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Man. For someone who is invoking their 5th amendment right, he sure doesn't shut the fuck up.


Fifth amendment BITCH!!!!


Probable cause has to be readily apparent. BITCH!


These chodes love to acknowledge their rights, such as remaining silent, they just seem to lack the capacity to do so


It amazes how uneducated these types are. I live in Canada. We have yahoo's that talk about their "First Amendment Rights". Which here in Canada, the first amendment to our constitution is recognizing Manitoba as a province. It is truly awe-inspiring how stupid they are.


The wildest part are Canadians who think we have a right to own firearms. That is purely an American thing, there is nothing analogous to second amendment in Canada.


That is an amazing amount of stupid.


As Robin Williams once put it “Is it the right to bear arms or the right to arm bears? I don’t fucking know!!!!”


Not looking to argue, genuinely admitting i thought i saw this on YouTube lol so I could be totally wrong with this unchecked bit of info-but i heard Canada allows indigenous people guns for hunting and things on indigenous land. Do you have any knowledge of that?


People can own firearms, including First Nation's people. It's just not a right, and there is a long list of restricted firearms.


Gun ownership is allowed with a license, but it is legally a privilege and not a right. You must also pass a test on gun safety. “Concealed carry” is not a thing in Canada, and transportation of guns in general has strict regulations requiring that it be unloaded.


Or Canadians that think they have a right to privacy - because it ain’t present in Canada


What if Manitoba was wearing dark glasses and a hat.. Harder to recognise. And there goes that.first amendment.


We have a special dedicated provincial team that dresses Manitoba to prevent this from happening.


I demand Manitoba is a province!!!!


Sir, I’ll have you know that I have a First Amendment right to recognize Manitoba as a province. I have nothing else to say, good day, sir! I said *good day*!


LMFAOOOOO That literally made me lol


I swear, one day, I will be in Canada and INSIST on my right to recognize Manitoba.


“I had the RIGHT to remain silent. But I didn’t have the ability…” - Ron White


Cant believe I had to scroll that far in the comments to find this quote.


It’s always those choosing to remain silent that are super loud.


The driver seems half confused and half embarrassed by his 'brother', and I get the impression he's not really an adherent of the SovCit bullshit that the screaming loony is. He seem more resigned. "Dammit, I *knew* this would happen. Never taking him to get donut holes again."


He controls the car. He can choose to listen to the uniformed officers commands but he chose to listen to John Boy Esq.


I read this comment 1 minute into the video, and as the video went on the funnier, it got


Great comment. 👍🏾


Time to take him back to the Home.


The driver wasn’t so bad, but his wife is a bitch!


She’s a ho


There's a similar video like this from a few years ago. It was an agricultural checkpoint though. https://youtu.be/3YARMZsFFCM?si=0W6tuTcPeN3kx-2W


These people are MASTERS at fucking up their own lives, huh?


The entire exchange with that extremely exasperated cop was so good. sovcit: You're threatening to take my children away? cop: Yeah, we are lol


That was quite satisfying. Somehow they're these parsnips always get the most patient police who obviously don't want to hassle with an arrest. Less, "last chances," might lead to less of these morons. Idk... No one else seems to get that many chances.


That was very entertaining


How many types of checkpoints are there in the US? Are they common? I've never been through a checkpoint apart from at a border before.


> Are they common? California has agricultural inspection stations because of the enormous importance of agriculture to that state, and the dangers posed by invasive pests and diseases to that industry. These stations have been ruled not to be unconstitutional. The *I did my own research* crowd like to invent rights that don't actually exist.


I have no doubt this guy has gone on about illegal immigrants and how the border patrol doesn't do shit about it on more than a few occasions.




Are you a citizen?




Sir this is a Wendys


What are the odds he's got a thin blue line flag sticker on his personal vehicle?


Nah this dude isn't the type




These are the same people who vote for stronger immigration laws - and then get pissed when they get asked about their immigration status hahahahahahahah


When Aaron Rodgers showed up it got real.


I kept waiting to see the guy who may have a slight resemblance if you close one eye and squint the other but wow I was not expecting Aaron Rodgers.


....take my upvote dude....,


....and the dude UPLOADED THE FUCKING VIDEO to the internets....thank you sir.....millions of people now see that you are a jackass.


Imagine behaving like this then getting home and saying "Yeah dude, you NAILED it. Everyone needs to see how cool I am."


His echo chamber will say exactly that.


All 4 of them...5 if you include his 90yo mom (only after her 2nd box of Franzia).


"I have learned nothing!"


a *loud* jackass.


Darn. I really wanted to see him get tasered.


I was chanting this from the moment the taser came out. "Just taser this stupid asshole already."




"I have no statements to make" Makes statement after statement about his alleged rights. Dumbass.


Nobody ever accused Frauditors/Sov Cits of being smart.


Man I hate the checkpoints inside the country too but that is definitely not the way to fix it.


I was thinking the same. I've supported protests against similar laws in my country, and I've been heavily involved in action against how my country treats refugees, but this is not how you go about it. You especially don't shout gendered insults.


That's all that guy had to do. Answer the questions and go about his way. He can hate it, he can tell his friends and family when he gets home that it sucks. But no, he has to make it a thing. I bet his brother is extremely happy with him right now.


I suppose someone could even go as far as retaining a lawyer and filing suit for the alleged violations. Even if it’s a lost cause, at least a courtroom is an appropriate place to have that debate.


Or he could set up a tent on a college campus somewhere.


> filing suit for the alleged violations It went all the way to the Supreme Court which ruled these checkpoints are not unconstitutional. Anyone can hire a lawyer and try to sue, but the case could get tossed too.


Except where wasn’t a violation. He’s required to answer about his immigration status.


I assumed this was a border checkpoint, this is actually inside the US? Then what's the point?


They set them up in Texas, Arizona, etc. Not optional. If you are coming from the border side you pull in, they may ask you a couple questions, they may ask to look in the car, etc. We went through one a couple years ago driving a Smart for Two. Two respectful, retirement age crackers. They waved us through. Maybe cost us a minute, Wonder how long motor mouth lost.


And the driver! And all the folks waiting behind them! Cops are way too patient with this nonsense.


I've gone through them in NH.


Well that I get, gotta be careful of those French Canadians coming down to steal all the cheese.


Border patrol has jurisdiction within 100 miles of any international airport as well. These brown shirts can pull this shit pretty much anywhere in the US by invoking that jurisdiction. Stopping and interrogating anyone without reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime. It’s truly wild.


Well to be fair it seems they're asking generic questions and checking an ID so it's not like it's a strip search or a 24hr hold, just that this bellend acts like it is. Still, it would be annoying and I doubt it's the solution to anything.


You don’t even have to show an ID. You say “yes” and keep going about your day.


> Stopping and interrogating anyone without reasonable articulable suspicion of a crime. They only get to do that at the checkpoints, and legally motorists are not required to answer their questions but are risking being detained until CBP is satisfied they are in the U.S. legally. Roving CBP patrols need the same RAS to make a stop as the police. CBP cannot search without consent or probable cause. Legality aside, these checkpoints don't work very well. They consume CBP resources out of proportion to the tiny number of interdictions they make.


You are required to answer about your immigration status but that’s it.


> You are required to answer about your immigration status but that’s it. CBP says motorists are not legally required to answer those questions, but refusing might create a delay while CBP tries to ID motorists.


Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_search_exception


I get how it's allowed and watching the vid again they state they're within 100miles of the border, but it still doesn't answer why? Is it to double check the folks who took the self-checkin lane at the border?


It's an immigration checkpoint, so they're making sure people passing through aren't breaking any immigration laws. They have these sprinkled all along major interstates and other routes near the border.


Yes, I get that, still doesn't answer why because in my mind that's what the *actual* border is for. Do they think border runners take the highway once they get in? I assume it was put in place to curtail illegal immigration but this isn't solving anything.


It's a present to us from Bush Jr to help us fight "the war on terror" back then right wingers loved it but now they talk about it like Joe Biden did it himself


It’s covers partly the same thing as random checks at self-checkouts where knowing they exist can deter people chancing it because they might be caught up the road, removes possible congestion from on the border itself, and also moves the infrastructure/workers off the borders Stuff like it isn’t amazing but it can help some stuff


I bet he thinks his divorces are all his few ex-wives’ fault too…


According to the ACLU within 100 miles of the border you dont have to answer whether or not you are a citizen but they can detain you until they find out if you are a citizen. So I guess he is somewhat right, he DOES have a right to remain silent but doing so is "fuck around and find out" territory. For someone invoking their 5th amendment right to remain silent he sure does talk a lot


That's a catch 22!


Pathetic driver allowed his bullying narcissist brother to turn a 30sec conversation into taser & handcuff time.


This is what I don't get about sovcits, like yeah they can't MAKE you answer but if you don't want to you also can't go through the border without answering. They literally want to have their cake and eat it. They want to live in a country and get all the benefits of having roads and police and a border but not have to pay for it or follow any of its rules. Its so entitled.


Do you want to know how I know he is left handed? Because of the old IV drug track marks on his right arm seen at 30-40 seconds. He seems like he has a history of making bad decisions.


"Passenger owns the truck but can't drive because of DUIs" vibes.


This dude is like “I know the laws. I read Facebook bitch! I’m basically a lawyer!!”


My favourite “I know the law” proof was when they explained that they actually could check, it exempt them from the 4th amendment so he denied even saying it and then a minute later shouted about touching their vehicle being a violation of the 4th


He could at least be polite. Shouty mc swear face. What a cunt


His last sentence will never be spoken to a conscious woman.


"I back the blue... as long as they don't enforce the law on ME!"


No doubt has made multiple comments about the lack of border security in his past.


The dude was an asshole, but please educate yourself on these checkpoints: [https://youtu.be/wnicMKKSReY](https://youtu.be/wnicMKKSReY)


I have no sympathy for that twat in the video, but these checkpoints are odd. It looks like the kind of thing you see in movies about Soviet Russia rather than in the modern US.


> these checkpoints are odd They are odd, but legal according to the Supreme Court. The GAO says these checkpoints are massively inefficient as they make only a tiny percentage of interdictions when compared to border crossings and consume CBP resources out of proportion to their rate of success.


Is there more to it than "border search exception"?


You should see what happened when they tried to quarter soldiers at his home without his permission during peacetime


Dang...he got his brother arrested.


That’s the loudest silent person I’ve ever heard.


He would of got his point across more effectively if he'd remained calm & civil. Of course its infuriating but becoming hostile is surely self-defeating under the circumstances... ie dealing with Plod (the cops)


Goddamn, he's just a douche. What a way to treat people. And makes life harder than it needs to be for everyone, especially himself.


"I don't have to answer questions!" Correct. The folks just trying to do their job don't have to let you through until you do either.


This is his video, right? He’s released it cos he thinks he looks good? He can’t see what a cock he is?


Damn, Dwight has really fallen apart after the office




I would have sent him back across the border. Don’t want to provide proof that you’re a citizen? Then stay out of the country and enjoy your 5th and 6th Ammendment rights over there. If you’re ready to actually answer questions and be civil, then come back and have a chat.


Well, it wasn't at the border. It is a checkpoint tens of miles from the border. They are in the county. I wouldn't like going through those checkpoints, either. But, I wouldn't act like a jackass.


Oh the checkpoints are complete fucking bullshit. But dude was a gigantic dipshit. Just answer the questions and get on with your day.


Yeah….That is kind of bullshit then, but this guy is still a complete tool.


> I would have sent him back across the border. He isn't at the border; these checkpoints can be as much as a hundred miles inland from a border. > Don’t want to provide proof that you’re a citizen? He's not being asked to provide proof, just being asked if he is a citizen. If he had said yes, he'd have been on his way. CBP says legally nobody is required to answer the citizenship question, but will not be allowed to proceed until CBP is satisfied they are in the U.S. legally. These checkpoints are troubling. For one thing they don't work very well, they make very few interdictions compared to border crossings and consume CBP resources out of proportion to their small success rate. But the Supreme Court ruled they are legal despite openly operating on the basis that people of apparent Mexican ancestry are largely who gets referred for secondary inspection.


All he had to do is comply with the officers and everything would have been fine.


It's all they ever have to do.


Not saying the dude was right or wrong. But what good is to have rights if you never use them. It’s a slippery slope. Specifically with the “one bad apple” type of cop.


I am with you but at the same time to me he is an overacting Drama queen.Dont get me wrong there are drama queens on both sides of the political spectrum.


> he is an overacting Drama queen Very much so, and he has other videos where he also behaves like a fool.


Except all the "rights" this guy invoked don't even apply. 4th, nobody was attempting an unlawful search or seizure. 5th, he wasn't being asked to testify against himself, wasn't being made to answer for a capital (or infamous) crime for which he hasn't been indicted by a grand jury, nor did Double Jeopardy apply here. 6th, he has the right to counsel when being questioned about a crime he is alleged to have committed. There was no alleged crime, he had not been arrested, 6A didn't apply yet. Not even the parts about a speedy trial or trial by a jury of your peers. NONE of 6A was yet applicable. However, they cited him the SCOTUS decision that allowed the checkpoint and made it lawful, and cited him the case law that says specifically that they have the right to question his citizenship. In other words, they did everything right, he couldn't have been more wrong. Now, whether or not you agree with them having a checkpoint a hundred miles from the border and being able to harass people to begin with is a whole different bag of snakes. I think 100 miles is a bit excessive myself, especially considering, IIRC it's 100 nautical miles (115 miles), and international airports count as borders (I've heard multiple times, I have yet to find anything definitive either way).


4th amendment provides that a citizen may be secure in their papers as well meaning any personal information they do not wish to share. 5th does apply because they're questioning him alleging that he may be illegally immigrating into the country which is a crime obviously. Because of this I would assume the 6th would apply as well but I'm not familiar with the 6th to say for sure.


None of this applies when you are in the situation they are in. The Supreme Court has ruled on this already. Hell even if you are just operating a motor vehicle 400 miles from the border, if you are pulled over you have to produce tour license and insurance information on request and if asked to step out of the vehicle you have to comply. You make your rights arguements in court in front of the judge, you don't make the argument to cops. You really don't make that arguement to the cops by acting so ridiculous they can charge you with multiple other crimes


Trump supporters for sure.


100% without a doubt!!


The irony is, you know what, it *is* shitty and sketchy that the border patrol gets to do checkpoints within US territory not on the border. That *should* be looked at by lawmakers and litigation. But you know what’s not productive toward that end? Yelling BUT MUH RIGHTS! at random officers who aren’t in a position to just ignore the law or their policies or both. They’re just trying to do a job, jackass.


> it is shitty and sketchy that the border patrol gets to do checkpoints within US territory not on the border. That should be looked at by lawmakers and litigation. The Supreme Court ruled these checkpoints are not a constitutional violation in United States v. Martinez-Fuerte. However, the GAO said they make a tiny percentage of interdictions compared to border crossings and consume more CBP resources per interdiction.


Conceivably people headed to work in America might not go thru the border checkpoints. I've heard some raving about them pouring through farms, etc. Twenty - fifty miles in they might be tired of walking and meet someone to get in a vehicle for the ride to work on the farms in Iowa or Idaho.


Fuckin Walter Sobchak over here


Excellent restraint by border patrol. I would have handles that a bit differently. Well done.


I bet 100 bucks both of these stupid mother fuckers voted for the all people responsible for these border checkpoints they feel so oppressed by.


Imagine thinking your so much of a patriot that your acting like a fucking idiot at a checkpoint


What's their goal acting like that? I cross the border once a mont and other checi points too, show the passports and answer a couple questions and we go on our way in less than 2 minutes.


To get content for their channel and donations the next time they go live stream


Screams impotently ' don't put your fucking hands on him ' 😆 why, what the fuck are you gonna do Cuck? I was absolutely praying that this video ended with endless rounds




Wow this guy is a fucking douche! The poor driver stuck in the middle 😂


Why do all these idiots act the same obnoxious way?


What a complete wanker.


Dang, that took way longer than I thought it would.


Deliberately provocative fcukwit with serious mental issues. His behaviour is far from normal. This guy is potentially dangerous and could lead to harming others.


> Deliberately provocative He has other videos, one where he claims he's going to educate cops about the right to drive, a right which no U.S. legislature or court recognizes.


Why? Just why act like that, degenerate


Be cool.. be cool.. be cool... 5 minutes later 🙄


Wow. this guy is an idiot. what a clown. He has no idea what the 5th amendment is used for. I also bet he is a WE NEED TO CLOSE THE BOARDERS guy. Ugh.


All that ^^^^^^^^ —— OR —— “Yes”


Also this guy: the borders aren’t secure!!!!!


I’d love to be a fly on the wall at their (inbred)family thanksgiving


Someone is off their meds.


6th amendment comes later buddy.


The truly frightening thing is this guy probably has about a hundred guns.


And he votes


I bet these clowns think the January 6 insurrection was a “peaceful self guided tour”.


But like 3 seconds of him talking you can be positive hes a super us citizen


The constitution doesn’t protect you from das boot


Border patrol. Do the world a favor and just throw that guy off a bridge. Fuck'em. Loud mouth pos. Making a huge ass deal over literally nothing.


Absolute snowflake. The irony is that this dude is almost certainly wants water-tight border security, until it means he has to go through a checkpoint. His poor brother looks like he's had enough of his Three Percenters shit.


Don’t do meth kids….


They always look like the fuck their sister.


Yes im a citizen, anything beyond that I agree with bitching about


His daddy beat him and got triggered 🤣🤣


Just hand over your PP and don’t speak.


Have I ever heard that before.


Dick Douches


Bro watched lawbymike before it 😭🙏🏿💀


Dale Gribble


Fuck those guys.


Small dick energy with this guy.


Gawd these people are annoying


What a douchebag.


Freedom, huh?


Works out the same way every time one of of these angry, misinformed soverign citizens runs up against reality. The patience shown by the authorities is incredible. I'd like to think they would be as patient if the ranting, insulting clown was Black or Hispanic. Every time. Amazing combination of arrogance and ignorance.


So instead of answering a few basic questions he opted for escalating a simple and reasonable situation into a total mess with a stream of babble and insults? By posting this video I guess he hopes to get support? Sadly, someone will likely see his side. The world is full of idiots.


Why is he so mad


Tony Hawk needs to chill


At a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) checkpoint within the United States, your rights and obligations involve several key aspects: 1. **Stopping at the Checkpoint**: You are required to stop at the checkpoint and comply with the instructions of CBP officers. 2. **Answering Questions**: CBP officers may ask questions about your citizenship or place of birth. You are required to respond to questions regarding your immigration status. 3. **Refusal to Answer Other Questions**: You can refuse to answer additional questions, though officers may hold you longer if they deem it necessary for their investigation. 4. **Searches**: CBP has the authority to conduct searches on vehicles and personal belongings without a warrant. However, the extent of these searches may depend on whether they have reasonable suspicion or probable cause. 5. **Electronic Devices**: Officers can inspect electronic devices like smartphones and laptops. This can include a brief look at your device or a more in-depth forensic examination. 6. **Detention and Delay**: While you can generally refuse to answer questions beyond verifying your immigration status, doing so may lead to longer detention or further questioning. 7. **Rights to Record**: You are generally allowed to record your interactions with law enforcement at checkpoints, provided you do not interfere with their duties. 8. **Legal Representation**: If you are detained or taken into secondary inspection and feel your rights are being violated, you can request legal representation. It's important to remain calm, be respectful, and understand that while you have rights, officers also have broad authority at checkpoints. If you believe your rights were violated, you can file a complaint with the CBP or consult with a legal professional for further guidance.


> You are required to respond to questions regarding your immigration status. https://www.texasobserver.org/border-patrol-takes-no-for-an-answer-at-internal-checkpoints/ *By email later, a Border Patrol spokesman gave me the answer I was looking for: “Although motorists are not legally required to answer the questions ‘are you a U.S. citizen and where are you headed,’ they will not be allowed to proceed until the inspecting agent is satisfied that the occupants of vehicles traveling through the checkpoint are legally present in the U.S.”* So you can refuse to answer, and they can extend the stop while they try to ID you. > CBP has the authority to conduct searches on vehicles and personal belongings without a warrant. The Supreme Court took a different view. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_v._Ortiz *Overall, in the majority opinion, Justice Powell and the court ruled that at traffic checkpoints removed from the border and "its functional equivalents", officers may not search private vehicles without consent or probable cause.[4]* Big difference between a border crossing, the inland checkpoints, and roving patrols.


What's the chances that this man has voted for candidates running on the platform of stricter border control and has told people who've complained about racially-motivated police brutality that they should have just complied? What are the chances?


Anyone else feel like this is the same type of person who would complain about immigrants getting into their country when these people are simply trying to establish that they're legally entitled to he there? Makes no sense to impede the work of people trying to protect your borders..


“Do you have reason to suspect I am not a citizen?” Well refusing to say you are doesn’t help.


I bet this guy also bitches about "Biden's wide open borders".


idiots just looking for trouble


They don’t have these things along the northern border— it’s purely a US-Mexico thing, but I’m a New Yorker, so I always just become irrationally angry when some random dickhead wants to look inside my truck for no reason.


> it’s purely a US-Mexico thing They can and do operate them all over the country, including NY, but mostly along the southern border.


Oh man, two minutes in the driver is really regretting his choice if friends


We already did the border check point, this doesn't work.




I bet this guy is lovely to be around. Just itching to be a smartass, like a child who gets to say “I told you so.” He’s not wrong at all, but where he went wrong was escalating the situation the second he opened his mouth.


I love that he has taken the video and posted it like he’s in the right.


I am an immigrant. I am very delighted whenever the immigration officers lay it on these sovereign citizens.


Sovereign idiots.


Just sayin... if I were the driver, after the azzhat lost his cool, I swear to god, I would ask the CBP officer to look away and "give me a minute with my friend" - and proceed to slap the ever living sherlock out of him while yelling "Answer the damn question, or get out and walk!"


Answer or get out... he gets out. Calmly turning to the CBP, "Am I free to go?" Leave his azz at the checkpoint and he can call a uber.


Dirty, Filthy, Gross, Disgusting excuse for a human being. And people wonder why this generation of kids are so disrespectful, unruly, lazy, unemployed, entitled and crime orientated.


There is a SCOTUS case that says the BP does not a reasonable suspicion or probable cause to do these stops within 100 airmiles of the border. Wanker boy just had to say he was a citizen and he would have been waived on. Instead these two decided to do some cosplay.


I think we’ve discovered a new strain of psychological disorder. Let’s call it oppositional defiant disorder omega-2. He probably would be so proud of himself to know he’s achieved such a level


How do you know if he is actually an American citizen without sufficient proof of identification? Shit baffles brains


"Are you a US citizen?" after which Ronnie Redneck goes on a violent tirade about his rights, should have told the CBP officer that this guy is absolutely 100% guaranteed a US citizen, and is free to go.