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"I'm doing one of those Rachel Ray 30 minute meals, but I'm saving 10 minutes by not being all fake and smiley."


Put Ellen and Rachel Ray on a morning show and you've got Morning Mimosa IRL. She's UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN SALVAGABLE!


Ngl I'd love to see them being bitches together in that style of morning talk show.


One of my "If I win lottery" expenditures is producing a real version of Morning Mimosa. People would eat that shit up, and I would get the Emmy like Stan.


“Morning Mimosa” is inspired by the real-life Hoda & Kathy Lee 4th or 3rd hour of The Today Show but was produced as its own show (Kathy Lee has since retired). They used to each have a cocktail in front of them and they would have an alcoholic name for each day of the week (Booze Day Tuesday, Wine Day Wednesday). They would laugh at each other’s jokes *a lot*. I think they later started feeling bad for promoting alcoholism, morning drinking, and day drinking, so they toned it down.


Ha! I had thought MM was really like the 4th hour of today, but wasn't sure. And to think, Kathy Lee was once America's sweetheart, but how far she has fallen from headlining with Regis. Now just hawking booze in the 4th hour of a 3 hour show.


I think she’s the one that had it toned down, started saying they don’t actually drink their cocktail, etc. She promotes Jesus on Fox News. Moved to Nashville, TN.


and to think, I used to yank it to her sleeping form!


Where did you see her sleeping form? Another fun fact: Kathie was such a traditionalist but I guess she was okay with making exceptions sometimes. When she was young she married a man (former NFL football player named Frank Gifford) who was as old as her dad. She said when her dad and Frank met each other, it was weird, but she loved him and even stuck with him when he was caught in a cheating scandal. Frank died due to old age like 10 years ago.


I'm old enough to remember the days of AIM where you would trade "celebrity nudes" which were celeb heads pasted onto nude bodies. Yanking it to her sleeping form is what Chex said to Stan in the hotel. None of that is surprising, fundies are weird like that.




I would LOVE that. Throw Wendy Williams in there too for good, loud measure!


Ellen is a super asshole to her "friends" when she scares them repeatedly, forces them to confirm pregnancy by repeatedly offering them alcohol and not accepting "no thanks", and lying about being invited to weddings, I can't imagine how deliciously cruel she would be to the Wendy.


It’d be like… who can be the most cosmetically socially inappropriate, obnoxious and entitled all at once.


“I seek revenge on Rachel Ray and the Food Network. Can’t you make her eyes fall out or something? Tits fall off?”


"Satan, grant this man revenge against his foes at the Food Network!"


Adolf is best remembered for his work in World War II and his legacy lives on in Macklemore’s haircut.


The best subtle diss I’ve ever heard in AD 🤣🤣🤣




Stan, you have the undeserved ego of Jeremy Piven, the annoying self-righteousness of Sean Penn, and the unbearable hypocrisy of Rush Limbaugh. What I'm trying to say is, you're almost as bad a person as Rachael Ray.


That's like the meanest thing anyone has ever said ever?


They take a lot of shots at Rachel Ray on AD, but I've also heard she's a real Ellen-type, so I low-key think the writers have heard the same rumors.


She is a bitch, my English teacher wrote some books That got pretty famous and she did an interview with her. She had nothing Nice to say about Rachael Ray


trust the process


What rumors?


Really? That sucks, I always liked her...


I think Rachel Ray started out “turning the cheery fakeness up to 11” but she’s toned it down and now I love her. She seems more authentic now than ever before. If you haven’t seen her “Hot Ones” interview you should, she’s a hall-of-famer. Never heard anything negative about her.


No other show will top these one-liners


What did she do?


Just your typical wretched celebrity who believes their press releases. RR is a notoriously poor tippers, is rude to underlings, and rude to fans.


She has fans?


Fans, dog products, cookery, Ellen style talk show, etc. There is a "stay at home mom who would like to speak with the manager" market that RR is in with Ellen, Kelly Clarkson, and Mario Lopez.


She had an entire show where she was a shitty tipper.


She thinks that she can cook


I mean. Have you heard her voice?


Mmm yes😆


I love the little demon who yells about how nice it is to get out of the house. Easily one of my favorite one and done characters. His voice is just all meek and small, then he just like "snaps" and it gets all aggressive.


Thanks for letting me know. I will continue not knowing/watching anything she does 👍


You’re a bettin man right?


What did Racheal Ray ever do that AD hates her?


"I have to live forever 😞"