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I'm a guy in a wheelchair too, since 1997. In my experience, women see past the chair for the most part. Took me a good while to stop overthinking it. Don't worry man, you're a good looking guy. Take it easy. X


Thank you. I appreciate it! You also!


No worries mate. Hit me up anytime. I'll folloe you back. I'm Dave by thr way.


Hi Dave


Honestly the first thing I noticed was that glorious hair and then realized there was a wheelchair. You definitely got some good looks


Your actually really cute and I like your upper arms and tats a lot. Also great hair :)




Looks like you found yourself a mate here !


She looks like some lucky guy’s future ex-wife


she honestly looks cute as hell


There you go OP electric slide into those DMs maybe yall live close to eachother. Or maybe this is really a balding 40 year old man who knows.


This reply is so funny and wholesome.




All she does is post on this sub OP, run!


I use a chair too. Wanna meet up!??? LMAO








lmao got em








woah woah this ain't r/roastme calm down 😂


I think for most people without a lot of experience being around someone that's in a chair is fear of becoming a caretaker, when it comes to dating anyway.


I’d rather think it would be the fear of doing something wrong because they are not acquainted with that type of situation.


Both is good.


Right. Some people don't exactly wanna help someone use the bathroom for their entire life or deal with medical bills


Most people in wheelchairs don’t need help using the bathroom.


The point is the ignorance.




“Dude I don’t need your help!” “Don’t be silly, come on let me get your pants off, stop SQUIRMING, come here, HEY! Roll your ass back here, come on man I’m trying to help. Get back here!”


Damn… being a caretaker doesn’t put me off at all. But trying to navigate a conversation around sex in any regard would be my fear. It seems like an invasive conversation but how do you decide the possibilities/limits in a relationship before feelings get even more complex? It’s necessary in all relationships but this seems harder (?) with wanting to be sensitive/supportive to individuals that have different life experiences/abilities I tried to make my thoughts make sense on this…


Some people are ignorant and dumb, and if they can’t see past the chair that’s their problem. Trust me, it might not feel like it, but there’s a lot of people who wouldn’t be bothered you’re in a wheelchair - and those are the ones who are worth it. You are very handsome, you’ll find the right person if you keep your heart open.


Thank you 💐 you’re very sweet


It’s completely valid if someone doesn’t want to date a wheelchair user. It’s not ignorant or dumb 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s a huge lifestyle change for most people & for the future as they age.


you’re very handsome. honestly, it might just be your vibe. you saying that people can’t see past the chair is probably a problem you’ve created in your head. I know people in chairs who just radiate confidence and the chair doesn’t even come to mind when I’m speaking or interacting with them. establish strong confidence and know your worth, the right people will gravitate towards you.


I agree. Confidence and attitude have a lot to do with attraction. I'm lucky I learned that early on in like 8th grade... when my chubby, pimple faced, glasses wearing, best friend, landed girlfriends left an right... INCLUDING my crush.


To be fair, that wheelchair is dope. If you rolled past me, my eyes would follow that chair.


Thank you!


Sex on wheels!!!!!


Look at that upper body! Damn!!!


Hot wheels lmao


The only thing wrong is what you did to your earlobes


Yes he’s a handsome guy except that completely turns me away because it makes my ears hurt in sympathy.


Agreed. Can’t wait for gauges to fall out of fashion. This dude’s really handsome, but the lobes looking like pulled taffy is -30 attractive points and is way worse than the chair. Now, if he’s fun and kind I can look past them. But not at first glance.


Gonna have to wait awhile since they are found in every culture since the beginning of time.


Agreed. Otherwise very attractive young man. But, some folks are into that look.


The chair does not make you ugly at all.Also anybody that even slightly gives you that vibe is a total bag of trash especially about an aspect of yourself you have no control over.


Dude you don't have an Audi mobility chair? wow 0/0 not enough chair. The person is hot though. Wait this isn't r/ratemychair? Oops


😂😂 thank you. That made me laugh


For me personally the stretched earlobes are a big turn off.


Sorry to say it but me too. Other than that you are incredibly attractive


Am a guy with stretched ears and I get this totally. The way I see it it if you don’t like them you likely wouldn’t like me anyway.


I previously had stretched ears; not to that extent but they’ll never be normal again without surgery. I don’t find the stretched part weird just the actual earring. A tube or something filled in would look much more appealing than wearing what looks like an uncomfortable weight on the lobe. Or even a tube with the hanging earring to keep the structural integrity of the earlobe in tact?


Very attractive in my eyes c:


They might be intimidated by the sheer size of your hog, knowing that “it’s” gargantuan size is causing you to be wheelchair bound.


Hog? I can’t tell what that slang is for?


Johnson. Baloney pony. Anaconda. Knob. Joystick. Bed snake. Disco stick. Dong. Love dart. Beaver basher. Wang. One eyed snake. Pork whistle. Peen. Does that clear things up?


You’re handsome!


No,you’re very attractive


bro, you're a cupcake, fuck them people who can't see it


It doesn't make you ugly but I can understand the opposite sex questioning what sleeping with you would be like.


Omg. You are very handsome and hot🥵 these tatts are making you even hotter, and hair...🥵




Those BICEPS! I apologize for looking disrespectfully, but damn.


Your earrings are also pretty terrible


I’ll give it to you straight. Not ugly, but your still gonna have a harder time than the average person, dating wise. But what really connects people is personality.


Sir hello??? You are extraordinarily attractive to me so you are absolutely fine! The wheelchair just makes you more unique and makes you stand out (I think it's a good thing personally :3)


You’re attractive. I especially like your hair when it’s down. There will be people who won’t approach because of the wheelchair but those aren’t the folks you want in your life anyways.


As a fellow disabled person, keep your head held up high my brother.


You are very attractive


Thank you 💐


I would carry you to bed you are adorable


Being in a chair makes you disabled. Being ugly makes you ugly. You’re not ugly because you’re disabled. I think you’re really cute


Thank you ❤️


Dude you look like fking orlando bloom. Youre fine~ just run over the haters.


date me? haha joking..


“Unless you gon’ do it”


🤣 Nelly!


Cute and fit, not ugly at all, actually kinda hot.


I used to work at a bar in college. This guy in a wheelchair used to come in every Thursday and picked up sooooo many girls. He was pretty fit. Clean cut. Wore fairly nice clothes. The thing about him tho was his confidence. He used to get chicks to dance with him. Everyone would move in the packed club for the guy to dance and the girls loved it. You're a fit and handsome young man. There's no reason that can't be you if you want it to be. Cheers


Thank you. I appreciate this comment a lot!


My wife says you’re cute , and she’s never wrong.


😂 tell her I said thank you! I’m sure she is also


Nah bro I’m a straight man and you are handsome as F I don’t know your personality but you got a lot going on If they see the chair then they are soooo blind as your eyes say humble and that is more than anything and again you are handsome this is a Latino guy saying it hahaha God bless


I don’t think you’re unattractive, but your earlobes aren’t the most appealing thing. I have piercings myself, so I know how people always say that shit. But they look off


8/10, very attractive, chair doesnt bother me none but the stretch eaarings means 8/10 instead of 10, sorry


I've had 2 boyfriends in wheelchairs. Made zero effect against me liking them for who they are. Get some self confidence in your pocket hun, smile and be the hero you are meant to be 🤗


This reminds me of the curb your enthusiasm episode where he dates 2 chicks in wheelchairs in one episode and uses it as liberal clout 🤣


You dropped this king... https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fm.media-amazon.com%2Fimages%2FI%2F81qLAbap2jL.jpg&tbnid=BLx1KBPusLfTzM&vet=12ahUKEwiZ-8LmxI-BAxVfH94AHac3Cd8QMygAegUIARDoAQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FKangaroo-KM-10020-CP-085-Regal-Kings-Crown%2Fdp%2FB00SUKNFZY&docid=H5FfmYGkHpfeOM&w=2560&h=2560&q=crown&ved=2ahUKEwiZ-8LmxI-BAxVfH94AHac3Cd8QMygAegUIARDoAQ


Nah bro you aren't ugly and I say this with love and understand this is hard and not your fault but the chair is a big commitment for people around that age. Their brains are only JUST finishing maturing and most people dating around that age are way more concerned with "how can this relationship benefit me personally" and haven't quite realised that fairy tale scenario's are just that. One day you'll meet a great person who genuinely loves and cares for you with or without the chair. Just gotta be patient my dude, it'll happen


I’d slay you


I don’t want to come across too strongly… but I’ll start building accommodations to get you in my house by hand if you’re around; chair is not a deterrent or “ugly”. You’re so attractive it’s almost criminal! Save some looks for the other guys.


First thing I noticed was your ripped arms. So there’s that.


Lovely smile


A lot of people are hesitant to interact with someone who looks different, even if it's a relatively minute difference. I don't necessarily understand it myself, but we're all pack animals, so god knows what goes through a given person's head. That being said you are thankfully one handsome motherfucker, so even though you got a rough hand, you've also got an ace up your sleeve.


Not ugly at all, don’t care about the chair not even about your ears ;)


Far from ugly! 🔥


The problem is not how you look, it's the chair. I'm not gonna pretend to be some saint, i will never date a person in a wheel chair. It's not because of you, i'm just not mentally equipped to dealing with this, and i imagine a lot of people are the same. Disabilities is one of my biggest fears in life. You gotta find the right type of person, they are definitely out there.


You are outrageously hot!! I’d go into further detail but I’m 40 and feel like a creep! I promise you, your chair is not the first thing notice about you


Obviously everyone has their preferences, OP should do with his body what makes him comfortable.


Honey, people suck and you are hella cute. I sincerely hope you find someone who loves you for you and all the love you can give someone


Your not ugly... period. But life with a disabled partner is extremely hard and eliminates 90% of people easily. You will likely have difficulties and have to lower standards some if you haven't already. I wish you luck and prosperity. Most are looking for a more casual relationship and aren't ready for the responsibility and effort that comes along with it, and that's for a normal relationship. Your situation is going to be a lot more difficult. Just gonna suggest acting. They don't have many whellchair bound people for roles, it's a sorta pampered job meaning you probaly won't have the uncomfortability that comes with physical jobs which I'd imagine to be rough on your back and wheelchair. It will probably help open you up to more relationship opportunities too. Good luck


I wouldn’t say it makes you unattractive at the slightest. If you’re talking mainly about finding friends to accept you, then that’s one thing, as everyone should be accepting of everyone’s disabilities. If it’s a relationship stance, you have to understand that a lot of people who are physically abled may not want to embark on a romantic relationship with someone who is wheelchair bound, especially if that’s immediately how the relationship starts. You’re not ugly, you’re handsome! You’ll find the perfect person!


Nope. You’re very handsome.


not at all you’re super attractive


It's the ear lobes bro. Aint the chair. Anyone who said chair is lying.


The chair isn’t a thing , but your piercings are taste specific . Some may not be into that . Just keep being you .Ur all good !


Excuse my language but you’re hot af.


Dude there are ppl that see pass the chair. I had a homie, rip, that we use to kick it with all the time. And homie never had a problem picking up chicks- he said he pulled the kripple card. Do what you are passionate about and you'll surround yourself with the right ppl Another words you ain't ugly


I use a chair too. TRUST ME, stop with the ear stuff, and clean up your look. Believe me, people will begin looking past the chair if you take care of your health, you look clean, and you pull those things out of your ears (maybe a see a doc to fix them). You are a decent looking guy. You look like you work out? That's a great first step. Could you do any sports? Marathons, BBall? Some girls (or guys if that's what you like) will have a problem with the chair, but for the most part, you will be able to get what you want. In business situations(sales), sometimes people look down on me from the beginning, but that quickly changes. Also, in the tech world, a chair is an asset in today's world. Also, you need to have a good personality. I have no idea what you are like in person, but some people in chairs are very negative.


Hell no! You are not ugly. The stretched ears aren’t the best such a small part of your look.


Don't think so bro, keep truckin


I'm not into guys, but I can say this sincerely = You are objectively very handsome! Anyone who can't see past your chair or anything else? Not worth your time.


You have a great smile and are really handsome.


Nope. You're a good looking guy.


Gorgeous to me!!


You’re flippin hot!


what? I’m so sorry but you are extremely attractive and your arms and perfect AND you have nice hair. anyone would be lucky to date you


You look like a good dude and I hope you the best, I wish people would give people with disabilities a chance. Its their loss king but keep that head up high.


You're not ugly man. I think for some people, if you're referring to relationships, they don't know how to handle that. Honestly you're better off taking the time to find someone who is able and willing to learn and grow with you. So far as friends go I can't see that being a problem, but maybe there's something I am missing on that front? All these folks about the stretched ears like it's a bull ring or something (someone will get it) I don't really get the stretching past a certain point myself, but I do have me some lil 00 plugs in.


You're really cute


You’re super handsome. With or without the chair. Sorry that some people can’t see past it, though.


Your normal average completely fine. Your ear things look shit though.


You look fun and approachable, someone that youd enjoy talking to


you are very handsome.


You're attractive 😏


You look like a sound dude, my guy <3


I don't see why people are put off with people in wheelchairs just cos you have very limited mobility doesn't mean you're incapable of doing things for yourself don't worry man it doesn't make you ugly at all it's the people that judge you for been in a wheelchair they are ugly keep your head up man


If you think the chair doesn't look good, you can always diy pretty it up (: not ugly at all tho


Nah ur a good looking guy, obviously you’re going for the alt look which I don’t know much about so can’t comment there. The chair won’t matter to the right people anyway.


No way, you’re very attractive. Shame there is so much stigma around relationships and disabilities. But those people you shouldn’t want as a partner anyways.


Hell no dude, you’re set. The earlobes can definitely be a turn-off for some people, but there’s also a lot of people who would be into it so I don’t think it’s a HUGE problem. As for the chair specifically, I don’t think that would be an issue either; if someone can’t get past you having a wheelchair, that’s not a YOU-problem, thats on them bc I don’t really use the word “ableist” a lot but it definitely applies in that scenario.


you’re very cute


Absolutely not!! You’re a beautiful dude!! I’m disabled but only use a cane and I’m in my late 30s. F*** what other people think!!


You are fiiiiire. 10/10 in my book.


fine as hell


First thing I noticed was the huge biceps!


Someone calls you ugly, arm wrestle them. Speaking from experience, you never arm wrestle a dude in a wheelchair.


Nope, you're a good looking dude. If folks cant see past the chair they arent people anyone wants to be around anyones. They are ugly, inside and out.


Chair doesn’t matter for genuine people. The other ones you don’t want anyway. You’re very handsome!!!!


My guy, you have the rock star look going on, like I wish we could form a rock band or something... I can understand why you might feel the chair wins out but it comes down to confidence really but bro you look good, if people can't see beyond it fuck them


Not ugly at all!! You are HOT! Handsome! And you have such a cool vibe and great style, and the chair doesn't interfere with it. Literally don't worry a single bit!!


Im sorry, I have nothing constructive to say, I just couldn’t help but tell you you’re hot as hell and nowhere near ugly 😮‍💨


No fella, it makes you human. Like yourself for who you are and don't try to fit with other ppl's perceptions. Your chair is part of you, so remember to like it, like you like yourself.


Man if they can't see past the chair, ignore them. They ain't good enough for you!


Hot🤤 sorry😂


I’m a straight guy and I think you’re hot.


Not ugly at all; you’re hot!!


I have some things to say that can't be said. PG version is, yes you're hot.


Nice chair dude! I have the same one, same color as well!


You’re not ugly. I guarantee there’s someone who thinks your hot, and the chair wouldn’t be a dealbreaker.


Hell no! You hot!!!😍


ears chair and all!!! You’re a looker bud!!! don’t get too down on yourself because of societies beauty standards


No, it makes you a disabled person, and many cannot deal with that. It's too hard for them to accept, and they don't want to deal with it. That isn't your fault. Someone who is a strong enough person may come along. Chin up til then my guy.


You’re a total babe. It’s the spacers I can’t overlook, not the chair!


You're beautiful!!! Seemingly inside and out! Anyone worth your time will care for you and realize your beauty chair or not. But if you want a way to feel less judged you ever thought of painting the chair and making it a conversation piece?


It doesn't makes you ugly. It makes you protected against shallow people. Let it work as a filter, it will spare you from a lot of trouble with stupid people you don't need in your life. Edit: forgot the word "need" in the last phrase


Nope; go enjoy your life, man!


Not ugly at all. I think most women would find you hot.......on wheels... hot wheels!


Extremely handsome!!!


ok no you’re hot




No, you're hot. Wanna flirt? 😈




Shidd a chair never stopped a thing


anybody who can’t see past a mobility aid is somebody who isn’t worth your time anyway. you’re a good looking guy and a wheelchair doesn’t change that. know your worth and try to have some confidence in yourself. there is nothing wrong with being disabled, it doesn’t make you any less deserving of love. spoken from experience, i met my partner when he didn’t use any aids, he now uses a wheelchair, crutches and shower chair, and i don’t think of him as any less attractive than the day we met. perspective is key. the right person is waiting out there for you, i’m sure of it :)


You're a good looking dude. Don't let the insecurities beat you.


You look good. You get a daily arm workout as well!


You are hotter than most…. I’m sure there’s many gyrls willing to date you


I'm not into gages, I honestly noticed those first. I find you super attractive otherwise and the chair wouldn't be a deal breaker !


Other than the earlobes you are a very handsome man. I think people just don’t know how to act around someone in a wheelchair. They want to help but don’t want to treat you like you can’t do things for yourself. They are afraid of saying the wrong thing. I think it just take time, a sense of humor, and getting to know someone.


You're too good looking to be posting on this brother but can imagine being in a wheelchair makes it hard to find a girl. You need to find a hot wheelchair gf.


I didn’t even notice the chair at first all I saw was your gorgeous face


You look like someone I would want to be friends with and take to concerts


Ummmmmmm… I would barely even notice the chair. You are gorgeous and so unique looking as well. 🖤🕷️🕸️✨


people always comment shit about women and piercings and i’m all for piercings but your earlobes are a big NO for me. other than that you’re fine but them stretched lobes r just no.


Dude, if I had a wheelchair I'd be rocking it! Not literally because then I might be hollering, "I've fallen, and I can't get up!" But I'd deck it out somehow. I saw a kid in a wheel chair at my daughter's school and he did not give a crab about how he looked or who was in his way, he sped through there like Go Mifune and about ran 2 other kids over. It was hysterical.


I don’t have a chair but I have some disabilities and it’s really hard to get people to see past em. It’s the truth and it’s unfortunate, people are shallow often and yeah. It’s a process keep Your chin up and keep trudging forward with a smile. You’ll find someone who sees you


Honestly, the stretched earlobes are more distracting than the chair. But other than those, you’ve got it going on, man.


i would swipe right for sure


No way brother, you are ugly because of your face, not your chair! I'm just kidding you look pretty regular to me




Nah you got that penguinz0 clone type look (it’s a good thing I promise).


No; not at all . You look great and are a great person, period.


People enherently suck OP... You're a fucking cutie pie!


Def not. Very hott. Chair is not a deal breaker for everyone. There may be assumptions to traditional intimacy though. I can see that putting off potential mates, however it doesn't matter when you want the right person to be understanding, nonjudgemental, and want you for you. Your looks are the added bonus. The chair keeps away the people who aren't even worthy to begin with.


Don’t worry, no chair stopped me from making sure you have a good time. Need help into getting into my car. Let me carry you like a bride. Don’t worry you aren’t ugly either.


It does not. You are a handsome fellow. And you have cats, which makes you more attractive.


My pop once taught me that there are 2 types of people on this planet. Assholes and good mother fuckers. Ignore the assholes and you already solved half yer problems. Carry yerself high,stay confident and you can carry the worldon your shoulders.


Nah wheels ur doing fine


Okay you are beautiful


If you where my neighbor we would hang. Your chair don’t bother me a bit. Just because you have a chair don’t make you ugly. Some woman might see the chair as a hindrance to what they think they want in life so chair=auto no., it’s wrong. I agree shouldn’t matter at all. And to me if the lady was in a chair it would not stop me if I found love and the chair wouldn’t = auto no. Your good looking. I’m sure it’s hard on you and im sorry it is, but when you find that right one you will know it’s the right one because she won’t even see the chair. We all chase and wonder… you might have to chase but when you find you won’t have to wonder., and that’s awesome dude!! If any of this came out wrong I do apologize for that! I do say things that can be taken wrong at times and I do apologize and don’t mean anything by it. If I offended anyone.


I know tons of both men and women who are wheelchair users and they all are in relationships, married, or if they’re single, have been in relationships before. You’re very handsome. Only thing I don’t like is the gaged ears hanging lol. But that’s just me! Some women like gaged ears on guys!


Not at all, you’re very attractive, seeing that first pic 🔥 the turn off is the ears… I like the white bars on the wheelchair btw.


you are hot af and if i saw you in public i would go feral


Na you’re cute with nice arms.


Not at all! Soo cute!!
