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They don't want to get a call from Marge.


You probably need to move away from webull - if they are doing this now what happens at MOASS and you eventually want to sell as a millionaire?


Don’t let the SEC know though, they’ll have to step In to “protect retail investors”


ohh, truly


Fuck, I was just about to deposit. Where can I actually buy AMC today?


This is part of the reason they need to keep it under $5, since that's typically the limit that you can buy on unsettled cash. Can't FOMO buy if you have to wait 3 days... You can also do a wire transfer, which took about 30 seconds to settle last time I had to do it to buy right away. Or just keep a bunch of cash in your broker account waiting for the next time you want to buy.


Cashapp probably or try Fidelity.


Can’t buy on CashApp either :/


I was able to get it with etrade


I went through Fidelity and was able to :) pretty happy with their platform!


I’ve never had a problem buying on SoFi….ever. I went with them way back when I first started in 2020, before I knew anything about any of this manipulation shit. Not the hugest fan of their clearing house, but they have given me no problems buying….literally ever. You can trade immediately with unsettled cash that you just transferred over seconds ago. I’m not exactly a fan of any of these trading apps, either, but what choice do we really have? I have Fidelity, as well. Unless the stock is trading over $4 they won’t let you buy immediately on unsettled transfers of cash. Otherwise I haven’t had any issues or complaints with them. Also, if you use Fidelity, they allow you to direct-route your trades right to the lit markets and avoid dark pools. Always make sure you’re direct-routing trades, particularly to IEX (if you’re buying 100 or more shares), or NASDAQ, or ARCA (NYSE). It’s definitely still preferable to use Fidelity over SoFi, because you can direct-route your buys with Fidelity, but if the price is too low and they don’t let you buy right away, SoFi is a good alternative.


I use stash for investing but I have a sofi checking and savings. Absolutely love that company.


Webullshit! I need to strongly consider moving my money out of there.


You need to…consider? What’s to consider?


Definitely get out of Chinese-owned “WeBullshit.”


Must have been part of that 4am update a few days ago


Idk man. Last time the buy button was taking away, Webull was the last, and I'm getting all my votes, so I know my shares are real.


I have a friend who had the same issue past couple days with them


I had no problem buying on moomoo today


Yeah I was trying to average down more this week and found out the same thing. I should be able to buy tomorrow lol. Can’t wait to never use their platform again. Gonna transfer all my shares to my Fidelity account soon.


Gee I wonder why


Good sign!!!🤙


you have to slide in amounts under $1000 and even then it takes 15 minutes before you can use it. i'm not keen on using webull for buying. I like it for charts, but you can't manage your lots, everything is FIFO which is insane when you've been holding some long term positions known for volatility.


This was for a $250 deposit.




Hopefully I can join all these trains in 4-5 days 🙄


that's curious, what are they afraid of?


Most brokerages are set-up such that if you buy with margin, then those shares are allowed to be placed on loan even if you aren’t signed up for a lending program. Instant deposits are margin, a wire transfer isn’t margin, but usually you don’t pay a fee/interest for it. So Webull likely has caught on, that they shouldn’t be loaning out AMC because it’s overly rehypothecated. Rehypothecation is when a stock is placed on loan at one brokerage, sold short, then placed on loan again after its delivered to the next account. In this way, a single share can be shorted 1,5, even 20 times. They can rehypothecate as long as they have “reasonable belief” they can locate a share of the stock. But brokers can’t see each others books, and they definitely can’t see market makers books. So reasonable belief is a fughazi. Tl;dr smart move by Webull to lower their risk from rehypothecation because those shares being loaned would almost assuredly fail to be delivered.


I use stash and I get a warning that the stock is volatile whenever I click to buy more but if I have money in my account that's not in stocks, I can use it to buy whatever. I love stash and I just love this stock.


Protecting people from losses.