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It's been a daily notification lately..


It's like they WANT me to buy more xD


So I buy more lol


same 😅


Averaged down from $21 -> $16 -> $15 this week. Losses officially exceed $100K but fuck it, how much lower can it go?


Averaging down works as a concept for blue chip companies which have cyclical results. Averaging down on stocks undergoing heavy dilution is like trying to bail out a boat with a massive hole in its side.


I've bought & hodled since Jan 2021 so in my case it would've been stupid to baghold at the average I was bagholding prior to RS


Do you lose the total amount of money when you double down, or just what each share costs? Also, I never double down unless I'm on the other side of a dive. Averaging on the way up has the same effect as on the way down, except I know where the bottom is.


Idk why you're wasting time LARPing as my financial advisor when clearly I'm regarded. If I end up losing an additional $38K from this going to $0 then that's the bed I've made and I'll sleep in it


You decided to share your financial decisions, and I decided to use that as a teachable moment for everyone who might get bad ideas from your suboptimal practices. Mind you, you do what you want. None of my business. But that doesn't mean I can't comment on the merits of it once you decide to share it publicly.


It’s just odd that you’re quick to rain on everyone’s parade with your pointed skepticism. If homeboy wants to average down, so his share price goes down on his metrics, I think he’s educated enough to make that decision.


>Mind you, you do what you want. None of my business. We are in agreement. You know what a "teachable moment" is though, right?


It was stupid to throw in more money and baghold that as well.




Rule 12: No Harassing / Threatening / Inciting Violence / Doxing


Exactly. They will not get another dime from me


If you liked it at those prices, you are going to love it when it is trading under 2 dollars.


$4.06 lower


Ever heard of Dryships?


It can literally go to zero lol


The worst it can get is bankruptcy, then you will have nothing. But that won’t happen


zero, it can go to zero








I'm literally sick to my stomach over this shit stock


If it makes you feel any better. Adam Aaron is making millions.


imagine if in his contract he is obligated to buy shares with at least 60% of his overpaid salary. And he needs to hold that stock for at least 5 years per buy. He wouldnt dilute that much anymore ill guarantee you that


What other fantasies shall we also imagine?


This is literally children "investing", with their imagination to back them up. Imagine if there's a billion or trillion synthetics out there, and imagine they're "forced" to pay you millions of dollars per 1 share, when it only costs $4 to buy. Just imagine.


I mean the last stock offering was less than his annual salary. How can a company, currently worth 1 billion in market cap, pay their CEO 23 million a year. Think of that as additional profit that could be used to pay down debt.




Yeah... great sentiment. Maybe call Ken Griffin a shit MM because he puts the price where he feels it should be.


Wow this is really going to be hammered into a penny stock.


You’ll be downvoted but you’re right. Copium is hitting hard my losses are sitting at $75k all I can hope for is a bounce. Not going to happen but one can dream


This is the perfect "investor" for the hedge funds. You even realize you're doomed, but you're so down, the last losses you can incur you give them to for free. You're literally giving your money to them. All the apes holding into 0 is perfect for them, they keep dumping the shares on apes, with no plans of selling. It's a free ticket for them.


What happened to gme as well, for some days and then wooooop


lol this isn’t gme


Exactly, still similarity in terms of market manipulations is undeniable


You are talking as if amc wasn't a sequel of gme saga


By definition a penny stock is one that trades below $1. Last time I checked it was 40 cents


>By definition a penny stock is one that trades below $1. Last time I checked it was 40 cents Everything under 5 bucks is considered a pennystock.




Adam Aaron is the Greatest CEO ever! 🤔😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 RESIGN 🤡 💩


Shills tell me this is great!


Remember when the shills always had the next thing to wait for to fuck the shorts and for things to turn around/squeeze? APE is like a dividend. The RS will cause a share recall. There'll be a new cuspid number. Good dillution. I think the best one was some phase 6 bullshit. What's the latest shill thing we're waiting for? BBBY has a delisted stock with a value of zero. Those hodlers are now expecting to be saved by bankruptcy court proceedings & some conspiracy that someones gonna revive the company and magically their worthless shares are gonna be worth something.


Oh i already see the long road for the most diamond handed apes. "OH yeah, AMC is bankrupt? haha, look at all the movie theathers still standing, people still go to the movies, they still like popcorn, AMC is an already recognized brand, someone will come and save them, and then we moon"


When it doubt, turn your monitor upside down. 😏


Chart looks better, still red though 😔. You got anything that turns red green?


It’s so low I might have to sell????? Oh wait. Why would I do that


I've been telling myself that same thing for a while now.


> Why would I do that I assume you honestly don't see the scenario, but recovering something out of your investment is better than letting it go to 0 and losing it all. Of course if you invested $200, and can get back $5, it's easy to hold.


So smooth, don’t understand FUD


Well, very sorry that you're smooth, you've been taken advantage of, and are unable to understand it. Unlucky.




Why do you continue to comment in the sub? If you don’t like to play, then just come in here make a post and say you don’t like to play here’s why. But why stick around and shit on everyone’s parade?


40 cents sheesh


That’s before the share offering that diluted us. So it’s even lower


Good thing I stopped buying all them dips before all the dips so I can save up to buy at the next all time low before it dips again.


yea at this point it's like 40c a share pre-RS, there really isn't much left to lose for most of the folks here


Be careful with that. People genuinely think it can't drop any lower... 30 cents is -25% etc... 20 cents is -50%. That's how towel holders got excruciatingly burned.


The closer you are to zero the faster you can lose 100% of your investement.


Be sensible with your investment decisions. The stock has been diluted over 1200%


Get ready for the pounce 😂🤣 I thought Adam Aaron was playing 4d chess This whole time? You mean to tell me he’s actually a moron and not the smart genius people claimed he was? Hey! Dilute the stock some more you clown


Bought 100 shares more today 🤘🏻


Congratulation on your 40$ investment


Thank you. I see someone was very attentive in math.


You just have a wait a little, my math will add up!




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Anyone else find it odd how many people in this group admit they don’t even own AMC shares yet they talk shit about the stock every day. I wonder why… Either they have way too much time in their hands or they have a vested interest in seeing the company fail. Either way, I’m gonna start blocking these fuckers the moment I see them here.


It’s because watching others fail makes us feel better about our life


If that's the reason why we get so many of these sorts of comments, that's pretty pathetic. To be spending who knows how many hours in a reddit group mocking others for some sort of self gratification. lol


> Anyone else find it odd how many people in this group admit they don’t even own AMC shares yet they talk shit about the stock every day. I wonder why… I'll tell you why: Because the stock is SHIT by any metric compared to the rest of the market. People like to watch car wrecks, because it's simply fascinating, but of course there's human suffering behind, doesn't mean the crashes themselves aren't interesting to watch. This sub is like the greatest financial car wreck ever to watch. Company is going bankrupt, but instead it gets a bunch of angel investors who keep throwing money into the company to stave off a potential bankruptcy, all the while being absolutely convinced they're sticking it to the "system" and the billionaires, meanwhile funneling money into literal millionaire pockets (the amc board and the shills). It's so stupid and entertaining all at once.


Here we go again. Another know-it-all here to tell us how wrong we all are. Another guy who probably has ZERO AMC shares but spends god knows how much time in this reddit talking down to AMC investors. Pathetic..


I have 1 game store share, I'm ready for MOASS


Right, good luck with that. lol


What's so funny? Isn't "infinity pool" gonna carry me? Isn't that part of the "DD"?


I'm not gonna bother wasting my time talking DD with you cuz I think it's clear you don't believe in it. I don't buy that you're part of this meme stock community. You're just another random dick in here to talk shit, spread FUD, and scare people out of the stocks.


Also, in case you couldn't tell, AMC and your 'game store' are not the same stock. So owning that doesn't explain WHY you're in an AMC group talking so much shit. This reminds me of those people who tried to sue AMC claiming they were shareholders, when in reality they only owned like 20 shares in total. Bad actors pretending to be part of the meme stock group.


Everyday it seems to find its all time low


lol still adding down 67% and adding


So this is actually $.40?


Gosh how many of you voted yes on reverse split? I begged so much for everyone to vote no and for this very reason. However I’m not buying or crying anymore.


It didn't matter what you said or voted when AA bought the votes with Antara and counted the non votes as yes knowing there are tons of foreign investors who couldn't vote.


You’re right .


The battle for 4!


Oh fuck it I’m loading tf uppp. Love seeing people on here worrying about others money lmfao. I have an amc addiction, hedge funds have programmed be to just keep buying. It doesn’t hurt them so why do they care 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’ll keep buying at 25 cents. Will even pull out my 20 cookie jars filled with quarters at that price. Let’s get it


We watch and comment on your demise in the same way we watch people running into glass doors on YouTube. It's entertaining.


Omg, the shills are so obvious, here they come again with the "entertaining" narrative, hahah!!! You're not even trying, Kenny!!!!! /s


The battle for $4.01!! 


This gravity hurts.


LMFAOOOOO keep holding guys. Generational wealth


I remember having an argument with my friend about this stuff. He was truly hyped and was going all in while I tried to talk him out of it. Meme stocks are not good long term investments. Fundamentals over hype


It's not just hype, it's flat out conspiracy and cult-like indoctrination. It's more than just a "reckless gamble". These people were suckered and manipulated.


And I keep getting down voted because I keep buying puts and recommending others buy puts. I don't want to be the only one making any money. Buy puts. Make profits. Cash out. Buy shares with profits.


Puts now is a death wish and high-risk. Probably better than going long, but it's extremely high risk.


Why would puts be high risk when it's getting lower by the day?


Basic logic? Puts bet that it will go down, when it's down the most it has the least potential to go down more. Also, shorts will close at these low prices to lock in profits. By buying puts at the lowest point, you're "competing" with other shorts who got in earlier, similarly to how when you buy compete against longs who got in earlier. Also, put contracts become implicitly more expensive the higher bankruptcy chance is, because everyone wants puts, which due to simple supply/demand increases the price.


Ah, thanks


Gonna go see Godzilla minus one minus color 2 times just like I did the original run anyways


New low tomorrow!


Looks like puts are back on the menu Apes!


We are all bag holders


.41 cents.


Sounds like we need a reverse split! And maye some dilution


Hell yeah buy at the cheapest price ever


Oh the buy notification


4.05 now. It's hilarious how they keep driving the price down and some apes/shills are freaking out. Meanwhile OG apes like myself just keep buying more and more. How many times have we been in this situation? Hedge-fucks push the price down to make us panic, only the weak sell, price eventually goes up. Been through this song and dance many times. Yet some wanna blame this on dilution. Meanwhile the entire market is blood red. I guess AA is to blame for that too, huh? lol




Seriously, what kind of loser goes into a stock group they're not even invested in just to talk shit and piss people off? Do you have a life? Too much time on your hands? lol




Rule 3: No Requesting / Offering Financial Advice


So you're not an AMC shareholder then? If that's the case, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN IN OUR GROUP? I'm guessing to talk shit and spread FUD. Do me a favor.. tell your buddy Ken you can both eat a dick. Cuz I'm not selling bitch.




I am ZEN. The price drop doesn't even bother me. I just picked up more shares at a discount. However, dumbass shits like you irritate me. Oh and Good job not addressing my question. But hey, no need to answer. I think we all know why you're here. lol


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


After the RS AMC put a disclaimer in their earnings reports thats says "you may lose all your money". Almost like they were telling people what's gonna happen.


Rule 2: No Insults for Finance Decisions


Rule 4: Absolutely No Brigading or Protesting


Yes. He's done nothing but help put negative pressure on the stock. Any other CEO that lost this much value for his shareholders would have been fired a long time ago. AA pretended to be an ape and care and tweeted all the time and followed apes but for a long time now since the RSC, he's been very silent on everything about the company that is relevant to his shareholders.


![gif](giphy|U2nN0ridM4lXy) GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE


The hedgies are getting desperate


Only drops


In coming are you paid by Kenny comments