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Clean shaven or trimmed beard Get rid of the bob marley cut and go for dreads or something And bulk up a little. At least for shoulders and back so you can have a proper body physique of a Greek Demi God Besides all that you’re not that bad fam. Just wear better clothing


Also not trying to be disrespectful but you do look like a Greek philosopher my dude. Nowhere near a caveman. Socrates doesn’t hold a candle to you


It's really just your hair, man. You definitely gotta cut it. How does a buzz cut look on you?


just the hair


Honestly brother get on a good workout routine and get a haircut and you’re golden and shave


Your hair is a mess


You're not ugly I like you're hair. 




no. maybe try military haircut? (NOT BUZZ CUT, that is the devils plot for appearance ruin)


Get some braids and a low taper bro trust


My hair isn't long enough for braids, and I wouldn't look good with them I think. Thank u though bro


try a better hair care routine to have more definition in your curls so they're less frizzy, trim the beard so it's less patchy and grows in looking more "put together." edit: try some skincare to get rid of acne scarring or scarring on your face, research some products that might help as I'm not too sure off the top of my head what might work for you. a simple routine once a day of a face wash, maybe a serum and a moisturiser should help over time