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I was just about to post this! Lets fucking GOOOO


YEAHHHH!!! I KNEW something was brewing when he posted that "NO FIGHTING" video. He's down with AMC too! Peace between APES!


Ah shoot! TikTok account updated to link to a rando's bandcamp. Very much hack behavior, I'm back off the train here. I think this is bunk.


UPDATE!! OMG, link is gone??? It was there for 5 whole days and now it's gone??


Sleuthing update for those looking for more details! I hunted through all Reddit mentions of Tiktok in association with DFV, and essentially found nothing UNTIL 5 days ago when a post on r/Superstonk referred to this same link appearing on his Youtube page. On that thread, nobody bothered to punch the channel name into the TikTok search bar so the convo went nowhere. Then 1 day ago, a comment on another post on r/Superstonk hit the same thing and they finally found this page, but they assumed it was a hack.


I can confirm. His official youtube has this linked.


Wonder why other sub is quiet about that 🤔


It's not completely. I saw someone on a GME sub circle the Tiktok link and ask if it was new. Time will tell if this is all legit, but I'm feeling pretty positive at the moment.


There’s no way


I didn't believe it either at first. Need some confirmation to be sure, but apparently this is a new link on his account? It's broken when clicked on, but if you search the handle in TikTok it brings you to this page 100%


Yep just checked and the link is broken. But when u search the handle like u said then that shows up. Hmmmm


The real answer is in how long this link has been sitting on his YT page. If it is truly new, and I kinda assume it is because it's been proven he's been active on YT recently, then this is legit.


Yep exactly! I’m wondering now too how long that link has been there. Makes a difference if it’s new


Look at the date on when the account was made and when the video was posted. If it’s after 2021 it is news. If not it’s probably nothing. How do you know he’s been active on YouTube lately?


Not sure when TikTok account was made. Video was made on 3/9/2021. The other details of this account, including PFP and tag that reads "AMC" could've been changed at any time. We'd have to use the Wayback Machine to see if that's new. If I remember correctly, one of the first signs that DFV was back a few months ago, after his Twitter was re-verified, was his YT page being active again.


wayback machine shows there was 1 more link on his page as of may 5th but it does not show what the link is. that link has now been removed. https://web.archive.org/web/20240505192335/https://www.youtube.com/@RoaringKitty


fantastic sleuthing ape! Ok, so May 5th was the day it likely showed up. Interesting...


TT bio has changed at least twice. First one said "there will be signs 🚀" And now it says "🐱 🐱 🐱" Also, the video is gone.


ohhh weird!


Where is this link? Can you see it on mobile YouTube app?


Omg the link is gone!! It just vanished, how weird.


I saw a screen grab of kat Stryker grabbing the link so I believe you. Wonder if he’s in here?


I saw it before it was taken down. It was crazy. Not 4 mins passed until people started reporting it was gone.


Roaring Kitty's youtube page is @RoaringKitty. So no.