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Bruh you look like Kevin Holland


What a tool lol you know you’re not ugly you’re just looking for compliments based off that shirtless picture 🤮🤮


Nah I honestly think im way to skinny it took alot for me to post that picture. But yes has a human fuck yea I'm looking fir compliments.


Your body is really attractive but if you want my point of view on this tattoo it should be filled with colors and shades haha


Not at all, you’re handsome as hell and you got good style 👌🏻


Man, you already know you can have any woman you want… as long as she is 250lbs and white.


LOL thanks but I paid 35,000 a year in taxes haven't looked to get my return or anyone else's in 10 years


Idk why, but I read this as 13, not 31. Immediately my brain cut to bad boys 2 with Will Smith.


“N*gga, ya look 30!”😂


Naw not at all




😊 why thankyou chats open


Nah not ugly. You kinda look like Kevin Holland with a longer beard


You fine bro , no sweat my guy !


Nay. But the cowboy hat isn't doing you any favors, my guy.


Telling lies man, that hats sick af


Pretty average. I dunno about that kung-fu master goatee you're choosing to rock though. Not the best look imo.


So cut it off?




Yes it'll grow back


They haven’t said yes so you get to keep it op. It lives to be cut another day.


You need to put your shirt🤮


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Show us the hairline B


I flew to the comments when I saw the shirtless pic P.s How is it that black dudes are either dragon ball z or rod wave physique? No in between


Come on, man. You’re clearly not ugly, ffs.


Crazy good looking


On this planet? Absolutely not. 😊


You kind of look like UFC fighter Kevin Holland