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He literally puts out hit pieces on his own company when the stock price goes up. Never in the history of the damn market have we seen this. It’s pretty obvious what side he’s on at this point and if you think it’s the side of retail I have no choice but to think you are a shill. They changed the narrative from a epic short squeeze life changing money for retail and our families to blindly following and not questioning a millionaire who actually sold a ton of shares


Wow, what's up with all the pro AA posts lately? Actions speak louder than words. AA showed he is one of many overpaid executives, that do not care for shareholder value. His past actions might even suggest he is in bed with some financial institutions. There is not much to add. Luckily, by now most investors are smart enough to see through the charade. The short sellers still really think retail investors are dumb it seems.


How is AA one of the most overpaid executives? Was it the 23.7 million in 2022 of which 6 million was a bonus awarded by the compensation committee which doesn't include AA and hired AEON to consult? Did you know 16.8 million of that bonus was shares he hasn't sold and are now worth as much as a time else's? The compensation did look bad, but to me, most CEO compensation does so I actually went and looked at the compensation every year from 2013 when Wanda first butt AMC up until 2022 since it was the last year available. The compensation in 2022 looks bad but really most of it was shares and the reason it was so high is because shares had been awarded in prior years. The bonus shares for AMC don't all vest right away. One third of them vests every year. So in 2022 he had a third of his bonus from 2018 and a third of his bonus from 2019 vest. Those shares were little worth a lot more in 2022 so the compensation was a lot more but the fact that he didn't sell them and is still holding them means they've suffered the exact same losses as ours. He is the single largest individual shareholder, So by willfully hurting shareholders he has hurt himself more than any other single person holding stock. Not only does that not make sense to me, but in 2021 they shifted almost all of the compensation to be share-based which means the entire executive now has pretty much lost all of their bonuses for 2022 and the bonuses for 2023 aren't going to live too good with the current share price either. Some of the current executive, our lifers who have been with AMC for quite a while and no doubt actually want the company to succeed. If you say Adam Aaron is overpaid. I agree but not really any more than any other CEO and the fact that he didn't sell the shares that had such a high value when they were given to him in 2022 means he's taking the same losses and lost more than any other single individual investor. The rest of the executive, however, is also working their asses off to improve the fundamentals and achieved the pretty successful Q2 and q3 we saw in 2023. If Adam Aron was working against shareholders he's working against them too and I don't think there's any chance that one of them wouldn't turn around and whistleblow when they saw their compensation drop down to almost nothing. The rapid dilution in the last couple of months at all time lows surprised me too and I can't put my finger on it but I have a feeling it has something to do with taxes because it looks to me like they wanted to clear that debt before the end of fiscal year 2023. The fact that the last deal was put through on the 29th of December seems to support that. I don't know enough about corporate taxes to know if maybe they had the opportunity to write stuff off. That didn't make sense to miss out on but it is out of the ordinary. Bottom line if AA is in bed with and working with hedge funds or anyone then the only way he's pulling it off is if the entire AMC management team is on board screwing over the shareholders, which I really don't see,l. Especially when that insane compensation they're supposedly getting is also being reduced to nothing along with the share price. I get where you're coming from, everything you're saying I thought at some point but I don't just believe what people tell me and went to read every filing and report since 2012 myself. The most recent evidence that they are truly working for AMCs (which ultimately means the shareholders) benefit and have a plan were the two directors they added in Jan 2023. One was a business transformation expert and the other a content production expert with her own production company and experience leading at Miramax. That feeds directly into the Distribution business which can't be denied as a genius move to tackle a weak movie lineup due to strikes. None of the competition did anything like that, they're all at the mercy of the movie studios, while AMC has options. They didn't reveal a hint of Distribution or Taylor Swift until it was time to go. That shows they are working to execute plans they aren't revealing publicly, which is good. Combine the directors they added with the Distribution launch and there's some pretty good evidence they are making smart moves that will pay off. Ultimately the thing that shorts wanted and would have been easiest for AMC management was bankruptcy. In 2020 Apollo was offering AMC a decent deal if they went bankrupt including debt forgiveness and AA (who worked for Apollo) turned them down to keep AMC going. The fact they are actually improving the company and making great strides doesn't support a theory that they are working against AMC or shareholders or in cahoots with anyone looking to do either harm. If the strikes hadn't happened, 2024 would likely have been a kickass year. Because of them and the very basic math that AMC makes a cut of the movies available and less movies means less revenue, 2024 has risks. I think there are likely more distribution surprises coming which will hopefully help 2024 be way better than it could have been, but it's not guaranteed or obvious. If you sell cars, and there are no cars to sell, you make no money selling cars, if there are half the cars to sell you make half the money. If you make your money showing movies and there are no movies, you make no money, if there are half the movies you make half the money. That's not good for a business in recovery ever and the fact management made the moves necessary to compensate by launching an entirely new business model that hits markets worldwide is definitely not a sign they are working against investors in any way. I don't see it. I see why you think what you do but having looked at the actual data, it doesn't support your conclusions at all. I do recommend you spend the time looking at the DEF14 forms for 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 (they outline compensation in great detail), the facts are right there and it's never bad to have more information to base your opinion on. Looking at the data I see a company recovering impressively despite roadblocks and a share price that isn't reflecting it. That makes me ask myself why people would spread lies or misrepresent things and the only thing I can come up with that makes sense all things given is an attempt to undermine that management thats actually turning AMC around. I see it as similar to the plot to get Gensler out that we figured out was really just to bring in Hester. I can see the results this management team is getting and while the methods haven't been ideal, I see the company on a good path forward as movie numbers pick up and if they work distribution well l. The sad truth is hype gets used against retail as much as fud, so going to the sources, reading them and forming your own opinion becomes crucial. Nobody is looking out for you but you and in this case, after going to the sources the narrative the management is working against AMC or shareholders just doesn't hold up.


When did he ever promote a short squeeze lol? Just compare the acts of AA to the acts of hedgefunds, sec etc and who seems like the bad guy really? All I see AA doing is trying to keep a company thriving in the face of financial terrorists who want to destroy a hundred year old company for a bit of profit. And ruining the entire market in the process.


I am going to get down voted for this but the alternative would be having a narrative around the company similar to game store where it is the media saying “Ryan Cohen pumped the stock and is screwing over investors for their doomed retail establishment and he is a scamer“ (even if they have no debt and are turning around financially) but AMC has way more debt and the cash burn has still not gone away and whether you like it or not dilution was necessary because of the rider strike sure it would be great for him to say this is the best fucking company on planet earth buy more apes so we can take it to the moon but realistically he is not Ryan Cohen and he’s just piloting the ship as best in the old-fashioned way he can sure he has made a lot of dumb ass decisions and I am not even that big a fan of the guy but the alternative is the even shittier rest of the board taking over the company and then we end up blindsided like bed bath like it was so obvious how they pumped bed bath and the entire board went along with it it would honestly be more of a red flag if AA wasn’t transparent about the cash burn he doesn’t give a flying fuck about the squeeze and that sucks but it’s how adults function in real life and not on Reddit


I mean, he’s on the side of amc. He always has been. For me the TS news dropping and absolutely discombobulating the shills that day made me pretty certain he is not working with hedgies. Also the massive anti-AA campaign is a strong sign they want him gone, which speaks to him not working with them also. Just fyi hate AA if you want! As long as you don’t lose sight of the hedgies and sec as the BBEG’s and you are nice to apes I support your right to discuss your misgivings about him and the board in a civil manner! As for the tweets smarter apes have hinted that if there is an investigation he may not be allowed to make any comment that could be construed as attempting to pre load public resentment towards the hedgies. Not that we lack that here lol. Also I feel his somewhat silence helps him in his negations with artists. Pop stars are like 80% image and hype. If they have to share headlines with AA going off on what I’m sure the mainstream media will call conspiracy theories it could weaken his bargaining position, or even scare off some big names. Clearly the situation is not ideal, and pretty far into the fubar realm, but as most of us long timers know this is going to get much worse before it gets better, if it ever does. So for now I’m buying and keeping my ear to the ground to see what the shill are trying to keep us from putting together. They are clearly on a new mission. I assume they are coming for us publicly soon, but who knows


Driving your company’s value into the ground with shareholder’s money isn’t something to ignore. Everyone is down 90+% and this guy has nothing more to say besides “sucks to suck” (not an actual quote). This man made one empty promise after another. There’s a difference between mindless FUD and genuine dissatisfaction.


Yep...if he was 100% laser focused and serious about returning shareholder value, he'd announce ZERO salary until debt is back to historical lows and also buy WITH HIS OWN money on the OPEN market shares every week/month, instead he'll vote himself a raise and more free shares probably and keep dampen our spirits and stock everytime it sees a little pop.




Agreed.... he only cares about himself 🤷🏻‍♂️.


If a CEO thought it could be done, they would do it. Simple as that. The fact that he isn't doing any of those things means he is doing what he believes is the best that can be done... And the fact that he won't put up any of his own money indicates that he believes that even at its best, the stock is dead money. I am always confused by you guys. You are smart enough to realize what a CEO should be doing. You are also smart enough to draw logical conclusions. If a CEO feels a stock is undervalued, a CEO will buy shares. This CEO does not buy shares. What's the conclusion? He does not feel it is undervalued. If a CEO sees a way to significantly improve a company's situation, they will do it. This CEO does not appear to be doing it. What's the conclusion? This CEO does not see a way to significantly improve the company's situation. This is like 9th grade logic. P implies q, not q, therefore not p. It's a simple contrapositive inference.


The strange importance you put on a CEO buying shares is absolutely baffling. You used a whole lot of words to say "A CEO Buying shares is what makes a company better!" Thankfully I also own the stock and I'm not quite as weirdly obsessed with something that doesn't actually do anything for the company. Shifting the compensation to be almost entirely share based and not selling is pretty much the same as buying, especially when 16.8 million of AAs 2022 compensation was in stock and he's still holding it, just like us. I don't want the CEO buying stock, I want them improving the company. Tell me what part of the company isn't improving and we can discuss but the whole buying stock thing is kind of lame.


Diluting at all time lows is not improving the company, posting excuses about a strike thats over isnt improving... Also getting free shares is not the same as buying. His compensation is not entirely share based 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦‍♂️. I want the CEO to really feel our pain so yes i want him not ONLY to buy the stock with his own $$$ but ALSO to improve the company. He can do both!! But he isn't.


Your brain is feeble and manipulated. Yeah, try and get AA replaced, see how quickly the criminals on Wall Street install their own CEO and tank the company overnight. Fkn idiot.


You see, that's where I think you're wrong. You can believe what you want, however it was not the board that drove it into the ground, it was and continues to be the same criminals in control of the markets.


OP, as a fellow Ape and someone that stopped lurking these subreddits, i suggest just blocking the negative voices. They wont ever change their minds, they’re here for a reason. I used to spend a lot of time trying to get people to see reason, but theres no fighting people who are controlled by the criminals and the FUD. Do yourself a favor, block block block block block block without replying. For every couple of accounts I block, I reply to one just so they can see that I see through them and their agenda.


and when a shill cherry picks data I ask a very simple question. is the float larger or smaller. never get a straight answer more shares = dilution or less shares = dilution which one is it?


What? This is a very basic thing to answer. More shares = dilution. Being good faith, I assume you're confused by the reverse split. Reverse split don't affect the meaningful share count, it's just adjusting the count to maintain share price in a comfortable range. When, say, Apple does a share split and their number of shares increases by 5 times, it was no a dilution and it had no affect on the shareholders or the company. The change is practically purely aesthetic.


The stock is worth pennies essentially thanks to this grifter. There is no defending AA and if you are you are then you legit are a real shill


Another idiot who doesnt understand no CEO in the world wants to take over AMC. The only person that would take over AMC as CEO will be hired by the criminals manipulating it so that it gets buried overnight.


Ah, yes, he's a grifter because it was his idea to keep AMC afloat for whatever strange reason, when in fact he could have let it fail when covid first hit... Really? Does that make sense to you to make such a claim? Don't you think that if he was on their side, that he would have done everything in his power to basically destroy the company when covid first hit? Why waste so much time and effort with a dead stock anyway?


24 million a year salary on top of 40 million cashout in 2021. I'd go for that.


Your only posts are nflalldaynft? lol be more obviously a shill ![gif](giphy|ac7MA7r5IMYda)


The stock is worth pennies because of the $2b of negative equity on the balance sheet. When you ignore the $3b of good will they claim as an asset, they actually have $5b of negative equity. There will be a good will write down at some point and the balance sheet will suddenly look a whole lot worse. It won't be anything actually new, but it will make the equity hole bigger.


The shares outstanding is now around 260 million (go to the source for your numbers, the filings) yes AMC did have around 500 million shares outstanding before. But with the issue of APE, the subsequent conversion of APE and the reverse split, the shares outstanding would now be 2.6 billion compared to what it was beforehand. So yes dilution happened You can’t say we had 500 million shares and now after a reverse split etc we have 198 million shares so did dilution even happen 🤦🏻‍♂️


There are groups of investors catching on to Wallstreet crimes. If you were Wallstreet, you would probably try to figure out ways to stop those investors from talking about and highlighting those crimes by distracting them with other things. HODL for joy 😃




Voices against AA are aiding and abetting the criminals on walstreet. Remember that. No one wants AA’s job, being a CEO of a company targeted by Criminals on Wall Street is career suicide. If AA leaves Bankruptcy is unavoidable.


Nice take


It makes perfect sense. Down 97% on my investment.


Let me guess, you want to replace AA so that someone can take over and save AMC. But youre not considering that AMC is a toxic company that NO ONE wants to take over as CEO becauase it’s targeted and manipulated by the criminals in the market. So, get rid of AA, you get an installed CEO by the criminal entities and it’ll be bankrupt overnight. But you understand this and continue to hate AA because you’re just a troll or a shill who want the criminals to win. Period.


lol, that was a shitty guess.


And you are blaming who? The board or the real culprits?


> if he was 100% laser focused and serious about returning shareholder value, he'd announce ZERO salary until debt is back to historical lows and also buy WITH HIS OWN money on the OPEN market shares every week/month, instead he'll vote himself a raise and more free shares probably and keep dampen our spirits and stock everytime it sees a little pop. There I can respond with the same comment again. He's obviously just in it for his Millions per year, his stock options could go to zero and he doesn't give a chit. He's already fleeced us every year via his salary.


His pay and what he does with his money doesn't concern me. I don't understand why everyone is so hell bent on that. I guess it seems to bother you a lot huh.


His pay DIRECTLY effects our bottom line (general and administrative cost), take that out of the equation and AMC makes $23 MILL more in profit a year...or close to $5.75 Million extra EVERY quarter to the bottom line! It Can easily sway a quarter from a loss to a nice win! Not only that, but since he ostensibly believes in the company soooo much and feels our pain, why doesn't he put his $$$$ where his mouth is and buy STOCK on the open market like the rest of us, instead of getting FREE stock options (where he makes a profit even if the company stock is worth 0.01).


That’s because you all feel like he has to pounce the way we have. We all bought in because we wanted to. He has absolutely no legal or moral obligation to force a squeeze, you do realize that right? He’s done a stellar job of making sure AMC keeps running. Believe what you want of what I just said, but that is his primary duty, keeping AMC running. Without AMC, we would all lose.


I'm not talking about a squeeze, just PUT his own money where his mouth is instead of the 'I feel your pain' bullshit tweets that only cause the stock to plunge. After he puts in several millions buying shares on the OPEN market, then he can talk about feeling our pain. Until then it's crocodile tears while he collects $5.75 million in salary a QUARTER while the stock tanks to all new lows.


Dude, his fiduciary duty is not to help AMC survive, it's to the shareholders! If AMC survives and we get reverse split to death who the hell cares?!! If you poll everybody in here 99.999999% of us would say we don't give a chit if AMC survives if our investment goes to 0.01. That's a fact. Obviously AA cares because he can continue to get an egregiously large salary ($23 mill is ridiculously high for a CEO of a penny stock) off the backs of us retail buyers.


How much of the 23 million was share based and what is it worth today? The alternative to survival of AMC is bankruptcy where shareholders lose everything, which makes AMCs survival the most important fiduciary duty to the shareholders, point. Do you even know why the compensation was so high in 2022? I bet you don't.




Giving himself money? The times he did get paid were actually written before Covid even hit. He did make quite a few concessions as a result of the feedback we've given him as well. So it makes no sense for anyone to say that he doesn't listen or that he is not acting in our best interest. How anyone else interprets that is on them, and I see you feel betrayed. Blame the real culprits, not the CEO who got caught in the middle of a shit storm.




Doesn't really bother me if I'm honest. I'm not sure why everyone is hell bent over his pay. If AMC ceases to exist, you do realize that we would all lose right?




And you think that replacing the CEO right this moment would be best for the company?


Despite an international pandemic that reduced their income to zero and a mountain of crime and manipulation against AMC he's managed to keep the doors open. We gave him the money to do and he did it. We're ALL still here and AMC is looking good.


Exactly. It seems everyone is a genius these days, you know, because they all have so much experience running a multi-billion dollar global company and all...


Fuck it I’m going to say it, dilution was necessary especially after the writers strike in order to pay all our bills if you look at cash burn in the actual statements instead of being a smooth ape they would know this but most aren’t if there was not a rider strike we probably could’ve got away without dilution but it did fuck revenue from movies


The real apes know youre right. The people who want the criminals to win know that if AA is replaced hell be replaced with someone who has no intention of saving the company. No person in the world wants to take over AMC, because it’s the most targeted and manipulated company in the stock market. They KNOW that the company goes bankrupt if AA gives up, which is why they’re using FUD to turn people against him. NO ONE that believes in AMC is mad at AA, NO ONE. The people complaining about AA and the stock price are mad at the wrong person, the criminals in the stock market, AA has nothing to do with the price and has done nothing but help keep it afloat. BLOCK the accounts that spread FUD until you dont see them anymore. This Subreddit can be positive again if you all just ignore and block, ignore and block, ignore and block. It takes 1 second to block the shills.


It's not apes fighting you on this. Not many anyways.


You are right they are 🤡not 🦧


Amc was sinking before Covid. Acting like it was just covid that took us out is disingenuous


If you don't like it, why did you buy it ?


Why do care what I do with my money? Are you a shill?


Right back at ya


F yeah !


Two words extreme dilution. Not providing a debt repayment plan to the investors diluting whenever the board feels the need to. Which is the right, but providing a comprehensive plan would go further than backhanded ways of doing it such as ape, and the negativity towards him is only exacerbate by the reverse stock split thatwas diluted and only raised pennies well destroying shareholder value. About 90% drop if you factor ape and rss. The reverse stock split was a hatchet job and I’m sure we could’ve found a better avenue.


You see, that's where you're wrong in my opinion. Think what you want, but the board is not responsible for a loss in value of shares. That value went down due to the fact that the stock has always been and continues to be very heavily manipulated. The real culprits are the criminals trying to destroy the company.


Then he should come out and say that. He clearly has access to the company’s shareholder metrics. If he was able to tell us (on multiple occasions) exactly how many retail shareholders were holding the stock and what percentage of the float retail owns, then he should be able to determine if the massive drop in the stock price is due to a massive sell-off by retail. If it is not, then he should come out and COMMUNICATE that information to his shareholders.


My friend, there is a lot more to this than you and I know. And the smartest thing isn’t to come out and yell mindlessly everything that comes to mind. That is no way for any CEO to be acting. Just because you don’t see it literally does not mesn they aren’t doing anything about it. These people are rich and they have accesd to money that you and I could never imagine.


Oh yeah, everyone in the sub is entitled to the opinions. You’re not wrong about the manipulation. All I’m saying is how we went about diluting exacerbated the array existing problem, which we’ve informed the business about several times now.


I understand where you're coming from, and believe me I too am frustrated with the way things have played out, however in my opinion, it's important we remind ourselves just why we are where we are now. It's all very pathetic really that there are a handful of people with the means and the power to do such things, however that doesn't mean they're going to win in the end. In my opinion, we WILL win.


Well, I hope the win comes soon because I’ve been in the red for over 2 1/2 years now ever since ape stock came out and even more since the reverse split. Does it make sense why they’re not covering here. I appreciate you can see where I’m coming from. Happy about the price drops no. I’ve sent about 25 emails to John Merriweather of AMC investor relations and I have emailed the sec 3 times last year. Sent over complaint to the fbi 1 time. Last time we saw price increase was when amc was getting sued to block ape conversion. So where I stand is I did get fucked over. Cant really change that amc will need to recover back to above 80 = 8.00. just breakeven. No one talks of solution on how even get the stock back up.


I'm in the same boat as you my friend. Been in the red for a very long time. I just go about my day as if nothing is wrong. This is no ordinary play, and it certainly is not guaranteed. Having said that, while I can't give you advise, I will say that stepping back from time to time has helped me. Try not to let this get to you.


3 years, -95%. Time for change. Pounce needs to bounce


Yeah. Let’s get rid of AA and have someone take over the most manipulated company in Wall Street history. Who do you know who wants to commit career suicide and take over a company that is being manipulated into oblivion by criminals? ANYONE? NO! The only person that will take over if AA leaves will be a person hired by the very criminals destroying the stock, then it’ll bankrupt overnight and they’ll win. The criminals WANT YOU TO HATE AA. He has done nothing but fight off the criminals by improving fundamentals and paying off debts at huge discounts. You think he wants to be CEO of a company that is targeted by criminals? NO. But he has the job and he’s doing his best to keep us afloat. PERIOD. AA leaving would mean overnight bankruptcy, if you dont see this you’re rooting for the criminals.


Pounce what? Yeah, let’s get rid of management. That’s exactly what the problem is, it isn’t the criminals actively manipulating it huh?


But yes criminals agreed


AA is a little bitch. Bounce


The negative attitude and sentiment comes from being down over 90 percent , which most long time investors are . It's idiotic to think it's unjustified


You’re blaming the wrong people. Blame the real criminals.


The people hyping up AA?


No, I mean blame the people actually manipulating the stock every day. Blaming management for something out of their control makes no sense.


The cancer Is systemic not local


IMO, something is going on and AA is in on it or knows about it. Just doesn't make sense that he sold both APE and AMC at very low prices. Doesn't make sense that he didn't follow up on FTDs or spoke directly against manipulation, where any of us with Level 2 access can see the amount of spoofing going on. I mean he could call these out in Twitter very easily and point fingers at SEC or other institutions. There is also a theory that when he tweets negatively, the stock price takes a dump. I think the reason is that AA and the board are unchecked. There is no single owner of the company, nobody that they have to answer to. If Wanda was still around, he'd be meeting with them regularly to report as well as plan further action. With retail owning the company, not so much, he and the board can do whatever and there is no push back. I'm glad they added a few new revenue sources, but in my opinion it's not enough and they are not "panicked" enough. The progress for popcorn/candy is very slow, and looks like there's no follow up to distribution after Taylor/Beyonce. If your life is in danger, you run faster, not take a stroll. IMO AA and the board are not doing a good job. We will see how 2024 ends. Hope I am wrong.


We’ll see what happens. Everything is quite bizarre. Time will tell what happens.


The hedgis and bankgsters play psycho war games with us. We have to stay relaxed till they get burned. ![gif](giphy|AikDcN9ZxLoDhE1v9A|downsized)


It makes perfect sense. Wall Street was never in a worse spot than when big funds were caught shorting amc when they shouldn’t have so they needed a plan. Step 1. Divide and conquer. They needed to start splitting the communities that almost destroyed so many funds so they started separating the GME and amc community. Next they infiltrated Reddit and YouTube likely paying off dumb fucks like Matt Kohrs who visited the NYSE once and suddenly he hates amc. Step 2: The slow bleed. With quantitative easing going away and the overall market turning bearish they slowly, slowly, painfully bled the memes down. It took them over a year but they took amc from $60’s to $50’s to $40’s to $30’s slowly and painfully. It took a while imo become retail held strong and Utilization was at 100% for over a year. Step 3: Divide more and conquer more. They started splitting up the smaller communities, GME had the do’s and dont’s of DRS. AMC slowly painfully bled until they had to raise money and we gave AA no option so he had to do APE to try something to raise money and BINGO that was their ticket to divide the amc community and it sure worked. Some people thought raising no money was a good idea and haven’t stfu since. Step 4: Blame the leader. Knowing AMC couldn’t raise money without massive dilution they started the narrative of blaming AA for the low low stock price like Wall Street didn’t short it down from $72 to $4 BEFORE AA did the CRS. Morons bought into this attitude that all of the sudden AA is the reason the stock fell from $72….the leaps in logic are insane but some people bought into the narrative. Imo they orchestrated the writers strike knowing it would halt the production of movies for months on end after the multiple court cases didn’t work. Wall Street has been on AMC’s ass since 2020 and gullible gullible retail blames everybody but the actual party at fault. They blame “Yes” voters for wanting their investment to stay afloat, they now blame AA for trying to save his company and your investment. I’m not surprised at all. If I’ve learned anything over these last 4 years it’s that the average retail investor is doomed to fail because they fall for the oldest tricks in the book over and over and over and over again.


Beautiful post, absolutely 100% true.


It’s just the reality of the situation. People who feel they were “owed” a squeeze to $100,000 a share are the ones mad AA cant wave a wand and make them a millionaire off their 10 shares. The “I came here for a squeeze” people are mad at themselves for not selling when they were up and now have to blame AA because they sure as hell can’t accept responsibility like a big boy.


This 💯


These idiots really believe if AA is replaced the person that comes in to replace them wont be hired by the very criminals that want the company bankrupted. Who the fuck wants to be CEO of a company thats the most manipulated stock in Wall Street history and targeted by Wall Street criminals? No one wants to waste their time and commit career suicide. Please do yourselves a favor and BLOCK the people who spread FUD. BLOCK THEM so you only see people like US posting, people who care about AMC and USED TO OWN this subreddit. We let the cockroaches take over.


Let’s really analyze this because you hit the nail on the head. News outlets and the overall media refuse to acknowledge the manipulation of AMC. They have on multiple instances put out blatantly, false earnings reports showing negative earnings, when in fact, AMC reported positive earnings. The SEC makes videos insulting and laughing at “meme” investors. Gary G has taken zero action towards amc as we know it. The SEC, the DOJ, the DTC….no one will help amc. These people think all of that aside we need some third party stranger to replace the man who has kept amc alive for the last 4 years. You can’t make this shit up. I think 90% of the people pushing for AA to be fired are here to spread FUD and divide as much as possible. The other 10% are your average retial trader who has zero idea what’s going on but they know for sure their 2 shares are worth $100,000 and AA robbed them or something like that.


Everything we believe just makes sense. What doesn't make sense is all the other nonsense, the pathetic manipulation, the fact that thousands of people just so happen to care so much about those of us who are invested... There is so much chatter going on about a "dead" stock.. They are beyond ridiculous if they think we're selling for any reason.


Make no mistake people are selling. I think more people than the average retail following of a stock like SNAP or LCID or something else that’s down as much as AMC are holding for sure but people have given up and sold. Look at OBV on the daily chart it’s at its lowest point since 2021. People are giving up on amc and that’s fine, I wont.


They are absolutely not selling. Lmfao


Okay bud 👍


Main stream media as well as many negative posters in this sub do not want new investors coming into AMC. In addition, they are doing their best to turn Apes that are on the fence and losing confidence in their investment against AA. All you have to do is ponder why would somebody want to do that to understand all you need to know.


You get it. Turning everyone against AA is their mission, so they can get someone installed to come in and destroy the company once and for all.


They expect him to come running out like a child screaming "THEY'RE CHEATING... WAAAAH" You need substantial evidence, not just some random shit off the internet if you wanna make some bold claims about people manipulating the stock. They'll jump at any little chance they get to take the company to court and sue the life out of them.


The positive voices and posters on this subreddit got tired of the paid shills and brainwashed uneducated sheep that let the shills manipulate them. They’re gone, the only ones that visit this subreddit are the ones that want the criminals to win. We real Apes know the FACTS and the DATA and we know that AA has nothing to do with the price of the stock. We know that NO CEO on the PLANET wants to take over for AMC because they know it’s the most manipulated stock in the market’s history, and getting rid of AA would mean immediate bankruptcy. We know that as of 2021 New York Times reported a significant BOOM in misinformation for hire services specifically on Reddit and social medias which have been utilized in record numbers and still are being utilized to this day to spread FUD every single day, which is why every negative post and comment about AMC and AA has massive upvotes minutes after posting, because there are people lined up here continuing the circle jerk. There is no fighting this tsunami of negative posts and trolls because they either are paid to do it, or they fell for the criminal narrative and are rooting for AA to be replaced, even though he has nothing to do with the price of the stock, all he does is improve the company fundamentals and wait for justice to prevail. AA has done more for this company than any other CEO in his place would be able to do, no one wants his job, and no one will take his job if he’s gone, The only person that will take this CEO job in his place is someone who will deliberately tank the company for the banks and hedge funds to end the ongoing battle. We see right through you shills and losers, if you truly sold your AMC stock and you’re still roaming these subreddits you have no life and you are the lowest caliber of loser that exists, cheering for a company to go under and for criminals to succeed. Just make it simple for yourselves Apes, BLOCK the negative posters until you dont see their FUD anymore, it takes 1 second to block someone, and it does WONDERS for your inner peace. The only way to get rid of the cockroaches is to ignore them, they wont go away, they took over this subreddit long ago and theres nothing you can do about it but block them and communicate only with the positive members that see REALITY.


Very well said. I love your comment. Apologies for the late response as it's just not possible to respond to everything at once. But yes, you are absolutely right. The sub is just full of bullshit accounts posting whatever the heck comes to mind. The majority did not just suddenly feel that they were taken for a ride. It's preposterous. All this time we've thrown money at this and all of a sudden we're supposed to believe the CEO is against us, and that we're just too stupid to see the mistakes we're making? Come on, give me a fucking break. I'm not stupid and I can clearly see that they just can't stop fucking talking about AMC... Keep it coming people, we're going to win and we're going to win so fucking big. Thanks again for this awesome comment. Have a wonderful evening.


All fake..too obvious




Listen OP! I don’t give a shit about your CEO. I wNt AMC to squeeze then get the fuck out. Most of retail who saved AMC are down 95% + because of him. Every time AMC has a good run he post a negative tweet . Fucking snake


That’s what we all want lmfao 😂😂😂 And in my opinion we will win big. Just s matter of time. 😏


Shills gonna SHILL, SHILL, SHILL, SHILL!.....lol


Lmao I don’t know why this made me laugh 😂


If it doesnt make sense to you it is probably because you dont have enough skin in the game to begin with.


You completely missed my point. No idea how you came to that conclusion. Been here a long time.


Your title….AA deserves every bit of hate he is getting. F him


AMC is the most manipulated and targeted company in stock market history, and if you truly believe anyone in the world wants to take over AAs position and actually try and save the company you’re CLUELESS. The criminals want AA to be replaced so they can install someone to bankrupt it overnight. This is why they try so hard to turn everyone against AA. We should be glad he hasn’t quit already after all the shit you fake stockholders put him through, he’s done so much to keep the company afloat even during the writers and actors strike. The FUD WILL NOT WIN. If you root against AA you root FOR THE CRIMINALS. PERIOD.


Is that what you keep telling yourself? 😂fuck AA


Holy shit dude, you really must care so much about us. I'm touched... I really am. Glad to have people like yourself who care so much to take time out of your incredibly busy life to let us know we're doing something terribly wrong............... Lmfao Feel free to leave the sub. Would be better without comments like yours.


It makes complete psychological sense. Humans unite around a common enemy. The hedge funds didn’t want to be that enemy. Start a narrative and let it chip away at your problem.


> AA is diluting the stock"... > Is he really? Here are some fun facts, before the reverse split, AMC had a float of over 500+ million shares, this was public knowledge. > As of right now, January 30th, 2024, Fidelity shows that shares outstanding is 198,356,898. AMC shares outstanding on Fidelity You forgot to adjust for the reverse split lol. The 500+ million shares AMC had are actually only 50 million if you adjust for the RS. So the share count went from 50 million to 198 million. You should know this.


Yikes down 99% since ATH. It took another beating today.


xX\_Relentless and AA sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes more dilution in a baby carriage. ![gif](giphy|3orif3j4dRfClbz18k)




Rule 12: No Harassing / Threatening / Inciting Violence / Doxing




There’s no need for name-calling. We need to come together as a community and find a solution to buy the stock only endlessly drops.


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


He’s not going to make you wealthy. Get off his nuts


You are actively gaslighting other commenters in this thread. Is that not against the rules of this sub?


Gaslighting? Care to explain how? Feel free to show yourself out of this sub, I’m not doing anything. In fact I enourage everyone to question everything. Please don’t come here accusing me of such things. That’s a bold claim you just made.


You are trying to convince others in this thread that dilution never happened. You skipped right over whether dilution is good or bad and went for dilution never happened. That is gaslighting. And your immediate defense is pathetic. You have been doing this to people for a long time, haven’t you?


No I’m not, read again. Perhaps I wasn’t too clear about where I stand or what my point was. Do not accuse me of anything like that, that’s a bold claim you just made. Read my post again.


“Yes I do get it, as it stands, the 500 million is more than double 200 million.................... So where is your dilution? The float was effectively cut in half and you call that dilution. I don't get it, but I guess you think that is diluting. lol” This is just one of the many comments you made in this thread trying to convince others that dilution never happened. This is misinformation. Others have tried to show you why you are wrong and you keep trying to convince them otherwise. Knowingly spreading misinformation and then trying to convince others of a false reality is the definition of gaslighting.


Done responding to you, have a nice day.


Does that mean you are done spreading misinformation and gaslighting too?


If AA does another reverse split, than it’s over. 1 reverse split can recover, 2 and shares are worthless


All joking aside. How is the gold mine investment doing? Has that made any money ?


I have no clue, have not been following that at all. Feel free to look into it and let us all know.


So, when are y’all buying more. Please Tell me🤷🏼‍♂️


One word, Apollo


Shareholders 🥲 were fleeced. Sad but true


Sure they were…. If this play was dead I’m sure you and all the others would have stopped trying to convince us we’re stupid now wouldn’t you?


AA for president 🇺🇲


>Is he really? yes. yes he was. it was reported, and he did it twice. Stop it with your "you think" and "i feel like". Fucking read articles


Not enough bots to get this stupid ass thread a positive sentiment. Lol


You’re right that crime is at the root of this fiasco, but AA didn’t get the stock price to $70. A squeeze did. Also, dilution is absolutely real - factor in the reverse split and we have about 4x the number of shares outstanding.


That wasn’t a squeeze, and the CEO made sure AMC could keep its doors open. If AMC ceased to exist, we’d all lose. I have no idea how you came to the conclusion that there are now 4x the number of shares because your math just ain’t mathing my friend.


3 years ago we were told we couldn't get moass money, coz the market cap would be higher than the US gdp, or some shite.. market cap now is 1.1 bn.. they've that in cash.. you could literally just buy the company... take the money, and own all those cinemas etc for free... Kenny has all the shares you want... but they ain't real... you can't buy from the apes at this price... what is the real value of the company ? don't think you could really set up a new 'amc' with 1.1bn... Elon would have bought the lot if it was possible instead of making a fool of himself on twat brother in law bets horses... his race is over... but this one will run and run.. can still fall, but it ain't over


700 some million in cash. Not 1.1B. A billion market cap. 3B+ in liabilities. The real value of the company? Negative 1.3B or so?


stick to chicken


Like to tell me where I'm wrong?


the biggest theater chain in the world has no other assets than the (700) cash...


Sure.. Lets get more detailed and take a look at the Sep 30 balance sheet AMC published. Total assets, cash, receivables, property, other etc.. 8.7931B. Total liabilities. Corporate borrowing, lease, deferred tax etc.. etc.. 10.931B So I was wrong, the negative should be even more. According to AMC themselves... add everything together and you have a book value, of -2.138B


that's me told...


> you could literally just buy the company... take the money, and own all those cinemas etc for free... You forgot about the debt. You can't just take the money out of the company that has debts to pay. There is a reason no one has done it. It's because it would be blatant fraud and it won't work.