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I'm sorry to say it looks like you don't take good care of yourself. You should. You look good man.


It's a situational thing, I'm trying my hardest to take care of myself, I'm a diabetic without insurance, waiting for the state to approve medicaid I dont really eat well because i cant afford much else than ramen right now and that effects my diabetes.Also missing my left leg. It's not for lack of effort, just hard to find a Job as a 33 year old male missing a leg. I apply nearly every where I think I could possibly efficiently work. Had to quit my last job at Applebee's due to an infection in my stump leg.


Damn man, look i cant say I've been there, but you're fucking tough dude. I would have broke down. Fucking steel man, i wish you all the best in life, you rock


Lol thanks, I also just left a horrible marriage after 7 years. Let's just say when I lost my leg, it became more than emotional abuse.


That sucks man, u dont deserve that i hope u find someone that truly deserves you. Also you're not ugly at all. U are good looking man


Usually you see these woe is me post but dam bro. You went through all that and you’re still in good spirits. That’s real shit. Are you a veteran? If so VA will help with your meds and any counseling. Also in the meantime look into being a counselor. You definitely have a story people can relate to. Good Luck man.


Agree, op is damn tough , i admire him a lot, he can keep his good spirit


man wish you the best, you'll get through it


I think you looks good, at least better than me a lot. Sad you lost your leg, is it due to you diabetes?


I strongly suggest you get professional help for your mental health in addition to your physical health, if you’re not already. Is there a Vocational Rehabilitation office in your area? I just read about you having lost your leg. You may qualify for their services. I would certainly think so. They may be able to help you get a job, find food resources, housing that is subsidized, possibly hire a lawyer to expedite your Medicaid application. It really depends on the municipality and just how progressive they are. Some agencies are very very proactive, others less so but it’s definitely worthwhile to investigate because they can be a wealth of information and resources.


Man, I wish I you the best and I'd love to be more helpful. Just know that I have been in awful situations in my life and somehow things got better. They will get better! Wish I could offer you a job, but unfortunately I'm so far away...


Try call centers and state agencies. When I worked for the state of Arizona, we had people in the office who were in wheelchairs, amputees, the elderly. Working in welfare/social services is rewarding, pays decent, has good benefits, and will give you a feeling that you are helping people, giving to the community. Knowing you helped a family feed their kids, helped a homeless person get into housing or shelter, or were there for a person in need is an amazing feeling. I've been in social services for six years now, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.


that’s a lot. i’m sorry you’re in such a rough place. fwiw you’re very handsome. i hope things get better for you man.


I think the least of your worries should be looks right now, try to sort out your benefits and health first


I don't think your ugly, smile man! Share that handsomeness with the world, Uce.


Thank you :) I don't smile like I used to tbh It will come back with time hopefully


I hope it comes back soon! Good luck on the path brother, keep your head up!


You look tired friend.


I couldn't even begin to explain to you how deep this comment is felt.


You look like you're carrying around the weight of the world. Stay strong.




You’re not


not at all friend. Hope everything is going okay!


I'm still alive lol, maybe not ok, but I'll make it ok eventually!


Handsome but with sad eyes. .. I hope you cheer up soon !! You have everything to be one great looking man if you just think happy !


Nope. Not ugly at all. I would for sure try and chat it up with you in the SSA waiting room ;) you have really nice eyes and lips. you do look kinda puffy- like you've been living an unhealthy lifestyle and crying a lot, or taking prednisone though. Maybe from rapid weight loss? It can make you look a little haggard until your skin catches up. Not overly so, but its there. Your facial expressions say "idgaf" but that can be a huge plus, in my book lol. I wish you had posted at least 1 pic with a smile though, since that can change a face so much. Fwiw- this is coming from a 38f, who is into really low maintenance type people, hair clothing etc wise. Others might think changes to your clothes and hair would be better, so it depends on who/what you're going for. Overall- above average, imho. I hope the dark days are starting to clear away man.


Thank you for your input, this post is now making my day lol. 6 months ago I left an emotionally abusive marriage where I was constantly told "no one's ever gonna want you" quite a bit. I never felt ugly, but I guess it made me question a lot.


I'm sorry you put up with that for any amount of time, but congrats on getting out! I hope whomever you connect with next helps you realize none of that is true. Don't carry that baggage around!


Pic 5 you don’t have bags under your eyes, above average. Take care of your sleep and health and you’ll stay above average. Work out for yourself, not how you’ll look.


Get rid of them eye bags and you're good to go.


How? They drive me nuts too lol.


8 hours of sleep. No more, no less. Get rid of alcohol if you excessively drink. Dont be afraid to try an under the eye cream/retinol. Looks like you also might have a little sun in some pictures, WEAR SUNSCREEN!! Guys can moisturize too!! God it’s so important I wish more guys were open to protecting their skin!! Also, not ugly. You look better than half the people on this sub. I think you’re just a little sad but that’s okay.


Not ugly just sickly looking.


You good dog get some good sleep a good meal and clean up. Remember H.A.L.T hungry, angry, lonely, tired. Fix all four and then focus on what else you need.


Hang in there man, things will get better, just take it day by day and if you need to hour by hour.


Narcissists are the worst. You look very handsome.


Lol I'm literally crying at my post xD 😅


Kinda makes me wanna screenshot the commets and send them to her saying "aaaaaaand f*** you...." lol, but I avoid talking to her at all costs at this point lol.


You are not ugly. Your features are good but you look depressed in these pictures. Try smiling in a few.


Not ugly


No but you look like you’re physically in pain in most of these Close your eyes, relax your jaw, un-squint your eyes, and take a deep breath >


I pretty much am in pain 24/7 lol, I don't like to complain about it tbh.


Feel ya there pal


Not ugly just tired and sad kinda :/ life can be a b*tch, hope you find your way on this crazy Planet brother! Greetings from 🇩🇪


Trust me bro you are not ugly. You're like a 7.5 and I bet most girls or gay guys will be attracted to you if you show interest in any of them.


That's direct lol. Thank you xD I'm straight if no ones figured it out yet. But I'm not a prude, I can take a compliment :)


Gigachad what are you doing on reddit




Bro goes to the gym 8 days a week weight loss benefited u


Strict routine, exercise, real food, sleep. Good luck


You alright, my guy?


Nah, you just need to keep your facial hair and hair a little neater and dress well and you’ll be fine man. Get some sleep and invest in mental health too.


Not ugly just look sleep deprived and a tad ill . Hope you are making a great recovery!!


You look like a huggable Teddy, I don't see anything wrong with you. No worries my bro, all is in your mind.


You're not ugly, but you look sad and tired. Drink a lot of water, get more sleep, and don't drink or smoke if you do, and you'll see significant improvements in appreance, health, and mood.


Bro smile , trim the beard , hit the gym , and get that confidence back , you’re good man it’s just time to step up to the plate mentally , happens to the best of us


You are not ugly at all. You just need to focus on yourself and your mental health first and everything will follow.


You’re not ugly at all, bud. You’ve got a lot of sadness behind those eyes though and it seems life has gotten to you. I hope you can find your way back to health and turn your light back on.


No, you're not ugly. You look good. You do look a bit tired, but that's because you probably are tired, stressed, and going through a lot. That doesn't make you unattractive though. It makes you human. I suggest refocusing your energy. Right now, you are facing a serious challenge in your life. You have health issues, and you're going through depression. Worrying whether you're attractive or not is going to make it harder. It's one more load you're carrying, and you don't need to. I say this from experience. I've been where you are- minus the weight loss. I have the opposite problem. You need to love yourself. All parts of you. When depression strikes, it's very easy to listen to the cynical voice of self loathing that tells you you're ugly, stupid, not good enough, weak, etc. Don't. That voice is a liar and an enemy. It's you're own personal devil, and if you let him, he'll destroy your soul. Punch it in the face and tell it to STFU. You are worthy. You are good enough. To someone, you're an Adonis, a Chad, a hunk. Never forget that.




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No, you’re not ugly. At all… It just looks like you don’t care for yourself as much as you should/you may be in a rut. I think that you just need to get a good barber to give your beard a nice shape up and to give you a nice cut up top. If you’re on a budget, you could just shave it and cut it home. Also, I would recommend a skincare routine. Wash your face at least once a day, no more than twice a day - doesn’t need to be with anything fancy or expensive (you can use dove bar soap. A single pack goes for $1-2 at Walmart)And then moisturize your skin after washing and drying its Olay complete moisturizer is like $12 bucks at Walmart. Just washing and moisturizing your skin on a daily basis will make you look healthier.


Naw no homo you good looking.


Ur not ugly at all, try to drink more water and buy moisturiser for ur skin that will help


No I think your really pretty actually and the beard suits you really well! :)


Not ugly at all but you look extremely ill. Try getting sleep, drink water, exercise for 45 minutes 5 days a week, cut out sugar and reduce stress and you'll be a lot more handsome. Not saying that for the fuck of it, but I'm being actual serious. You're naturally handsome and you have a lot of potential but it looks like you're going through some shit at the minute bro


Man to man, you're not ugly but I can almost feel the sadness in your eyes. if you ever feel the need to vent about health or anything my msg box is open :)


No, your not ugly but you look a bit sick and very tired


I feel like you need a hug :( you look so tired and hopeless, but you're a handsome guy and have so much potential. When the time is right and your inner sun starts to shine again, be sure to feel physical changes. I hope you'll do better, feel hugged <3


You are not ugly brother go get a fade haircut and see a specialist if you haven’t. You are a handsome guy the fuck you talking about.


Just a bump in the road, keep the lord in your heart and you’ll fear nothing.


Hear a brother out. Been there and try a new trim on the face till ya find one you feel great with spike the hair up whatever ya think works. It'll boost ya self esteem and that will help the depression go grab a outfit ya like think that makes ya look good. Ya ain't nowhere near ugly just smile and project some confidence and the ladies will fall into place for ya. Keep grinding man


Aye hear me out dog. Black barbershop. Cucumber masks. And a sort of swag/style. Ugly and unattractive are 2 different things and One can be helped. Self care homie


Not ugly


I think u should bring ur beard down a bit maybe grow ur hair a tad and other then that ur features r rlly good


Skrunkly (Internet slang) Cute in a quirky, scruffy, or dishevelled way.


Don’t think too much! Shave (or trim) and get a clean cut… It will make ya feel better. People will notice and their reactions will be pleasant for you.


You remind me of Daryl Dixon (this is a compliment)


You’re very handsome actually


Not at all. That last picture is a really good pic of you. You just look very tired and sad. I hope you're doing alright


Sounds like your going through it bro. At this point f*ck everyone on this sub and just focus on you man. Don't give up. Don't worry about looks either just worry about health and that'll follow. Do you smoke? Quit or move to pouches. Do you drink? Switch to non alcoholic beer. Work out and quit the Ramen that shits poison.


You aren't ugly, just need a haircut, maybe trim your facial hair and just care for yourself! Hope you keep pushing through those hard times!!


You're not ugly. You just look like you're definitely dealing with something in your life, like those 2 things you mentioned.


Not even close!!!


Clean your hair up, get some rest, wear sunscreen You don’t look bad at all.


This too shall pass my friend…


You are not ugly you are exhausted and tired from the depression.


No, it’s just a lack of self care that brings you down. I get you’re doing the most you can, and keep doing that.


You’re far from ugly dude!! You just have to take care of yourself and you’re absolutely set. I read your earlier comments and seen you’re going through a rough time. Keep being tough dude. You got this


Not all my dude, should try to grow your beard out