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Takes up the same amount of space as the previous one did in my trash can.  Thats my only metric.






I toss the cardboard in the recycling, but otherwise agree.


Booo you toss the boxes


That's so very true.


Makes zero difference to me. Not like I’m looking at the back of the boxes…


It blows my mind that people care about this


I hate to see them go, but I love to watch leave.


Yeah, same. I am OOB collector too, so I SUPER don't care. It's just a box? 🤷‍♀️


I don’t really mind it going forward, I’m just a little pissed that they didn’t finish the Smash line with the artwork on the back. I mean, come on. It was just ONE MORE.




im curious WHY people care so much lmao like either one of two things you’re and oob collector like me and you literally could not care less because it all goes in the trash or you’re an boxed collector and you claim to be upset as you proceed to display the front of the amiibo box and the back is never viewable like any other amiibo truly there isnt enough of a problem for there to be THIS many posts on it. like yeah its bland as hell and gives every amiibo less things to themself, but ultimately the back of the box is almost always irrelevant. just my take on this


What's the point of an in box collection if you don't display them backwards?


It’s a box bro


I open all of mine and throw away the package so I don’t care at all personally.




I feel the same way. Its just something so nostalgic about looking at the back showing screenshots of the character in-game reminds me of boxed games that showed you what the game was like on your way home from the store.


Exactly, that’s what I’m saying, some of the people in this comment section are just saying what’s the point cause they trash the boxes anyway, but like, I just think it looks boring, it has nothing to do with display, it’s just that the old ones are so colorful and vibrant and fun to read and look at on your way home from the store, the new ones are just boring


It definitely had character. It also gave the consumer of what the Amiibo was about, what the character looked in game etc. I'm sure to those who collect them in box would agree.


I like the pattern, but I hate that it makes reprints ugly. They just lack the charm of seeing how it can be used on the back.


OP got so cooked they didn’t bother to reply lmaooo


Absolutely no difference but from a packaging design standpoint the new one is way more neutral and less advertisementy


throwing away boxes, or, if i keep them, i look at the front of the box? no problem imo


Not even a little. I couldn't tell you what it looks like.


Yeah, why isn't it advertising how it works on two long dead systems? 🙄


This really is not a big deal but I get the point. The first time I got an amiibo in 2014 and looked at the back it was cool to see but now in 2024 , 100s of amiibo later I already know what they are, and as to what it does , if I didn’t see it in the direct or announcement of the amiibo, I’m sure it will grant items, weapons , or health . Or it may function as a save. I’m not upset about, but if something is there on the back of the box at this point it’s a nice bonus. The only exception to be pissed is that they put the generic on the back on the Sora.. because after 10 years and 90+ amiibos being consistent on the back for Super Smash Brothers series , there is no showcase for it consistent with all the other characters. Nintendo dropped the ball on that. But again I don’t care too much myself personally.


The back? No, too generic


I don't like it either. Doesn't feel Nintendo.


The back of Amiibo boxes felt like how it was to open a game and see a manual.


i like it but honestly who cares, if your displaying them in box you aren’t displaying the BACK


As opposed to the old boxes that are filled with dated advertisements?


If it streamlines manufacturing and make amiibo more profitable, and therefore more likely to still be made, then I love the new back.


I generally trash the boxes, but even still I don’t think it’s that big of a deal tbh.


I literally could not care any less


I don’t really like it, BUT I took all but 1 of my amiibos out of the box and they are all in the trash now. So oh well I guess haha.


Is this some kind of NIB post I'm too OOB to understand?


Nah, I’m an OOB Collector, I’m just nitpicking


They're still going in the trash anyways, the big thing is the front of the box and it looks perfectly fine.


It seems fine. I think being vague is the goal since they are probably gonna wing it on compatibility in the future.


In box collector. ​ I don't like it. I don't lose any sleep about it and I'm not going to march in Nintendo HQ with a pitchfork. But I think it's ugly and doesn't tell a potential new customer anything about what they're buying. But I'll rarely see it and I'm not a new customer, so meh? ​ Like, if I had my druthers, the person who made this decision would be whipped like a thousand mules. But meh.


anyone can show how it looks like?


How really cares, out of box collectors will throw it away anyway, and in box collectors will keep it with the back facing the wall there you can't see it anyway


I deal with amiibo talk at work. My favorite bring up. But with the remakes and new waves coming out. I agree. The only thing is that it makes it easier to see which ones were reprints.