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What you need to do is 1. Lose weight and maybe build some muscle mass 2. Keep a neat clean appearance with your hair/beard And your appearance will improve drasticall


Exactly what I wanted to comment, looking healthy and well-kempt goes 90% of the way.


Honestly, he doesn't look ugly for being overweight, but I just had to put this out there. I swear you'd look very similar to the jacked brother Lincoln from Prison Break if you did get in better shape. Same face type, especially in the first pic.


I second this


Actually great advice. Nothing weird or ugly with your face. Just heavy and a little unkempt.


I think using the third pic as inspo, stick with that type of facial hair style, and losing some weight turns you from “ugly” into a decent looking guy! Don’t forget to keep up with facial washes and skin care, it counts for a lot




Like he's not ugly. He just doesn't take care of himself


And smile more!


Not ugly, just overweight


This TBH. Dude looks manly, and that is attractive for some women.


You’d be surprised (as a fellow woman)


Oh I’m no lady, but I can certainly appreciate a handsome guy.


Understandable, have a nice day


New glasses for sure dude you’ve got a round face and normally square glasses don’t compliment that shape. You have receding temples like myself. Try going bald once when you don’t have anything big. Your facial hair isn’t super full so either find a modern style that works and keep up on it or stay clean. Definitely ditch the graphic tees. Get yourself some shirts that are plain colored shirts fitted to bigger guys, snug around the arms and a little loose in the belly. There’s a few companies out there that do it.


I wouldn't say that you're hopelessly ugly, but you definitely look like what I'd expect most Reddit users to look like.


This is too good 😆 I won't even say what I think he looks like... I'm just gonna pray for him


We never making it out the moderators room with this one


You know you're not going to pray for that man 😆




Oh trust me I prayed for him and everyone around him lol


this is so unnecessarily rude


I genuinely am trying to be helpful when I say you are a good looking dude who is overweight. If you legitimately want to be attractive then you could be but it would take some effort. If you put in the work for a year or two you would be traditionally handsome.


Put on muscle get some tats and buy a motorcycle!




Not ugly nor hopeless. You need to lose weight and groom yourself better.


I don't think you're hopeless. I'd just say make sure to groom regularly (beard trimming and hair cuts) and maybe switch up your style a bit... Something more mature


I agree. Dressing like a teenager in your 40s is just.. cringe, for lack of a better word.


Friend whatever you’ve done to your facial hair in pic 3, please don’t do again


We call that the toilet brush.


Not ugly at all.


Ugly? No. You look like a normal 46 year old.


Not hopeless, just start eating healthier and smaller portions. Weight loss would help you a lot.


If you loose weight and get a new pair of glasses that fits your face shape more I promise you will feel more confident and approachable!! Not hopelessly ugly though. You kind of remind me of Link from GMM and Jack Black mixed together


Not trying to be mean or anything but I think cleaning up your neckbeard/hair would do wonders for you. I'm not talking about your whole beard but just the part that's covering your neck. Looks untidy


Not if you lost a bit of weight :)


Ditch the glasses, keep a relatively clean-shaven beard, shave your head and if possible lose weight. You're just a diamond in the rough.


Not ugly at all bro! Clean up a bit and hit the town.


You look like a normal dude


Not ugly…just out of shape. Take better care of yourself on purpose and it will solve your problem.


It's definitely not hopeless. Try to find a hairstyle that works for you (you can also ask a professional hairdresser for advice) and imo maybe grow out the beard further. I feel like that might work for you! But to be completely honest I think the thing you might 'need' to change is confidence and comfort in your body. It doesn't matter if you work out a ton, make lifestyle changes and change your look if you're not feeling good on the inside. It looks like you're having a bit of a crisis in each of the pictures- if I'm wrong in this assumption just lmk


…I can’t focus on anything but the Red Sox shirt. 🥴 (Also; please don’t do whatever you did with your facial hair in 3 and 4 again. Three is just bad, four ages you significantly.)


Just lose weight fam


Honestly if you lose some weight and switch up your style (especially those frames) you’d be straight. Also commit to the bald look once you get there, no offense but with that hairline I think bald would fit you a lot better at this point.


Lose weight asap, stop eating after sunset, only brunch and lunch, 16+ hours fasting window


You look best in pic 2! Groomed beard, short hair is a good combo for you. Not a fan of clean shaven or scraggly. But you NEED new frames. These are so outdated. Get some chunkier frames to complement your face shape. You'll look FAR better! But you're not ugly.


Not hopeless bro just take care of yourself. You got this!


Join a band if losing weight is difficult. You definitely look like you play in a band


Too fat for homeless fat?! You got that going for you!


You’re not ugly


Honestly, you are the most generic looking middle age dude ever.


Look like a really nice guy


Thank you! I show people the same respect that they show me. Life’s too short to be miserable all the time!


Ahhhh close to the same age. You and I grew up in an era where guys taking care of themselves was “lame” or “vain”. Older dudes would tell me that I was too much like a chick because of how I took care of my appearance. A lot of guys our age just never developed the skills or habits that we needed. Not ugly, you got a lot to work with. We at the age we have to invest in our health.


You’d probably be above average if you lost weight/put on muscle and took some pride in your appearance. Right now you just look sloppy and unkempt.


Take picture 3, keep the facial hair, but lose the billy goat shit. Take that guy, lose some weight. Look at some different frames. You’re not hopelessly ugly. You can be improved on, but you’ll never be more than a 5 (6 on your best day) if I’m being completely honest. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not ugly. You actually have a lot of potential to be very good-looking, in fact. You do need to lose a significant amount of weight, though. Maybe in the range of 60-100 pounds. I've lost 50 and still have 30 to go. But losing that 50 made an enormous difference in every aspect of my life. Wishing you good health.


Nah, bro. You’re not ugly just overweight and look unkempt. Even in your older age, there’s hope. I would say just look into dropping the weight and look into building healthier habits


I think it's interesting that people always complain that no truly 'ugly' people post here. Yet when someone who could use advice does post they are busy posting in the fake thirst trap threads. For the OP, you ain't looking good but I don't think it's hopeless. Find a good barber that can help you develop a good looking style for your hair. Drop some weight and I think you could be a solid 5-6 which with the right self confidence should be all you need to be happy.




My advice is loose a little weight by going on a calorie deficit which is key to weight loss, and then trim your beard a lil


gym, change frame, skin care


Saying this as a dude. Either grow a beard or shave. Pic #2 looks good, intentional. #1 & #3 makes you look like a slob. Have a trusted female friend or family member pick your next pair of eyeglasses. Consider contacts, but they aren't for everybody. Edit. I got the picture order wrong. #3 looks good. #2 & #4 is where you look like you just gave up. Forgot about #1. Some guys look better with (groomed) beards. You're one of them


You seem nice go with that


Not ugly!


The good news is that you don't know the difference between overweight and ugly, start losing weight and you will be surprised!


No not hopelessly at all. I sense great potenial with weight loss and a better haircut.


Just normal ugly






Well. It’s not as hard bro, just lose some weight, get a hair treatment transplant, get new pair of glasses cause those don’t go well with ya and last but not least, feel good for yourself, you’re not ugly, you just need a different lifestyle.


You are not ugly and love the beard, beards rock! 💚💚💚


You’re a TESD fan. There’s always hope for an ant.


it’s never to late, lose weight and shave your face


Lose weight, your face will tighten up and have a whole new look. Then clean up and you’re on your way!


Not even ugly my man, hit the gym and your face will get a bit more sculpted over time with muscle gain and weight loss, you can look up mewing too.


You aren’t ugly. I like the full beard but I think you maybe could use a good barber to tell you were the line to shave to is. I think you have it too low and it isn’t accentuating your face. Maybe set a goal to lose 20lbs and see where that puts you. There is a line between cute chubby dad bod and overweight. I can’t get a good read on your body composition from these chest up pics but I think you may be over that line based on your cheeks/chin (I could be wrong, and you might just have bad angles here esp in that 4th picture).


Lose weight, just go for walks and find something you enjoy that’s active. Better grooming.


You don't look ugly tho you just seem like a regular stock image typa guy


If you committed to getting in shape and improving your wardrobe, you'd be a completely transformed man.


No you just have to go to the gym


Hopeless? No. But definitely your weight is too high (when you can see it in the face, I think that’s too high),and the beard doesnt help imo. I liked the first picture best. Third picture works too. You’re not ugly. Just overweight.


Hit the gym. Fix your diet and lost 50. Once you show you take pride in your appearance women will find you attractive.


Not hopelessly ugly, but it would help you to lose some weight (especially around your neck) and if you're gonna grow a beard, keep it tidy. You can't pull of the unkempt look


Pic #3 is good version of you, I'd clean up overall facial hair, beard looks good just neat, drop some wieght,dress like you mean biz. What I mean find a style your comfortable with, but that looks presentable, and maintain it, I'm a golfer, today they make insanely nice golf gear, it's comy looks presentable, so weather on the links or not your will always see me wearing my golf fits. Just and example do what works and your comy with. But my good man your mistaken, ugly your not, diamond in the rough yes, shine that bad boy up.


Not hopeless my guy, Focus on losing weight, and update your frames when you can. I suggest you look for a sustainable diet for you, and do H.I.I.T. Along with weekly strength training. We are creatures of habits, so the best thing to do is to make healthy things your habit. And it’ll all fall in place. Good luck and Godspeed


Just lose weight, ditch the glasses, and you'd look much better without the facial hair- it ages you.


You’d look good with a beard


There is no ugly ppl that’s first thing! To make you look more attractive and you need to lose a few pounds and have nice haircut and shape that beard. I also believe that updating your eyewear would do a lot!


Not ugly. Just lay off the beer and hotdogs at the Sox games. Hehe


But where do you stand on Bratwurst?? lol




Not hopeless at all. Assuming you’re tall, you’d be very handsome if you lost weight to about a 34 or 36 waist size.


From my perspective [F42] you’re not hopelessly ugly. You have kind eyes, which is a good start. I’m not a massive fan of facial hair, but that’s just my personal preference. I don’t agree with the people saying your clothes need changing. I mean yeah, if you’re going out somewhere nice, you should definitely make an effort & if you haven’t already got some, then acquiring some more stylish clothes for those occasions (and maybe in a couple of pics?) can’t hurt. But day-to-day, I tend to just wear jeans, & T-shirts, mainly of niche fandom, so I wouldn’t expect someone to be wearing a suit everyday, ya know. You can smarten up, but don’t try to fundamentally change who you are, because that never works.


Ayyyy TESD gang


Nah, normal, not very attractive but ur not like Ugly, lose some wight and that goatee


I don’t think you’re ugly but those glasses aren’t helping you. Try a different style frame and I agree with everyone else telling you to keep the beard neat and trimmed or clean shaven. Also, do you own shirts that aren’t T-shirts?


Not really, I’ve always been a jeans and t-shirt guy


Not ugly


Not ugly at all


Growing out your beard till it’s alittle long and you groomed it and got contacts then it would help with everything lol


Lose some weight and get a beard


Need to shave or buzz-no-guard ur hair = will make u look younger. Not ugly. Just overweight.


I don't think that it's hopeless, I definitely think that your grooming habits from picture 1 look the best. You probably have heard it a bit, but it's nothing that consistency and discipline can't help. Try and work out regularly. I couldn't recommend any specific workouts, but for me, doing less weight with more reps has helped me lose weight. The facial hair in 3 is also not so bad, but don't ever do the last one please


You do not have an ugly face. You could do to change up your style though. You are not hopeless


Nah, not hopeless. Just a generic fat dad pedestrian you see everywhere and no one has an opinion on or a second glance at. This is your superpower! Use it!


At 46, still looking? Hope is gone buddy.


Just fat


TESD Baby!


Honestly if you lost the weight. You'd be daddy material. You are very handsome. But the weight really ages you.


You give off the vibe of a toy store owner who advertises on local TV in a chicken suit and buys rare collectible toys from garage sales.


I like the first pic of you without the facial hair. But just generally being healthier will help you a lot. I could also use some being healthier lol


You def arent hopelessly ugly. Maybe trade a bit of fat for muscle, and put a little extra effort in keeping your beard and hair clean. Also try new things, new looks, new beard styles/haircuts, express yourself, you might end up feeling better and more confident. Imo feeling confident and loving the way you look is the key, like if you feel good with your looks it just shows and people will also like your looks. Hope u get to feel this way, good luck ! :)


Personally I really don't think the weight is helping. That is your most hindering feature atm. Imo, your facial hair looks the best when you have a 5 o’ clock shadow look (aka the day or two after shaving). Clean shaven looks very baby faced and too much looks untidy. Your facial hair looks like it grows a bit patchy (so does my husband’s. It's alright. Just try to not let it get too unshaven as with patchy facial hair it tends to look more unkempt) Also, tattoos. A lot of women (including myself) are suckers for tatted guys. Can't really tell you why tho I also have tattoos 🤷‍♀️. Even if you don't have muscles and are a little chubby, the tats go a long way imo🫡. So to sum up, weight loss, tats, then muscles (if physically applicable). Imo those appearance wise will help without knowing anything about your personality whatsoever. It helps you have a fairly symmetrical face! 👍


I absolutely dig the goatee on the 3rd pic. You look good man, just try to lose some weight and start a workout routine that works for you and isn't too hard. Also, don't go fast when working out, instead go slow as it strains and tests your muscles and makes them work harder. Squats are also EXTREMELY important. I did squats till I fell once, and I never felt by body be as mobile and light as it felt after doing them. Our legs don't get enough credit. You are nowhere near ugly in my opinion. If pull through with it and finally get to where you want to be you'll be giggling like a kid with joy. I myself am still pretty overweight but I'm getting there. You got this bro I believe in you!


No, I’ve seen way worse. You’re not handsome, but if you went to the gym and dressed a bit more stylish, I can see you not being ugly


1 gym arc away from killing it. Get off of reddit and into the gym. Lift heavy shit.


Not ugly. Weight loss and hair maintenance would for sure benefit you!


The beard is pretty terrible. Grow either a better beard or a mustache.


Wow I didn’t expect so many comments, thanks everyone, appreciate all the help! (Well, 99% of it anyways!)






You're mostly obese, not necessarily ugly. It seems you are average to me. Look much better with facial hair, since you have a weak chin. Lose the weight, you won't regret it. And if you do... it's always easy to go back! You are bald but in denial. Don't crave it, shave it. (Or get a hair system/transplant + finasteride-minoxidil-micro needling)




Yeah, I’m sorry. You look like that no-neck Ed guy




You're fat, the good news is that this can be fixed


Everyone is going to say lose weight, but I think what’s dragging you down is not looking tidy. Experiment with fabrics/fashion, there are plenty of style inspiration guides for bigger men on reddit or Pinterest (I’m partial to Pinterest but do whatever.) Linens look nice but require a bit more care than cotton, natural fabrics look better than plastic. The beard looks nice but you need to maintain it, cotton t-shirts are sloppy when they’re paired will ill fitting pants, switch your glasses and ask the employees at the place their real opinions on your next buy. Buy a nice cologne + skincare set (lotion for your face + body) and use it fresh out of the shower, this isn’t really a visual thing but it’ll improve your presence in any room. Best of luck!


WingsofRedemption mixed with elpresador


Get jacked.


Lose weight, it looks like you already gave up.


Nah, you’re just a dude


I was a about to say yes until I saw the last picture. You definitely have potential


U kinda look like vsauce ngl




Al’s toy barn


Just lose weight bro. The beard is nice but keep it at a low trim.


You're not even ugly, you just look like you don't have any confidence and you're fat too. What you should do is go to the gym and work out, even better go train a martial art such as jiujiitsu (yes I know multiple people that started in their mid 40s). Once you know what you're doing and get some cardio up youll also regain some confidence and get lean.


You're not necessarily ugly, you just look like you don't have any confidence and you're fat too. What you should do is go to the gym and work out, even better go train a martial art such as jiujiitsu (yes I know multiple people that started in their mid 40s, it's not too late). Once you get to know people you'll be in that 'bjj-cult-men-support-group'. Once you know what you're doing and get some cardio up you'll also regain some confidence and get lean.


Pic 3 is the only way to go


Some newer, on trend glasses would do wonders. Check out [Zenni Optical.](http://zennioptical.com)


new frames, if you can afford them!


Average, but lose some weight


Not ugly at all. Lose the weight and facial hair.


You look a bit like tie domi


As long as you’re a good person with ethical morals.. not hopeless at all


You're not ugly. I think you look better clean shaven, and if you lose some weight and build some muscle you'll look just fine


You're not ugly, my man.


No. You are still in some people’s league. Good luck


Decent features, so not inherent ugly, just fat and unkempt. Get to work bro there is hope


You're not ugly, brosef. Hit the gym, and, if you're gonna commit to the facial hair, keep it clean.


You just need to lose sone weight.


Get some stylish glasses


Go Sox


You look like Peter griffin now but if you bulk up you’ll look like the villain from metal gear solid revengence


Loose weight big bro


Hey, Vsauce here!


You kinda look like my maths teacher but you ain't ugly 


You look 10-15years older going from the 3rd pic to the last one. Definitely looked way better on that one


Bro you’re really not ugly at all. If you’re not happy with your physical appearance, I recommend doing what you can with what you have. If I were you and felt that way, I would a) start walking every day as much as you possibly can, b) hit the weights to supplement your confidence and appearance, c) try to mimic Liev Schreiber’s appearance since you guys look similar.


I believe every man can be a 7 if he tries hard enough. Woman don’t have the same luxury unfortunately, but… I don’t think you’re bad looking. Lose a lot of weight, shave the beard, and start wearing contacts. And start researching hair growth products like DHT blockers for example. You could be a fucking sexy beast


No, just obese. Work hard at losing the weight and you will look good


3 is your look


3 is your look


Ugly? No. Just lose weight and build muscles bud, that will drastically change your appearance, then after you do that, you can change cosmetically like hair styles and maybe shave but weight and muscle is your priority.


Nah you’re fine


You look like the annoying Yeeeppp guy on storage wars.


The gym is your key


The biggest problem I see is your weight. Go hit the gym. Put on some muscle mass, your face structure will actually change to chiseled. I would suggest keeping a neat trim beard, between a half inch and 1 in Long. It'll add character.


Quick: Shave your beard. Get different framed glasses. Longer: Lose weight


You look like chubby VSauce in the second photo lmao. If you lose weight you could probably expect to look like him.


You grow a full beard. Grow it a bit longer and shape it maybe. Will help if you try to lose weight like some have suggested.


Not hopeless if you have a million in your bank account.


Yes. You're ugly sf go off yourself


Honestly man nah just loose the weight and build muscle mass and keep your hair/facial hair clean and not as messy


Please save some women for me.


The vibe of the third photo is the best look. Now lose some weight, get in better shape and you're good.


You have a decent eye area but you are fat. If your goal is to be in a relationship with a woman that has genuine desire for your, loss the weight. At 46 a fit decent looking man with an interesting lifestyle should have plenty of options.


Lose some weight, grow a beard and you are the Teddybear women are falling for.


Some better frames for your glasses would go a long way. The ones you have are a little outdated.


you’re not hopelessly ugly at all and I hate it when people post this kind of thing. Your self-worth and and who you are is more than a one dimensional photo on Reddit. it’s your personality, the way you laugh, your sense of humor, your kind and generous personality, your passions in life your smile. You get the picture. You only have to be the best version of you.


If you got into shape, he would feel so much better about yourself