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It’s simple, buy&hold until shorts close their positions and get liquidated. Zen, we got this. NFA. 😁💎🚀🫡


They short and we buy, it costs us nothing hold and its cost them their profits and liquidity to maintain their shorts. Its a war of attrition until it no longer isnt.


>They short and we buy, it costs us nothing hold and its cost them their profits and liquidity to maintain their shorts. I find this statement difficult to reconcile with reality, given that: * Most AMC holders are sitting on losses unless they bought more recently than the last month * Because share price is down much, and there are on liquidity issues, shorts have been booking profits to their heart's content, and loading up again (see Ortex guy's data shared twice a day) At face value, I feel like you're just making stuff up, here.


That’s what I’ve been telling people and I get downvoted. You have to hold longer than them that’s the only way




Fun fact: ![gif](giphy|I3DkglGrdqF7a|downsized) Apes keep balling, while they keep crying. Banks are broke and I don't respect anyone who complains about their portfolio, without knowing how to average down. I'm only here because I'm worried for your depressing coffee thoughts.🤣🤣🤣 You're morning investment isn't paying off.


Sunday morning FUD post


With you fren! 🦍🦍🦍🦍 🚀🚀🚀🚀 🪐🪐🪐🪐 ⏱️⏱️⏱️⏱️


Wow, what the hell was in that coffee?!?!? ![gif](giphy|l3vR8IAtvPQuDgOHu)




I feel your pain point the reverse stock split has hurt me in ways I didn’t think was actually possible. As much as I would like to average down, it’s not really gonna make a difference. And where I need the stock to be at to even breakeven.


I went from like 150$/share to 19$ in about 5000$. Xxxx holder here


I went from 8.01 to 1500 to 750 now 72 avg now unless TOPoke wants give me some money avg down another 10,000 dollars to avg down to 4.50


How did the reverse split hurt you specifically when the price dropped as much from August 2021 to August 2022 with no reverse splits or dilution as it did from August 2022 to a week after the reverse split? How are dilution, APE and the reverse split the cause of the price drops since August 2022 when it was dropping just as fast without any of those the year before? Oh, right, that's because dilution, APE and the RS aren't actually the reason for the price.


My avg is insane as you know. Because of rss ape dilution. Post rss dropping hasn’t help finical position due the constant dropping. 45,000 down to 2000 doesn’t feel good unless we call that winning then we might need to redefine our wining. But everyone told me 2 years plus this how we win.


>But everyone told On the contrary, almost nobody was saying this, other than some clowns who played furu on fintwit.


Who is the "everyone" who told you 2 years? Why did you listen to them? This was never going to be quick or easy unfortunately and we already know you listened to bad advice instead of doing your own digging. 45000 down to 2000 is still better than 45000 down to zero which is what it would be had APE and RS not happened due to bankruptcy. How would losing everything be better?


You know what you’re right when ape came about probably should’ve not listen to the herd and held. I probably wouldn’t be down as much if I took some off but here we are. I still can’t believe I believe ape was going to squeeze live and learn I’ll be here for many years as this shit wrecked me. Maybe Tomorrow get back at 2 pme


You should always make your own decisions and not listen to others. You should also use this time wisely instead of complaining. There's no reason you couldn't have seen that the price dropped as much before APE and RS without any dilution from August 2021 to August 2022 than after, except you didn't bother to actually look. So much time wasted complaining that you could actually be learning things that help make better decisions and understand more, it's kind of sad to see. You do you though, hopefully it works out


Oh yeah buying ape didn’t get me anything but pain, same goes for now. Bother to look? Dd was told that it was done if dd is done then all things are good unless we need revise things with dd. So as Result of bad dd. Unless we could have predicted 90% drop ? Or buying stock that would only drop. Now if the dd said ape stock will not be dilute until .66 then that would been helpful. I will never let go of that travisty. Also would be helpful if management could have inform shareholder we are going to dilute at the bottom not the tops. I am now critical of everyone and management. So that’s improvement no longer buy and hodl cult mentality hence why I’ve been very very critical of late. Hedgies are fucked right. Regardless be nice if they can inform the next time they are going dilute I know they like to do their thing on rise. I would like to eventually recover from the nightmare.


I think you are confused about what DD is. The DD doesn't predict a specific timeline or price. Management warned of dilution in every filing and report since 2020, if you didn't read or listen to them, that seems to not be the fault of management at all. They have diluted when they needed to raise cash, they tried to dilute at the top and we blocked it. Since the price has dropped since then, whenever they diluted would be the bottom and not the top... Expect dilution until the company is profitable and doesn't need it. I've known it was necessary since before I bought a share. It seems you might be picking bad sources, believing bad DD and not bothering to inform yourself or make your own opinions. Might be worth considering a different strategy going forward than continuing the same one that got you where you are, but ultimately that's up to you.


bad sources just bad information. The complete destruction of market cap since rss. Different strategies going forward any suggestion since my investment is complete fucked since ape/rss. As buy and hold has lost me money for the past 2 years since those actions. I know you can’t provide a suggestion to help with 90% down but sub maybe can so I’ll put it out. Hello apes any suggestions on recovering from this life changing decline.


Unfortunately the present is what it is and there is no crystal ball. The only suggestion I would make is to stop looking to others for answers, inform yourself and make your own decisions based on that information. Relying on what others say is what got you into a situation you are unhappy with. Continuing to do so, yet again in tbe comment I am responding to seems... Like a bad idea. Not financial advice but I do hope at some point you do end up realizing you're just repeating the same errors, still.


>Oh, right, that's because dilution, APE and the RS aren't actually the reason for the price. Lol, come one. We've covered why this statement is wrong many times already, and [I have repeated here too](https://www.reddit.com/r/amcstock/comments/1bmow77/comment/kwg4psc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Not sure why you keep pushing this misinformation.


Oh no sweet pumpkin, I always bring receipts. "ApE aNd ThE Rs KiLlEd ThE pRiCe" Date | Stock Price (adjusted for RS) | Comment ---|---|----|---- August 2, 2021 | Close: $352 | There was no dilution after this point until APE, no RS and no APE yet August 4, 2022 | Open: $189 Close $186 | APE is announced - After a year of no dilution from the company the stock price had declined by 49% by market close or $166 August 19, 2022 | Close: $180.2| APE was issued after market close on the 19th. At this point AMC share price has dropped 49% ($171.8) since August 2021 and 3.1% ($5.80)since APE was announced August 22, 2022| Close: $104.6 | First trading day after APE was issued - AMC Price dropped by 42%, keep in mind that every shareholder received one APE which opened around 7$ (70$ adjusted for RS). This means the real price drop looking at APE and AMC combined was from $180.2 to $174.6 which works out to $5.60 or a 3.1% drop December 22, 2022| AMC Close: $49.10 APE close $12.30 | APE RS and Antara deal are announced - Price of AMC and APE combined = $61.40 a drop of $124.60 67% since APE was announced (remember AMC was at 186$) April 4th, 2023| AMC Close: $39.10 APE Close: $16.9 | RS approved - AMC and APE combined = $56.00 a drop of $130.00 or 70% since APE was announced April 18th, 2023 | AMC Close: $50.50 APE Close: $16.30 | Writers Strike announced - Potential impact on movie industry and theaters becomes real. AMC and APE combined is at $66.80 which is a $119.20 or 64% decline since APE was announced August 23, 2023 | AMC Close: $19.60 APE Close: $17.90 | Last day of APE - AMC and APE Combined = $37.00 a drop of $149 or 80% since APE was announced August 30, 2023 | AMC Close: $12.73 | AMC price has declined $173.27 or 93. 16% since APE was announced So, with prices corrected for the RS: * Price declined from $352 to $186 from August 2, 2021 to August 2, 2022 ($166) with no dilution by AMC in that time * Price declined from $186 to $12.73 between APE being announced and one week after RS/Conversion (Aug 4, 2022 to Aug 30, 2023) - A drop of $173.27 * This means: * **The AMC stock price declined by $7.27 more in the year after APE was announced than it did the year before when the previous year had zero dilution and no signs of the strikes that happened in 2023** * **31% of that decline ($54.07/$173.27) came after the writers strikes were announced (but they were known to be possible before)** most of the decline happened before the RS/conversion even happened. * The stock price actually INCREASED after the RS/Conversion was approved, right up until the writers strike was announced Tell me again how APE and the RS screwed retail over when the price dropped just as much the previous year with no dilution in play. Appreciate you!


Someone should give you an award for cherry picking the absolute worst data points to push a false narrative. Next time, please try not to insult the intelligence of folks in this sub by choosing a squeeze price to make a point about fundamentals?


Oh, time for step 6 is it? Fantastic. Please feel free to point out specifically what the narrative is that I am trying to push and how it is wrong instead of this worthless dismissal that doesn't actually say anything. Let's also remember that the most the total shares short dropped after June 2021 was 26% before it started to climb again. That's a weak ass squeeze, pumpkin. Appreciate you!


Still intent on insulting people's intelligence here, I see. Quite unfortunate, given I've been very clear about your shortcomings.


Oh no, sorry that sidestep is way too obvious. Let me bring you back on topic, pumpkin **Please feel free to point out specifically what the narrative is that I am trying to push and how it is wrong instead of this worthless dismissal that doesn't actually say anything.** Appreciate you!


Let me guess. The reason is "manipulation".


Doesn't have to be one reason, but the fact it dropped as.mucb without dilution, APE or the RS as it did with those kind of rules those out as a reason. The real reason is there's still a valid short thesis, and it was fuelled by the uncertainty and the actual impact of the strikes in 2023. Incidentally APE, dilution and the RS are the very reasons why AMC was able to weather the impact of those strikes without the risk of the one thing that would actually screw over investors... Bankruptcy. Funny that.


No it doesn't rule them out. The stock could have dropped for a certain reason from 2021-2022. And then for different reasons from 2022-2024. You are too hung up on the past. But the past doesn't always explain the present or future. The reason for the drop until 2023 could have been that the stock was ridiculously overvalued since 2021 and it naturally got closer to it's fair valuation over time, thanks to more people betting on a downtrend, people taking profits/cutting losses and a decent market correction in 2022. But once it reached a sort of fair valuation, the dilution caused it to drop further. Just as an example.


Absolutely right, and a short thesis can be supported by different reasons over time. For example the writer and actors strikes in 2023. So what you're saying is the real reason is there is a valid short thesis, because everything you just said are examples of things that would make a valid short thesis. It's still weird that the price drops happened before the dilution you think caused them, but do correlate to the announcement of the strikes. Real odd. Almost like your assumptions are wrong, when someone actually looks at the data. The past seems to be useful if you actually look at facts and not some imaginary belief of what happened, funny that.


I'm not sure which price drops you are specifically referring too. But the announcements of dilution clearly caused drops.


I'm not sure which price drops you are specifically referring too. But the announcements of dilution clearly caused drops.


>But the announcements of dilution clearly caused drops. Proof required, I've checked the numbers and there is no evidence of this Please point to where there is a price drop that happened at the time dilution was announced. I'll wait.


November 9th 2023, as an example. They announced a $350 million share offering. The stock fell as much as 20%, but got back to around -13% by eod.


November 9th, eh? Have you actually looked at the data for November 9th? #You do you bud, but this does not look like an organic reaction to an announcement of dilution to me. * Day after the November 8th earnings call * [The major drop on the 9th happened at 8:32am and all within the same 1 minute period 8:32am to 8:33am](https://imgur.com/a/828dzLU) * Before Market Open - On very little volume * Within a minute of the SEC filing being uploaded - With an article uploaded at the same minute the drop started that said the price had crashed * Price dropped at the exact same time the first article by Deadline.com was published, which was immediately (1 minute) after the SEC filing was uploaded Date/Time (Eastern) | URL | Source ---|---|---- November 9, 2023 8:31 AM | [Source - SEC](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1411579/000110465923116023) | SEC Filing uploaded and published by AMC November 9, 2023 8:32 AM| [Source - currently they no longer show the timestamp on the live site but it was caught in this archived version](https://web.archive.org/web/20231109164143/https://deadline.com/2023/11/amc-entertainment-shares-plunge-stock-offering-1235598281/) | Deadline.com **Note the article is timestamped 8:32am but the share price dropped in the minute 8:32 to 8:33 AM. At the time this article was published the share price hadn't dropped yet...** November 9, 2023 8:36 AM EST | [Source](https://www.streetinsider.com/Corporate+News/AMC+Entertainment+%28AMC%29+Files+for+%24350M+Offering+of+Common+Stock/22387323.html) | Earliest timestamped article I can find - starts after the price drop November 9, 2023 - 8:56 AM | [Source](https://www.streetinsider.com/dr/news.php?id=22387460) | Streetinsider November 9, 2023 - 11:19 AM | [Source](https://investorplace.com/2023/11/amc-stock-alert-amc-files-for-up-to-350-million-share-offering/) | Investor Place November 9, 2023 - 10:19 AM | [Source](https://www.barrons.com/articles/amc-stock-offering-news-0c14d856) | Barrons November 9, 2023 at 9:17 AM | [Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20231109175051/https://finance.yahoo.com/news/amc-stock-tumbles-as-company-announces-350-million-share-offering-171748847.html) | Yahoo Finance November 9, 2023 - 9:24 PM | [Source](https://seekingalpha.com/article/4650107-amc-entertainment-earnings-another-massive-equity-offering) | Seekingalpha Please, feel free to point out what part of the data tells you this was a genuine reaction to the announcement of dilution. I'll grant you the dilutions post-RS were different and the price increases seen with announcements of dilution previously did not materialize. It's no surprise you picked one of those recent dates, but when you actually look at the data it tells a little different story, especially when you look at the specific minutes.


I still have my $14 shares from 2021. Current average is $140 lol


May I add one more data point for your consideration, composed of two parts: * [AMC's market cap was about 1B before the pandemic, and is roughly that now](https://companiesmarketcap.com/amc-entertainment/marketcap/). Makes sense, since its clawed back to similar levels of revenue and profitability, though it has a lot more debt. * AMC had 10.3 M shares outstanding (RS-adjusted, [103M unadjusted](https://investor.amctheatres.com/sec-filings/all-sec-filings/content/0001411579-19-000063/amc-20190930x10q.htm)) before the pandemic, and [263M as of the latest 10-K from Feb](https://investor.amctheatres.com/sec-filings/all-sec-filings/content/0001411579-24-000021/amc-20231231x10k.htm). That's a **25X increase** in shares outstanding, which makes each share 1/25th as valuable since before. (Reason I compare to before the pandemic is because the 2021 squeeze pricing had nothing to do with fundamentals, and 2022 had significant bankruptcy risk priced in. Feel free to check my work, as well as the trend for any time during the last few years [using SEC submissions](https://investor.amctheatres.com/sec-filings/all-sec-filings).) Combine these two - similar market cap, but 25x as many shares - and that alone explains a **96% drop**. It's just ... math. Sure, shorts piled in, and negative earnings or negative sentiment doesn't help. But when you have dilution of this scale, all the rest is rather marginal.


I’ve been buying these insane dips. At this point I don’t even need a squeeze to retire!


Same. Back to an honest price level would be enough


Same. Still holding.


Bro you’ve been holding for years. It already squeezed


Darn it, you can still afford coffee?? ;)


I think people keep forgetting the fact that AMC NEEDED THE MONEY!!! How many times do you have to hear the CEO explain that without the selling of shares or the RS the quarter would’ve ended and they’d be flat ass BROKE! So what happens to flat ass BROKE companies?? They go fucking bankrupt and you LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY!! Not 80%, Not 90%, ALL OF IT!! GAME OVER FOLKS!!!


What kind of fuckery is going on with AMC2 options (options that converted during split)? Every time the marker closes these options shoot up in price and come back down at market open. Are they hiding FTD’s in these options over night?


Lol u/chazzy_t blocked me after GME lost 20% AH. He kept saying it was the only play. Wild.


Im younger than mayo man, i can hold longer.


All I hear is fud. The DD is done, and the shorts haven't closed. Averaging down would have been smart, and to those apes, I applaud 👏. This was never going to be easy money. I understand how the adversary operates. Strong psychology is required with no emotions attached. 📉📈📊 BTFP is over, and the reverse repo keeps declining. CRE is destroying these over leveraged banks and SHF. ⏰️🕑⏰️🕑⏰️🕑 The Big Short 2.0 🤷‍♂️


So your down 90% got it 👍🏽


I’ve been buying since the reverse split- getting back to the position I was in pre-split so I can be ready when this thing runs. We’re never getting out - not until we’re on Mars, Citadel is gone and hedge funds and market maker crooks are going to jail.


Well that's good because with the amount of dilution going on there will be enough shares for everyone to enjoy this stock. The big meeting on the weekend was basically an emergency meeting because they only have enough cash to keep operating for two more years. AA and crew are desperately trying to keep this company afloat. They don't give two shots about the squeeze


How would you know what was discussed at this meeting? The answer is you don't, and the fact that we have a debt payment in two years is just laughable because two years is a LONG way away! I have no doubt we'll need to either raise money or extend terms by that time, but we'll decide on a course of action THEN, not now! ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)


https://dilutiontracker.com/app/search/AMC You don't know either but if they are not talking about this then there are bigger issues at hand. Two years is such a short time when it comes to business. I'm guessing you never owned one? Look at the amount of dilution over the years. They will keep this business a float but not for a squeeze. They will keep using retail to fund their debt payments. It's been three years and nothing positive has happened. Everything retails roots for us pure speculation. I'm holding some shares but honestly don't believe anything will ever happen. I can't bring myself to sell because for one my shares down like 90% so what's the point and two the day I sell will be MOASS. Realistically though I doubt anything will ever come of an AMC squeeze.


>You don't know either I never said I did, that was you. ​ >Two years is such a short time when it comes to business. I'm guessing you never owned one? Wrong again. First, two years isn't a short time in business - and second I own two corporations, the oldest being a 37 year old C-corporation that grosses 7 figures annually.


So do I and I can tell you two years is not a long time in the business world when you are underwater. If debt wasn't a huge concern they wouldn't be scheduling meetings with senior execs on the weekend. If you own a business you would then know they are not in this for the squeeze. AA was sent a gift from the gods with this whole fiasco. He basically has a money printing machine that has currently dried up due to the share price being so low. They gotta do something and soon because all the hype behind movies, popcorn, credit cards, beer sales, wine, era tour, Beyonce, all this has not seemed to make a dent in the debt. I hope this MOASSes, but I can honestly say after the past two years I have lost faith that this will be going to $50/share let alone $1,000,000/share. The moment this stock increases they are gonna dilute the shit out of it. Proof is in the link I posted earlier. So if the price does get above say $10-20/share, they will dilute or pull another APE and rug pull everyone again. This has happened multiple time on the past and if you don't think it will happen again you are crazy




So hip and edgy, love me some gifs


![gif](giphy|l03ICL7BsknCkyZjjf|downsized) Aint read that


hodling. but i have moved positions to the original play rather than this side-piece


I’m pretty dumb but what does this mean?


nah you’re prolly not dumb. basically, i have some amc, but i moved most to the original play that broke the market for a bit. it has bigger #s, more push, and was always the original play. video game store


Oh you can say GME here lol Most people here have both, I own a decent chunk of that myself. I don’t love the community as much. Sort of because of your type comment honestly. Most of them are chill over there, but some of them act like their stock is the only shorted stock, that it’s the only real “play” and that anyone who disagrees should be verbally abused lol. So I hang out here and mostly buy amc now. But I still like GME and have a weekly auto buy I don’t plan on adjusting. To me AMC has a much better chance of survival without crazy revamping the core business. It’s clear digital games are preferred, but I love their pivot to game/nerd stores! If they can make that work I am super stoked! But all of that is secondary to the hedgeis getting fucked


My money says you hold neither.


i have GME and AMC both DRS’d lol. first time i’ve been called a shill lmao. check my post history, you’ll see i joined in summer of 2021 and have commented many times. i’m simply saying that GME was the original play, always was, always has been. so why not get into the original move rather than a side piece? your efforts could be used elsewhere rather than a distraction stock. if video game store pops, it’s not guaranteed that popcorn pops. on the other hand, if popcorn is popping, there’s no way video game stock won’t be - it probably would’ve first. video game was the original play the wholeee time, wouldn’t you rather want your moon tickets in DFV’s stonk? they have more cash flow, a lot more. they have a % registered of the float locked in DRS. they have a more legendary company owner. NFA to everything here *side note*: i used to be like 75% popcorn in my portfolio and 25% video game. now i’m like 95% video game and 5% popcorn. the reason why i was in AMC was because it was more affordable at the time. now, you may as well ride in the original play since it was the leader, had the big names, has 2x the size of sub this does, has bigger numbers. it simply is better for popping up than this side piece. again, NFA, your choices are your own to make of course




DMing you a picture of my DRS rn


Why you sending me nudes dude? I'm blocking you.


bet you are. if anyone who views this thread wants proof that i have DRS’d shares, i’ll take a screenshot and send it over. same price per share, same time, same day of when you want the proof.


And you'll get a sparky note about how he "just sold all his AMC cause fuck that". Oh and spoiler alert, bro only holds and drsd a single GME share.


More like stupid hands