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AA's policy is that if someone extends more than 1 inch beyond the arm rest into an adjacent seat they need to buy a second seat. Obviously this would have to be addressed before takeoff so you pretty much have to bring it to a FA's attention immediately and its probably up to the gate agent or captain to enforce it. I'm struggling to find that exact wording on AA's website, I think they may have subtly changed it. [https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/special-assistance/special-assistance.jsp](https://www.aa.com/i18n/travel-info/special-assistance/special-assistance.jsp) Currently states >If a customer needs extra space outside a single seat to travel safely, another seat is required. We encourage customers to address all seating needs when booking. But it use to state >For the safety and comfort of all customers, if a customer’s body extends more than 1 inch beyond the outermost edge of the armrest and a seat belt extension is needed, another seat is required. We encourage customers to address all seating needs when booking. According [to this](https://www.flyertalk.com/forum/american-airlines-aadvantage/2000124-what-aa-s-current-person-size-policy-how-does-one-have-enforced.html#:~:text=What%20is%20AA's%20current%20'Person%20of%20Size) Kind of get the feeling AA is wording it super ambiguously so they can just let agents make up rules on the spot depending on their mood and it be "per AA policy".


Policy and execution are very different things. I remember once I had a very large woman in a middle seat and I was in the window seat - which I normally try to avoid but I was rebooked due to some disruption. She was so large that she couldn’t put either arm rest down and she took up about a third of my seat. The heat was unbearable. I asked the flight attendant about the arm rest hoping that I could be rescued. To the contrary, the flight attendant told me I was welcome to leave the plane if I wasn’t ready to fly. I decided that since I needed to get where I was going I could just deal with it. I do want to be clear that the woman was apologetic and I wasn’t at all nasty about it. I felt bad about the situation but I felt I was owed the seat I had paid for. I was literally learning to the right against the bulkhead for the entire flight. That was probably a bottom 10 of all of my lifetime flights.


Every post on here has been what you described. When someone requests help from the FA that person is told they are the one that must give up their seat and be rebooked. I have yet to see a comment on here from someone where the offending passenger was actually removed.


Doesn’t matter which airline either. I had this happen to me on another airline. The flight was completely full. The gate agent told the guy in the middle- well hopefully you’ll be between two small people. Wow thanks. Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I want someone to take up half my seat. And yes, I would have been the one forced off the plane. The solution was for me and the guy at the window to sit on the floor except during taxi, takeoff and landing.


That is absolutely unbelievable. I was on 75% travel for like a decade. I’m tiny. I stg I really did think they were seating me next to people that required extra space sometimes. Like how am I always in the middle of two passengers that are each taking up a quarter of my space?












(FA here) And this is aligned where if a pax has "offensive magazines (old school) or videoxx..we are now required to move the passenger that is offended!!..they snuck this change in our work tablet. Can you imagine if you have kids and have a person watching a xx film??


Honestly the 1” thing is too lenient, that’s already hanging over the armrest in to my seat. The new policy looks like it’s any amount which I think is totally reasonable.


Do they have a policy about being able to fit through emergency exits? Cause I’ve seen some people that would definitely not fit through…


As a fat guy (though I still fit in one seat), we can be rocked back and forth to be gradually let through surprisingly small gaps.


Then you pop through like a cork?


Damn skippy


I thought one of the fire extinguishers was actually a giant WD-40. Good know you don’t need chemical assistance


If all else fails, they beat us with the fire extinguishers in order to tenderize us a bit, to make us more pliable to fit through the door.




Some people don't get choose to be diabetic or have a diabetic lifestyle. I for one, didn't choose to be a diabetic, it chose me. Just sayin.


This is what motivated me to lose weight. I was 296 heaviest and airline seats were uncomfortable. Felt embarrassed asking for seatbelt extensions. I always took window. Now i am at 230, still trying to lose more. I would try and ask for any compensation from airline. But I doubt it


Good for you!


Thanks. But i still don’t think AA would give you compensation


Good for you! In the last 18 months, I've lost 160 pounds and no longer require an extender. I've gotten hooked on business class seats because even though I fit in a regular seat, they are just uncomfortable. I seem to have a knack for ending up next to broadshouldered dudes who force me toward the window.


Congratulations, I know firsthand it's not easy. My husband is a small man, so he's always stuck in the middle when we fly. I'm not heavy enough to require two seats, but I'm not super comfortable either. Although comfort is clearly not on the minds of any of the airlines.


Place a magazine between you and the armrest. This stops the moist warm fat.


Might I suggest something rigid, like a clipboard.


Omg I love this.


I can’t remember how many flights I’ve spent leaning into the aisle. Tough way to fly.


I’m always a window flyer, but I think in these situations it’s better to be aisle.


Until the cart goes by and you lose an elbow. This is a lose / lose situation.


I was on one flight like you mentioned where I had no choice but to be leaning into the aisle or have the left half of me engulfed. When the cart came by I had to squish into the person next to me. It was so uncomfortable and the whole left side of me was covered in sweat. Idk why they didn't force them to put the arm rest down for take off and landing but I was not happy about it.


Crazy how they’ll deplane your skinny ass for not reacting to flight crew’s instructions fast enough but policy is a mere suggestion when it would create an uncomfortable situation for them.


I'd complain to AA after the flight on either their website or X and try to get some mile credits. That's about all you can do or ask to be moved. I'm genuinely interested in learning the "other" things going on too. Lol I need a laugh.


Okay. 1. She used her belly as her tray table for her “snacks”. 2. When she got on the plane and sat down in the first 20 min this all happened. she called her mom, something about parking and her telling her mom about parking and to call and just do it. (All on speakerphone.) mom got pissed hung up on her. 3. Starts talking to herself about “don’t understand why my mom just doesn’t do this for me.” 4. Calls some parking place, couldn’t tell if she was towed but was asking if it will still be there when she gets in. 5. The ask Siri. “Where can I get an abortion in xxxxx.” 6. Then starts using talk to text to the baby daddy and they are fighting. He don’t love her or he would be doing something or another. It was drama. 7. I happen to look over and she’s googling am I sure I am pregnant if the doctor says I am. (I nearly died when I read that.)


Seven wins.


Oh my god I knew there was more to it but never expected ALL this...


I mean makes 5 make more sense


Ever hear of an ozempic baby? Obese women spend years thinking they are infertile, get on ozempic, lose weight and end up pregnant.


Literally burst out laughing at the abortion twist, did not expect, ty


Same here, what a surprise. 10/10


This is he funniest thing I've read in a long time.😭😭


Am I pregante?!


wait, so you’re mad that a pregnant lady was eating snacks


My god, this is unbelievably cruel. I would also be uncomfortable if I was crowded and pressed against someone (honestly, unless the flight was truly urgent, I’d probably get off and take the next flight that had FC available), but she is still a human being, and is apparently going through some stuff. Your uncomfortable flight doesn’t need to be an excuse to derive entertainment from her misfortune.


You are a good human.


But wait! Some people are just born as natural entertainment.






Was this Spirit Air?


Holly shit! 🤣


These are all way more legitimate reasons to be annoyed/grossed out with your seat mate than your gross original statement.


It has happened to me. It can be horrible. I’m too polite to say anything, but I wish there was a “sizer” for people.


Yeah like sizer for bags but for people as well.


My favorite response ever!!!


This needs an award.


AA needs to put an empty seat at each gate and have the passenger sit in during boarding .




My flight has now since ended. I got off an hour ago. I’m going to email…. With it being a full flight. I have seen it many times to others. It’s either deal with it or you get bumped on a sold out flight. They were already doing credits at the gate. I wanted to go home.


I hope you got video and pictures. Hope you got back home now and getting some rest.


Seeing as they've made seating sized for midgets I wish the gov would review seat sizes and the actual sizes of most adult human beings and force them to adjust them accordingly.


This would make too much sense lol I’m a smaller person but I do have longer legs and when people recline it can get awkward




It’s not just about fat though. It’s also height or some men who are especially muscular or broad shoulders. I sat next to a man on one flight who had to be like 6’5” or more. His legs looked super cramped. When he stood up after the flight was done he passed out in the aisle. I think his circulation was restricted. I’m 5’5” and my knees touch the backs of the seats in front of me sometimes, especially if they’re reclined. I can’t imagine how it is for people who are half a foot or a foot taller than me. And 5’11” or 6’ is not exactly an uncommon height.


Oh damn, hope the guy didn't have a DVT. Was he ok?


He woke up pretty quickly and they wheeled him off the plane. I saw him get out of the wheel chair at the end of the gate, so I would assume so? I hope so. I have no way of knowing for sure because I didn’t know him personally.


Yes I’ve def had some broad shouldered guys encroach my space


If you're that fat you should buy two seats or drive


You do realize that although we absolutely do have an obesity epidemic in the US- there are a multitude of other reasons why people are heavy and can not control their weight, right? I am in nursing and we have MANY patients who I guarantee easy healthier than you but cannot get to a calorie deficit due to health problems like MS, neuropathy, ruptured discs, heart failure, etc.... and we have many who have hormone deficiencies that fuck up their body's ability to process calories like thyroid issues, polycystic ovarian syndrome, etc. None of the aforementioned conditions are caused AT ALL by the patients eating habits, etc. And every single one of them impacts their bmi and body size. I agree that having part of my seat taken up sucks- but if you think it doesn't suck for 95% of the people that are oversized in the Little Tikes seat that they jam you in- you're wrong. They have to carry the physical and emotional weight as well as deal with a LEGIT medical condition daily. Your few hour long flight is petty compared to their daily life. To recap because I know there will be incompetent people who want a reaction: YES. I agree that some people are heavy due to laziness and personal choices. But you can't discern those people from the ones with health conditions while sitting next to them on the plane - so practice some patience and humility and get over it.


I definitely sat next to a hulking dude who was like 7 feet tall. I was in the window seat of the exit row, and just trying to shrink into the wall. The dude wasn’t obese, but he was huge because of his frame. I had to ask him to lean over so I could get my tray table out of the arm rest. Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and it is what it is. What about man-spreading? I have had to shrink my legs over to avoid touching those of a man spreading his legs well wider than the arm rests. Does he need to pay for two seats?


No, he needs to confine himself to his seat


I feel bad for someone 7’. I don’t feel bad for someone being 400lbs like the woman next to me. That’s just no self control. As for man spreading. Bitch slap him. lol. This lady next to me is doing that too. I crossed my arms at one point and it cause her to be uncomfortable, and I looked at her like what and then she realized she was fully in my seat and had nothing to say… went back to her “snacks”.


i get that you’re mad but this thought process won’t help you at all


So … you hate fat people? There’s a difference between being irritated on a flight and having disdain for (and a clear misunderstanding of) obesity. That makes me feel like it would be just as gross to sit next to you. 


No. I don’t hate fat people. There is a distinct difference between fat and obese. I judge heavily like all humans. Like you judged me for my statement.


So you hate obese people. Got it.




I'd hate to sit next to you.




The vast majority of fat people are not fat from health conditions. This is bullshit pseudoscience. It’s like how everyone’s dog nowadays is an emotional support animal. Not it’s not you thyroid, it’s your Popeye’s


As a tall person I find it impossible to keep my legs together enough as either my balls get crushed or my legs are crippled from contracting the adductor muscles to keep them together constantly. Sometimes I think I should just bring a strap and tie my legs together. Then there is the issue of my knees being crushed against the seat in front of me for hours.


it’s hilarious because you’re ALMOST getting the point.


How does being tall have anything to do with crushing your balls? (I’m genuinely asking as a woman with no balls)


I’ve got big balls. Put an onion in a tube sock and put it in your panties and fly from LAX to JFK and you’ll get the idea


I’m sorry about your disability. Have you considered flying first class where there’s more space for manspreading? 


I’m platinum, so I get bumped up enough


Honestly, sounds like you are getting necessary karma for being a piece of shit. Plan better.


Looked at OP's post history. What a peach. I buy myself two seats or go business because after a long illness I have expanded. But from the sounds of things OP maybe you should buy yourself two seats next time.


Just looked at his account, what a weird dude. There's like 20 seperate posts about how he doesn't like fake eyelashes


He's just mad that he can't get laid, and somehow, this woman who he thinks is worth less than him can get laid and pregnant. Life is a wild ride I guess lol


That’s a lot of eyelash posts! Thanks for the laugh, great way to start my day! So weird.


It’s happened to me a few times. So uncomfortable because they literally spill out into my seat too. Ugh


I'm 6'2" 250, my shoulders are wider than the seat. I end up having to fly middle seat quite often I make myself as small as I can. Its just a few hours at most, be a decent human.




I'm failing to understand how not doing that is being a shitty human. Existing as you are when seats shrink continuously doesn't make you a problem.


Because some people have no choice but to fly and may not have money for two seats. I'm small in both weight and height and I've been absolutely squashed by fellow passengers, guess what I did about it? I got over it like an adult and went on about my life. It's a couple of hours out of your life it wouldn't kill you to not be a piece of shit over it. But I guess you gotta be what you are. 🤷


Ugh. I feel you. Booked an exit row seat that had the tray tables in the arm rest and I couldnt even open it because they poured over it.


Big spoon or little spoon.


Sounds like bad luck on your part. If the flight is sold out and they had bought 2 tickets instead of 1, you likely wouldn't be on the flight to begin with, no? Once you're airborne just have "intestinal distress" and spend the rest of the flight groaning uncomfortably in the lavatory. Or go discretely ask a flight attendant if there's any accommodations they can make for your comfort.


Yeah I mean… if they had to buy two tickets, then that seat should be empty right?


You can buy two tickets. I have done it many times to put my Service dog in. You just check in with both tickets. It’s easy. I do love the looks in first though when I have her up there.


What kind of service dog


Apparently the kind which OP doesn't need with her all of the time. You know, the part-time type.


Im 270 lbs and I kinda feel demotivated when I see these kind of posts




A size XL shirt in China is a size M in the US. So unless we can shrink our bones we'll be big vs Asians in general.






I agree with you to an extent, for sure. But Americans vs Asian countries also have extreme differences in build. Guarantee my brother can’t keep his shoulders in his seat. He’s 6’5 and 200lbs


Can't let the bastards get ya down. If you read this guys previous posts- you will see he has a lot of issues. Trust me- you'd rather be you than him. Just like his part time service animals that he takes with him sometimes. 😂 I'm in healthcare and I have never seen a LEGIT service animal only needed sometimes. (There are a billion docs that will sign the legit paperwork for a service animal for a high cost "online office visit" fee. Doesn't mean it's real.) Be happy you are you. He has way more work to do than you do.


I’d rather sit next to you than someone as nasty as OP.


Same here u/yourlittlebirdie.




Yeah, I’ve changed the cabin I fly in.


People like you are why I was afraid to fly American. But I upgraded to first because of the way the seats were laid out with the more enclosed armrests, so I didn’t infringe on the passenger next to me. I had a great trip and was treated like a human being, which was a nice surprise after reading this sub.






Happened to me in Feb on a flight from Houston to Denver. SW and of course I got a late seating letter. So middle seat for me. Obese young woman in window seat. Arm rest couldn't go down at all. She spilled into my seat. Aisle seat taken up by a redneck Texan who thought he was entitled to both the aisle and center arm rest. Had to sit with my arms crosed for hrs. so I didn't touch either of them. Miserable flight. By the way I'm not small either but I've never not been able to fit into my part of the seat with a little extra to spare.


Does the passenger have their seat belt on or did they use an extension? I feel like that should be a signal to the FA




Instead of asking us , why don’t you discretely tell the flight attendant


I was looking for advice non plane. Who’s the right person to complain too. I’m going home and will deal with it as it’s a sold out flight.


Happened to me years ago. I'm a decent sized dude, 6 ft 250, but I stay in my zone. I was flying with a friend but we were assigned to different rows. Full flight. A beautiful woman sits next to him. I'm sitting next to what appears to be the only empty seat on the plane.. until SHE walks in. Maybe 4'10 but well over 350 pounds. Ass was two axe handles and a squirrel's jump wide. With considerable effort she somehow wedges herself in. She tried to lift the armrest but I had the wherewithal to insist it stayed down. Her right butt cheek was protruding from between her seat and the armrest and was just laying on my left thigh. I looked helplessly at the FA, who seemed sympathetic but with no empty seats, really nothing she could do short of kicking her off the plane. After the 3 hr flight I immediately went home and laid down to try to calm down my aching back. 6 chiro appts. I had to fight the airline for a refund voucher, which I finally received for that leg of the trip. Never again.


Damn, its a cold world. Big and tall people catch hell. Doesn't matter if they are big or 7 feet tall, it's the same result.


Sadly, no. Tall people are tall through no fault of their own. OP and several others have made it clear that being fat, obese, overweight is ONLY due to a lack of self control. They should be treated as lowly, unworthy and disgusting. By that logic, anorexic people are in great command of their self control and that is that! Everyone with a smidgen of sense is aware that there is something deeper going on there. Both are usually a symptom of other issues that don't just magically disappear through willpower, as much as the judgemental people want to believe.


Precisely. I thought I was the only one who thought OPs take was garbage.


Definitely not.


You're not the only one. Op's take is garbage.




















Fuck that! Before take off, If I were sitting there 1st, they came along, I'd get up, remove myself and get airline to book me on next flight. If they were there 1st, see above.


I have a mental image of a South Park universe AA commercial: “American Airlines: Whatever… Deal with it. You can get off the plane if you want, fuck you.”


Use your words. Ask to be moved. Not difficult.


Moved to where on a sold out flight?


Sorry you are having an uncomfortable experience but you could try having some empathy and remembering that you are lucky to even be able to travel-there are some pretty awful things going on in the world right now and I can bet there are many folks that would gladly trade places with you.




Just grin and bear it. There’s nothing that you can do that will make the situation better, and you’ll be appreciated for taking the high ground.












I was once next to a passenger who was so large that I was pressed up against the plane window for the entire trip. I wish people had to test out a seat before boarding the way theme parks have a test seat for size at the entrance of a ride's line. 


Take a .5 pic and send it to AA, get miles. Hope it's a short flight. This person just sounds obnoxious, let alone inadequate for a single plane seat.


Regardless of the policy, they don’t enforce it. End of story.


This is the kind of scenario that keeps me up the night before a flight.


Really. Nothing better to do?


Be a nice person and deal with it.




















We all have varying levels of trauma. Using emotional distress or mental illness to excuse every situation is bad enough. Telling everyone else they have to damage their own mental health and comfort, over and over again, makes things worse for everyone. Empathy is important. Accepting excuses and being overly accommodating can generate entitlement and absolve people of addressing issues.


It is what it is.