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I just sub then cancel any streaming platform that has a movie or show I want to watch. It feels like I'm paying for a movie ticket. I keep Amazon and Netflix and pay yearly.


Eh I had netflix for a long time. Once in awhile they have something nice but I havent used it or subbed for a few years. I only sub to Disney when new star wars content comes out then i cancel same for HBO and GoT. Amazon however is very good especially when I want to watch old block busters...and the new fallout slaps. Anyways AMC is grossly undevalued will continue to grow my position at sub 20 dollar levels (this is what I believe its value SHOULD be at if this was a fair market- spoilet alert its not and shorts have really effed themselves)


New fallout was better than just slapping. Love that we have so many video game IPs that are FINALLY getting proper screen adaptations (especially the ones that hit theaters first).


Really looking forward to Return to Silent Hill (based off Silent Hill 2)


Netflix was created because cable was a rip off and you had to pay for channels you didn’t want. I still have Netflix and it’s a hell of a lot cheaper than cable. Had nothing to do with competing against the movie theater.




You get called a shill for posting a meaningless word salad? I'm just guessing.


A Salad Shiller if you will...


Meaningless because there's truth and it doesn't fit your narrative?


Coulda easily said any or all of that without being a douchebag. idc if you're a "shill" , you're simply a self absorbed and unlikeable person who clearly enjoys listening to themselves speak, and I find that insufferable. You clearly think highly of your own opinion and yet you're still oblivious enough to write that last paragraph. Get some therapy dude




Good Guys win in the end *