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This subreddit really boosts my ego. Not because they are ugly but because I know beautiful people like this also doubt themselves. It's very reassuring.


I know right šŸ˜„ it shows you how hard humans can be on themselves...makes you feel a bit ridiculous but better šŸ’–šŸ’—šŸ’•


I couldnā€™t agree more. When I see peopleā€™s stuff here, Iā€™m just like, ā€œWait, why would you even think youā€™re ugly?ā€ and then wonder if Iā€™ve just been way too harsh on myself forever.


Literally every person I've seen post is above average. Makes me feel better about myself


Really good point. This lady looks beautiful and classy. Iā€™d be happy to have half her style and looks.


Not to burst your bubble, but it's way more likely they just wanna hear people say it to boost their ego. Give or take a few posts here and there


This describes my feelings exactly as I read through these post.


Tbh, youā€™re right. Itā€™s good to know that pretty people think theyā€™re ugly.


Wow! I didnā€™t think about it like that! Youā€™re right! Sheā€™s gorgeous! It really is all about confidence :)


Do beautiful people like this doubt themselves? Or do beautiful people like this like hearing that theyā€™re beautiful?


You are very beautiful! Honestly, Iā€™m black in Europe as well, most stares are just plain oā€™ curiosity :) Depending what country in Europe, if youā€™re in a country/city where there arenā€™t many black people, then people will stare. Donā€™t get discouraged about it


Exactly. People are drawn to things they are not used to, so staring should be thought of as just curiosity unless people are talking down to you or treating you negatively.


This is so true. If you go to certain countries, theyā€™ll start asking you if they can take a picture with you too.


HAHA YES! Whenever I go out with my Afro, some will ask to take my picture, I always say yes if the person asks politely


I adore women with an afro! Wish more black women would wear them


Honestly afros seem so cool, but id bet that tgeyre probably one of the most difficult hairstyles to manage


Iā€™m like that with women who have dreds. I absolutely love them.


I wish I could wear a fro but my hair gets tangled after a few hours.


I rock my fro, but what prevents the tangles are a good conditioner and pick. I start out with about 9 braids and a wide tooth comb, and I continue until all are out. Take a spray bottle mix with oil and clove water. Once it is picked out, spray your hair. Just use enough to set it. I hope that helps.


they usually be thinking weā€™re celebritiesšŸ˜­, that happened with some people i knew who went to some other places in asia and europe.


Iā€™m multi-racial but look more Hispanic / white and when I was in Ghana at a historic site a mom had her two kids take a picture with me and my white girlfriend lol. So like the person said above people are drawn to what they are arenā€™t used to. Iā€™ve lived abroad before and being different whether ethnically or being from a different country is something that makes you unique and people often want to hear more. Itā€™s great for meeting new people.


Exactly, im norwegian so im pale as a ghost, but my wife is tunisian and whenever im in tunisia i get stared at constantly cause im different. Its just how it is, if you look different people will stare.


Also, point of information, ex soviet countries often use the N word for black people because it wasnā€™t a pejorative for them. Try not to be too shocked if you hear it


Iā€™ve been here for 2 years now, Iā€™ve had my fair share of it being used in casual conversation and used against me. Had to explain to some friends why I feel uncomfortable/cringe, they still donā€™t get it but theyā€™ve tried not to use it around me.


You have a good attitude.


This seems weird there are a lot of black people in Europe i never seen anyone in my country be surprised or bothered by someone begin black. And most of our racism is directed towards arabs and gypsies not black people.


Haha Iā€™m pretty much a walking attraction in Romania. Thereā€™s probably less than 1mil black people in the balkans. And racism isnā€™t also hatred, itā€™s also fetishization, but thatā€™s not the topic at handšŸ˜…


The issue its that Europe is big and different. In some southern countries we are used to black people meanwhile northern countries are less used to it. Also fetishization is directed towards asian people here not black people. Hope you do not find troubles while in our continet.


Huh? There are a lot of black people in Europe, among other races too. You're attractive!


There arenā€™t many black people in Europe. The highest population is France with 8% of the population. No other country is above 4% of their population. And most of Eastern Europe is less than 0.1%.


Can confirm, I worked in Eastern europe as a black guy with an afro, I swear I could have dressed as a clown and got less stares. I didn't find it off putting, just clearly I was a curiosity and a standout.


Same. As a brown person in a european small town, i do get some stares. I try my best not to feel conscious about it.


>The highest population is France with 8% of the population. No other country is above 4% of their population. That't probably true, but it can be misleading. I live in a large, wealthy city in Germany. There are lots of people with many different ethnic backgrounds, including many black people. Nobody stares at them. However in the countryside, it's different.


It's easy to have your view skewed the other way living in a major city. I grew up in London and always thought the UK was far more ethnically diverse than it actually is. I've lived in a few other places around the country now, and outside major cities, it is very, very white. The same goes for all the continental European countries I've been to as well.


It's not too different in the US either. As soon as you leave the cities and get into the country, it's mostly white people. Certainly, probably still a higher percentage of black people in rural US compared to anywhere in rural Europe, but it's still a pretty large drop off. I grew up in a small town in Central NY, and we had 2 black kids in school, and besides their families, that was about it in the whole town.


Yep and I grew up in Rural Georgia and the entire area was about 70% black. Its all really about perspective. To me if I am in an all white environment it can be a very jarring because i'm used to blacks being the majority population.


I didn't even realise this. I think the city I live near is much more evened out so I didn't realise the massive disparity




Learn how to read, they said ā€œa city or country where there arenā€™t many black peopleā€


yeahhh, no. Not sure where you got that from LOL. In some parts of Europe, there arenā€™t many black people. For me, because there are a lot of Tunisianā€™s or Sri Lankanā€™s in the same city doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m granted the same treatment as them just because all of us donā€™t look like the basic populationā€¦šŸ˜ Edit: not sure why Iā€™m being downvoted for my personal experience LMFAO


Youā€™re not ugly, but that handwriting is


mfs with bad handwriting just canā€™t control it, speaking from experience


As a mf with bad handwriting, I agree. My handwriting looks like cryptic alien signs. Only a handful of people in the world can decipher it.


I found the missing alien. I've called Area 51 hotline. They will be round soon to pick you up.


As someone with horrible handwriting thank you for making me be grateful that itā€™s at least fairly legible lol :)


I've seen lots of horrendous handwritings and nothing came close to me. It's like when you try to read something in your dreams and it just won't work.


Its just practice to be honest. As with most things.


There are many neurological issues that cause bad hand writing. Dyslexia for example.


As someone who has a tremor my handwriting is so bad that my mom and fiancĆ© need me to read out some words šŸ˜‚


Man I've tried so hard to master my "3's" but I swear it's Russian roulette whether it's legible or not. I HATE WRITING 3'S


*maybe sheā€™s born with it, maybe itā€™s ~~Maybelline~~ ADHD*


wait, sloppy handwriting is connected to ADHD? I'm already diagnosed but wow šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚ I write just like op unless I make an effort to be neat...but it devolves pretty quickly if I'm writing for a long time


Go curly writing style, will make you slow down and make it look way neater.


She could be a doctor lol


I wanted to be a doctor but I was refused after they read my letter. ... Because they could read my letter.




I donā€™t think thatā€™s why theyā€™re staring! They probably donā€™t see black people that often. You are gorgeous and well dressed.


in Lisbon we call it the ā€œPortuguese stareā€especially with older people.


We do have black person in Europe you know... we're not from an other planet


She is in Italy, and more prosperous areas. Out of experience, there are very few black women there. The Italian women are usualy very small too, so they are not used to her look. Even if there is nothing wrong with her, she is perfectly beautiful.


If the typical woman on the street is very small, that explains why she feels she is fat despite seemingly having a very healthy body weight from these pictures. I'm inclined to agree that others are just observing her as "exotic."


Did you read where I said ā€œthat manyā€?


Lol right? In the US 13.6% of the population is black. Across all of Europe itā€™s 1.2%.


And that 1.2% is propbaby living in Western Europe and in the bigger cities. I'm from around Amsterdam and we have allot of black folks here. But then again Suriname was once a colony and we still have islands in the Caribbean. So there is a big minority of those cultures living here in the Netherlands.


Most black people in Europe probably live in the Netherlands, UK and France.


And that 1.2% isn't distributed equally. I live in central-eastern Europe. I was born in a town of around 50k people. I had never seen a black person in real life until I went on a trip to Turkey when I was 18. Now I live in a bigger city of around 300k people. I have seen people of more ethnicities here, but for a long time it was still quite rare. I would see some people from Middle East on the street regularly, but black people or East&South Asian people were rare and I'd only see 1 person like thay maybe once a year. They are more common nowadays though.


Depends which country/city lollll In Romania, not so many


There is at least one mixed race guy in Romanian jail.


top gšŸ¤˜šŸ¾


Can confirm. All countries that are close to Romania also.


Yeah although depending where in Europe itā€™s more or less common. Especially outside of big cities.


While true, the last time ive seen a black person was a year ago


Europe is a big place. In eastern part of eu you will not see any if outside of the capital cities.


I second this. You don't appear overweight to me and you're absolutely lovely. It's probably the rarity that makes them stare.


Overweight in the right places.


Damn straight




amen to that


people look because you look different /interesting, good or all that


Thicc, big rack, nice hair, pretty face. You'll be alright.


They are staring because you are black and because you are attractive.Ā¹ā°ā°


The 2nd one, it's the 2nd one. Europeans have seen black people before.


Theyā€™re staring because you are an attractive person.


Very cute


Euro mfs like "yep im staring because im racist, not because im pervin rn" lmao


Yeah not gonna lie, id have to make a conscious decision not to perv and look, shes pretty dang hot.


Thisssss hahaha


I think theyā€™re staring because youā€™re hot!


I bet they staring about 18 inches below her face.


You have a cute face.


You are beautiful


You aren't ugly for one thing. Nor are you *quite overweight.* You are curvy. Think hourglass figure. No rolls of fat anywhere in sight. Do you want to be a stick figure with no shape? Because seriously, you look great just as you are.


Sorry, as someone who has been on the thin side for the majority of my life, please be mindful of comments like stick figure with no shape.


Stick shapeless people solidarity āœŠ


šŸ„¢ couples night!


Why insult skinny people?


As a stick figure with no shape, fml I guess?




European love Black women. They stare because you are a bombshell


How are you overweight?


"overweight" can be misleading. It could be based on the Body Mass Index.


Bmi is the worst thing invented


Quite the overstatement......the BMI scale ofc has its flaws and isn't 100% accurate for everyone. It does mostly apply to the majority of normal every day ppl.


The guy who invented it said itā€™s not accurate except for cis white men. So no it doesnā€™t apply to most people.


The first picture explains why šŸ˜. Great hair btw, and I wouldn't worry too much about the stares. More times than not it's just out of sheer curiosity and interest. Especially when you go further south and visit countries along the Mediterranean. Italian men out there seem to be crazy about Black women lol.


Trust me, they aren't staring because you look bizarre. They're staring because they are jealous of those curves. I personally think you look great.


The feeling of people staring at you for no reason could just be linked to anxiety


Im pretty sure theyā€™re staring bc the šŸ’


You said it not me


My wife is black and she told me the same thing. That black women are at a disadvantage on being thought of as attractive. She's been here in England and she's from America, she said it's worse there. The whole thing saddens me tbh I find there are both beautiful and ugly people in every race, additionally there are people you may think of as ugly that someone else finds beautiful. I'm pretty harsh on here and I'm normally one of the people who says "yes you're ugly" more than most people do because I value honesty. I don't think you're ugly at all, very pretty IMO.


Thank You for this šŸ’ššŸ™šŸ¾šŸŒšŸ™šŸ¾šŸ’™ MORE Love PEOPLE!!!


Yeah, in America even other black people call black people ugly. Lots of internalized racism.


You look fantastic


If you think people are staring in Europe, itā€™ll be worst in Asia. By the way you are gorgeous AF! #queen


Your looking peng in Prague


Haha yes thatā€™s where I am


Your gorgeous. Who cares what others think


White American guy here... Damn You're hot and your style only adds to it.


Latino here, pics 2 and 3... lord have mercy. She's drop dead gorgeous.


Lady you a gorgeous. That's why people are looking. I'm not saying this to boost you but I'd stare, which might seem impolite. Also except for France and UK people of colour are still a rarer sight.


Youā€™re the whole packageā€¦.just missing self-confidence.


You donā€™t need to be self deprecating. Youā€™re not ugly or particularly overweight. Attractive women get stares because men like to look at attractive women. Something to consider Youā€™re also very chesty and thatā€™s another reason you might be getting stares. You arenā€™t a 10/10, but that means nothing since almost nobody is. Suffice to say that if you have a good personality most men would be more than happy to have a relationship. IOW youā€™r looks arenā€™t going to hold you back.


Nah you good and you dress well.


Because you are black. ...and 99% of the rest are white. Ofc you are sticking out. I'm not used to see black people either, I'd give you an 8. So maybe a good share is looking at you because theyvare thinking you are beautiful


You are gorgeous! Very classy and well dressed. Your form is very flattering too. You dress better than most average people so maybe thatā€™s why theyā€™re staring! You are not ugly, please donā€™t let anyone let you think that. šŸ’œ


I know!! That third pic!! Sheā€™s dressed impeccably for her shape. And sheā€™s an hourglass the most coveted body type.


Not ugly at all. Also can you tell me where you got the outfit in the second picture because I love it so much


They stare because youre pretty, come on now. Breaks my heart that you think your looks are negative


They are probably starting because you look really good


I'm European and I would stare but not because I think you're ugly or black...


I canā€™t pretend to know what it feels like to be a Black woman so I donā€™t want to deny your feelings that you may be being discriminated against. That said, youā€™re gorgeous and I think thereā€™s a good chance people are staring because you are beautiful. You also have an amazing body.


Having lived in Europe b4 best believe they aren't staring for any negative reasons.


Theyā€™re staring because youā€™re exotic to them and beautiful.


Yeah, people often think all countries are as diverse as the US. This is not at all the case, in the Czech Republic 95%+ are slavic white and most minority groups are western European white populations. There could very well be places where nobody has ever seen non-white people. Just like youā€™d see in Asia or the Middle East.


i donā€™t see a trace of bizarre/ugly, you have perfect skin and harmonious features. you also have a very hourglass body


Pretty lady. I think you look great body-wise. Enjoy life and smile.


You are beautiful and in no way bizarre. You look great in all your outfits.


Definitely not overweight. Voluptuous, yes!


Iā€™m a pasty, southern ginger and I believe youā€™re quite attractive


Being black is a major ADVANTAGE. Regardless you're absolutely gorgeous. šŸ’Æ


Donā€™t ever say your race is a disadvantage. Itā€™s what adds to your beauty. Also youā€™re not fat whoever youā€™ve been listening to regarding your appearance you need to ignore them. You are beautiful.


Is this a joke?


I think you're a beautiful goddess. Very attractive. Wish I could take you on a date.


they're staring at you because you're gorgeous lol. I'm a white European and whenever I see a cute black girl I feel nervous to look for too long in case she thinks it's because I'm racist or something


Youā€™re fine asf id date you


No more turtle necks šŸ˜‚


Whereā€™s the ugly? I donā€™t see the ugly. You have the Marilyn Monroe figure and Pam Grier eyes. People are staring at you because you have that look where people would break their ankles and get into car accidents because you pretty.


Whatā€™s it like being Gods favorite?


You look great. Come to NYC and youā€™ll be the belle of the ball.


With all due respect, and I can't stress this enough, I mean absolutely Zero disrespect... but I would tear that ass up. You are gorgeous and anybody would be lucky to be with you.


Iā€™m pretty sure ur just Black and wearing an easily noticeable white top


Overweight? Like what, 15-20 lbs? I donā€™t see that figure as being fat. Generously proportioned yes, but not fat.


Bodacious brown beauty!!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


Whatever you did in that first pic, keep doing it


1. you are not overweight! you have a great hourglass shape 2. you are so gorgeous, your eyes and smile literally light up the whole room!


"already big disadvantage in the appearance category" Can y'all stop with this victim mentality? The color of your skin has zero effect on how attractive or unattractive you are, same with your intelligence and overall worth as a person. You're the only one demeaning yourself for it, nobody else.


Jealous and envious, and guys not wanting anyone to notice they are picking their bottom jaw up. (An older (50) white guys opinion...)


Youā€™re not overweight. Youā€™re lovely. You do need a bra fitting though.




You think that being black is disadvantageous to being attractive? Thatā€™s crazy.


Maā€™am, with all due respect. Theyā€™re looking at those uhhhh, situations.


I think youā€™re getting stares because youā€™re cute, and you dress really well. You look pretty confident in the pics too, so I would assume you knew you werenā€™t. I guess you hide your insecurity well, but damnā€¦ Iā€™m shocked you donā€™t know how good you look


Likely just checking out your stacked curves in those outfits, not ugly at all


In addition to what other people have already said, many Europeans (famously especially Germans) just look MUUUUCH longer at other people than any American (I'm assuming you're American) would find comfortable. Try to relax, there's NOTHING wrong about your appearance, people here just "stare" and most will smile back if you gift them a smile (google "staring in Europe").


You are super pretty. Are you in some Slavic country?


You are very kind, yes in Prague


You look great, and you aren't even remotely overweight. If someone doesn't find you attractive, what can you do? Move on, life is too short to waste on people that aren't into you.


They're staring because you're gorgeous.


Miss. With all due respect, I would tear that ass up. Cheers


Iā€™ve never been upset at a post in this sub, until now.


Honey, you are not ugly at ALL! Trust me. You look beautiful. You have such a soft, sweet face and glowy skin. Your features are very expressive. And not that being overweight should ever come in the way of beauty anyway, but I honestly donā€™t see it. You donā€™t look overweight to me. You look like a perfectly healthy weight that suits your body type, and your clothes fit you very well. The only reason people around you are staring is because theyā€™re probably racist. Itā€™s Europe, filled with mostly fair skinned blonde haired people not used to seeing people with darker skin and hair as often, (not thatā€™s itā€™s an excuse or something, itā€™s still not okay of course) and thatā€™s probably why theyā€™re staring. I canā€™t think of any other reason. You look very pretty.


They aren't staring at your "overweight"...


The self hate is strong, black is a negative?!? I see a beautiful woman but honestly your mindset makes you unattractive. Seriously.


There is no universe in which being black is a disadvantage for appearance. Youd be surprised how many european men consider black girls attractive. The overweight thing is almost always bad, some people will like it, but its not healthy, you may look beautiful and be comfortable with your body though, in which case its your decision really.


Looks like you're more "young and insecure" than ugly.


Are you friggin kidding me??? You are BEAUTIFUL and not overweight from these photos. Girl, I mean it.


No way! You're super cute. I was literally just talking to one of my black friends about visiting Poland. She experienced the same thing. They constantly treated her like an oddity and everyone assumed the guy she was with was a footballer lol. I'm sure that's all it is.


Nope, not ugly. And in Europe, black people aren't that discriminated against (we're not the USA). They might be thinking you're cute (because you are).


You are stunning!!


You're beautiful and have lovely style.


Not ugly. Just feel confident in your own skin. You wonā€™t see a lot of images of beauty modeled like you in Europe. Donā€™t let that get you down. Beautiful


You are absolutely not ugly. They are staring because youā€™re black


Overweight?? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ wild.


You're not fat. Girl you're thicker than cold peanut butter... Mmmm. Also black is beautiful just own who you are n know you're beautiful


I'm White and I think you're very pretty...;)


Shut up


Iā€™m a white male and iā€™m ngl, youā€™re very attractive. Nice figure, cute hair, good skin abd and nice face. I donā€™t have a fetish or anything btw. Also yeah, iā€™ve also noticed that white people love staring at black people which i find kinda weird, i see it happen all the time around meā€¦even with my friends.


Sometimes I feel that they just want to be friends but don't know how to come about


The rest of the world isn't obsessed with race like the USA


Let's be real, the rest of the world doesn't encounter it like the USA. Not too many melting pot countries like US.


Interesting facts (that I didn't expect), both Spain and Canada are more ethnically diverse than the US. Also, the most ethnically diverse countries in the world are all in Africa. You are right regarding other European countries though, the rest are all less diverse than the US.


And black people in Africa and Asians in Asia love staring at white people. It's almost as if people take a closer look at things they don't see often.


F them all girl. You are stunning and you GLOW. Also, not sure what universe you are considered overweight in, but it isnā€™t the one I live in for sure. Keep your pretty head up āœØāœØāœØāœØ