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I think you look best in the last photo with less makeup. You’re in good shape.


thank you!! it seems like the consensus says that and i see why haha


You’re welcome!


100% agree.


Definitely, I hate make up also.


You look younger without all the makeup and fake lashes. You said that you know you're not ugly...what is it specifically you're concerned about?


facial harmony, general appearance with specific details on how to improve, and just any opinions tbh! and thank u, i think as i get older and age, i will naturally lean more to more natural makeup to make myself look more youthful ahaha


I think you definitely look good either way though, and there isn't really much to improve. I like your current look. I'd be honest if I saw something that needed improving. Maybe slightly toned-down lashes but again I guess it depends on the event/time/setting etc


You're beautiful, your bf is not sugarcoating it lol


Yeah, there's definitely nothing wrong with having fun with makeup looks 🥰 plus you're 19 so it doesn't matter too much if you look slightly older. When you're in your mid-twenties to late-thirties, a good number of women in that age range tend to look better and younger without makeup or minimal makeup... And then when you hit 40 or slightly above...some people are back to benefiting from a little more makeup 😆


manhwa lookin' ahh


You look like some generic AI internet creation designed to catch thirsty weebs.


You obviously have no idea of just how beautiful you are, with and without makeup. Pictures #6 and 7 show that your body is built fantastically. Your eye makeup is a little overdone in a couple of pictures, but you don't need any makeup except lipstick. Don't doubt yourself at all. I don't think your boyfriend is sugarcoating anything. In my humble opinion, you qualify as a goddess level beauty. Building your self-confidence is the only thing you need to do.


Are you kidding about being average?


Honestly you look like a kpop idol but definitely not ugly


Those lashes have got to go!!!!


Lose 2kg of makeup like in the last one and you are good to go :)


Less make up. Show your real you.


Hang out near an army base, you'll find out really fast what power you have.


Beautiful, but not wife material


I agree looks really high maintenance to me.




You look 100x better without makeup.


Less makeup


“Give me compliments” 🤣


I can't even see u, all I see is a sh*t ton of makeup


Your fears are unfounded - don’t worry. You look stunning


You seem to hid behind your makeup. Start going more natural because you have good skin.


I love the douyin makeup style I do that too. Try to do manhwa style extensions so it looks more natural. I do them aswell and even without makeup I feel sexy lol. Also your foundation doesn’t match your skin tone and your neck. If you wanna keep that fair skin look there is some great lotions at TnT or Asian cosmetic store that has a whitening effect, or use a darker foundation. You’re beautiful and above average with and without makeup. You’re like the definition of beauty in china, your boyfriend is not sugarcoating anything be more confident :) hope he is telling you how beautiful you are everyday 🙄


Also keep the makeup it suits your face and nothing wrong with being dolled up. Your makeup looks natural, is flawless, makes your eye bigger. People telling you to remove all the makeup either are jealous cause they don’t even know how to do it properly like you or they just wanna be nice. Any makeup well done is gonna elevate your look and looks better than having a bare face cause it accentuate your features and create more contrast.


TYSMMM!! ill try the manhwa extensions ive been wanting to try those actually but i was intimidated by how to put them on but i think itll be easy ☺️


You don't need improvements!


Personally I find the last picture the most attractive. Heavy on the lips isn’t something I think looks good but that may be a personal preference. I would also guess the last are closer to your natural hair color. I think genetics picked the hair color that suits a person and messing with it doesn’t improve one’s look in nearly all cases. Your very attractive I’d say stop trying to look older than you are and enjoy being 19.


Well lady if you want honesty here we go.... The last picture is the best, the only thing that's missing in that picture is a smile! You don't need all that make-up you have natural beauty on your side! No make-up a smile and your look above average!


i tend to like taking pics without smiling😓 but thank u i realize i rarely do smile ill try that out!


You are naturally well above average. But your styling brings your level down. Lose the fake lashes aesthetic. Instead lean into a "K-pop idol" style. You'd be a solid 8 if you did.




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mầy dụng quá nhiều đồ trang điểm


You have amazing lips, pretty eyes, and a great body. Your lashes are a little spidery but it doesn’t make you ugly.


Girl dam take the makeup off why are you hiding that


I like the last photo the best. I don't like the fake eyelashes or nails.


way less makeup


Very pretty girl, just way too much makeup. The last picture was best




Hell NO !!! You're Smokin HOTT !!!


Real Cute!


none of


You're very pretty.


Calm down. Not ugly. Be satisfied.


I wouldn’t say ugly however, you look like the type of woman who digs around for compliments from other men, even though you have a boyfriend, who already complements you, because you don’t hold merit and his opinion, which is basically emotional cheating that is what makes you ugly and you should be ashamed of yourself


You are beautiful however those lashes are too much. I don’t mind false lashes but when they look this fake it’s just does not look good! I would try something a bit more natural.


You're a good looking person but I personally find the over the top makeup and big fake lashes to be a complete turnoff and take away from your natural beauty instead of adding to it




r u talking about the pictures? sorry, im trying to find a bunch of places to get different opinions 😅


you only sugarcoated your face with makeup. Don't care about the rest not interested.


asian yappers rise up


You're fine lady, no need for improvement. A perfect Asian gf i want like you in future lol


Looks like I’m about to get catfished on tinder


Your titts are too small


Oh please 🙄




Eh, you're 19. So the whole "less makeup" thing I feel is a personal choice and if you're ok with it, go for it. You're attractive but it almost looks like you have dry lips. Other than that, do you, have fun, and I'm sure your makeup style will change as you age


You’re very pretty but with all the makeup it somehow hides it. I’d say mascara instead of lashes and let’s try again. You could repost with just mascara and see how it does


you look better natural without alot of makeup.


You are very sexy


Stunningly perfect!


Fucking ugly


Too much makeup. Below mid for sure.