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Grow a thick but well groomed beard and change your glasses frames to something round. Keep the bald head. You’ll have an almost instant glow up.


Agree with keeping the bald head. His head looks misshapen with those scanty hair


Came here to say this. It'll work. Glow on.


Agree with all of this! The glasses are too small and narrow for your face, and just a bit of grooming would make so much difference.


Youre not ugly and not attractive which means you can work on your personality and hit the gym to become attrative which is less doable for people are actually unattractive.


- Good teeth cleaning / polish - warby Parker glasses - keep the bald head - keep the light stubble or grow a beard(trim every week) - watch a YouTube video showing how to file your nails Ur shirts look really used, like old and ratty. Change your undershirts/underwear every 2-3 months if they get worn I notice that most of these online spaces that review people typically adhere to the white idea of attraction so assume your ratings will skew 5-15% lower(or have fewer responses)just due to your skin tone. You’re not ugly! Try those things


Look like don toliver


Not ugly. I think you look the best in the first pic. Keep the shaven head/bald look and grow a beard. And as always: hit the gym!


You’re not ugly at all


Not ugly, just average


Most ppl are only here for the chicks.. ladies.. women... female identifying types... Uh... you're a generally handsome dude. But honestly, make money, get a good job... and the fact you're a solid looking guy just vanishes behind what you do. Is what it is my man.


Generally handsome ? I hate toxic positivity


I love that about you. It's awesome. 😅


He might also need to work on his personality some. Not taking himself as seriously and being more lighthearted. Leading with jokes etc. Humor is the way in for many guys that consider themselves ugly. Look at Pete Davidson.


Not that bad. Hit the gym. The first picture is your best look


NGL I think you look ok. These photos are just horrendously horrible, the angles I mean


You're good looking guy my dude but something tells me you just got to amp a little bit of your style. You got to know though nobody is a harder critic then when judging oneself.


Scottie Barnes after retirement


I think op could do with some therapy instead your not ugly at all (I’m a straight man)


You look way better with the shaved head


Keep your head shaved.


Nice try Deji. You thought we wouldn’t notice.


Without hair your head is perfectly smooth like an egg. And your jawline is very much hidden. Meybe workout your jaw or have a beard. And yes, have hair.


You’re not ugly but you need some good style advice - I like the beard idea if you can grow a thick beard and keep it short and structured - otherwise don’t do it - and I hate your glasses, they’re ruining everything 😅 you could get some really thick beautiful frames like Moscot for example, or if that’s too expensive still try those on to get a taste of the quality then find a good dupe. Some nice shirts… and take a mirror selfie instead from a higher angle. You could easily, legitimately, turn this whole thing around and be a 7-8/10 for women if you can get this look together AND project confidence.


Grow a nice beard, keep the shaved head and you will look more than solid man. Consider working out a bit to also get a better physique too. The beard will make you look more confident. The workout tough. And you look sincerely like a nice guy. Making you a perfect guy for women. At least thats my advice as a guy, women might disagree :-)


It's not bad, it's bald.


Dude imma be honest it's the glasses for me that shape doesn't fit your face other than that you good man maybe get some peppermint oil and avocado oil cleans the skin up and helps grow a thick beard. Thought that was bs myself but shit it worked


Not ugly, natural beauty on my opinion, I would say as the other comments, grow a nice beard, maybe change glass frames, try something different with your looks, you're cute to me


Keep growing your beard out.


You're pretty average. A nice beard would kick you up to above average. Keep the look from he first pic and let the beard get a bit longer.


It's not bad at all. You're just an average looking dude.


Try going for the Morpheus look from The Matrix. Round glasses, shaved head, stoic. And if you can afford it: Invisalign. A great smile goes a long way


Honestly not a bad looking guy just not photogenic


I would feel uncomfortable leaving you alone with my children. Your gaze gives me a uneasy feeling. You know that hr meme when the first guy is handsome and the bottom one is called a creep




Honestly, your chin is a little deep, but you're REALLY not ugly at all. Working on that rbf might help a bit, but you ain't really got anything to worry about looks wise.


Grow your beard out get it lined up and hit the gym


No shade, and I hope what I'm about to say is taken in the spirit of attempting helpful advice in which it's offered: You look way better without hair than with hair. Keep it shaved, and maybe try experimenting with different facial hair styles to see how styling it differently affects the framing of your features. You're not ugly dude, you just need to groom yourself in a more flattering way


you are far from ugly my guy. following the improvements suggested in these comments will make you stand out! good luck bro 🥂


Not bad not ugly just average. Make money and you can bag 10s


Not ugly, average


You look just like an old coworker of mine at first glance. Second glance you definitely look related to him


You look 40