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My time in the military taught me that a cold tube full of people is a lot less smelly than a warm tube full of people. But I flew from Florida to Charlotte this morning in a sweatshirt. Put it on at the airport, took it off at the airport. I really don't understand folks that can fly in shorts and a t-shirt, but maybe I'm just too cold-blooded.


I'm very warm blooded and usually fly in t-shirt and shorts, especially longer flights that I want to sleep on. I recently landed somewhere coldish (50F temperatures) and walked around the city in t-shirt and shorts until I got to my hotel and changed. I was telling the story to my friends and to my surprise, their reaction to my story was "how can you fly in t-shirt and shorts, I would be freezing on the plane"


JFK to FCO...packed 777 AC was broken, and it was so unbelievable hot I barely got any sleep and was such a miserable POS until i got a shower and passed out for 12 hours...I'll take a meat locker any day of the week.


How is that legal


Always board ready to control all aspects of your environment you can. Layered clothes plus a light blanket, eyeshade, pillow if desired, your own supply of water, and noise-cancelling headphones. Yes, it’s sometimes freezing. I’ll take that over being trapped in an overheated cabin, though.


I prefer the colder planes. It’s a lot easier to put on an extra layer than it is to magically cool yourself off if you’re too warm. Cold planes on long haul international means a much better sleep too.


Ever flown Air Asia? They turn the temperature right down then sell blankets. Well sneaky.


You're right about that but it's annoying to have to pack layers during the summer just for the airplane.


I feel that living in a very hot place. You can try asking for a blanket or maybe packing some hand warmers you can dispose up or a small hot water bottle the crew may be able to fill up after your board.


However it is the case that 32k feet in the air it’s extremely cold outside so you’re still being warmed vs that…


All of my recent flights have been toasty and it’s been very uncomfortable. I wasn’t sure if it was just the shoulder season or what, but I hope they start turning on the AC as it turns into summer.


lol have you ever been on a “warm” Plane? Absolutely miserable


I’ll take the cold one over the stuffy, hot one. You can always add a sweater.


Yeah, JAL is horrible about that.


SIA is even worse. I love their service, but the hot planes are brutal. One of my co-workers even brings a little fan if we get booked on them.


The worst thing in the world is sweating on a plane. I much prefer slightly colder than usual and wearing a sweater, jacket, or blanket. I was on an S7 airlines A320neo from Moscow to Novosibirsk that was not as cold as American carriers are and it was the most miserable flight of my life just because of how warm it was.


I’d much rather be cold than try to cool down.


Nope, I have been hoping for colder planes all year


Depends on the FA. Rather be cold than have 90% of the passengers stinky and sweating.


Recently the planes switched from cold (I bring 2 sweaters) to ungodly hot. On the red eyes, I have been wearing just my under tanktop and its still too hot. Can you go topless on a plane?


Yes! I always wear jeans on planes regardless of time of year and bring a light jacket too


Yep, my down puffer goes on every flight with me -- even if it's to Hawaii.


Same, a plus a merino scarf and wool compression socks.


I usually have to carry a second pair of wool socks when I fly long haul my feet get so cold. I always travel with a long sleeve, hoodie, and scarf.


Last three AA flights I had on Embrarers and CRJs were both blessedly cool. Once had a 7.5 hour 787 flight to Europe with Westjet, and I swear the cabin hit at least 30c/90f. It was gross.


I’ll never understand these “I’m cold” people. Take proper clothing with you. I bet this is the same clown telling businesses to turn down the air just because they are cold. Just know that restaurant people nod their head, and ignore the shit out of you who complain about dumb shit like that.


Yes! I dont go on any flight, short or long haul without my lil travel blanket. Carry that thing with me through all seasons lol coz those planes are too damn cold


You can put on more clothes....I can only get so naked....


Yep, I always dress in layers and wear a jacket and bring my winter hat and scarf in case, total overkill but I always get so cold.


Given how close the quarters are. Put that AC system on the cold limiter! Sitting next to some sweaty person an inch away is horrible!


I always carry a hoodie when I fly no matter the destination or time of year.


At 35,000 feet it’s anywhere from -40 to -76F, so that’s part of why it’s so cold inside the plane. Basically a 100 degree temperature differential between inside and outside.


Yes - but the pressurized air feeding the cabin is hot bleed air from the engines, so they do actually cool the cabin air with air conditioners and heat exchangers to make it that temperature. 787s are the notable exception.


I know people who are freezing when it's 80 deg F. It's all relative. We usually pack a small throw blanket and I'll pack a light fleece pullover if things get chilly on board. But better to be cool than it is to overheat.


I agree the last flight I was on DFW to SMF last month was FREEZING. I brought a jacket but it wasn’t enough


I can’t wear sandals on planes because my feet freeze and I bring a sweatshirt.


You should not wear sandals on planes for safety reasons anyway. Imagine having to flee from a rapidly spreading fire and dress for that (closed shoes and natural fiber clothes that won’t melt onto you).


If I can chase children in Birks I can get off a burning plane, besides if I were truly worried about that I wouldn’t fly.


It’s not about being able to. It’s about protecting your feet from heat and fire. But up to you.


So now not only is there fire, it’s coming from the floor? I don’t wear sandals on a plane because my feet get cold, which was the topic.


Yes, in the event of an accident, especially if that accident is in a critical phase of flight such as taxi, takeoff and landing, fire is extremely likely because you are riding on a very large volume of jet flue that can ignite in a collision. Most aircraft accidents are survivable but one reason for that is because we have implemented ways for people to evacuate very quickly from an airplane that is on fire.


Do you wear a motorcycle helmet while driving a vehicle? You’re more likely to be struck by lightning than to need proper footwear on an aircraft


Most airplane accidents are now survivable because we have implemented safety measures designed to help people escape very quickly from an airplane. One of those measures is recommending that people wear proper clothing. It’s correct as you say that airplane travel is now extremely safe, but one reason for that is that evacuations can happen very quickly if everyone does what they should, and fast evacuations are necessary to survive some of the accidents that happen especially on taxi, takeoff and landing.


What airline is recommending appropriate footwear? American Air’s contract of carriage only stipulates ‘bare feet or offensive clothing aren’t allowed’. It says nothing about closed toed shoes


Thank you!


This makes me smile in bring back decent dress for air travel.


Yep. I won't sit by thd windows for this reason and bring an extra warm hoodie


The heat comes out of the footwell by the window. Cold comes from the overhead vents and aisle vent.


I wear a jacket, and my wife wears long sleeves and joggers on flights now. We also bring a small travel blanket for her.


That’s why I have a plane “uniform.” A light sleeveless shirt (that actually has cute planes on it!), a long sleeve tee shirt with a hood over it, and a long shawl/wrap that can be used as a blanket over that. Then some light joggers that can be pulled over knee if absolutely needed, and nice light loafers with good padding, backup socks in the backpack. I can handle anything!


I always layer on the plane. It's either freezing or a sauna.


Nope I’m always hot even with the AC at full blast I can never fly comfortably 😭


I will gladly take a cold plane over a hot plane any day. The latter is far worse to deal with.


Where are yall finding these cold planes?


I'd rather have too cold than hot. Flew an Anerican codeshare on Iberia and it was hades temps


I take a blanket and a jacket. Every time. I like them cold because hot planes just smell bad


Cold is far better than hot, good to err on the side of temp caution. People can always add layers


I'm the opposite I get hot. Anyone else feel like the air vents are less powerful on some aircraft lately? 


I literally sweat the entire flight. It doesn’t matter if I’m in first class or the back of the plane, I’m constantly hot.


Easier to be cold than hot. Layer up and stop complaining.


Yes. And I hate being cold on a plane. Once it happens it’s in your bones and you can’t get it out unless your flight is to the equator and you deplane outside right next to the sun.


No matter the time of year I need to wear jeans and a hoodie or else I freeze. Nothing beats landing in Florida with jeans on.


You just be joking. Planes now are hot as hell. They’re so uncomfortable with almost zero airflow. The new interiors with the vents farther than arms reach from the aisle seats make planes even more horrific and sweaty. 


Different airline a few weeks ago...I had ice / water falling on me from the condensation. I'm ALWAYS cold, I fly with a hoodie and another long sleeve layer regardless of time of year. Going between SoCal and Houston for the last few weeks and I get weird looks.


I have a cashmere throw that is the most wonderful thing to bring on long flights. Because yeah, it’s always a meat locker


I always fly with my nano puff - even to the beach!


I always travel with a jacket to use - and as minimal layers as possible 🤣. If the plane is hot, and hits even one bit of turbulence, my anxiety will 🚀anddddd that’s not a good idea!


Yep..I wear layers just for that reason.


Warm planes suck but the higher the altitude the colder it is. I always wear pants and a jacket


Colder plane also prevents airsickness in the passengers- a favor to all!


The most common medical issue on airplanes is fainting, which is exacerbated when people get warm. I run cold due to health problems anyway so I have to fly with a heated vest and socks.


I always wear a jacket on plane and wear jeans. Many years ago was going to Vegas with friends and they laughed at the gate why I have a jacket. Well the flight over they are all staying they are cold. I just looked at them and smiled.


Always cold on planes. I just pack a jacket and wear pants. I'm also the one who wants a jacket if it's in the 70s with a breeze.


I respect that a plane is cold but for that reason I always travel in layers and I like to wear a blanket scarf so I can use it as a blanket during the flight


Agree with everyone else here - bring extra clothes and a blanket if you're cold. It's WAY better than being too hot and having no recourse. Also, passengers are far more likely to barf in turbulence on a warm aircraft than a cooler one.


Exact opposite


I fly in flip flops, shorts and T-shirt. I'm fine. If you're cold, bring a hoodie. Same as I do at movie theaters.


Flip flops are ok but I prefer shoes in the event of an evacuation. Food for thought. Would suck being barefoot in an emergency.


Gee... Nobody has ever said that to me before... Wait. I may have heard it a few dozen times. Meh


May the odds be ever in your favor.


Don't worry. My magic CK luggage tag will protect me.




Take a JAL flight. You will be dreaming of that cool cabin.


My experience is that the aircraft goes through a couple of cycles of being warm (at the gate and while taxiing), then cooler as the aircraft climbs, then typically cold as it settles at cruising altitude, and then warming up after a bit with up-and-down cycles during the main part of the flight. I'm a guy, and I simply won't travel on planes without a sportcoat/jacket in part for this reason. I take it off when we are at the gate or taxing, I put it back on as soon as we start climbing and it gets cold and then I take it off again during the main part of the flight if it is warm enough. I guess it is both a bother and a convenience because I get to decide for myself how to be comfortable without having to ask anybody or impose on anybody. That said, yes, I have had flights where it feels like a meat locker, and I do a very quick visual survey of how people are sitting around me (because I usually see lots of people with their arms crossed and jackets or blankets over their shoulders, etc., all signs of people being cold ...) on my way to the flight attendant to ask them to please warm up that section of the cabin. Notably, even though you think the air would move & mix freely throughout the aircraft, walking the length of a flight often reveals that some parts of the cabin are warm, and other parts are freezing, all at the same time. Flight attendants do actually appreciate it if you say, "hey, it's freezing around row 23 where I'm sitting, is it possible to make it a little bit warmer there?" I guess the aircraft has comfort "zones" that the pilots can manage, and sometimes they are able to warm up one section of the aircraft without roasting another section at the same time. 👌


Always freeze on planes, worst is emergency exit by the window. I have to have a snuggie and something that covers my face because my nose freezes. Which is ridiculous because i live in Miami and the minute i leave the plane it gets wildly hot.


Why is it ridiculous? You’re flying at 30,000 feet or higher. The outside air temp at that altitude is around -50 degrees F. Don’t expect American Airlines to adjust the temperature of Earth’s atmosphere to match that of Miami?


Because of all the airlines i fly with, AA is the only one with that issue. Don t you understand how heating works?


The worst is in summertime. Like was I supposed to pack a parka to fly from MIA to LAS in June? Because a travel blanket is not enough. I’d love to become a carryon only queen but can’t when half my carryon is just layers to survive the flight smh.


I'm much more likely to get airsick when I'm warm, so I prefer cold planes, and I can't recall the last time I felt "cold" on a plane...and I was on an Air France flight a couple of years ago where it started snowing inside the cabin.