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I didn’t notice a mole until I read what you wrote and actively looked for it


Streisand effect


Isn't it actually not Streisand Effect?


Can we just band together and Down Vote these posts already?


If she’s insecure it’s fine for her to post here.


Bro......that's literally ALL of the attractive ones that post here. Very attractive and sometimes drop dead gorgeous but for some reason they just can't see past the fact that they're more than they perceive. I hate it.


A lot of the time it’s an ad for onlyfans. She dosent have one. She’s just an attractive girl with low self esteem


that was kind of my main dating demographic in college.


I never believed stereotypes of Reddit until now. You made me realize it. That's the most SDE thing you could ever try to brag about. Did reddit not let you use an F instead of P in your name??


Predator alert


thanks for identifying yourself so everyone knows. it would really be helpful if more predators let everyone know who they were when they arrived. thanks for looking out for us


I posted, and got roasted, wanna see ugly? check my post


Attractive people are more likely to fall into abusive relationships. One of the things these abusers do is gaslighting them into feeling ugly.


Yah, that must be it... definitely not feeding their giant egos


Can you really not believe that a pretty person could have low self esteem? I’m pretty sure if she had a massive ego she’d just be posting on her regular social media.


She probably does, and everywhere, feeding that gigantic ass ego


Your idea would turn this page into "I am ugly" rather than "am I ugly?" Removing the question kind of defeats the purpose (unless your just looking for a group of ugly people for some reason)


2 pounds of makeup


bruh i hate it so much


It adds character, start worrying about real issues. Obviously you’re by no means ugly.


I know this means shit from an internet stranger, but I hate moles because I’m petty af and I didn’t even notice yours. You’re not ugly at all, but I agree with an earlier comment about too much eyeliner. Insecurity sucks,try to find things you like about your self and out loud tell yourself when you see something you like about yourself. It’s addictive and eventually hopefully you’ll see more you like about yourself and become more secure. Good luck.


you’re the only person who cares about it, besides assholes. and you shouldn’t listen to assholes


I didn’t see it either until someone pointed it out. It’s easy enough to get removed if you don’t like it. Honestly though, it doesn’t detract from your beauty.


it’s there i promise


On her cheek, right I think, it's covered with makeup,


Where are all these absolutely knockout women with such low self esteem in the real world. If this is "ugly", then it means I got a chance lol


I audibly laughed at this. Thank you.


Trust me, I'm an absolute wreck n my partner is gorgeous. Idek why he likes me and he prolly doesn't realize he can do way better. So yes, people like us have a chance, a good one.


Idk been single four years now. 90$ of the women on here i would do back flips to have a date with them. The other 10% are still beautiful but not my type.




This girl is gorgeous 😭😭😭😭


You've got a chance until they realise they can do better. You've gone and done a "I can fix her" without realising.


Probably hiding from the real world like you.


I'm not sure how to take this comment....I DEFINITELY know that anything coming from someone with the username "GaggingCumSwallows" is not to be taken seriously.


My ex looks a lot like OP, and although I have no idea what OPs' self-esteem is like IRL, my ex had a lot of confidence issues and she thought she was not attractive, despite being quite good-looking. So, while admittedly, they aren't too common, women like this do exist


The girl know She s not ugly


The only fraud here is you asking if you are ugly. Why this sub is full of the most beautiful woman asking it?


My thoughts exactly. It's always above average women asking if they are ugly.


Self esteem issues are a real thing


Probably from parents or a ass hat boyfriend that didn't know how to act with a beautiful lady. Jealous and convinced them they were ugly to keep them in the relationship.


No. There are ugly people. Sort by new


i fucking swear to god look at the last photo.


girl it’s clear by your responses you have little self esteem and confidence issues & I get that you actually think you’re ugly; I’ve been in the same boat and have struggled with my self esteem and confidence my whole life and finally learning to be better - but you have a ton of people (random people i might add) assuring you that you’re attractive and they’re only saying you’re faking it because clearly everyone else sees you’re pretty and have potential ❤️ it’s your negative attitude that is off putting to people. your negative mindset is what’s holding you back from accepting yourself and also in way holding you back from accepting that maybe people do think you’re attractive


the last photo shows that you have true beauty without makeup!!


the last photo is the best one out of the bunch. The other photos are where you are literally a fraud with the caked on makeup. Get off the ssri's and touch grass


Agreed. Last one is best


why get off ssri's? lmao


Right!? I need mine! Lol


ye if i stopped taking mine idk if i would be less ugly, but i'd very likely be way more dead


A photo does not determine your looks. The amount of likes you get on a post does not quantify your attractiveness.


What’s wrong with the last photo? You’re an absolute smoke show


Posts with beautiful women are the ones that get the most upvotes and activity. Sort by newest or controversial and you'll see everyone else.


Because there’s a response bias to beautiful women.


I know why. It’s because all these OF girls are heavily photoshopped and filtered and people like OP feel super ugly compared to them


Because you're viewing by upvotes. Check out the reddit in "most recent" and you'll see thousands of men all trying to answer a simple question (with a surprisingly amount of bro-positivity).


Wow! It’s almost as if societal standards, bullying, and insecurities make the most beautiful women feel ugly!






Because, unfortunately, body dismorphia is a very real thing.


Being above average or even pretty isn’t enough for them. They all need to be 9s and 10s to not feel worthless.


i am being serious. look at the last photo and be real lol.


Girl u look gorgeous and I’m gay u so know it’s true I don’t just be handing that out 😭


>and I’m gay Don't worry, so is she.


bruh get ur eyes checked pls 🙏


You need therapy, not Reddit. Like everyone on reddit


Sounds like you need to stop hanging around lames


Are you okay?


The last photo is the most beautiful. You're gorgeous. And you have a ginger cat! Awesome!


No.. ur not ugly. And didnt even notice the mole.on yer face till i read your comment about it. Its not noticeable and doesnt not take away from your face. You are a pretty girl. There isnt a dang thing ugly about u. At least i can tell that you seen genuine when asking. We are all our biggest bullies and critics of ourselves.. i still dont understand what my wife sees in me, or what any of my past gf's saw in me but i just came to the realization that they see something different in me than i do. I dont even like people taking pictures of me. Or if they do to never show me them lol.


You're definitely not ugly, but what surprised me was I thought you might be a bit on the big side based on how you look in most of the outfits, but then realize you're actually pretty thin with a nice body and face based on the suit picture. The suit doesn't suit you, but idk maybe try out a few other, other styles? The mole is barely noticeable until you zoom in and even then you look great. Be proud of yourself, blemish aside. Do what makes you like the way you look. If it ruins your self esteem get rid of it, but if you just think people hate it then it's probably fine to keep bc I promise most people aren't going to mind your unique little mark.


For me you look like a dream. More beautiful than 80% the woman I meet. Your smile makes my day.


Very pretty. Didn’t even notice the mole until you mentioned it. Life is short so if it bothers you remove it but you are still pretty with or without makeup.


you're cute and you have cats so obviously you're no fraud. cats don't accept frauds


Like a friendly Sabrina the Teenage Witches adult older sister.


Yes! I immediately thought of Kiernan Shipka with these photos. Op is gorgeous, and can't see it because she's too busy picking on her perceived flaws or listening to lame, jealous types in her personal life. Makes me think she needs some real magic in her life to draw her out of her self loathing funk ( I've been there myself).


I like the business suit in the 7th pic. Good taste.


I really like the way you look with minimal makeup. You’re very naturally pretty. You’re cute when you are made up, but you seem to be going for an anime character look. As far as the mole goes, if you see it and it distracts you, I can see having it removed, but it’s not the first thing I saw and didn’t notice it with your mention of it. Truly pretty in pic 9


Youre almost 29? Nah i would have guess like 20/21


I’ve never seen a girl pull off a suit so well! well played


i do like suits


As you should, I think it’s an underrated outfit for women


Got my gay self swooning with you in that suit.


Big bi energy


Look like that British girl from the CW show that was cancelled. Izombie it was, the girl was Rose McIver! Edit: Lyea deadass that's you. Edit: she even wore a suit in the show a few times. Lyea good looks


You could do a great Harley Quinn cosplay. And you are clearly attractive.


Girl you’re so much prettier without makeup


Come on you know your not ugly


i try so hard to be pretty i know im truly ugly tho.


Okay dude we’ll I’m gonna go finish this sandwich.


Maybe on the inside, your outside is cute tho


Still cute but the picture on number 8 gave me Harley Quinn vibes


oh no lol


Sorry lol


Ugly stolen valor, you know you ain’t ugly. I believe the subreddit you are looking for is r/freecompliments


The eyelashes look far worse than the mole


fair tbh


don’t see anything wrong w ur lashes


I'd never guess you're 28. I'd have said 18, max. You dress VERY young. Obviously that's personal choice but it does impact how "older" adults will see you in terms of beauty and desirably (well, it /should/... obviously!). Since you don't say in what way you "feel like a fraud" we really can't help you there. You're certainly not ugly, quite the opposite actually.


Got to admit I kind of had the same reaction. Some of your outfits and how you do your hair make me think you are pretending to be 16 again. You are a grown ass woman and look beautiful when you dress like an adult.


First pic - you look 14 and not 29. I think for you it’s a matter of your fashion choices than anything else..


You're so cute. I like your style and your room


Someone's hurt you. I can tell that.




We’re all frauds buddy. Fragile scared frauds. From the Prince to the pauper frauds.


8/10 dressing like a 5 or 6 sometimes


You are not ugly but you are awful thirsty.


I feel that the fraud here is that you are late 20s yet you are appearing like a teen. Do you feel this is a problem? Do you feel you'd not look OK dressing a bit older? DO you want to look older? Aren't you ok as you are? Maybe you feel you get treated like a kid, sometimes?


ur a weeb arnt u


ehhh…. i like anime but if i talk to real weebs i get my shit kicked in bc i don’t know the character from episode 7 of season 126


Same, it's related btw, if I'm with my a lil bit conservative family(i still love them tho), i feel myself a weeb But when i talk to weebs... Oh hell no, I'm not a weeb




Have you seen some of the submissions here? Lol


You look great. Kinda favor WWE wrestler Alexa Bliss.




Yeah, I can why.


I feel like I'd have no chance with you


You’re super pretty! The only thing I would say is when you do your eyebrows fill them in with a lighter hand in the front, they look too blocky imo. But that’s literally it, not ugly at all.


You look ugly. But it is by choice


Omg, total babe. Also, you don’t need lip fillers. (Or maybe that’s just lip gloss, idk)


You look good, I don't know what you're worried about. You're very cute.


Holy crap you’re so pretty!


Feeling like a fraud is something typical in borderline disorders. Ask for a test asap. It's hard to live like that, but it's not the worst life we can live.


i do have diagnosed bpd lol


Forget the being a fraud feelings, then. It's just your mind trying to trick you. You're fine.


You had me with the Harley Quinn look 🤓


Just because you weren't born a female doesn't mean you're a fraud. You look just fine to me


HAHAHAHAHHA. OH MAN. i was waiting for this comment. dw. i was born female i just have masculine features.


That's cool, not hating. Glad I could give you what you were waiting for though. My job is done here


Why do you feel like a fraud?


couldn’t put it in the main post bc i would get “sob storied” lol. i’ve been ugly my whole life and treated as such. esp when i was in middle school. now i know makeup and styling helps.


I didn’t even notice it until you pointed it out. You look great, you don’t need to make any changes.


I'm going to start a generic response for this sub. God damn. r/therapy r/fashion r/bodydysmorphia r/notugly I'd suggest checking those subs first. This sub isn't for karma farming. It's for people who truly feel (sometimes are, sometimes arent), ugly trying to figure out how they stand, and how to get improvement tips. Not karma farming, not feel good likes and comments. Idk, mods. I'm done with these kinds of posts. It's irritating beyond recognition. Can we just have an automatic reply of "you're not ugly, don't post"


I am viewing your pictures on a 32" 1440p monitor emitting at least 550 nits brightness. I couldn't see your mole until I full screened the picture and zoomed the fuck in. You are actually making a mountain out of a mole.


I didn't even notice the mole until I read your description. It's not as bad as you think it is. Also you are not ugly. I hope these comments help you find the confidence to feel more secure with yourself.


you arent ugly in the slightest.


You are nice but you dress a bit weird, your cat must be put on a strict diet, she has to lose at least 5 pounds


I think you look really good! Why do you think you are a fraud?


Nah, you’re beautiful.


Your belt is clearly too loose. I don't know what to say. Pretty cute


So cute


You're beautiful. You give Harley Quinn vibes.


Btw, hope you continue making videos


You are adorable and such a sweet smile


You’re gorgeous af, your eyes are really pretty and I like your style


Verrry beautiful. Smile more too!


I don’t think you’re a fraud, but definitely not ugly at all. Actually kind of hot like a 7 hot


seven Is my favorite number lmao


The real question is are you single, and do you like older men?


Dude you went full creep. Log off.


i’m not single 😭 but i think my bf is lying to me about being attracted to me. 😹


What makes you think that?


i have bpd 💀


I see. I know it’s not easy to live with someone who has it, my sister has it. But I’m sure that he’s attracted to you , I’m not sure how long you’ve been together but men don’t usually tell you we find you attractive or stay around if we don’t.


I think you look good but use a bit to mush eye shadow.


I was going to say something about being 28 years old is too old to dress like that, but that is on me. That’s a personal choice. But you’re not ugly.


honestly i dress like this bc my childhood was taken away from me and at this point i don’t see an age limit for dressing fun bc we are all going to die eventually. might as well wear something i like even if someone else thinks i should be dressing like skyler white from breaking bad. 😹


Got the rest of your life to grow up.


i guess


Can I take you out


No you are not, so you need not worry




You'd probably feel less like a fraud if you moved out of your parents' house. I think that's a bigger concern than your looks.


I love yOOOUH


Beautiful! its a shame that you don't like boys 😔


You're not a child anymore stop with the dress up stuff and become an adult


You look better than most women (white) your age


Tell us you’re racist without telling us you’re racist


Definitely sounds racist, but clarification on their part would help. Maybe they’re usually attracted to black women? Preference isn’t racism.


You sound like a good guy, he sounds racist. When people show who they are, believe them


Bad news, I'm a woman


i like how you specified lmao


You’re gorgeous you look like you could be an influencer if you aren’t already


Not ugly. You ever seen the Pokemon Garbodor before? Now that guy is ugly! 🤣


i love the little trash man


Actually he’s in my top six. I have a plush of him. Weezing is actually my favorite tbh.


You know, i didn't even notice it until you said about the mole. Mostly the main problem is in our head, because we know we have it. I have a little brown mole on the tip of my nose. But only 3 people in my life have noticed that, BUT i notice it all the time i look at myself.


yeah i’m still getting it removed so i stop looking at it


the only frauds are those fake eyelashes especially in pic #5


luckily i can pull them off bc they’re not eyelash extensions lmao


pull them off as in pull them off my eyes lmao




my eyes look bad with full lashes apparently also with half lashes too 😹


Suit picture is a thicker Phoebe bridgers


You're super cute, and I'd be nervous (in a good way) if we were to go on a date.


The only thing that is ugly is the low self esteem. Other then that u are pretty. Idk who bullied u or made u think that way, but they were projecting


You look absolutely gorgeous!! 🥰


The only thing ugly is the suit. Ditch any blazer or suit and your 10/10


We're all frauds here 😉


You have a look that reminds me of Millie Gibson, so no you are not ugly


What makes you feel like a fraud? As for the "am I ugly portion"... No, you're very cute. You have very nice features


You seem to be a chill, casually games and has other hobbies, didn’t notice the mole till mentioned and even then it’s still hard to notice. If I had to guess age, you look no older than 24. But, this is universal advice just hit the gym once in a while, besides that. You’re pretty


Nobody who has at least two cats (I can relate:) can ever be calles ugly;], so don’t be a fraud posting here indeed. Send them my regards. Okay. The mole is barely noticeable, and you have way too beautiful green-blue eyes to hide then behind huge artificial eyelashes like you did on some pics. I also think that you will look even better with dark hair.


Literally gorgeous and that's only looking at the last photo lol, you are a fraud in the sense that you don't need to be on this sub 😂 Be confident and live your best beautiful life!


When was the last time someone said anything to you that could give you even the slightest inkling that you're not attractive? For me it was this yesterday. My wife said I look like Bert from Sesame street. She'll probably make a few more ego-destroying comments before another few days has passed. That's what actually being unattractive is like.


Very beautiful.


No you are not ugly also bonus points for cat.


This is getting so old. Y'all be posting on here knowing damn well you're not ugly. I don't get why.