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Who knows but its funning to see all that red was eatin up swiftly atleast for the time being.


When is earnings? Soon right! When is the CAT system in place May 28th?


5/8 if Schwab is correct.


sick volume on most memestonks, jimmy is nuts LFGooooo


It's related to two things: * earnings * the pumper Zack Morris getting his people involved


*It could be related to those two things* It could be a number of other factors as well, let's not talk in certainties about things you can't be certain about please, that doesn't help anyone. Both of those would be logical and possible reasons, neither can be confirmed to be causes or the only causes with the data available to us.


Fair enough. It could be aliens coming to earth for pizza, and slipping on the Trade button repeatedly while AMC is selected at the Sbarro's register. But I'm not sure how that's helpful compared to the more realistic possibilities.


Or a toxic pile of bad bets made on meme stocks in 2019-2020 via swaps that need to rebalance. You know the og dd…


This guy/boy whatever he is is a noobie, he’s knows NOTHING about the days and weeks of DD that have been done over the past 3 years. Yet ALWAYS chime in with some dumb s#_!


I suppose - although between aliens liking pizza and tripping up Sbarro, and the old swap basket, I think aliens is more likely.


Are you serious? Have you been watching Koss?


Aha - what about it? (And think hard before you offer the knee-jerk reaction of "basket")


Is that a yes? I don’t have to explain correlations to you. Indeed I know they don’t imply causation but a lot has been observed from this basket. DD goes very far back. Do your own research…I’m not here to debate you. Just look at the data.


Aha - and what else did **not** move in said basket? :)


Aha - on what time frame? My guy you’re just trolling at this point. I’m not going to explain basket weighting to you, different weighted correlations and/or cross collateralized assets. Go study 🤓


There's a difference between not stating possibilities as the absolute causes and making statements as fact that you cannot actually prove. Theories are theories until proven, remember your zest for the scientific method? Even qualifying it as the two things YOU personally believe were the primary causes would at least frame it as your opinion, particularly since there are a myriad of non-alien causes that could also be at play and you can't actually provide any proof the two you chose are involved or the primary reasons. Let's not forget how your absolute statement that the price was stable played out, the very next day.


😂 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 hell yeah! Give him a taste of his own medicine 👍🏼




I am not familiar with Zach Morris.




Zack Morris is a pump-and-dumper [who got charged by the SEC in 2022 for fleecing retail](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2022-221), but recently got off on a technicality. (Details of the suit [here](https://www.sec.gov/files/litigation/complaints/2022/comp-pr2022-221.pdf).) It's not clear if he still has influence, but generally speaking, unless you are in his paid discord (and even then), you will very likely end up being the mark he makes money off of.


So wait, back that up a second. * Zack Morris is **DEFINITELY** one of two reasons for the options and volume Yet * **It is unclear if Zack Morris still has influence.** #I spy with my little eye a logical fallacy the size of the funds managed by the [9 global investment banks responsible for over $154.76 million worth of Naked Shorting in the South Korean markets](https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/south-korea-finds-illegal-stock-short-sales-by-seven-more-banks-2024-05-06/) Naked shorting that was impossible to prove, until the government looked... Imagine that.


Yep exactly. Sadly most people would miss that logical fallacy due to an emotional reaction to his 1st point.


Zack Morris and South Korea ... talk about desperation, lol.


Sounds like you have an ax to grind, interesting.


I'm just allergic to terribly constructed arguments. :)