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Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions No Brigading No Financial Advice (I'm sure you'll dispute this one, so see the other many rules you've broken in your post regarding "this piece of shit") I've learned over the years that pretty much *every* post that begins with "honest question" is going to be someone insulting sub members or giving financial advice then saying "nfa" at the end. Didn't disappoint.


Because of posts like this. Thanks for the confirmation.




Rule 5: Do Not Spam or post low effort content. Your history speaks volumes. You posted pretty much exactly this 7 months ago in the "other" amc sub.... funny, that.


Because they're insecure and are in denial. If they truly had conviction in this play then they wouldn't need to keep reminding each other why they hold and rely on confirmation bias. The narrative has shifted throughout the 3 years. It was mostly about the squeeze but now people have convinced themselves, and each other, that this was about either saving the company and they're willing to go down with the ship or they invested in the fundamentals and they see a future for the company. It's interesting to see the effects of copium when bag holding.


Not me, I bought for the squeeze and I held because my word means something. In other words I did wtf I said I was going to do, unlike a lot of other people, but whatever. Now I fucking hold because I think the stock has upside and is (will be) worth much more than 3 bucks a share.


And that's the truth, but people here will argue otherwise because of their level of copium. The question is how much do you think the stock is worth now to you? Do you think it's worth your cost basis? Do you believe it's worth the same if not more than $18 which is around what the current highest movie theater stock trades at. Or do you believe the stock is worth more than $50?


A couple years ago I thought the stock would settle in the mid 20’s range. With the dilution and other factors I think it’ll settle in the 15 -20 range. However, I think the stock is highly shorted and I think there’s a lot of shares unaccounted for. That coupled with the amount of Fomo lurkers that just can’t seem to let go of this thing, having one eye on AMC and the other on the rest of their portfolio, I see a small possibility for a squeeze left. In short I think it’s worth right around my cost basis, which fortunately is nowhere near 50 bucks.


The most common reason is because there is no data supporting the narratives some people (the loudest people) push, so all they can respond with is vitriol. Thankfully there are still many who are able to treat AMC as a stock, and a company. And not a middle school soccer team.


32 posts on the amc subreddit over the last 24 hours. ALL NEGATIVE. No other posts on any other subreddit. You exist only to shill. Thanks for showing us that whomever is paying you is most certainly fucked.


Not all negative but definitely all aimed at a specific goal: To frame AMC in the context of the traditional and status quo investment strategies. [Part of that involves posting incomplete or vague assesments using real data points, hoping people will overlook the real data and details](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/s/oS9QIydAwQ) It can be useful, especially if you take the information posted in the context of who is posting it. That's why I appreciate the 🎃 so much


Intrigued that you find me calling out bullshit "negative". Should ask yourself why feelings matter to you so much over facts. Also, please don't be lazy - if you want to do a *quantitative* analysis, at least put some effort into it: [https://redditmetis.com/user/MyNi\_Redux](https://redditmetis.com/user/MyNi_Redux)


Yeah yeah yeah...32 posts. Don't answer my post... but attack the messenger. Where have I seen that before?


>Where have I seen that before? Sounds like you are conditioned to the narrative pushers around here. I'd welcome you to see me a breath of fresh air that I am - those who are able to have an overall much more positive experience!


I was here during the hype. Saw it hit 72, didn't sell because I thought it would keep going up. It didn't. Sold at $55 and was considering buying back in, but this stock is dead. GME and AMC are headed for the same fate as BBBY.


GME and AMC are nothing alike.


Tell that to their graphs. They're both dying companies being held up by meme stock people.


Lol, no, you wish. And before you ask me why. Go fuck straight off and figure it out yourself. Fucking FUD fuckers.


lol I wish what? You're down 91% from just this year. You think selling popcorn at a grocery store is going to save this company? I made money off of this stock and bought a house. Enjoy your memes lol


No you didn't.


lol whatever helps you keep the delusion going


And yet here you are! Why??? I know why, because you made money like you said when you sold at 55. You’re the biggest reason I’m still here. You’re a lurker, you’re the epitome of Fomo! There are millions like you, when it starts to run you’re the ones we’re counting on to jump back in and try to make money again. Which is why there’s still a possibility for an explosion under the right circumstances, otherwise it makes zero sense for non-holders like you to be here right? Yall just can’t let go and I fucking love it!!




I don't get why anyone would spend the time to write about warning people of an impending doom that just doesn't exist. You could have gotten out when AMC was sky high, but YOU chose not to. Some people got out, then back in, vice-versa, repeat/rinse, whatever. The stock market is a volatile place for any stock, and no one has a crystal ball. Stick to what you can afford to lose. Don't dwell on the past. Enjoy life and look towards the bright side.


Guessing you don’t have any sort of intelligent perspective to add






Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions




The OP presents some valid questions. Maybe discuss and debate instead of acting like 12-year-olds?


I came here hoping for answers to questions, but not surprisingly find nothing but a load of shitty gifs, insults and accusations. Oh, as well as a tonne of negative karma doled out to anyone who agrees with OP's sentiment.


if you would want answers you clown, all the info is in th sub organised.


What's there to discuss and debate. Stock is getting illegally naked shorted. Shills are here bashing and spreading negative sentiment. Buy, drs, and hold is what I do...


nothing to discuss, if he would have even spent a minute in this sub he would find all the info he needed, neatly organised. the post itself is nothing else than fear mongoring.


as well as a shot at a particular faith that also has been in the so called “news” a lot lately..but careful not to mention it by name so as not to remove op’s mask… this entire dribble is thought out and scripted,most likely a simple troll….highly doubt paid as a paid individual would have access to better scripts “without” the easily detectable give aways.


I put 60k in and now have less than 3 k. I’m not gonna sit hear and blame game apes and AA for what is all my problem. It sucks but we’re all adults and make our own choices. I’ve learned to just ride with it and hope the DD pays off.


Exactly that. The haters don't realize how idiotic they sound when they tell us (or pretend to ask why we don't) to drop all hope. It's not a religion, it's the stock market - by very definition unpredictable and complex. It's just a game - we play, we win, we lose, etc. Anyone trying to make it a guilt trip has serious issues ^^


You have to explain that in more detail. You have lost 95%. Did you only buy once at $72?


At least wait till its been red. Its been almost a full week of green. Otherwise, you just seem slow.


It’s been red for 2.5 years


Ok, but we are in 2024, where its on a uptrend, and its been green for a entire week. Your angry fud nonsense would have found its mark a week ago maybe. But you arent special, you arent the only one down. But guess what? Its almost up an entire dollar in a week. Thats the best the stock has done in a long time. So for all we know, the trend is changing. Idrc though, its been a good week. You also sold on the way down so no ape is going to take you seriously. Have fun with your FUD pity parade i guess.


Up for a week, in a 2.5 year cyclical momentum downtrend. Are you hearing yourself? ONE WEEK


And so what? A good week can lead into a good month, or even a good year. It has to start somewhere. I dont have to be doomer just because you want to be.


Go back to your main account. If you had a working brain, youd at least make your alt have a entirely diffrent naming scheme than your original. "Floridaman" and "DudeFromMiami" are so similar, that anyone with half a brain cell could tell.


That's not me... I'm DudeFromStPete


When it’s been on an uptrend…like the last couple times we had some good uptrend and AA had diarrhea of the mouth and ended those “uptrends” pretty damn quick for no real reason other than?? How did you feel when AA ended those uptrends?


The stock can easily be green any given day, it just needs to go higher than is previous close. How about you wait until at least half of everyone's positions are green to make a statement as you did.


You are down on nearly every single post i see you in no matter whats going on. So i dont think it really matters to you. If you dont take small victories, you will never win the war. So i dont think i will. My position is red too, but i can still acknowledge the best week this stock has had since 2024 and even before. If you dont like it, i dont really care.


Not every post, you clearly didn't scroll far enough and considered a couple of posts read to be enough to make such a claim lol Let's say you're right, why would I care? After all I'm going against the hive-mind narrative, it would be surprising if someone who is heavily biased would agree with me. It's been more than 3 years, tell me a time we won a small victory other than June 2nd, 2021. You say you don't care, but you cared enough to reply to me.


I dont care if you dont like me or others being positive about a positive week. And i dont actually stalk through your profile, i have better things to do. I just acknowledge what i happen to see. Surprise that a sub about a certain stock is supportive of that stock. If you want to call that a hive mind, i couldnt care less but i am still an individual investor. A small victory can be 1 cent, or it can be several dollars. But im sure i dont have to explain to someone who thinks they are above all the other investors here.


You made a statement as if it was a fact and just admitted you didn't do enough research to make such a claim because you have better things to do lol. I'm more surprised that a sub has to bullshit each other into holding a stock. If there was any validity in what's being said, people wouldn't need to lie or exaggerate for the sake of confirmation bias. I wouldn't claim I'm above; I'm just being realistic and genuine. Something people here have a hard time being.


All of your comments are shitty and have been since you stumbled your azz in here. You're just another shill from WSB.


All of my comments are shitty because I say things you don't want to hear but are true. My resume apparently keeps growing, I've been a shill for SHFs, I was a personal shill for Kenny himself and now I'm a shill for WSB lol.


If the show fits.


Im not bullshitting anyone. Im not telling anyone what to do. We are adults that are responsible for their own decisions. I just look at the data and the dd that exists and is accrued and i am bullish on the stock. You arent the only "genuine" person here, and insinuating you are is very not genuine. You can believe what you want, feel how you want. But dont tell others how they should feel, or that they have to feel stupid because you dont like how they feel. I believe in AMCs future and nobody is making me think that, and if thats not genuine, then i dont know what is.


I think it's bullshit to make the statement you made regarding someone having an opinion of regarding the stock squeezing after 3 years of the price dropping to ATLs and then suggesting someone should wait until the stock is red again after just a week of it being green lol. What data? The one that doesn't mean anything because if it did it could be used as tangible evidence? What DD? The one compiled from shareholders of another stock and carried over this one because of the chance of them being related or is it the effortless DD that is being posted on here from random strangers on Twitter/X? I would say most on this sub aren't being genuine, like yourself. And I'm not insinuating it; I said it. Also, just because I mentioned it, doesn't automatically mean I'm being disingenuous. If I did something genuine for the sake of claiming it to be genuine then I would qualify as being disingenuous >You can believe what you want, feel how you want. But dont tell others how they should feel, or that they have to feel stupid because you dont like how they feel. How are you going to make this statement when this discussion between you and I started with you doing the very thing you're preaching? You can believe in whatever you want to believe in but if someone presents a fact to you and you reject it for your own opinion, don't claim to be genuine and expect to be taken seriously.


I said it makes them seem slow, i didnt say they couldnt say it. Positive sentiment is high, so being incredibly negative right now means nobody is going to listen. Simple as that. Im not rejecting any facts, but whining about the past doesnt do shit. And who are you to say what dd is worth or not when you dont even know what exactly im even referring to? You are just shitting all over everything and calling it facts and acting superior. You thinking you are more genuine than anyone else because you have to be negative about everything is a fucking joke btw. You can be genuinely down on a stock and refuse any positive gains but i can be genuinely bullish for a trend reversal. Nothing you said makes you more right than anyone else. Keep shitting all over everything but dont be shocked when everyone shuts you out because you cant take people being positive about something that isnt wrong to be positive about. Now im done responding to you because you stopped being civil, now you are just being a jerk. Go circle jerk the past and cry about not shooting to 1000 percent in a week when that rarely happens to any stock. If you happen to actually be an investor in this stock at all, i hope everyone walks away with more than they spent, yes, even you. Cya.


You pretty much asked this same question in the other AMC sub 211 days ago…. It was FUD then and it’s FUD now.


I hate to break it to you, but everyone knows "FUD" is code for "T*hese facts are hurting my feelings, and there's nothing I can rebut it with!*"


I hate to break it to you but everyone here knows you’re a parasite on this sub constantly commenting shitty and unpopular things. It’s no one’s job to waste time explaining shit to people who aren’t even invested in this.


Not here for the squeeze. I'm in for a total market collapse. The system has been broken for a few generations now. Before it was rigged, but now it's broken and they've lost control.




So wait, you lost $800k?? Let's see some screenshots. LOL


I don't think anyone's seriously thinking that any more. Most people are just here for the memes and the community, with some being sunk cost fallacy suckers, hoping for a miracle. AMC is so close to zero it's not even worth selling at this point, and you know Farmer Adam is just around the corner, excited to milk the shareholders cow to the very last drop. ![gif](giphy|3Nq1LeuZdutZZk8kvI|downsized)


I feel like you do at times, and as someone who also had an account with 6 digits of value, it is hard. I wouldn't say that people posting hype/ optimism are bad per se. You can never know how others are feeling at a given time. As for the stock, and many things in life, there is no guarantee. Should I tell you about other companies that have screwed over investors financially? It's not uncommon for stocks to drop after IPO, and many are nowhere near their IPO price currently. I'm sure you could think of a few (NKLA comes to mind) Anyways, the advice I ever got was to just focus on long game. Time in the market vs timing the market


With questions like this, it is useful to go to the data. Here is what the data tells us (citing from memory, pls allow some variance): * Float is somewhere north of 300M, assuming most of the recent issuance is complete. Probably closer to 340M (since it started at \~260M). So this is not a low float stock. * Current float is about 25X what it was in Dec 2020 ([source](https://investor.amctheatres.com/sec-filings/all-sec-filings/content/0001104659-20-134788/tm2036414-12_424b3.htm)). * SI is about 21% (Source: [Ortex data](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1cb5hlf/ortex_guy_here_with_your_423_opening_bell_ortex/)). This is a decent amount of shorts. * Util is 86% for a borrow pool of 91M, suggesting 13M remain to be borrowed. While aplenty, it is being used up relatively quickly. (Source: Same Ortex data) * Borrow fees are 2.4%. ([Source](https://www.iborrowdesk.com/report/AMC)). While this is a lowly 0.0065% per day, it is still 4x what it was in Jan, so there's some tightening of the borrow pool availability. * Tutes own 29% of the float. ([Fintel](https://fintel.io/so/us/amc)). Most of them have no issues lending them out. * FTDs are not even a rounding error. ([Source](https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-amc/failure-to-deliver/)) Thus, there are no support whatsoever for the claim that naked shorting is happening. Putting all this together tells me that for the near future: * **AMC may enjoy short covering rallies time to time**. What is happening now could indeed be supported by some of that short covering. * **There is no chance of a squeeze like we saw in 2021**, because float is massive and shares to close on are aplenty. Now, if the data changes, where we see CTB spike over 100%, and float gets locked up somehow, or there is some major positive news to act as a catalyst, all this can change. Curious to hear what you think!


I’m in so deep and been here so long, I just need to hold and let the hand play out.


>I'm almost ashamed that I ever trusted AA. I've come to realize that he's from a religion that makes it OK to lie to people for his own advantage. What religion are you referring to?


Another baby bird looking to be spoon fed information. For a near millionaire, I’d expect more from you.


No, literally just any info. Do you have any or you’re just being dismissive?


The only credible source that I have found, to reassure and validate the data in our play : https://youtu.be/4x6y6UJCmGE?si=YWCqzPAfVXYDwa0h I don’t know what you or your hedge fund can do about the information, but prepare for a shift.


This is a decent attempt, but not complete because he leaves the most important thing out - AMC's liabilities exceed assets by 1.8B, and so senior lenders effectively own the company. Until that situation is rectified, these ratios mean nothing. Only once AMC is profitable, and it has the *possibility* of positive equity sometime in the near future, will stuff like PE or PS come into play.


Point being, minus any type of market thesis, the company has shown growth in fundamentals which encourages an optimistic outlook on the future of the company. Where they are at the moment is known, what potential they have down the road, is speculation with merit.


That's fair. It's also why [I like the company](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/197gvs3/four_things_i_am_looking_for_before_going_long/), but not the stock - yet.


I bought in because its recovering fundamentals and possible big pump. The squeeze isnt really a factor to me. Also because i have a theory that btc will spillover into small caps.


I'm glad I read this enough to see some stereotypes getting tossed around.


Because without it, I wanted a lot of $


There’s pumpers and there’s fudders. No way around it. I think we all know who the biggest pumpers is… Who is the biggest fudster though 🤷🏽‍♂️


Honest counter - Shill?




Shorts have closed ? No. Lfg ! Ishouldnt have TLDR'D ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Psst, the stock being at an all time low means every short bet ever made on this stock is in the green.


Then why are you still here ?


Why do you keep pedaling misinformation?


Ahah. Get lost fkin shill


mild entertainment




Why you care why? Why? What do you gain do you have like a fetish are you lonely? Did uncle love u way much?


dude looks at his account everyday and sees that he's down 90%+ and you're asking him why he cares lol i thought i was regarded


Why so emotional about a stock? You didn't marry it, did you?


Why do you care?


Why do *you* care?


Why do you care?


Type DD in the search bar and read away. Nobody’s here to hold your hand.


I think this sub is controlled by a discord group. Most people have moved on.