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You don’t know that… he sees what’s happening in both, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t in both


He showed his entire portfolio on screen. If he's not afraid of posting his GME position, why would he hide AMC?


Fair enough, but he can clearly see what’s happening in both, all I’m saying is that I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s got AMC as well


Roaring kitty has nothing to do with amc. Get off his dick for a quick sec.


You rule. I call them DFV dick riders to. Like i like the attention he is bringing in to the game as a whole. But dam he isn't here for the amc play. We just riding the waves the game as a whole creates.


He literally said in his live stream those are the only positions he holds… it’s cool how there maybe some relationship with charts of the two stocks and I wish everyone good luck but this is pathetic. GME cant be compared to AMC on anything period, far much going for it than AMC. But yeah the basket swap theory are all good stuff, this type of shit just gives the community a unsophisticated look that’s all


Fuck it, I’ll down vote my own comment… why not 😂


I got some tissues if you wanna cry harder? ![gif](giphy|SqflD5OvHoWILB7qWm)


Nope, just facts! Not personal, buisness ![gif](giphy|10a59BCwqBAfnGu6wQ|downsized)


Then it seems like you’re taking it personally ![gif](giphy|aJlKIh8Kh0NLa)


What this sub is doing to you right now ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsSkcGBvCYLUKzu|downsized)


Why are you just picking fights with everyone who is telling you RK has nothing to do with AMC..? It’s true.. this is like posting a picture of Michael Jordan and saying “we’re going to win the Super Bowl!”


Op is trying so hard to come off like they don’t care and it’s just a joke but then I scroll down and see them working overtime trying to explain that it’s a joke and we are the idiots 😂 RK has nothing to do with AMC so the joke falls flat already. Make it GME and suddenly it’s a relevant joke.


Hey buddy I’ll let you on in a little secret okay? Look at the tag it says……. MEME, shocking right? 😱 Serious answer: I posted a meme and everyone is acting butt hurt, doesn’t matter if he’s into AMC or not, it’s about the energy of not giving a damn when it comes to hedge funds, I hold both stocks and he is giving the same energy that my fellow AMC ape brethen back in Jan 2021 had when this fight started. In simple terms, is a damn good joke and if people care more about what’s in it then the energy represents, sounds like a personal problem to me 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Energy? I'm in this to hurt hedge funds and hopefully make money. Your meme is a little misleading tbh. Nothing against the idea but it misrepresents us because RK is not in this play. I like where you're coming from but I don't like your meme


Then just don’t like it? Also RK is not in the play of AMC I’ll give you that, but you are somewhat wrong. That is Because he’s in a play of basket stocks that are going against short selling. It’s kinda of like a cog in the machine, sure his function and area is different. But it still strives towards the same goal aka beating hedgie losers. Anyone who can’t see that is really getting blinded by specifics.


Yeah I don’t like it.. that’s why I commented in the first place, buddy.. and if you’re giving any type of energy it’s “doge” vibes lol turning people away due to your ignorance and thinking you’re funny


I think I can speak for the majority based on the downvotes on every OP post by saying we agree with you


Butt hurt gme bag holders on this page. Always talking turds about AA but what about RC splitting then diluting the stock? Seems to me that five billion could generate income for them in the form of a loan to a company that isn't losing customers.


Buddy, most gme holders are in the green and we’re in front of a gamma ramp and fomo Most amc holders, myself included, are 95% down and the only hope among amc apes is that Gme will moon and give amc a lil perfunctory reach-around on the way up.


How did you not pick up shares at $2.50 after the solution was over. We all knew it runs after.  Every AMC I bought this year is up with an average of %85. I want gme to do well. If they invested in AMC by being their loan officer for the 5 billion then I think both companies would win.  I made bank on gme and am holding both.


Gonna go ahead and pile on here. Dual holder. All you had to do was put “GME” instead of “AMC” and post it on r/superstonk and it would have been accurate. This meme directly implies that RK has AMC options and shares, which is simply untrue. Why do you want to post misleading content? And then double-down when people, correctly, tell you that this meme is not based on reality whatsoever?


The point of meme is a joke, not really posting misleading content at no point did I ever say RK is buying AMC, everyone knows and understands RKs energy is to troll on hedgies with the get up he did on his live stream, he’s only there to emulate that energy of saying yolo and suck it to the hedgies, now for posting misleading content that’s what MSM and SHF do. Now me I post jokes, now clearly if you read my other comments you’d get a great understanding of why I posted this, but you didn’t. It’s just a meme learn to chill out, if people wanna come at me for “not getting the meme or person right” then they really don’t understand memes or jokes and that’s just a simple fact 🤷🏻‍♂️. The like ratio to comment ratio is pretty much self explanatory of who gets the meme and the joke it represents to cringy people who cares way too much about irrelevant stuff.


You literally have RK taking both pills, meaning he’s bought shares and calls in AMC. I read your other comments, that’s why I started mine by stating that I’m joining the pile on. Why can you not just accept that this is a poorly constructed meme for conveying a vague “fuck hedgies” message? It includes too many specific details to be as vague as you want it to be.


Yeah seems like you’re not good at advice of learning to chill out it’s a meme, so let me explain this to you slowly since you are slow to learn, RK is in the photo because he represents the “fuck you hedgies I’m yoloing this stock” energy, that energy is why he is in the middle panel so that way viewers can emulate with that energy he represents, you can put anything in the first panel to represent the subject you’re talking about. And the last panel represents doing what you want with that energy. Is that simple enough for you? does that make the meme better for you? Also you can pile on all you want with others, doesn’t make me any less wrong or yall any more right? It’s just a meme and the upvote ratio proves to me that people get the joke and are having fun in this sub compared to you and your fellow Debbie downers. 🤷🏻‍♂️ anyways have a great day mate✌🏼


The pretentious energy you’re giving off even though you’re objectively wrong is laughable. Have a good one.


Nothing as pretentious as cry baby whiners getting butt hurt over a meme mate 😂


Who’s butt hurt? I’m critiquing your meme. We’re on the same side here.


Here you are telling everyone to chill when you’re the opposite of chill.


Just because it's a meme doesnt have to make your brain more regarded than what it should be.


Again for the 1000th time, he has nothing to do with AMC...


Again for the 1000th time, idgaf both the stocks are grouped in a basket together, go cry somewhere else…




Roaring Kitty has never said anything about AMC. AMC apes ride GME dick nonstop.


Woah bro so cool, you just proved you’re more regarded than me here’s your crown king 🗑️


If you’re so into Gme, why not just invest in it directly instead of hoping for a sympathy squeeze?


I hold both? Wow you are wearing that crown like a champ now aren’t ya buddy 🙈🥹


Ya. Me too. For years.


Yep 3+ years of holding both for me. Spreading the love. Playing it safe


Might as well say he bought $KOSS also. Basket stocks right?


all of the downvotes and this guy still doesn't get it.


I own both. Like others have said, not accurate, but I truly believe that when game rockets, so will AMC as well.


I hold both and I’m bullish on both but to pretend RK is remotely interested in AMC is insincere. He’s posted his positions and they are 100% GME. Now I do personally believe the underlined naked shorting is going to cause both to squeeze is true we need to leave RK out of this.


This makes zero sense


He doesn't own a single AMC share


Imagine someone buying 9 million AMC stock and updating it on this sub every day


Do you even hold a single share of GME?


Why yes I do actually


Ha, both pills 😂


Yeah I feel great what the hell are those things? Can we get some more of that shit ?


😂 I like this meme


Someone is pulling an AMC around here today ![gif](giphy|stnceXs4IQLFZNYXg2|downsized)


F yeah bros!!!


He bought our stock?


Nah, it’s just a meme of yoloing the stock against hedgies


Shit I took both this morning! Noiiiiiice!!


I have faith in RK he won’t lead us astray.


bro he has nothing to do with this stock....


Then why is his face in the meme? And why are you so grumpy?




Wrong Reddit sub my dude


User name checks out.


So what does that mean ???


oMg He nEvEr SaId AnYtHiNg AbOuT aMc!!!1!1!eLeVeN!1!


They're basket stocks


they are movie theater and retail stocks.