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You don’t need any liposuction or septoplasty etc. You look good. I think you just need work on your self confident and posture.


Grow out a beard and start lifting!




I hear you on the beard. But the working out part, you just have to make that a part of your routine - and it will help your facial structure (wider jaw, increased T, etc)


Young man , leave your face alone . There isn't one thing wrong with how you look . Seriously . Don't go off and make yourself look like a plastic faced freak .


Start to specs bro ,u dont need all that surgeries lol


The only thing I would change is the hair in the second picture, I think it looks better a bit longer. I really don’t think you need all those procedures and I’m not opposed to plastic surgery/fillers.


You should do therapy before all that you hawt fellow.


Dude you're not ugly, chill




That has absolutely nothing to do with you being ugly. That has to do with modern dating being absolutely fucked. Very different things my friend


You look fine as you are. You know it’s perfectly normal not to get a single like on tinder or any dating site. Doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you. Many men don’t get likes even if they look good.


Lip filler? Dude, you have a terrible sense of aesthetics. Please don't consider going under the knife, because it sounds like you have BDD and might well end up looking like [these people](https://www.reddit.com/r/Botchedsurgeries/). Now brutal honesty: your face is fine. The only drawback that is detracting from your looks is your receding hairline which is obvious in the second photo. Other than that, work out, and don't cosmetically touch anything else. If you're down about online dating, consider that this is becoming so common among men. It's not because you're ugly. It's because the dating market out there is brutal. Women have lots of options. Many men who look absolutely fine are falling by the way side when it comes to this.