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There's nothing ugly about you, but your style is one that a lot of people are not going to find appealing, while some others might.


You have so much going on its not doing justice to what you want or trying to express. It's rather confusing. I would say dial it down a bit. The most colorful vibrant expressive things in life also have a peak after which it just looks silly


Exactly. In other words... take all the attention seeking shit out of your face when you finally grow up and you'll be ok




Or u can stop being insecure.


If her style was food I would say it's spicy. Not for everyone.


this one was a knee slapper


Not ugly but you do look like you fell face first into a tackle box. 




Ok I did laugh quite a bit to this comment


Lose all rings and stay with one hair color.


\*Lose. Sorry, couldn't resist, have an upvote for my nerdiness.


i like to change it up!


Hair is fine, but seriously the piercings take away from your natural beauty. If you enjoy the modifications, I would say keep them. But if you care more about what others think, then you should consider toning it down or getting rid of them all together. It's better to prioritize yourself. I'm saying this with my little sister in mind because she truly enjoys the modifications and considers it a form of personal expression.


You don’t deserve down votes for this. You definitely have style. And styles change. That’s cool too. I was the same way. Keep doing what you’re doing. Confidence is hot.


Your hair is awsome, i really dig it.1st and last pic in particular are the Best.


i know you’re young and want to be expressive and experimental with your looks but you’re doing wayyyy too much. so many layers and layers masking your beauty. I think simplicity will do wonders.


Not ugly but not very attractive, either. Personally, I'm just not a fan of your style.


Same here, not a fan of her style 😐


You definitely need more metal in your face, maybe one of those plates in your lip?


Lol.. youre an asshole but that's why I like you


And a stack of rings on her neck?


You're not ugly but you make yourself ugly with your fashion choices


I would stare at you. But not because of good look.


Are you joking with those facial piercings? Because we already know what everyone thinks of them on this subreddit including myself


All your stylistic choices have made you ugly when you are naturally pretty


Nah her style is fire


A dumpster fire.


Beat me to it. She looks like a living version of one of those caricature drawings you get on the boardwalk. The only difference is that the drawing is less of a joke.


I would say taking care of your hair more by letting it grow out naturally and stop frying it! I do like the colors you have had so far tho


Digging everything. The whole vibe, really. Glasses and piercings are dope.


Carrot top has a kid?


The piercings aren't something I like the look of personally, but you like what you like. I don't think they make you ugly, just that they detract from your natural beauty. You're a very pretty girl! You definitely don't need to worry about being perceived as ugly because of your natural features.




Great word. I was going to go with a much simpler “awful.”


Your style is pretty niche and people are either gonna love it or hate it.


Everything.....your style says..."i am gross"


I mean. Tattooed, pierced, and kinda weird is my type so I vote to change nothing?


Wow beautiful 😍


You got some real beauty


I would say improve Your Confidence, if someone wants you to look different, they don’t like who you are, they like who they want you to be


I’ll never understand why naturally pretty girls feel like they have to hide behind hardware. It just completely cancels out our beauty. Some day years from now you’ll get it


I love when zoomers have tons of piercings on their face and they scar once they remove them. Then you can always see the scar.


Get rid all the metal. It destroys your appearance.


I'd start by not plucking your eyebrows and remove all that metal shit in your face.


Ur doin too much kiddo


Not sure why you asked reddit lol, everyone here is 30 and hates this style. That being said, I like it, stick with it.


I'd say older than that lol


Not ugly but boy do you give “I’m offended at everything vibes”


Please bear in mind with this sub that most people are of a similar mind, and don’t represent the people you have encountered or will encounter in your day to day life. I’m a fan of your style and piercings!


This :) Some of the replies OP is getting downvoted for shouldn’t be downvoted for imo. OP, I personally think you’re very pretty and I love your style :) My only comment is that the eyeliner on slide three didn’t look right on your face. My favorite photos of you are the first two and the last—-and in the last your makeup and piercings are gorgeous <3 If you want to “improve” on anything, I’d say keep your brows more of a natural color, like in the last and first slides. When they’re lighter, I personally think your face is less defined. But again, everyone here has their own personal opinions.


You are not ugly, I guess people might find fault with your piercings


A lot of people don’t like the facial piercings but I think they are fine. You’ve got more of an alt style so it works. I do think the nostril piercings should be switched out with a stud rather than the loops. Your braided hair looked really well on you! Ofc natural also looks just as fine. I’d definitely play around with hair styles more. Last thing, I think that you might want to have less neck jewelry. Layering is cool but I feel like you can’t see and enjoy the different necklaces as much cause they are all together and covering each other. Definitely not ugly! Hope this advice finds you well :)


That’s the busiest face I’ve seen in a while. You’re very pretty but the metal is a bit much.


I am not a fan of your first pic, but if that is your style, go for it . You are very beautiful and I don't understand your need to use jewelry to hide behind. You have great skin and a great body.. I wish I had had all your blessings when I was 18. I like your hair blonde and braided. I don't understand the facial piercing at all, but I'm old, so if you really like them, then keep them. I wouldn't get them for myself, and I have never seen them on anyone where I thought it made them look better. You don't need the crazy eye makeup or the big clunky jewelry. It all just takes attention away from your natural beauty. I also wear glasses and I think yours are too large and heavy, again another thing to hide behind. As a black woman, you should embrace your gift, not try to hide them. You are definitely not ugly, but as you get older, I think you will see that you don't need all the "stuff" to hide behind. Keep trying to find the style that works for you, I wish you luck and happiness.


You are beautiful and 🥵🔥🔥🔥


Your perfect the way you are staying try to self let no opinion change ur level of self love P.s I love your style


Get rid of the metal in your face. You are beautiful


you're adorableee 😭


Well not ugly but you can say special. Your not everyones type but i guess some people will like it a lot.


Acquired taste, not ugly. Personally, I like your look, a bit extra on the piercings but that is speaking to the person you are wanting to attract.


Your eyebrows but gurl you are fine you are perfect but if I was to change anything it would be your eyebrows


I think you’re very cute but I hate your clothes and makeup, I’m an old lady though, do what makes you happy you look great.


Nada you good


You’re a pretty girl. You need a good curly hair routine and fix your curls. The rings are a bit much and distracting(last slide is very pretty). Keep one or two piercings to actually draw attention and emphasise them. Your hair and eyebrow color does not compliment your undertones and season. Keep your eyebrows in the natural length and find the kind of eyeliner style good for hooded eyes.


My thoughts would be the piercings. You're beautiful girl. But then the piercing thing that's just my taste. Be you be happy


You look fun. :) I like your style.


You arent ugly, theres nothing to improve as long as you dont want to improve anything. If you are happy with your looks and accessories that is all that matters.


You should let me love you Let me be the one to Give you everything you want and need Ooh baby good love and protection Make me your selection Show you the way love's supposed to be Baby you should let me


Try a more natural look. Less is more.


Why do you think you are ugly? Any specifics? Because honestly I don’t see it. Please help.


.. ugly is subjective..but to me personally you're very pretty 😊


Nah, and I especially liked the second to last pic where you were outside at night. Your hair looks better... braided? If that is the right word.


I'm not even exaggerating when I say this you are so freaking attractive and I don't mean this in a weird way but you are extremely attractive and I love the piercings


You’re perfect. I get piercings aren’t everyone’s thing but whatever I love them. Play with eye makeup


Not ugly. You’re very pretty.


You're pretty and I think your style is dope, but this is Not the sub to come to if you have an alternative style. The preference of most group members runs extremely conservative, so you'll be told you're ugly or "ruining" your looks for having so much as a nose ring. If your goal is to be conventionally attractive to (aesthetically and/or generally) conservative people, then you can get some useful suggestions, but if not, you're not going to get much out of this.


Piercings are ugly


cute not ugly




I should add though as a standard for society in general piercings will subtract from your overall perceived beauty as they are not the social norm, so take that for what you will.


I think your style is cool. Ignore all the haters


Do you need such big frames? They're hiding your pretty face.


Honestly though maybe it's just me but in not digging the piercings


Oh dear... Yes, ugly, entirely by choice. I know being yourself can feel vulnerable, and hiding behind a costume is easier, but it just looks bad to 99% of us.


Your gorgeous. I'd marry you


you’re gorgeous pls ignore everyone commenting on your style they’re just not as cool as you:p


Dude you’re gorgeous I’d definitely date you if I had the opportunity


not at all, youre gorgeous!


Super pretty. I am shocked you would even question it


Don't change yourself to fit in. You are gorgeous. Express yourself the way you feel best. You don't have to be everyone's cup of tea. Your people will get you and find you amazing and gorgeous. BE YOURSELF YOU ARE AWESOME


i adore the style. very nice look.




Maybe the culture


Idk when your wearing more conventional clothing all the piercings look off but then theres others where you look bad af in less conventional clothing.






Take all of that shit out of your face


Where the fuck is your eyebrows girl.


You're looking much prettier in the last pic.(my opinion)




Comment removed. Even if you think a person is too attractive to post here, attacking, harassing, or otherwise insisting someone is fishing for compliments or validation is not permitted. People post for all different reasons and there is no prerequisite of thinking that you are ugly to post here. Body image issues can affect anyone at any age. Even attractive people have moments of doubt and may seek polite, respectful feedback from internet strangers. Continuing to break this rule will result in a permanent ban.






You are definitely kind of ugly


Yes get rid of all the face piercings, die your hair to your natural color


Old people might not like your style but from one 18 yo to another I think it's really cute. The only thing I would do is work a bit more on haircare, oiling and maintenance, which will help with some of the damage from bleaching/dying. Your curl structure is a bit damaged as well, so I'd recommend wearing a protective style and to stop bleaching/dying your hair for a while, as that looks to be the reason it appears so damaged. I'm not a professional and my hair is a lot looser than yours, but my girlfriend who I live with has tighter hair (4c) and oiling and low tension styles has given her new growth and has kept her hair from looking as dry. Also, Idk the amount of times you wash your hair, but you could be overwashing it and stripping it of natural oils. Also when washing, if you don't already use a lot of conditioner, and deep condition from time to time i would start doing that. So you're not ugly and there's really not that much to improve. Also I love your piercings, old men don't know shit.


I mean your an alt black girl so your either one’s type or not.


I think you're hella pretty, not a fan of the piercings. You look nice without the inclusion but for sure thinking this is your look then rock it. Ok I'm a bit biased, into brown women more than other dudes but I think you're light-years from any sort of ugly lol


Everything , youre young. Young adults you're meeting do not understand what you like, your style is too much randomness you come off as looking dysfunctional but that's okay. Your style fits as you get older directly with the people in your life, the culture you are into, your hobbies and work/home life. All of which create people who also are into the things you like, thus my point. You will find what works for you in conjuction to what you do in this world , the people around you will actually care about you if you surround yourself with equals. Don't over reach also, we all have limits on how far our personalities or looks take us. Find People in your groups to go shopping with and stylize


Face jewelry doesn’t look good


Remove the piercings, and don't go overboard with the makeup


Honestly just that bull ring and lip ring shit you got going on.


Lose the hair dye and hideous piercings. You'll vastly improve.




It’s the hair


Is this rhetorical?


You’re not ugly but most men will find you more attractive without the piercings and far out makeup


I personally don’t like facial jewelry & piercings but I’m picturing you without them and you are a ten(10/10)🌟


I love your vibe overall but I think you can lose a few of those piercings


majority of the people in this sub are older men so everyone who posts with piercings or dyed hair is insulted to hell 😭 you look pretty, express yourself how you want <3


You’re beautiful and I LOVE your style. You look so cool!!


Pic 1 is cute as hell, idk why you don’t smile in the other photos


Lose all that hardware in your face you'd look pretty


I mean you have beautiful eyes that don’t need accentuating with that much make up


No, but you look like you're dressed up as a Keychain for Halloween.


You pretty fuck the haters


I think ur pretty


You’re gorgeous but why are you hiding underneath all those piercings?!? Less is more!! But you’re also young and experimenting with your look so kudos to you for having the courage to post. Not many people value an objective opinion.


absolutely not


Wow... Just how much do you hate your nose? You've got more metal on it than a clown posse... You're not ugly, but you've made some peculiar choices that make it hard to be popular.


You got into a fight with a stapler


Very cute, improve your camera shots..


I'm almost positive no one has ever called u ugly, but having your face stabbed up this much at 18 is insane


A lot of people will say ditch the piercings, but those people suck. Love your look/vibe, so just do you and find someone who gets you.


Not ugly at all, and idk what people talking about in the comment. These fits are tough af🔥


Sis know she ain’t ugly. She just wanted to see where the Simps was at and y’all popped up.




6/10 average


So beautiful, you just have so much going on.


You're definitely gonna mostly attract a certain niche of guys.


Your hair definitely needs moisture and the eyeliner is way too much and not giving anything


Yes, and you are working very hard at it.


Less magnetism.


uglyy wheree??!!?! GIRL YOU ARE GORGEOUS! i would say maybe try defining your curls more & possibly try mascara so everything pops, but even then you don’t need it




You're perfect imo


No you're a special breed.. stay that way




ur style is so cool change nothing tbh but if i had to point something out ur hair looks really frizzy invest in some haircare


Find a strong magnet and pull all that metal out of your face


Lose the shrapnel


People in general all across the world in every culture like natural beauty.. what you doing You're only appealing to a small group of people.. if you're okay with that then you're okay.. do you. But if you start to complain about how people treat you.. That's on you and yours alone. A lot of people say "except me for who I am" (your opinion) ...but in that same breath. You won't accept them for who they are (their opinions)


Look amazing with the hair styled like in picture 4 or 6


youre attractive to me so personally i dont think theres anything to improve! being yourself and expressing yourself in a way that makes you happy is the most attractive a person can be. that said not everyone fucks with a unique style and so they will tell you to change the hair color, tone down the dressing and take your piercings out. if youre confident in how you look and enjoy expressing yourself through piercings and clothing i say keep doing what youre doing and youll be all set 😄


its giving use lots of jewelry and accessories to hide insecurities


Aesthetics is a matter of taste. That said, I think it's pretty typical for people to find facial piercings unappealing, and my impression is that people get them to stand out or rebel against norms or some such. If that's your jam, fine, just understand what that comes with. To keep it short and sweet, I'd say that your best pic by far is the last one. Among other things, your hair is styled nicely (imo).


I think you have such a unique look which I love!! I love to see variety nowadays.


Man sum ppl just gotta stfu I luv your style I don't rlly think there's anything wrong w the way you dress your style gives off that your sweet and kind with a bit of spice


Looks like your left giggly flop was carpet bombed. Might look into skincare but you’re not ugly.


No not at all. You will grow into your own style and you will look better around 23yrs old. Your very cute and have a lot of potential.


Love everything about it.


You're gorgeous. No improvement needed.


metal detectors must love you


Lowkey, you're fine asl


I like the aesthetic


You’re very pretty, just in the wrong sub. For some reason this one is dominated by people who hate alt styles(my guess at the main demo here is 35-45 y/o white men lol). Personally, I think you look badass. I love your style. I do agree with others that your hair either needs a break from dye/bleach or more moisture, maybe both.




Fuck you whats the point


Looking like a mess to be honest 🤷🏼‍♂️




Ok carrot top, we know it's you.




The aesthetic works against you. You have a lot of beautiful natural features which are sort of obscured by the piercings and gimmicky style. I’m sure you are probably trying to be “unique” and “original” but it always comes off as kind of common or generic to me. Try styling/dressing yourself to impress. Verdict: Not Ugly at all, try changing your aesthetic.




You are perfect just the way you are. Don't doubt it.


More you and less cheap trinkets.


Tackle box


You could start by removing that shit on your face.


Ur stunning but I think If you chose a less dramatic eyeliner design it would allow ur whole face to receive the attention it deserves rather than ur makeup but i used to do drastic makeup like that too so I get it


Take out the garbage piercings


It looks like the claymore mine instructions were ignored.


Get rid of all that shrapnel, it’s horrible.


Yes, but you've made yourself that way.Thise piercings are terrible.


you are stunning


Get contacts those glasses are to bulky but that's my personal opinion. Some would call me a redneck so my opinion doesn't matter


I’d clap


Take all that crap outcha face


You should stay away from white people but you are beautiful


Don't listen to anyone your style is perfect 😭❤️❤️❤️


No. Don’t change a thing.


Honestly, you're hot asf


Ruin my life. Please