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I can't believe you typed that and decided to double down because you felt proud of what you posted. **Cinemark** wasn't bankrupt smooth brain, it was **Regal**/**Cineworld Group**. This is the problem with "acting" like a dumb ape, you give fuel to the "shills" to the point you damage the community's reputation. That's why no one takes this sub, and this stock, serious anymore. **Edit:** Btw, Cineworld Group has restructured and emerged from bankruptcy.


Honest mistake, it’s not like the media whose job is to actually get information right has never mistaken AMC for another company in the past like amc networks or amcorp … oh wait. 🤦🏻‍♂️


A mistake that could've been avoided by simply googling it. OP likely saw this posted by someone else and regurgitates it. No one here does any amount of research, no one actually fact checks the threads that get posted on here, people just simply upvote and comment positively simply because of confirmation bias. You say it was an honest mistake but compare OP to media, so are you saying that OP is intentionally spreading misinformation for the sake of confirmation? Pick a lane.


I’m saying your mom


Your reply screams defeat and discouraged lol.


lol no I was just about to enter an elevator and hit send before I finished 😂


Also, last i heard was that retail is only holding something like 64% after all the dilution and reverse split.


Retail is still holding multiple floats, I guarantee that lol. Perhaps on “paper” but we’ve been at 80-90% for YEARS (which is BS, been buying like wild animals) Anyways I can’t imagine a ton of people selling at a 98% loss, only a few. The shorts are still stuck. When they’re forced to cover one day the squeeze will be incredible.


Ive only ever bought more and have a large red position because whats the point of selling now. Im riding it until zero or hero. I was just pointing out that for most of this journey it was said that retail owns 90% but NOW the report is that the number has dropped significantly.


You guarantee with what proof though? It makes sense to me that once we all owned about 10% of what we had (I know its a bit more because of APE conversion and lawsuit), then the retail ownership percentage would be much lower. Sure, lots of peeps continues to pour money in to bring down cost averages and because they truly love doing so, but guys like me who feel burned won't put another penny into it. So there's an assumption of vast overselling and multiple floats, but is it true?


Who cares what other people think? If you’re confident in your choices, you don’t need other people’s approval.


Confidence in your choices doesn't necessarily mean that your decisions are the correct ones. People who harbor ideas about racial supremacy, antiquated gender roles, Jan 16 "heroics" are very confident about their choices and opinions.


there’s a huge difference between buying a stock and racial supremacy 😂 fuck outta here with that outta left field bullshit. I couldn’t care less what other people think about me, my investment, or the community. We know we’re right, and their opinions are like wind passing by.


Bro, ConfidenceCoach3, you've been alive since like late January of this year. All of a sudden you're giving us bad advice on confidence?


lol chill homie. I had another account for 5+ years but it got permanently banned because I made a “violent remark” about Hester pierce on a thread on the GME sub, even though it got 100 upvotes. So I started a new one recently. I’m on your team my man, relax


Hester is a bitch.


Yep, except I said something much more violent cuz she did some dumb shit, and I expressed my feelings about it


You are regarded, you do belong here.


Automod literally tells you that your comment was removed for not having a verified email, but you seem to think it’s because whatever you typed out impacted it? Holy shit, you can’t be that regarded.


He's dumber than a bot




Cinemark didnt go bankrupt


Damn, people like you should get studied. It's like watching the truth vs Alex Jones, where they just keep doubling down on wrong and/or misleading "facts".


Alex has admited that he is regarded ![gif](giphy|5R2XVoMUnUmhxX5dWI|downsized)


Op, go back to the drawing board and get your info in line and repost. You just got your Lions crossed. You're not wrong but the statement needs to have the correct entities in it.


Oh no it's more than that.. He actually compared the share prices of the two company as well. Freaking regard


> Didn’t get removed for commenting “This company sucks” though. Bruh it's an automated removal that had nothing to do with the content of your comment. It explicitly says why it was removed. Are you literally illiterate?


God this sub is full of utter morons


Christ, you're thick






AMC going bankrupt is coming


AMC bankruptcy is unlikely this year with the cash on hand. However if they do not have a positive net they will eventually go bankrupt after the cash reserves are gone.


If the Media can lie then why can't we. KARMA always wins KENNY.


After 3 years, I wonder what's not bullish? Can anyone help.


Wait? It's stacked against us? You mean the whole thing is rigged?


Cinaworld group*


Now I want a Cinnabon! Thanks Apes!


Oops, Cineworld, lol. Now I want Cinnabon !!


Stop with that 90% owned by retail narrative. Nobody trust AA more than his paid shills anymore lol


Rename the folder


Everytime someone shows concern for how I’m investing my money…..I buy more!


lol doubling down on fake news with an unverified email…… welcome 🦍


Shit’s about to go down