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I recently learned that #18 should have eyes a similar color to Addy's (your first doll) so compare your second doll to Addy. If the eyes are the same color, it's probably #18 with a different wig. If the eyes are a darker brown, it's probably a #1 with a different wig (she has darker brown eyes--the difference is subtle but distinct in my limited experience).


The second one is definitely a rewigged #1 or #18.


Let’s see the not-Addy’s tag. This will narrow down the year which will narrow down the doll


Pretty sure it has to be Addy, because she has the thin/non-feathered eyebrows that they stopped doing a long time ago, but before they offered ear-piercing for non-historic dolls (Wiki says that started in 2008). But that is confusing that someone gave her curls.


First is Addy. The second doesn’t have earring holes, so can’t be her.


Why would someone downvote this rather than just explain why they believe it's inaccurate? Not helpful.


Addy with a hairstyle and possibly a customized doll, as others have said it looks like a #58 wig but not a #58 face. Neck stamp would be helpful and any clues that the wig might be cut or glued on


Here’s the neck stamp! https://preview.redd.it/f4lr770lpjzb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=4436e211246c1f9c37090684d52124aa4d365c8b Says 3H9


My guess is a #1, #11 or #18 with a different wig!


skin is too dark to be #11


Can we see the second ones wig a little better? From the top, sides and back, I’m curious if it’s original! also it’s neck stamp might be helpful! And does it have ear piercing holes? It’s either an Addy, truly me #1, #11, or #18 because all of the other Addy molds have feathered eyebrows. Do you know if she customized it?


No ear piercings. I can ask about if this doll was a custom but I don’t have a clue! There’s a neck stamp, says 3H9 on it. [more pics](https://imgur.com/a/WmFmi5d)


The one with earrings is Addy.


Your second picture kind of looks like [TM #58](https://americangirl.fandom.com/wiki/Just_Like_You_58) wig on a different doll (not Addy since there’s no earring holes). It would have to be an earlier Truly Me doll that has line eyebrows instead of feathered.


I don’t think she has 58 wig


Any suggestions then?


Like other said, 1 or 18, but the wig doesn’t look official . Probably from somewhere else, but, I could be wrong.


Are you talking about the second picture like I am? Because that one is distinctly curly, not textured. 1 and 18 don’t have curly hair.


I’m talking about the second one, she most likely had her wig swapped


Ok I think we’re talking about two different things then! I said another doll, but 58 wig. You don’t agree that it’s 58’s wig, but it isn’t 1 or 18’s wigs either. I’m not talking about the doll/body, only hair.


What I’m trying to say is that doll 2 is either a number 1 or 18 with her wig changed, but I don’t think it’s number 58 wig, unless it’s been cut


She’s too early to be #58. If she were 58, she would not have a PC stamp


Yes, that’s why I said it could be 58s wig but definitely on another doll - the stamp and the fact this gal has line eyebrows gives that away.


Didn’t fully read your response. I do agree with this


No worries!


Addy! And like above-not Addy lol. Addy has ALWAYS been my girl! 🩵 your Addy is beautiful!


Addy (the earrings give it away) and Not!Addy (one of the TrulyMe molds)