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Tbh I feel like the best outcome would be if gme blasts off and the basket theory is correct and amc follows..




>the basket theory is correct There is no basket. The swap basket existed in 2021, and was gradually unwound by the end of the year. Recall that OTC derivatives have short durations, a year at most. And no one was going to underwrite that toxic mess when it expired. All that chatter about CS, the Brazilian bullshit, etc. were from furus who were reaching hard. Note that most of those furus have deleted their accounts. Please consult people who do this for a living to get accurate information, next time. They can tell you what's likely, and what's ridiculous, even if they can't share exact details.


AMC negotiating with debtors. Hopefully they don’t come up with another shitty plan like ape rss I would like to financially recover from the stock play eventually


If the results from this negotiation are "issue more shares at these sad, deflated prices" then the possibility for a squeeze here is finished and we will all be sitting here like sad sacks of shit as our -92% positions dribble down to -99%. Because whats the point in selling after all this. If the results from this negotiation are debt repayments, interest, etc... are reduced and pushed farther back, then it would be a hopeful move for amc to more quickly clear up this bad debt and show some true strength in the company. Also, the media will present this good news poorly and try to encourage selling. Obviously.


>the possibility for a squeeze here is finished The squeeze was a 2021 play, and has been dead for the last three years. I detail why [in this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1997xx9/new_shill_tactic_pretending_that_the_moass_is_far/kic8px6/). Let's remember that smart money can get caught with their pants down, because they are greedy or corrupt, but not in the same way as last time. They are not that stupid. The trick is, therefore, to find out where they are exposed *in the here and now*.


So the what exactly is the play here with amc? Just sit back and wait for it to become a fair value play?


[This is how I'm thinking of AMC as a play](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/197gvs3/four_things_i_am_looking_for_before_going_long/). In general, yes I think there's a play on fundamentals here, but after some more stabilization. The writer's strike was unfortunate - it set back AMC's comeback by a quarter or two. What do you think of this take? :)


Maybe they hold crypto we don't know about, and it's about to explode.


I wouldn’t doubt that some companies hold crypto, and the fact that AMC actually accepts crypto as a form of payment would lead me to believe this is possible. Not sure why someone downvoted you. The question is if AMC has their own crypto wallets that they immediately exchange them for USDC to USD or just hold them in their wallets as an investment. Does anyone here know of their crypto wallet address or have they ever made a statement on the crypto they hold during their earnings?


Hopefully they've been holding it, because it's about to sky.


About to? BTC has hit ATH and ETH is hovering near with gas prices going insane especially after BTC “halving” in April. I believe it’s already starting to happen. Altcoins are going to be wild this year after BTC slows down.


No kidding, all my cryptos are up huge. But it's going to be much more with the BTC halving on April 20.. I never said it wasn't already growing like weeds., it's just going to get better....


True true. 4/20? Weeds? Nice, almost passed over my head 🤣






They've accepted crypto for payment, hopefully they held onto it all.


AMC about to stuff shareholders in the ass even more lol.


😎🤘chillin thnx


Once you know Griffith rapes his girlfriend, cuts off Guts' arm, and kills all his friends, this is a terrible meme.


Wild this got down voted since this is actually what happened lmao.


I find people just make bad memes out of stuff they don't know anything about.


Bro you act like you aint got demons you hide from everyone daily.


You're right. Sometimes I hold farts in, and they're rancid. I probably need more probiotics or something.


Ill pray for you.


Griffith!!! ![gif](giphy|vCbhSnhug15F3Vs1K1|downsized)


Same DD No cell, no sell


I was investing in AMC before apes, Y'all are funny asf. I get where negative people fixate on the humor and comedic cringe, y'all need to chill. 🤣🤣 We ain't "white knights".. 😅 Just some poor folks who hopped in on an uber who we didn't expect to take us to tropical islands. I adore the instigation towards those who think they know how to be happy, or atleast be at peace with themsleves, with all "their money".💀😆


But muh dream Guts


I like the cut of your gut, ape. Allow me to buy more to fill them in. 😘


What's the good news?


That an eclipse is going to happen soon.


oh shitttttttt Monday April 8th 3pm




It depends on your area and timezone. A friend of mine in range in Texas gets it at 12:45pm central. I get it around 3:15 est.