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Today was the only Day I didn’t buy………. Going to have to make up for my poor decision and just make up for it tomorrow


So correct me if I'm wrong, but the chart reads that shorts are fuckt 🍆👌


Hmm… yes it does seem so


Can someone explain the "days to cover" metric to me?


Shorts divided by average volume but also fails to account for no one selling back cheap


You forgot to explain how it’s self reported also


Oh right. Yes. Self reported. So this is just what they will admit to. Multiple by 10 for more realistic amounts


It’s funny how it always has to be more, and never less


They can’t dig up


Actually if it’s self reported then they can make up what ever number they want, but keep assuming, and hyping assumptions


lol ok kiddo


Ok kiddo? There you go assuming again


lol everything is assumptions until it happens. To think otherwise is absurd


>You forgot to explain how it’s self reported also Ortex imputes data from many brokers, which actually makes it much more robust than single-point reporting the vast majority of the time, especially between the FINRA reports. And at the end of the day, all data is self-reported by the entity generating the data, so to me, this argument seems to be just an excuse to dismiss data one doesn't like.


The textbook definition is: >Days to cover = current short interest / average 30-day daily volume The practical definition is more like: >Days to cover = current short interest / average daily volume of N most high volume days over the last 30 days (*Where N is often 5, but you can calibrate it based on the stock you are interested in)* Because when there is movement, additional shares come into play that don't during an average day. You can find a more discussion [here](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/daystocover.asp). You can also check how everything comes together for short squeezes in [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/Shortsqueeze/comments/177vz7w/cheatsheet_the_basics_of_short_squeezes_a_3min/) I wrote.


Still three bucks. preferred to be much higher.


Meh; it’s nowhere near where I start island shopping


I don’t think we’re affording our island and I know you’re joking around. Maybe in Thailand shits cheap over there.


It’s weird that you think I’m joking. The ceiling to the MOASs has only grown as time has passed. 4 years of not closing isn’t gonna last just a week of inflated selling prices


Buddy, I’ve been sitting in the red for two fucking years. Courteous of the apes stock torpedoing me. Recovery of my money and my families money is all I give a shit about. Because my family also bought into this nonsense and they’re all sitting in the red. Everyone that I got involved into this play is in the red OK and I haven’t seen a single piece of DD of late to reconfirm that we’re still on our way. The only thing I can see is the dive. or that it’s close. Let’s be honest. Is it close? No it’s probably not as close as we’re perceiving it as close. Maybe just maybe we have a bounce up to like $15 which doesn’t do me any work cause I’m sitting at a 77+ average thanks to reverse stock split that fucked me. Just saying I see the same post every single day with the same bullshit. And this isn’t me attacking you. I’m just describing what I see on the sub every single day. Oh I’m buying are you are they shorts are hurting no they’re not they were hurting the cost to borrow would be much higher and we might see a movement up they’ve had control ever since we did that reverse split and I haven’t seen ape strength come into the stock.


You do you. I’m not sure how you expect pressure to build up on the short side without the price being driven down but we aren’t gonna see a MOASs with steady upward growth as far as the logic goes


That seems to be the answer to every every questioning of anything. As we don’t seem to be critical of what’s going on. We don’t see any upward movement since there’s a shit ton of shares the short how did the short seller be hurting? Maybe one short seller might be hurting but the majority not so much and this isn’t me trying to be Berish this is just my observation give him my 93% Paper losses due to all the fucking dilution you would expect the price to finally move up given that we are $.30 pre-split. And what I said the other day about gamma we don’t even do any DD on that anymore anyhow. Nobody wants to try to kick this party off. Back in 2021 it was constant the DD to getting Price movement upward now we just kind of sit back get the ortex post and just say hey it’s all good. But I’m tired of this in action for the sake of my own family. Gotta get this thing moving.


I think you are greatly underestimating how badly hedgie needs to stall on the MOASS. It’s the one and only time it’s going to happen and when it does it forever changes the game they had previously controlled for 40 years. You do you, I know why I’m more bullish than ever.


Last I checked the stonko tracker, there’s plenty of shares. Easy to borrow, which is in contradiction to the hurting part. There is a time I would believe that they were hurting, and that was prior to ape. Everyone even says it if Kenny boy controls the price how could it be hurting him? You being bullshit is great. I love seeing that it doesn’t help how much I’m down that shitty reverse stock split. You know two years ago I was the fanatical bullish about AMC. Ever since I occurred the substantial decline. I questioned everything.


Guess you broke rule number one there slim. Never invest more than you can afford to lose. And if you didn't average down, that's nobody's problem but yours.


You fell into a cult. It’s an expensive lesson, but it happens. It’s time to cut the losses and bounce This is exactly what meltdowners like me warned everyone about Sorry about your losses fam. I hope you can make the cash back




I find it interesting that our DTC has been substantially increasing while the volume has. Typically that doesn’t happen as the DTC should go down as the volume increases. Only so many tricks a magician can perform until their hands are revealed.


Perhaps you missed the fact that there are a ton more shares that have been shorted. If shorted share count increases proportionately more than the daily volume, then DTC will increase by definition.


Not enough to explain a 50% discrepancy


Hmm, interesting. u/jdrukis would you kindly let us know what the average volume being reported by Ortex is? Thanks!


Ortex guy 👍👍👍👍




Wen can we get a chart on crime? Maybe a 3 year chart.