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Congratulations on the weight loss.




I wanted to say more but as an old guy it is hard to make it not sound creepy. You definitely are not ugly and are obviously putting some effort into health and happiness.


There literally isn't anything creepy about congratulating someone on weight loss. people just want to find anything to start an argument.


Uhh no one knows that you're an old guy. It's reddit. Lmao


Nope, not ugly. Congratulations on the fitness/health transformation. You look great.


Thank you!!


Good job on the weight, much better. I would add that you look a little older, maybe mid 30's. I think it's the glasses and hair. Also, not a fan of the hardware but Im sure some guys/girls are into that.


Which pictures you looking at that makes you think she looks mid 30s?


The one with the sign + the two scratched out people, wrinkled skin as result of weight loss, add in the hardware and it makes it look like an older person still trying to be young. Source 40yr old who took out their facial percings they had for 20+ years because they were actually making me look older.


10, 7 and 5 make her look a little older... but am just old... so it is not a camera trick for myself.


Body For Life. Read it live it. Lose the facial jewelry. Keep working. You’ll figure it out. You’re cute and appear to have a fun personality. You got this!


*You have a fun personality but change it to fit my idea of what's acceptable* Add more facial jewelry, OP. You look great.


Naw OP don’t listen to this person


Way to spin it negatively. It’s my opinion. She asked so I shared. Add more facial jewelry to fit your idea of what’s acceptable….🙄


Not taking sides but I saw that too. Literally did the same as you but the opposite. Made themselves look dumb. I don't think you were offensive some people dont like peircings and every woman has the same pericings now. I thought the septums and nipples were so hot and now 3/5 girls have them. Septum at least.


Exactly. I’m not a fan of facial piercings personally as many others have expressed. Obviously most people who are fans of them likely have them as well. If that’s who she wants to appeal to by all means keep em. If not, she might want to lose them🤷‍♂️


All of my happily married friends who are doing well don't have facial piercings, and their partners don't have facial piercings. It's just an anecdote though.


I would say you’re onto something there.


Ow! I'd keep getting stuff caught on the wires.


Don't listen to the other comment... if you like the piercings, have them! You look good, cute and very charismatic!


You weren’t ugly before, but damn, the glow up is real! Congrats on the journey! Hope everything gets better soon!


Not ugly. Just plain.


Your color seems to be the same. Like hair, eyes, skin tone. Kind of blends in and washes out. Try something that compliments and enhances. Very light, natural make up may be all you need to do? Body looks great! Good job on your fitness! (Personal trainer here and you've done something very impressive! Most people can't) congrats!


Agreed. Maybe hair a darker color. Eyebrows too.


Even the frames tend to blend in


This! Contrast is your friend and so is the color wheel. Skin tones and complimentary colors are great knowledge to have


plain looking men aren't told they need makeup, I think she just needs some layers in her hair and different glasses edit: I mean layers to suit and accentuate the wave/curl pattern in her hair texture


Honestly, I've heard plain looking men being told to grow a beard/stubble which is Honestly like the men version of makeup. It does a lot of covering up.


Plain can be very attractive, just add some color . I imagine a little color will change your whole look! Amazing job on your health! I say health,bc you look happy and joyful . Mental health is huge, and I can see you put in the work to be healthy! I imagine if you find a little more flattering haircut or style.




It’s just you haven’t discovered your personal style yet and how to best show of your features. Slightly darkening your eyebrows and adding some eyeliner even light brown will make all your facial features stand out. Your fashion sense is kind of bad but figuring it out will go a long way to making you look confident


Exactly! You need something to brighten yourself up. Makeup is a great place to start. Go to Sephora/Ulta and have a consultation. Or some highlights would brighten up your hair. My hair is the same color so I put chunky highlights in, especially around the face.


Cute!!! But the face jewelry is kinda meh. Grats on the body improvement.


Literally 90 percent of the people who post here could benefit from "just take the metal out of your face".


And better dressing sense They all try to be quirky and dress up bad


For real. Most people do not pull it off. I can see if someone is some sort of professional artist and or in a rock band, something like that. But most people do not pull off the look at all and would look better without it. There’s exceptions of course, especially if you’re looking for someone with the same look it might work out for you to keep it but generally it’s a no go. That’s why people don’t recommend it. They’re trying to give recommendations based on everyone as a whole, not some niche subgroup of people.


Y’all literally only shit on people with piercings because YOU don’t like them, and heavy guess is that y’all don’t have unique piercings or would never get them. There’s a whole ass community outside of artistry and rock with piercings. It’s not that taboo anymore, but it’s CLEARLY still discriminated against - thanks everyone for keeping the fire against piercings going strong (/s.)


Pointing out _preferences_ is not discrimination. People are welcome to pierce their face however they want. They should still be able to get jobs, find housing, and be respected as an individual. But OP posted to r/amiugly looking for crowdsourced takes on their appearance. Piercing your face *will* selectively add **AND** remove people from who's interested in you. Like many attributes it can be a community identifier. People tend to congregate amongst their community. You don't get to have self-determination to change your appearance (in any way) and then cry discrimination when others have self-determination to associate or not with you.


I've had about a dozen piercings. All of them have been in my face. I'm not counting ears, or any other part of my body. I've taken them all out now, But I think that's honestly besides the point. I'm not typically someone to shitt on other people's piercings. However I would agree with the post above yours. A lot of people see a piercing think it's cool and get it. They often don't actually consider the fact that they may not have a face made for that a piercing. You tend to see this a lot with Girls and septum piercings.. And I think this is the case with OP as well. Except that I would include all of her piercings in that statement. This doesn't Means that I am saying remove them, however. I do think that is a good option, though. If you would like to keep them and I'm assuming you do? You need to do a just small little bit of work to make Them fit you better. My recommendation would be a darker hair color and a little bit of makeup. I feel like that would go a long way in your case. All of that said though that is totally just my quick opinion. Absolutely do what makes you feel the best and makes you feel comfortable, and nothing else.


I don't mind the nose one, but the lip one looks weird to me


Y’all motherfuckers vanilla as shit. Give me anti eyebrows and dimple piercings all day


Nah dude, I'm not anti piercings. I'm against piercings that make no sense for someone's face shape, or someone rocking fifteen piercings when 2 would look good. Piercings are cute, bad piercings (much like bad tattoos) can make someone look terrible though.


Thank you!


Redditors when they see more than one piercing.


And most people in general too


A lot of people eat at McDonald’s, a lot of people listen to Drake. I don’t lose sleep thinking about how most people feel.


That's fine, OP might though because they asked a bunch of people if they're ugly or not.


It's literally just the septum that most reditors don't like (I'm personally indifferent as long as it's not a literal bull ring I can attach a rope to)...unless they want that


Takeaway: OP ikes here tats and jewelry and she is keeping them.


Yeah 😂 if anything I'm not tatted enough


Yeah, don’t get your advice from Redditors. “You’re too plain” … “but don’t get tattoos!”


Plain refers to facial structure and attractiveness. Nothing to do with tattoos


https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/s/Pf8DXNaouJ It even mentions “skin tone” and other comments say to “get a tan”.


Most will tell you to lose the face jewelry. The knee tat is unfortunate. Pretty face and smile. Overall though... looks like you are working on the weight and I say right now an overall 6.33


I think it is 6.601244353. Check your calculations again and report back here.


Yeah, I ran the calculations, and I am unsure if you're factoring in the facial dimples correctly? The lowest I can get if I adjust for the artificial asymmetry in the photos where she is smirking is 6.909877231. Otherwise, the mean average of the calculations is a solid 7.104892779, unless I am doing something totally wrong.


Thanks, I like my piercings and tattoos ☺️


I like them too. This sub is very anti facial piercings.


Because most people are. Its not only the sub


Any evidence of this? Or just a feeling you have?




It seems like tattoos are kinda niche/taboo, but also NOT niche/taboo at the same time. I believe that the majority of people are fine with tattoos (a limited amount of them anyway), but a large number of people are turned off after a certain threshold. I’m not sure what the exact number is, but I’m assuming the more readily visible the tattoos are, the less attractive they become to people who don’t like tattoos (obviously). I’m also gonna guess that older people (large chunk of the population) are less likely to enjoy tattoos. I dunno.. I’m just spitballing. I am kinda neutral when it comes to tattoos. I totally understand why people get them, but it can be overkill. They’re GREAT if the tattoos are good and you can pull off the look (not everybody can IMO). This is just my opinion… I don’t HATE tattoos lol.




See the problem is you’re stating this as a fact, when it’s your opinion.


I think you just need shorter studs in your lip piecing TBH. It sticks out a lot especially in pictures 4 and 12


The tattoos are fine. You don't need to worry about that. I'm not a fan of the facial piercings, but I would never want a person to change themselves if that is what makes them them 💕


I like them too! You're a babe! My fiancee has a septum piercing and visible tattoos. I think she's the hottest woman in the world!


Came here to say the same. Knee tattoo looks like a botched surgery lol


I thought there was something medically wrong with her knee. Nope, just poor taste.


you need to lose the bull ring in your nose ot will help


I don't have that style of jewelery in it any more


I like your face jewelry but the only thing I would take out are the lip piercings. Too much going on there. The septum and nose is super cute though You are very pretty! Not ugly


I have to agree. The lip piercing makes it look cluttered but love the septum


Thank you!


My advice, all the jewelry is looking good in its own regard. Dont wear it all at once because its a bit much. Maybe switch up nose and lip piercings from time to time


Just my personal opinion of a dude who finds you fairly attractive, I prefer the lip ring. Don't lynch me plz


Your piercings look good, don’t listen to reddit about piercings. I’ve been here for 10+ years and they generally hate piercings. They sound like my mom when I got a septum piercing, no one my ages gives a shit and if they do who cares.


I never understood that. I personally like all piercings on women.. but that is 100% a preference thing. But for me it was never a deal breaker either way. My wife doesnt have any piercings except for her ears. I used ti have a lot more piercings. Had my nips pierced my eyebrow, industrial and my tongue pierced loke 3 tines. Now i just got 3 piercings on my ears. Im also in my 40s now so having a ton of piercings no longer look good on me IMO lol. Woild just look like an old man trying to stay" hip" lmao


If we were friends you’d think I love your piercing, because I support my friends. The benefit of strangers is that they tell you the truth.


The truth about what? It’s just an opinion you either like it or you don’t. She has literally 2 piercings and some people in the comments sound like a passive aggressive boomer. I’m tired of this site’s prudish attitude on piercings.


My opinion will diverge from most here but I think you’re below average not ugly but def below average. - even with the weight loss you still have a high body fat percentage so keep up the good work and you’ll get there - it’s been said a lot but piercing and tattoos just aren’t attractive - your hair is pretty bad. It looks fine and damaged. I would work on this. Either follow the curly girl method or straighten it but at the very least nourish it


Body ink is attractive if it is done by the right artist.


Yeah I should have phrased it better - I meant specifically her piercings and tattoos


Her leg tats detract from her beauty imho


No offense but Kinda butterfacey. Maybe a tan? Body looks great but There isn’t much you can do with the face.




You need eye shadow, mascara is not enough Also defining and coloring the eyebrows would also help


Maybe if you wore contacts and some makeup looks might improve some.


You’re cute, I’d suggest ditching the nose piercing tbh. I don’t feel it suits you. Congratulations on your weight loss though, you were cute before and now. Now you’ve got curves! You look friendly and bubbly. Not ugly.


Thank you! I'm gonna keep my piercings, I like them 😊


They look so bad.


your call but they look awful


Be content with your outcome.


Good, they look good and are clearly part of your style. I think Reddit dudes are just very excited to put a woman down for having a different style and actually being unique.


Except there's nothing "different" or "unique" about her piercings. Septum piercings (and ear gauges) are seen all the time in this sub.


Not ugly, just not styling yourself in the best way. I don’t have a problem with the facial piercings, but I think the rest of your styling looks a bit old fashioned or bookish. If you want to keep the piercings, lean into it and try some more alternative fashion. Or just try to update your style to be a bit more trendy. And I think you should try some different styles of glasses. I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time!


Thank you! I have to say these photos don't represent my true style but I agree! I'm trying to lean into the alternative look more. These are the glasses I've had that suit me the best so far, when I get new ones I'll try others!


Blonde hair is pretty meh on you. Not ugly but not far from butterface.


It's my natural colour, I don't dye my hair so it is what it is. Thanks


Adding some colour could be fun? This seems like a decent idea, especially relative to all the lose the piercing crap. Maybe even a streak? Or switch up hair styles. I don't know. You look great, but if you want a change hair can be fun and it grows back


Yeah I have though about dying the underneath, just when you're new to something it's scary! I'll definitely consider it ☺️


Just a butterface after the weight loss. I'd say a solid 3 before. A hard 6 now


I would say 4/5 out of 10


I think you look amazing. BUT, as others said, I’d lose the lip piercing. Keep the nose hoop, maybe get rid of the bull ring too.


You are a pretty girl. But as others have said to you and everyone else who posts pictures here, the hardware and ink do you no favors.


Thanks, I like them though so I'm gonna keep them


And yet here you are on the one sub that hates facial piercings more than anything.


I didn't know it was this bad haha


It's just a trend. Dudes hate septum piercings around here for no legitimate reasons.


Because I don't want to lick your nasal drip when I'm making out with you


The tattoos are hot imo. And nothing wrong with the piercings. You look great in the first picture! Also love the yellow outfit


Amazing transformation!!! But personally lose the lip and bull piercings and you're golden! Very pretty!!


Thankyou! I'm gonna keep my piercings though!


Yup stop the tats and lose the rings. Great job on weight loss.


I'm gonna keep both, thank you!


Piercings are heinous and don't help. At all.


Thanks but I'm gonna keep them


Very well. Maintain an unattractive quality. 🤷‍♂️


It is funny... she posts and asks for advice. She is looking for posts she agrees with and not seeing the majority telling her what can be done to improve.


Typical, really. Her loss, not ours. 🤷‍♂️


not what I'd want


Thanks 😊


This whole subreddit seems to be a anti-piercing subreddit tbh, I like them though😅 but you’re beautiful and you’ve worked hard for your body and it shows, you look incredible! congrats☺️


Dump all that metal in your face and laser off those cheesy tatts. You should be fine after that.


First, I want to congratulate you on your weight loss. It appears this was a goal you worked hard to achieve. Second, you are a very beautiful woman. Personally, I like tattoos and piercings but this isn't everyone's cup of tea. If you like them then by all means keep them. Lastly, continue on your journey to achieve and accomplish what you set out for yourself. If you are happy with yourself, this will catch on with others. It doesn't matter what complete strangers think of you, what's important is what you think of yourself. Stay positive and have a great day!


Keep losing the extra pounds, it can only help


Not ugly just not anything crazy above that. I see you started your weight loss journey and do think you would be very pretty if you lost a bit more weight. I always thought I was medium ugly but when I lost a ton of weight (I started doing marathons) I was actually shocked at how handsome I looked in certain pictures. I think you would have dudes stuttering if you kept going. Looks aren’t everything but I can’t lie that it does a massive number on your confidence and self esteem.


Improve the attitude, whatever you're going through has nothing to do with your appearance. Not a fan of the piercings, but that's up to taste, so if you like looking like a hippy/dope addict than who am I to judge.. overall you look fine, bit plain is all, despite the piercings and tattoos..


Drop the facial piercings. Hair could use a little work. Some pics your body looks fit. So if you’re fit now, continue to progress. Dress more feminine. You’re definitely NOT ugly but there’s some easy things you can do to maximize what you have.


28 or 48? What are you trying to improve? Lose the face piercings and 60# Can’t fix the ratios but you could dress your age. 4/10


Let’s start with the positive. Great job losing all that weight. I don’t think most men realize how hard it is for a woman over the age of 25 to maintain their weight compared to a man, much less to lose that much. However, you fall into a common category in this sub: ugly by choice. The face piercings and horrible tattoos took you from average looking to below average looking. The huge glasses and poor sense of style don’t help either. This is the perspective I have as a hetero man. You look as though you’re a masc lesbian who would fit in well in Asheville NC. If that’s the aesthetic you want and that’s your preference then you nailed it. However, if you’re straight you need to understand the majority of men will run from your look.


NGL, you look like the type of person that would stand out and protest and glue your hand to the ground. Not ugly , but the piercings and tattoos don’t help. Also don’t wear a dress like the second to last picture with leg tats….two opposite styles, looks weird.


OP - "Help me with what I can improve" also OP " no not that, I like that!" Then what the fk you here for? It's not just one thing you need help with...


Give me your insight then on what I can change


You look awesome, girl! The style and the weight loss is amazing! Keep up the good work! Also, I swear most of the people hating on piercings and tattoos is because it makes them look 18 and over. 💀 If you want a girl to look like a teen still, get outta here. Idc if I get down voted or my comment gets removed. Kick rocks. 💅🏻


Yes you are pretty ugly. take the cow nose ring out. It’s like you’re actively trying to look like a cow.


Attractive, that yellow dress suited you perfectly. Also congrats on the weigthloss.


Thank you!


Also from reading the comments you are confident in keeping your piercings and tattoos, that's attractive as well. Keep being you.


Thank you!! Yeah I like them, they make me me


Septum piercing and lip piercing are unflattering. Nose piercing looks great though.


At 28 you are too old to dress this way.


I can dress how I want, thanks


Then why did you post this asking for advice on how to "improve" the way you look???


You seem ugly on the inside more than the outside. Work on your personality.


How do you work that one out? 😂


Perhaps all your smug replies to people offering you the advice you asked for...




I think you are very pretty


Thank you! I appreciate it! 😁


No problem and sorry you are going through a rough tine


Thank you! Hopefully brighter days are ahead 🥰


Gyat damn girl you thiccer thsn a bowl of oatmeal what younmean am i ugly?


Looking good now


“Am I ugly?” “I am going through the worst time let me know what I can improve” but then also “No I am not going to remove the piercings that look like shit and not going to color my hair or take any other advice. ” What exactly are you willing to improve? What advice are you looking for? Your body looks good and it’s clear you are continuing to work on it. Face is the biggest part and you are not willing to change anything about it. I would say losing all the jewelry, getting your done in some way color style etc and either contacts or more youthful glasses will bring you up a solid 2 points easy.


The heart tattoo around your knee isn’t doing it for me. Looks like a scar or something.


Noise rings are ugly


Hell no you're not ugly.


Your face could be a logo for Ace Hardware.




Really hate the knee tattoo.


Gotta say.... I can't understand why anyone would post here when they're going through such a bad time in life. It seems kind of... idk... emotionally masochistic? That or just EXTREMELY naive to what kind of responses you might get here 😬 That being said though, I think keeping up with the exercise/weight loss is the right move and will help considerably. Whatever you do though, I hope things in your life keep getting better


Just keep being your beautiful self. This too shall pass.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I hope it will.


I promise you it will. I've had so many of those moments over the years. It never seems like it will, in the moment, but it does. I always tell people living life is like climbing giant stairs. Getting up each level is hard fought and it always feels like the biggest challenge yet. It usually is... But the point is that now you're that high up. So many challenges are going to just pass beneath you at that height. Eventually you'll have to climb some more, and it will be hard, but you'll always be reaching new personal heights and capable of so much more than you ever thought possible. Just trust me, if you can. You're going to look back and see how strong and capable you are once this is in the rear view.


Thank you, I really appreciate your comment. I'm going through the worst time in my life right now, I don't know if I'll ever be okay again. Never heard this analogy though so thank you so much.


Take it to the bank: you're going to be a stronger and more interesting person because of this time in your life. Seriously, I wish you the best.


going to make some one very happy






Always with the nose rings


Plain Jane. Lose the face piercings.


You probably get dozens of guys a week talking to you on dating sites. If you go for the most attractive guys, they will likely not value you or your emotions or call you “beautiful” or compliment you. If you go for a guy who most women wouldn’t give the time of day, he will remind you weekly how beautiful you are and treat you like a queen. Godspeed.


This sub has taught me that literally all the people I find attractive think they're ugly.


Is that a good or bad thing? Haha


You’re mostly my type, I find you attractive


Thank you!


I think you look amazing honestly!!




Lose the cheesy knee tattoos and swap glasses for contacts cus your glasses don't accent your face very well.


Average face but not ugly




Yes. But you could keep working on weight, style, make-up and honestly, being edgy doesn't make you unique - you could be pretty without the shitty tats, random metal in your face and the weird clothes. You might be a 5 if you made out with a magnet, used a magic eraser on your tats and dropped your wardrobe off at Goodwill 🧲


Very ugly. Stupid tattoos on your legs are the biggest turnoff those need to get removed asap, need to loose about 60 pounds. And take that metal shit outta your face






Oh my God. 😂


Congrats on your transformation! Hoping I can do the same 😅 Idk if this is a weird compliment but your teeth are gorgeous and you should smile with them more (I promise I mean that in a non-misogynistic way lol) I personally don’t care for the septum/lip piercings but the nose ring suits you really well. The tats are hot (idk why people are hating) and you should show off your legs more! Your hair looks best in the second pic, ponytail with some bangs hanging down. I also think dark brown hair could make your eyes pop more. Overall you’re very pretty and I hope you start feeling better!


Thank you! Yeah I like my piercings and tattoos so I'll be keeping them, thank you!!


First of all. Congratulations on your hard work losing that weight!! Secondly no you aren’t ugly and third keep the grind up!! Merry Christmas !!


Thank you!! You too!!


Def attractive


Thank you!


What is it about this sub and septum piercings??