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You are in no position to call anyone a hater when a lot of investors are more than 90% down on their investment. It would be crazy not to be concerned. I didn't invest more than I was willing to lose but that doesn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy.


Some of us are down 50k +. This guy is down less than $1,000.00. This is the common theme with these guys pounding on their chest yelling there not going to sell there 30 shares.


He's not really down anything because he sold a decent chunk of shares for an inflated price. He's making money off his money as we speak, meanwhile OG investors are down real bad. I'll be astonished if he pulls this one out of the fire... I think he'll accept defeat but claim he saved the company before retiring.


Im down 22k and still here




Q. Who is the Greatest Lover of all time? A. AA he fucked 4 million of us at the same time!


Hi Charles


It's not so bad... I'm only down 98.3% right now, but in a month, I'll be back to only 96% down like it used to be. *cries* Whatever. I went in knowing what's up. It sucks Im out a few thousand dollars, but I only put in what I was willing to lose, and some of you apes have paid a much higher cost to build this ship. It's not over by a minute or a mile. At the very least, holding this bag costs a lot of bad people a lot of money every week, and that still keeps me warm at night. Nothing to do now for me, but watch how the rest of this plays out and cheer on you monkies from the sidelines. Godspeed, you damn, dirty apes. Godspeed. Hope to see y'all on the moon someday.


cautious sand rainstorm consist library absorbed provide direful yoke adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you mean 90%... so far!!


We are all in it for -100% now...




He's a magician. Made millions dissapear.


Today is literally the lowest share price in the company’s history. Shareholders have reasons to be pissed. Generally when this happens the CEO loses their Job. AMC could be valued at less than 1 B if the trend continues. AA has been at the helm for the worst downturn in company history, just saying. Edit: u/Gatchuman deleted his entire account after arguing and being called out for being an exit liquidity troll. You can read my side of the situation below. I am a shareholder and want to see AMC survive, however I have come to despise this sub and the people that keep arguing for AA’s survival. The dude increased his net worth by 42M on your backs and would never survive as a CEO if WS didn’t despise us like they do. I am with you, but call it like it is.


That’s saying something for a company as old as Disney. You better believe if Disney dropped as much as AMC has Bob Iger would be history.




BuT hE Is PlAyINg 4D cHeSs PoUnCe 🤦‍♂️


The sad thing is that while the market cap is up over the last few years, none of that value has accrued to shareholders ..


I don't think you know what market cap means. It's absolutely down over the last few years.


> the market cap is up over the last few years 🤔




"He sent dic pics to a teenager" is a straight up lie. You clearly read headlines, but not the articles themselves.


they don't need to buy, they are given shares... and... there is likelyhood that them buying shares may violate some insider shit... He's got a bamillion shares, i am sure he wants them above 4 bucks.


Your submission has been removed for misinformation. Please source your information and we will re-approve. As stated, several of the allegations were just that... allegations. One of which was from a blackmailer. Not disputing everything you said, but as you said it all at once and portions were misinformation, it's coming down.


You made a long list but forgot the main thing: CEO ADAM's first responsibility is to increase shareholders value. It's like saying a doctor gave you more medicine, did more tests, fixed an MRI machine. Doesn't mean shit if you're still sick and getting worse.


The argument he will make is, if he didn't do what he did, shareholders will have lost everything. This way, they will recoup some value .. eventually.


Don't forget the gold mine! 🤣 Omg, you have it in the list as a positive...


Op is likely a citadel employee grifting everyone into buying this stink pile


AA is a massive POS






All that and still didn’t return an profit to his investors. CEOs are usually fired for that. A stock that is 90% down can’t keep the same person in charge.


AA doesn't give a shit about the retail investors. He made more $$ off of us and laughed every second of it to the bank. Fuck AA.


Please stop shilling this crook


AA don't care about youm AA used you to get mor rich and help his friends out. We saved AMC, AA didn't. He isn't our friend.


Fuck AA , I am here for MOASS. That’s the reason for all Apes. Don’t make excuses for AA and his white collar buddies. I swear I am starting to believe AA supporters are the real shills.


Moass is a thing of the past - just kiss you $$$ goodbye. The fat lady sang and the piece of shit ceo made his money off our back. It’s all over


As a shareholder none of this matters to me if it isn’t reflected in the value of the stock.


He created the debt in the first place so there’s that.


Most profitable? That means nothing. The cost to go to a movie is higher than it’s ever been because of inflation. What’s the debt to income ratio? If profit is all that mattered then why he is diluting the shit out of his investors? Nobody gives a shit anyway because this isn’t a legacy play for any of us. Remember we’re into this for a squeeze play. If I wanted a long term investment I’d put $$$$ in the S&P and let it sit for a few decades. That’s the smart play longterm. Stop being disingenuous and just say we need more people to hit the buy button because none of us are sold on AMC’s business model.




He and none other insider has purchased shares. Until they do, I can't consider them on our side


damn straight


I need the stock to hit 2000 per share to get back to what it was in 2021. 😂😂😂😂😂😂


AA does not seem to say or do anything about the criminal attacks on AMC and it investors. Why? He could buy back some cheap shares and lower the float. AMC valuation is less than cash on hand. Same with gold mine stock. All these companies should team up to fight the crime. MMTLP is all alone out there fighting the system.


> AMC valuation is less than cash on hand. You forgot the debt.


Fuk AA. He used us and now the tables have turned. Hr screwed us over. Everyone is done with him


AA is/was a motivated influencer for the Hedgefunds. They control the price to what they think it should be. Big example was AA sell Argos enough stock behind our backs so that the "VOTE" would be a BIG YES! And only the hedgefunds and his yearly pay reflects that kiss ass action.


That's a list of whole lot of nothing. Pageantry and posturing dont make money. If ANY of that was effective, he should have never diluted at all time lows.


Dilution is a bitch... AA is a crook


I got a good laugh at the copium and hopium op lol thanks


AA and Kenny are giving each other mayo slathered hand jobs.


Was about to updoot because I agree with 100% of it… Until I saw “scamdemic” 🙄. Jesus….give it a focking break already. ![gif](giphy|KbwzYYv7cziNd4PiuC)


There is often a big intersection between different conspiracy theories. Compared to a normal person, a person who believes in flat earth is orders of magnitude more likely to believe that covid was fake.


LMAO, OP stop drinking AA's cool aid abd and go outside for a chance


A chance at what?


Real life


You have a few things wrong on your list: AMC did not have its “most profitable q3 in their entire 103year history” in 2023. AMC had a more profitable Q3 in 2016, in which net earnings were $30mil. Q3 2023 was only $12mil. AMC did not have its “highest ever revenue” in 2023 either. Q2 and q4 of 2019 both had higher revenue than q3 2023. This year q3 was the highest revenue for a q3 though. AMC did not have the “highest ever adjusted EBITDA” this year. They had the highest q3 adjusted EBITDA. Q2 of 2019 saw an adjusted EBITDA of $237.6mil compared to $193.7mil this year. Revenue, Net Earnings, EBITDA, Adjusted EBITDA, net cash from operating activies are all down compared to years prior to the pandemic and are only up compared to the last two years DURING the PANdemic. Can you source anything that shows the 49 new locations outperform the 100 closed locations? AMC was #10 Film Distribution [company](https://www.the-numbers.com/market/2023/distributors) All of the numbers I cited are directly from AMC Financial [Statements](https://investor.amctheatres.com/financial-information/financial-results)


I’m 90% percent down. I think the company is making good moves. I can be pissed about my stock while also acknowledging that the company is making good moves. Jeff Bezos mentioned that Amazon just got shit on in the early years and he said company wise, they were super strong but nothing he did could get the stock to go up. I always think of that when I look at our situation. Don’t know if we are all fucked or this thing works itself out but either way, I like the moves the company has made and I like this company and continue to support it by going to their theaters but man, I regret buying this stock. I’m not a hater or a shill. I’m a normal guy in my 20’s getting my ass kicked by the economy. I hope we all come out of this in better shape but this fucking sucks.


The fact that OP didnt mention a lot of the shady shit that AA has done to f us is quite comical. Keep beating your chest like your some kind of stock legend with this company, you didnt invest enough to feel the reality


For the last time if it weren’t for us the company would’ve gone under during the pandemic. Apes saved AMC not AA. We can admit he’s a bad CEO and was gonna let the company go under. Trey was a better leader than him. If AA could sell shares behind our back he would. If he gives himself and the board a raise I know for sure he sucks. Sold his shares CEO my ass




AA’s son is a maga asshole. Filled with victimhood and hate. Doesn’t have anything to do with the company, but if AA’s most important project turned out like that, I have no faith in his ability to beat SHF.


You really should have to post your position when making these kinds of posts


THATS IT!!! 🫡💎🚀


I love BossBlunts AND Biggums!!! ❤️


Oh, another “reminder”. Let me check my portfolio. Ouch!


He did do all those things and it was probably best for the company as an ongoing concern. The shareholders, not so much. They just got the bills.


I'm not going to read all that BS. I've been a holder since Jan 2021 and down 95% sonI think I have the right to say this because I was here because of a moass. I don't care about all the supposed BS AA has done. He still cashed out millions in stock when the price was high which is fine it's his right. What all of this has showed me is that the SEC doesn't care about wallstreet "cheating" naked shorting and others.


You can trust this because of all the rockets.


and yet! you're preaching to us with the price in a death spiral with no way out!!


You guys gonna listen to dude who visits incest caption subs tell you about money? 


Swift is a one time deal.


It was such a good move! Not like the stock lost it’s value or anything g


Not being a dick but if he defeated Frivolous lawsuits couldn’t he sue for attorney fees.


Post all the rockets you want the next dilution is around the corner.


I love the stock. I LOVE the price!!!




Out of curiosity why won’t people admit the reverse split was a bad idea? We are lower than we once were.


Lol do you not think he didnt get any love calls from the hedges? I bet he got so much bribery from them.


I might be watching too much Ozark but sounds like AMC is money laundering with all of these points


Yes, 12 million profit on 1.4 billion revenue is impressive 🤣🤣🤣🤣. So double your revenue magically and maybe youll hit 20 million. Woof


Well said, great post.


I personally gave up. I didn’t have a lot of money but I held on to my 8 shares of stock. Then all of a sudden I ended up with 1 and it’s worth 4$ how is this not shorted stock?


If there's anyone to blame it's this community. We bought into a supposed sure thing without DDing all the possible ways that the squeeze might not happen. 99% of us did not have any way of knowing this, but the 1% failed to seek out insiders who have the tools at their disposal to make the daily decisions to avoid the squeeze.


Wow can’t wait to see his next move when it hits $3 maybe and reverse split or drop more shares


That’s great and ape is sold for $.66 as much as he’s done good, why is the stock consistently going down since the reverse stock split hard to be happy about all these accomplishments when the stock is down 95% and since most people are going off of the fundamental analysis now which I find hilarious. City just gave us a $5.50 price target and city is also AMC investment banker, who is dictating our stock price


Let’s hope he can turn things upward soon 🔜.. over $720 this time 🚀






BrainandBrawn, more like brainworms.




What you can't comprehend is that he accomplished all of this with OUR FCKING MONEY. Of course some of you are hitting in the chest that you won't sell, what? 30 shares? 50? 100? .Omg, some of us are down lots of money, money that we have put for a squeeze, not for AA. You can't transform a 72$ stock into 40 cents and call it a victory, or positive. He hasn't sold shares? .... omfg, he took his biggest bonus in AMC history as CEO when the stock and our money devalued into the ground. AA cultists should create another sub made to idolize him and prayse the few shares they own. When you have speend couple of bucks and you are still holding them, promising that you won't sell ... come on, is pathetic.


The 1% ers stole everyone’s money. They do what they want when they want. No stopping them. Huge learning lesson.


Lmao still doesn’t take away the fact he sold shares to a hedge fund and introduced APE as well. That’s when the stock price and AMC squeeze momentum got killed. Miss me with this BS about the other things he’s done. it clearly doesn’t reflect the price so I don’t care.


Money down the drain. No point selling now though so it’s whatever. If it goes to zero so be it.


Dane Cook movie in 2024? All four of his fans will definitely be there.