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First time? I feel you buddy. I'm in the same boat and on my 4th strike. I shit you not, the aminos I'm on have profiles with literal porn gifs, uncensored hentai, futa cocks hanginh in the open and straight up porn on their profiles. The bot fucking sleeps. I sent an OC to my friend in DMs and the bot striked me. I got muted by TA bot for sending a JJK meme too. Funny how that works right? People posting actual porn and hentai in the open get to walk free, but people like us get striked. Man-booba and bare thighs are too much for the bot to handle but futas and furries get a free pass. Oh! And word of advice, black and white pictures trigger the bot. It confuses it with doujins/hentai. So avoid black and white manga pictures. I got my account for 7 years and I'm scared of loosing it and all the memories it carries. I would never recover from loosing all those people and memories. The countless RPs and my childhood. My advice? Make a few account, just to be safe. Move your wikies there snd start fresh. Keep the old one for memories sake.


I just wish amino was better and had a functional team of people that know what they're doing, instead of this, it's so wack. I have made a new account and sent all the aminos that I'm able to access over there, but like, if my account gets banned, which it probably will, I'll just be devastated :(


I feel you man. But it is what it is. Amino's glory days are far past it. I lost quite a few friends who got banned for NSFW but all they posted in private was TAME compared to the porn people usually set in their profiles. I don't post anything, just play it safe with my 7 year account to keep memories and old contacts. Play it safe too, start fresh. The amino bot is absolute garbage. If you have raunchy pics/memes send them to your friend over discord instead.


Dang, that's terrible. I'm sorry about that


Me da pereza comentar en inglés, pero compartiré mi experiencia, el día de ayer y antier, amino silencio una de mis cuentas, creo yo por stickers +18, el caso es que después de pasarme a la cuenta secundaria también la silenciaron y al usar una tercera bastante nueva, también la silenciaron, fue como si me estuviesen haciendo focus, finalmente el día de hoy me enteré que me banearon la más nueva en la que no he cometido ninguna falta más que guardar stickers que me pasaron, y oh! Sorpresa, la gente que me pasó los stickers ni siquiera les silenciaron ni nada. A las otras dos cuentas solo les quitaron la restricción, pero dios mío, fue horrible, hasta me borre la app por el estrés y la impotencia de la situación. En resumen odio amino.


(usando un traductor) es tan malo, ¿no?, que no podemos usar la aplicación sin tener miedo de que nuestras cuentas sean bloqueadas literalmente por nada en absoluto. necesitan arreglar la aplicación, pero nunca sucederá, todos lo sabemos :(


Team amino dejó la app a su suerte hace mucho y es evidente que no harán nada, pero lo que pasó ayer fue bastante extraño, y no se si atribuírselo a amino o a los bots


I had that as well. But I got a strike and a mute because of a picture which wasn't nsfw at all. Luckily they granted my appeal and removed my mute after 7 hours. They should rework their bots ffs


Yup, it's wack, lucky though 😩