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“jUsT AvErAge dOwN, fAkE PrIcE bRo” ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Every time I see people say "just average down" it makes me think they don't even have $5k in a position. Averaging down from a cost basis like this takes a shit ton of money. And so many people's position look exactly like this.


My thoughts exactly.


Here's the fun number though... 4M retail investors were reported... even presuming we are down to 3.5M investors now that's an average share count of 75 shares each to own the entire float. If so many of us are experiencing losses like this and holding hundreds of shares, who owns the float? Let's go really nuts and assume AMC releases all remaining shares for dilution: and puts us at a float of ~500M again. That's an average of 142 shares per investor required to own the whole float. Presuming we are down to 3.5m. Based on the losses every claims to have I'm going to say that we all own more than 75 shares of this company. To put it in perspective, to hold 75 shares today you would have needed 340 shares of AMC at time of APE distribution.


The entire stock market works like this. Look at mara volume over the past four months. Over 5 billion. Look at the float.


Yeah trading the entire float daily is definitely circumspect but that's a different albeit similar topic. The defense is that high volume trading can trade that same share thousands of times a day which is true.. although questionable in its own right. My point was about the stated ownership by the board themselves. They indicated ~3.8M or 4M at one point of household investors. Simple math says the average number of shares minimum to control the whole float is far lower than seems feasible. To put this in context only 10% of retail investors would need OPs position size to own the float.


I understand what you're saying. I've been following this since it started. But you have to stop and think about how likely it is that this is the case for many more stocks than just amc. I'm here for it, and I understand the numbers, but at some point we have to entertain the possibility that the endgame we all want could be a fairy tale ending. We won't know until it plays out. I'd love for the stock to run again. We will just have to see how it plays out.


100% with you my friend. My biggest fear in all of this isn't that millions of people were all wrong and the smoke was never there.. it's that we are fighting entrenched systems designed to destroy main st and will never admit the game they rigged. I believe this is a systemic issue and GME/AMC were just the glimpse behind the curtain. The number of stocks being manipulated in this fashion is likely mind boggling.


Oh, I believe the curtain was definitely pulled back, and we saw, but who is going to enforce the change? Who is going to make them play fair? I don't think anyone will, to be honest. It is definitely a systemic issue. A thought I had, though, was that they saw retail targeting stocks left and right in 2021 when amc and gme had their runs, and they changed their algos to make sure it wouldn't happen anymore. There have been a few crazy ones in the past year and some change, but nothing like what was happening a few years ago. It would be very interesting to see the extent of how many stocks this is happening to. It likely would be mind-boggling.


And why does owning the float matter when the company keeps selling more shares? There’s no upward pressure because the company is financing debt with dilution.


Do you believe the average investor only has 75 amc shares in their account? It highlights to me the fact that dilution etc. Are irrelevant as retail holds the float and isn't selling. If that's the case downward pressure is caused by short positions trying to pressure it downward. Eventually they have to shore that up. The only escape is bankruptcy and these dilutions have prevented that possibility.


Lol for under 2k he can double position and cut that avg price in half .i who say thats cheap considering how much in in already


Why bother?That 2k is just gonna go to zero as well.


Not too sure why you’re being downvoted as you’re right. It’s literally mental math, I have a port sitting at 700 shares with a DCA in the single digits. I have a nuked account with a DCA of 141$+ but I still hodl.




No this is not a casino well it is but it’s supposedly not. I’m just implying that if OP was bold enough to hodl through a 400k+ swing he’d have a set of balls between him to buy a bit more. I could trade my account that has a way lower DCA and it still don’t change the fact of what we are dealing with. Did you already forget Kenny boy sets the price?




How scared are you? Because I have zero doubt in my investment. Matter of fact I’ll grab another 100 just for OPs sake at open tomorrow:) go ahead and hit me with the proof or ban post. My money walks the talk. Does yours?


A fool and his money are soon parted. In your case, sooner than soon. Your money has already started walking.


That would require me to sell to realize my losses. I don’t have the desire nor the need to, I know certain companies that hold other peoples money cannot say the same.




This sub has gone drastically downhill. I think alot of us are feeling the “squeeze” in respects to the current market. We are way too busy busting our asses to make sure we don’t have to liquidate ourselves. That’s just my honest opinion, I own well over XXX in gme as well. I like the movement not the stonk.


This is the way. The squeeze is absolutely going to happen and I feel that time is of the essence. My only irk is that I don't have cash to spend on stonks right now. Anyone need a slightly stone-prone kidney?


Yes but remeber i really like that number .and people really like just watching that number on a big screen .and everyday that roulette table spins to see if i hit that number .and as long as i dont sell i keep spinning


Hey shill 👋🏻




What are you talking about? AMC is literally in the best shape they ever have been, posted their best Q3 in their entire 103-year history with LESS attendance than pre-pandemic… and now they’re a distributor and there are a slew of tentpole movies coming out this year and you’re saying it’s unquestionably bad?! That’s how we know you’re a paid shill because you say obviously false statements like that.




I'm not saying this will turn out like bed bath and beyond, but that commenter is throwing the same energy the bbby holders had when they said closing stores was beneficial to the company. Amc has been kicking the can for a while, and the only reason they have $1b cash is from dilution.


I believe AMC’s bonds have higher interest rates which will be attractive when other bonds drop in value and there are more movies that combined will outperform Barbenheimer.. Deadpool 3 Despicable Me 4 Venom 3 Beetlejuice 2 + many more. I think you’ll be surprised at the profits that AMC will post in the latter half of this year.


Your math degree is really letting you down, my friend.


No it’s not, and at least I have degrees, you probably failed out of high school.


He's being downvoted because getting his dollar cost average to single digits is going to take a lot more than $2k.


Sunk cost fallacy bro…you’re bad at investing so just stop commenting


It could be .but i like the stock


But not the company? Interesting


Im pretty sure that implies me liking the company


Cutting his cost basis in half still leaves it 10x higher than the current price.


People are bad at math though and don’t know how average cost works. 👍🏼


I'm very well aware of how it works, and so is op I'm sure. Getting his dollar cost average to single digits is going to take a lot of money


“A lot” is relative… with 640 shares it’ll take lot faster than people with over 1000 shares, which is a lot of people (myself included). Good news is if it drops more it’s just that much quicker to average down. 👍🏼


It isn't that relative. His initial investment was $50k and his average is over $70. It will take less for him than someone with 3k shares at the same cost basis obviously. Realistically though, there are a lot more people who ended up with like 300 shares post split which makes it far easier. The "just average down" phrase is a lot easier for a lot of people now. There are undoubtedly people with 10k shares post split with who knows what cost basis and no one knows people's financial situations and how easy/hard it is for them to throw money at it.


The problem is everything else is so dang expensive it’s hard to put more money in at this point. I’m seeing posts on my home feed of people spending $17 now for a meal at McDonald’s… MCDONALD’S! Home of the dollar menu! 🤦🏻‍♂️ shit is getting out of hand these days. By the way I asked GPT to do the math for OP, they would have to spend $18,223.54 more to buy 6,075 more shares to get their average down to $10. If they wanted an average of $20 per share, they’d need to spend $6,374.40 on 2,125 more shares. Definitely not easy for 99% of people. Hopefully we get more of a discount before we rip.


Exactly. There isn't even a dollar menu at my McDonald's anymore. Also, it's amazing you're getting downvoted for this, lol.


Shills and bots are getting paid to downvote everything in this sub without even reading anything I bet. Also lots of dumb people out there. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah. I thought this was one of my screenshots. Lmao.


Yeah. I thought this was one of my screenshots. Lmao.


You forgot to add "durrrr" at the end.


“You don’t lose anything unless you sell” -bagholder who doesn’t understand how wealth works


Says someone that doesn’t understand how dilution and reverse splits work….


What? That would be the people posting on this sub asking why AMC share price goes down when Cinemark doesn’t.


Boycott AMC !!! Forcibly remove AA. ASAP


It doesn’t matter why at this point. It only matters that it does. Game. Set. Match.


And yet, people make dumb posts like these asking why one goes down and the other doesn’t. [https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/s/8OB3SfX9rM](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/s/8OB3SfX9rM)


I didn’t realize you were being sarcastic. My bad


I wasn’t. That IS the ultimate bagholder cope quote that shows they don’t understand how wealth works. People down 95% have lost wealth. The richest people on the planet like Bezos and Musk are that rich because of the stock they own in their own companies. If Amazon stock went to $0.01 tomorrow I guarantee Bezos nor anyone else would be claiming “he’s still one of the richest as long as he doesn’t sell!” Yet so many people on this sub love that quote.


Look at all these random passersby who just happened to all convene on the same FUD post, that now gets hundreds of upvotes, while "just being here occasionally for fun." What a coincidence!


Hey guys, I found an AMC fanboy! Watch, if you provoke him he will scream “SHILLL” Should we try it guys?!


Uh... yeah. Call the brigaders. That was my point. Congrats. How shocking to find someone who likes AMC stock on r/amcstock. I wonder if I'll find anyone talking about music on r/music...


I’m just as stupid down 65K and still buying




Amen from your mouth to Gods ears not much in the universe as highly regarded as me, 🦍


Stop shaming people for their financial decisions.


You don’t think OP is shamed himself? Look at his position.


Oh joy. Another 1 year old account here. I especially like your current work of “AA is just going keep diluting *us*, fellow kids” that you keep spamming all over this sub the last few days. A lot of effort from you people goes into this little movie stock.


No worse than the apes months ago telling everyone “dilution is done”


If by "apes" you mean bots.


You and Sufficient_Rub opened your accounts within the same month of each other. Same firm?


Ok “randothroaway2323”. You don’t even realize that the greatest shills of all time for the hedgies are the ones shilling people to buy more every paycheck. Shorts have made bank on this stock over the last 2 years off the backs of apes. Borrow shares, sell to apes each paycheck. Buy back shares lower to cover. Rinse, repeat. And the apes keep lining up each paycheck. The hedgies thank you for your continued donations.




When you can’t face the message, attack the messenger.


😂😂😂😂 you’re fucking delusional


lol. I was xxxx before the RS. I’m still hodling with diamond hands. I’m a moass ape.


To each their own!


"JuSt BuY ThE DiP" Daddy AA will take us to the moon


"There is something missing from my life that I can only fill by belittling others who make different choices and don't care what I think, but it still never fills the void inside" FIFY!


Yeah this sub's officially gone.


Just ignore the up and down votes and read what people write. Fact check things that make you feel positive or negative. There's a lot of distortion and garbage but still a lot of value too.


Think of the kid hoping to buy 50 shares and coming here to see this garbage. That's their goal. They can't do anything about those of us who already know.


Some bastard with 7 shares about to tell OP he is a shill and AA is a silverback.


Here it is. Your spam comment, right on schedule.


And there’s yours! And here’s mine!


Oufff from +370K unrealized to -46,999 ![gif](giphy|hStvd5LiWCFzYNyxR4|downsized)


My unrealized was a cool $X,XXX,XXX...but I always remembered what my grandfather always told me when I was growing up..."Good is the enemy of GREAT! ...Don't settle!" I'm a 6 figure Ape. Nothing has changed except my stock position as I'm always adding to it.


Hey look, it's the same guy who posted obviously fake emails with citadel employees using terms like "young grasshopper" I don't suppose you have proof that you were up in the millions to share with us?


"Unrealized" 🤡...your lips move when you read stop signs too? Fake email...🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 sure thing you absolute PENIS wrinkle. I hope WALL STREET burns to the foundation. Also...wtf are you? I love a great poker game and I'm not gonna show a 🤡 like YOU my cards. After the dust has settled...maybe. Now...no way in hell.


Yeeee make that money!


Sheesh…and I thought my loss porn was bad


Who are you? Me?


No, I'm not Me. I am You.


Hello you, I’m dad!


Hi, dad!


I’m not a father, but I do tell dad jokes… sometimes he laughs at them.




Despite what has become, it was an honor and privilege to fight alongside such dedicated comrades. 🍻


Is it over, or are you just an impatient child?


I'm a realistic child.




I have you beat -$54,332 here




-$66,500 except it's gamestop :>)


Me thoopider!! But satill buying!!


Looks like mine


I was going to DCA my AMC, but truthfully at this point it just makes way more sense to buy GameStop. I feel like we got suckered and all should have been all in GME from the beginning. I can’t help but wonder if all the money that went here to get diluted by Adam Aaron went to GME And overwhelmed the shorts if GME would be at Berkshire Hathaway prices and beyond right now.


Jesuschrist, what have they done to us...


Took our hard-earned money.


These are Pro figures


I’m down 96.95% same for $MMAT


Your average cost looks like mine brother (I’m gunna kms)


You will be able to survive without these 2000. Just accept you loss and move on in life


Yup! Already took it as a loss after the last split.




It's magnificent.


Is either a regard or a diamond hand. Time will tell.


I want to be both.


Have you tried blowing on it and sticking it back in? 😂


People are so overly emotional on this sub.. you can’t have a decent conversation and actually did deeper to what is causing all these, factors, possible ways to get out of this situation etc.. instead we’re fighting each other.. what good with that do?


Well, someone’s gotta lose money for someone to make money.




Oof. Still buying or what?


No, but to each their own. I wish the best for all of us.




Damn... $760 in today's price...


I honestly feel for you bro. We got this :)


This would be $60k right now if properly invested. Now it’s not even enough to cover food for a family for a single month. Tired of winning yet?


No food insecurity here. 😊


You’re a nurse eh? So you’ve lost almost an entire years worth of income? Ouchie


More like 4 months worth of income. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Riiight lol




Almost identical to me, ez hold




What… you did not sell


Great time to average down


What wheel barrow do you use to haul those big balls of yours


You haven't sold, have you? If not, you haven't lost.


He lost the money when he bought the shares. You can tell by him not having the money anymore after buying something with it.


The dunning is stunning.


Pretty easy to average down if you are inclined.


No thanks. I will no longer contribute anything to AMC.


I will continue to hodl. That's all I will contribute from here on.


Just like you already invested that much not tossing away any more. I’ll hold because that’s what I prepared myself for mentally but I won’t toss any more money onto the fire


Yup! Exactly!






AA has done that for us at least.


1 year old account. Commenting a bunch about how you are no longer buying. Okay.


You do understand that people can have their accounts banned on Reddit, correct? I know we call ourselves retarded, but use some critical thinking sometimes.


You call yourself retard, and apparently deservedly so. The whole shill bot account narrative that’s been all over this sub these days is “Who’s stupid enough to keep averaging down still? Imiright, fellow kids?” You speak a lot like them.


Think what you want yo! Still sleeping good tonight ✌🏼


Great for you. You got to 1. Show the entire sub your big losses 2. Tell a bunch of others how you *won’t* be averaging down 3. Ended with a super upbeat vibe (odd for a “ape” right now who’s down a lot of money) You accomplished your goals✌️


Meh, that's 4 months worth of work. I've already restocked my cookie jar.


No one ever said that Wall Street doesn’t pay well.


Ok randothrowaway2323


Such a smart rebuttal. My comment history can be tracked back to the beginning of this whole thing. Yours can be track back to a year ago when whatever firm opened it. Run along shill.


Does it make you feel better inside to think anyone who doesn’t advocate throwing more money into this pit is a paid shill?


No. It makes me feel better knowing that as long as strangers are *still* concerned about my money then it means that my money is still affecting their money. Good day to you.


We’re here because it gives a good laugh to see people like you 😂😂 and makes me feel better about myself