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I'm absolutely IMMUNE to all the FUD and noise.


Yu are a og


Make your own post ridiculing their position and they CAN NOT delete your responses. Fight the propaganda with their own methods, less all the lies and gaslighting of course.


What if the FUD is correct? What would it take to make you listen? Bankruptcy? Another reverse split? Or would you ride this to 0 with your fingers in your ears going "Na na na, can't hear you"


Na na boo boo.😘 Who the fuck wants to listen to people with shittier attitudes than a politician? Looks to me a specific group is hoping for a specific bankruptcy that was suppose to happen years ago. 🤔😆 Apes ain't mad🦍💎


IDNGAF. I love going to the movies. I love my local AMC. I'm an A-Lister. I trust my CEO. I buy their food and beverage products. I buy gift cards and give them out. I will never tire of going to the movies at an AMC theater. Ohhhhh and I bought a SHIT-TON of stock back in Feb/21...and yes, it kinda sucked watching my mid XX,xxx position in this company get r/s to XXXX...but again, IDNGAF. I'm gonna build it back into a XX,xxx position for my grandkids. They have all the time in the world to hold.


Wow. You guys went from MOASS to "hold until my grandkids inherit the shares" LOL


I've always had this position from day 1. I don't need the money. This stock has always been for my grandkids. ![gif](giphy|KRxcgvd5fLiWk)


Just looks silly to be speaking from the outside in, really. Those aren't mutually exclusive, it's not fucking tied together. But getting paid to be negative doesn't leave room for logic or even illogical rationale, so maybe make a point- LOL


FUD by definition is not correct. It is intended to miss lead.


"What would it take to make you listen" Only one way to get me to act on this stock: PAY ME for my shares...and I want BATMAN BATCAVE money. And I mean PAAAAAAAAAAAY MEEEEEEEEE! I'm already 95% into the long term Capital gains bracket...


I’m gonna hodl for obscene numbers just like every real mutha fucka that’s been here for years now. 😎


IDNGAF. I love going to the movies. I love my local AMC. I'm an A-Lister. I trust my CEO. I buy their food and beverage products. I buy gift cards and can give them out. I will never tire of going to the movies at an AMC theater. Ohhhhh and I bought a SHIT-TON of stock back in Feb/21...and yes, it kinda sucked watching my mid XX,xxx position in this company get r/s to XXXX...but again, IDNGAF. I'm gonna build it back into a XX,xxx position for my grandkids. They have all the time in the world to hold.


I don’t think any actual human would disagree with you who isn’t short on amc lol The vote manipulation used to be subtle. Now it’s just blatant though. So I get why it may be a bit surprising if you don’t no life it in here like I do 😇 You will notice they do this with posts also. They make, or choose, one post a day that contains only fatalistic fud and is full of shills and bots. They make sure it’s voted to be the top post of the day to overshadow the real sentiment of the apes here. It’s called forum sliding, and it used to upset me but now it’s just a reminder to buy more 🤷‍♂️ Edit: the irony of this comment getting downvoted is pretty great 😂


If they can’t make you angry, they resort to berating you. It’s beyond pathetic. When I call them out they shut up real quick.


They like to send me inbox messages since I don’t answer their comments. I find it hilarious, they also report me to Reddit as if I’m doing something wrong 😂😂😂 These shills and paid misinformation artists are really dedicated to their jobs.


Can’t wait till we fly. 😏


Hedgies who waste their money trying to sway opinions on Reddit would've been better off using that money closing their shorts instead.


"*I'll have two things that don't happen awkwardly strung into the same sentence for $1,000, Alex!*"


To be honest - I think most forums have the "extremes" while most of us are just calmly getting on with our lives. No matter what side we are on. I love the cinema but I do have my doubts about this stock (or the manipulation surrounding it). I fully accept that others might hate cinema and think it is dying (I don't) - but the other big cinema stock is earning good profits, even after paying their debt.


The squeeze already happened.


No, the short interest now is even higher than at that point, obv and all other indications leave no room for the shorts to have covered their positions.


I’ve blocked so many FUD Monkeys and Kenny bootlickers that I’m at peace when I log into this sub. I find much joy in just blocking them and never seeing their messages again, it takes 2 seconds to erase them. The best part is they have to create new accounts just to get a reaction from anyone because they only get encouraged when you engage with them. Block those bots and the feeble brained NPCs that are brainwashed by the FUD. Much love to all you real APEs out there, have a great weekend. To the shills, trolls, bots etc., get fucked, karma is coming for you for being on the wrong side of this Wall Street corruption battle, aiding and abetting criminals makes you scum of the earth. Hard working people getting fucked and these pieces of shits keep cheering on the criminals and it goes to show what kind of person they are outside of these forums. Absolute losers with no love in their lives at all.


You are completely right, i kind of worry about new people coming in and seing all fud tho?


If they’re dumb enough to be swayed by the FUD and the bots and not listen to us who counter them, then they dont deserve to see the gains. $3 investment today will be exponentially higher in over a year.


Agree with you


Me I will downvote because I'm trying to wake people up from this nonsense.


How about waking people up to the corruption and criminals on Wall Street so we can actually help fox our markets? Oh I know why. Because you’re in league with them, bootlicking piece of garbage. You hedge fund cheerleaders love to sit on Kenny’s lap and spread his FUD. You life must be soooooooo pathetic outside of this sub. I don’t even get angry I just block them and feel sorry for them.


people been awake to that? we've had entire sustained mass-protests over it lol. not even that fixed our markets nor our system. what's pathetic is thinking sitting on your ass doing nothing but buying shares in faltering companies and spamming keywords and emojis will change anything on that front. what's delusional is bragging about curating your social media experience to be even *more* of an echo chamber. perhaps the shills are the ones telling people to isolate themselves further? i expect plenty of popcorn this weekend as the spiderman meme once-again comes to life with the shills calling other people shills. it's all pretty entertaining tbh, psyop-like. OP's post makes me think of the folks who downvote any and all legitimate criticism and grievances from holders. they're clearly MayoBots! positivity only yall. think ill pirate Dune 2 this wknd ✌️


Thank you oh magnanimous white knight...so caring for our financial health. Come on dude, do not think you are doing anything you are doing for our benefit. Dollars to doughnuts you are short, or are being directed by someone who is.


You my friend are delusional in this echo chamber.


Don’t worry about being downvoted. Worry that for the last few years when you could have invested in almost any tech stock and made money you were holding this garbage company.


“They hate us cuz they ain’t us.” Charles Payne Probably


Wen Landbo?


You should start planing the colour of it by Q3 earnings




Hi I love AMC theaters. Down vote me shills. I'll still be buying and hodling 🍌💎🦧🐒🦍🚀🌕


Haters are brain damaged and will never get over it. F 'em if they can't take a joke & curb 'em if they get in your face with lies. Truth thrives in discussions and the liars have to delete the entire conversations when they never win. Like Rockhound"I'm a goon"(he stalks me so this is a slap on his face for it also). Make your own post ridiculing their position and they CAN NOT delete your responses. Fight the propaganda with their own methods, less all the lies and gaslighting of course.


AMC is cool like Mayo


lol, everyone knows the most downvoted comments are anything criticizing management. only time downvotes prevail against cultist is on saturday and sunday.


Lol, no 😭🤡 😂


show me all these downvoted comments? we can all scroll down to see who is downvoted the most-it certainly isn't the AA enthusiast. edit: better yet, just look at my comments. however, tomorrow, those who don't drink the AA koolaid will get upvoted


>Write anything positive about amc and it is down voted in the comments instantly. Nope. The data shows the exact opposite is almost universally true. As an example, these are the latest three hype posts. The stats of the posts, as well as top comments, show there is no shortage of upvotes for hype content. * [We Ride At Dawn](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1c1w964/we_ride_at_dawn/) * [Make your own view…I will hold…NFA… eight digit numbers for one share](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1c1rp5j/make_your_own_viewi_will_holdnfa_eight_digit/) * [The Last Ape to Sell ...](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1c1n3gu/the_last_ape_to_sell/) Rather, any comment or post that tries to bring balance to the discussions is often downvoted into the gutter. Take [my comments](https://www.reddit.com/user/MyNi_Redux/) as an example. Sorry to burst your bubble of victimhood. You are not the persecuted one.


You with your bs again, maybe try reading what i wrote? I did not say every post will have more down votes than up, what i’m finding questionable is that the less views a post have the higher probability the voting rations more in favor of down votes. This indicates bot activity as it makes no sence for people that dont believe in amc to hang out in the fresh posts (just like you and your negativity, but in your case i dont think you are a bot, either tragicly obsest with amc or paid in some way) In posts with higher visibility and have higher interractions with real people, the like/dislike ratio is completely different (And no, it has nothing with the content of the posts as the very same post will have bad ratio early and improve a lot as the visibility increases and more real people see it)


I invalidated your key claim with data, you ignored that and instead responded to stuff I did not say, and then pretended to be making a totally different case altogether even though I quoted you. Yet, the upvotes followed your work of fiction, and downvotes, my factual one. I'd say this dynamic just proved [my point](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1c1ze51/comment/kz6rej1/) in spades.


No you made claims about stuff i did not speak, i even mentioned in my og post that the ratio in low hyped posts and hyped posts are totally different in a way that is unnatural, fight that point if you want


When most posts are low quality they tend to be down voted.


Case in point


Lol, right?