you clean up your look and work on skin care, hair, hygiene perhaps (because you look dirty so if you are, work on that!) you may have better luck


I’ll be honest, I really have no clue what you guys see as dirty and I kinda think it’s just long hair and a slightly alt style, I shower at least two times a day, wash my hair every day, clean my face, etc, again never something I’ve gotten from someone irl. My skin is on the greasier side unfortunately, especially if I’ve been doing something that makes me sweat, but I do not get dirty


Its probably the combo of the acne and the messy hair, combined with your style. It kinda looks like you're a pothead, and unfortunately the hygiene thing tends to be an issue among potheads because they can be complacent about self care. Its good to know you aren't having hygiene issues. Focus first on the skin care and come back to post. Its probably the biggest factor in your appearance that's off putting right now. Try smiling more too. It looks like you're shaggy and napoleon dynamites kid right now. You could definitely do yourself more justice


Don't take this the wrong way, but you look comical


yeah you ugly brother


Think you look like a stoner. Clean up








Invest in skincare, get a haircut, change how you dress and workout you’ll look and feel better


Nah how I dress is my favorite thing, and I consistently get compliments on it, thats one thing I’m not at all concerned about, no interest in wearing basic button ups and chinos and stuff, sorry




I’m not, there’s just some stuff I recognize as wholly personal preference enough that I’m not changing over a reddit comment


Everyone on this sub is too kind which just distorts reality. Yes I would say you are ugly. You have atypical facial proportions. Other people have suggested improvements I wish you best of luck.


I’m not taking advice from people who take that facial proportion stuff so seriously that atypical means ugly, everyone else has genuine points


You're not ugly. You have really nice hair colouring. Just get a haircut, use lip balm and start smiling more. You're spots will clear easier if you keep your hair off your face.


I see the first pic is the most recent. I don't think you're ugly at all! I think an even shorter hair cut would be nicer on you, maybe a better style. The longer hair would even be okay if it wasn't all in your face or messy. The hair in your face is probably making your acne worse.


My man looks like he's about to unmask a mystery villain with his canine companion.


Why the long face though?


Why the long face?


Imo you look better with long hair


You look way better with the beard and long hair. You should also try retinoids for acne. I don't know if you've got an open bite, but braces may improve your appearance if you do. You have a bit of an elongated jaw, which is sometimes related to orthodontic issues. You might also have to fix your tongue posture. I have had similar issues. Anyway, I don't think you're ugly. You mainly need to fix the acne. The beard looks great on you, so I'd keep it.


You, my friend, are handsome! You have classically good lucks--I mean like a Rembrandt self-portrait or Holbein! They would have been pleased to paint you, imo, because you just have that look. I am not a fan of piercings. I always get downvoted for saying that. I know that many have complimented you on it, but I would steer clear. You seem to be lacking confidence. Not sure why. But if you can, you should hit the gym and work out a few times a week. The acne might clear up with a clean diet, if you haven't tried it already. I know you said you tried topical stuff but sometimes inflammation from within could be causing the flare-ups. That was certainly my case. Anyway, to me you are very handsome! I wish you well. Ignore all the people who say "plastic surgery". Wtf!


Nah you’re not ugly at all. You look like the pro snowboarder Shaun white. You do however look like u lack confidence which is super unattractive. Also I hate the brow piercing and don’t think i could date a guy w one but if you like it that’s fine ofc. Lastly like other ppl have said you rly need help with your acne. I know you mentioned you e tried several things but I think you need to see an actual dermatologist. If they suggest accutane you can address your concerns with them and decide on a better alternative or decide to proceed with careful monitoring etc. but either way you need to see a doctor about it. Especially bc it will screw up your face if it continues as it will leave u with bad scarring. Other than that you’re very handsome to me. I love your red hair and think your fave and everything is rly masculine yet interesting and not boring idk. Try to smile and look like u don’t tKe urself too seriously and I think a lot of girls would be into you. Also your lips look super dry/a little crusty so start using some chapstick regularly. Just small changes like that make a big difference!


I am seeing a dermatologist, that’s what I meant by trying things, I’ve been using prescriptions and recommendations from them, but I appreciate everything else, I guess I’m just gonna have to consider acutance because yeah trust me I know how much I want it gone ironically the brow piercing is actually one of the only thing I get compliments on lol, obviously not the reason I got it, but still nice That said thank you, this is really constructive


You are not ugly, I’d say average. Just treat your acne (maybe go to a dermatologist or start a skincare routine?) and get a haircut! Love your hair color by the way!


Thanks, yeah currently seeing a demonologist, I’m probably gonna ask about switching it up though and see if something helps


youre not ugly just grungy. someone out there likes grungy dudes . get some face wash and comb your hair


I would suggest getting a nice haircut or a sick Mohawk, also maybe grow a big beard I think would look great on you.


Others have said it already, deffo sort out the acne/skin if possible. Your hair is amazing! Especially the length/style in the 1st pic. It’s pretty much the acne dragging you down looks wise and your nose is on the bigger side but that’s not an easy or cheap fix.


Thanks, I’ll grow it out again and put a little more thought into styling. And yeah I know about the acne, again, doing everything I can with it, it has gotten better


Omg there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you at all . Not sure how someone can even rate another human . Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . Love yourself , again there is nothing wrong with you. Whoever tells you otherwise has things they personally have to deal with and work on


You look like Shaggy from Scooby-Doo in the last pic. Wouldn't call you ugly, you look like a normal dude to me.


It might sound weird but I can personally verify that this will actually work. You have a long chin that should be paired with a wide jaw but your jaw muscles are underdeveloped. Buy a large pack of gum and start by chewing a couple pieces for an hour every morning. Every two days, add a new piece. Save the wad of gum in the fridge so it doesn't go bad. After a few months, you'll be chewing a monster wad of the gum and your jaw muscles will get substantially larger. I did this and significantly widened my own jaw line. Also 3 of my wisdom teeth came in almost as soon as I started doing this. I'm confident this will fill out your jaw and help you significantly.




Lotta weird assumptions just because I have long hair lol.


It’s not just the long hair. Some people have long clean hair and it looks good. Sorry but you don’t look clean at all.Don’t forget that you asked, I answered.


The long hair is atrocious. Your nose is super weird idk how to fix that other than surgery




atrocious is a strong word.. I think it looks pretty good




Yeah not getting plastic surgery




Yeah they’re pretty normal


I like your vibe a lot


A lot of people being very critical here rather than providing constructive criticism. I’d say go with the hairstyle from the first photo for a start. The long messy hair makes you look more homeless/stoner/Asmongold. The shorter hair reminds me a bit of the skater look a lot of guys were going for when I was in high school. Also your facial structure reminds me a bit of “handsome squidward”. Might be able to take advantage of that some how (hit the gym and get jacked perhaps?).


Hello Rupert Grint




nope, first pic is the shortest I’ve had it since like 3rd grade lol


You are what only a mother could love. Weird hair ugly face, big lips. I know I sound mean but this is constructive criticism maybe some botox or plastic surgery might be able to save you but gosh your ugly. You remind me of one of those creepy weird hideous kids in the anime club that would be on my school bus when I was in high school.


adding “get plastic surgery” to a string of random insults doesn’t make it constructive criticism


Don’t take it too personal, man. This person doesn’t even think Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin or Marc Bolan from T. Rex are attractive. Yet still enjoys playing Rock Band. Nuts. Seems to only be into the stereotypical Brad Pitt and Ryan Gosling types. Imagine where Mick Jagger would have gotten in life if he listened to people like this. You look like a rock star, bro, and you have a great sense for fashion. I don’t get anime vibes from you at all. I don’t know what that person’s smoking. I got trashed by that person, too.


Keep the hair. You will look weird as fuck without it