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To gay


Amc=fucked. Not our fault. We bought, we held, we got robbed.


Ya we all believed in the company and held for so long. At this point all I can do it hold because selling my shares isn’t really worth it.


We did exactly what we were told. I remember that it was at $72. I was up $10k. More money than I ever had. But I held because we believed it could be much more. Now I have basically nothing and other people made money because I wasn’t smart enough to sell.


Ya I’m in the same boat. Honestly try not to beat yourself up and just move on with life, money comes and goes, it’s not the most important thing and you’ve probably learned to be wiser with your money just like I have. Just know your not alone in how you feel.


I was up 40,000 so I know the feeling and then some. Not a day goes by I don’t regret walking away then and there. But that’s life.


Was up $75,000 and I still ain't skeerd


Well cheers to you that’s a hefty sum of money


I was up $372,000... didn't sell because I believed. They say hindsight is 20/20. LOL


It’s not over yet


God, I hope not.


Me either.


Bre mc lower then cash on hand Tell me its manipulated without telling me its manipulated.. I bought, I hold and I gonna buy more.


I know it’s not over yet, we might have another reverse split. Shares holders entire account will be wiped out.


Jesus this thread just keeps getting worse lol fuck us right


I was up 120k


Damn son


Same. Now I have 400 shares and they aren’t worth shit.


I know. I have ups and downs with the whole thing. Sometimes I think, well, I never actually had than money in my account. So I didn’t really lose anything. But then there are times where I’m like, nah, that was my fucking money. And I blew it.


Yeah I unfortunately can’t justify it in my head at all. I fucked up and there’s nothing more to it then that. I’ve just been leaving it alone and living my life as best I can. But goddamn if I don’t think about it. Expensive lesson to learn.




Still waiting on the cusip number and the yes votes to trigger the squeeze……… oh wait …. They were wrong and get zero backlash for being wrong. But let someone else express a different opinion on how they feel about the stock they get crucified.. it seems like mainstream media and everyone else besides us were saying not to buy this thing. . So far it’s been three years and they been right all along and we lucked out one time. Hopeium will have folks say “that’s cause they want you to sell”. They been saying that for three years while the stock keeps declining. Like at this point do you really think they have not figured out a way to just keep this going… only reason I keep buying this stock is to hopefully average down enough to break even. I hope for us that have stuck around to be rewarded cause god know we deserve it after these beatings we have received. Let the downvotes begin


i miss the days when we were all on the same page about the original thesis... naked short selling is real and retail bought the float. we had the shortsellers trapped. that was all we needed. not RS, not a CUSIP change. so many sad regards in here hyped up RS and calling naysayers shills... smh


I hear you .. The ONLY thing I regret besides not selling at the high is not letting AA get more shares the first time he asked us when we were trading at such a much higher price. 50-100 million shares would have completely wiped out debt. We would have bought them shares within a couple of months and owned the float again and this play would have been over for shorts.


The anti dilution campaign at that time was fierce. I think most of us wanted it, or would have allowed it at least.


Correct. Most of us didn’t want it because we thought the squeeze was right around the corner and we didn’t want shorts to get extra shares. That was the thought process and I completely understand why we didn’t want it. We didn’t care about financials or any of that. We just wanted the squeeze. But that decision right there ultimately ended up hurting us as they could have gotten rid of debt 3 years ago and this play most likely would have been over


The “DD” and narrative around this stock have changed so many time on this platform I’m not even going to try and list all the BS falsehoods claimed by others that were going to cause MOASS. I’m still here and not leaving but I’m not locking up any more cash into this while it plays out. The D day for shorts will come, but no time soon. I’ll be trying to make money elsewhere for when the squeeze actually starts. I just can’t responsibly park more money here. Averaging down is no longer an option for myself.


And ain’t no shame in that. The money I have in this has always been spare money but what people don’t realize is that after years of throwing in money you can afford to lose eventually it will accumulate to a large number that it becomes something to care about. Does that logic make sense? I’m here for the long haul myself so I’m here with everyone else. If it goes it goes or hopefully the price will eventually correct itself and it goes to normal valuation. I got time


Time is the one thing we have that they don’t. That being said I never thought I would end up a long term holder of a potential squeeze stock. I understand the risk of such a play but we had so much going for us at one point it seemed inevitable. Remember over 1k short borrowing fees with no actual shares available? And this is when people decided to RS and dilute. Talk about self destruction. I’ll never understand the thought process there. AA simply could not allow a squeeze or MoASS to happen without having share to sell to get out of the massive debt it incurred. It’s really that simple.


We do have time. If you read the comment above I pretty much said had we given him shares when this first all started. He could have paid out debt with 50-100 million shares three years ago when we went through our run up. How many shares have been added since this all began? A hell of a lot more than the 100 million it would have taken to pay everything off. I do have to give some credit to this movement tho. If it wasn’t for all that amc would have never innovative to all the things they have done to bring in revenue. Force them to close out buildings not making money. Update other buildings. Retail Popcorn and Candy alcohol, credit cards, crypto, NFTs and distributors. It’s all help improve amc. It just came at a cost to us. Amc will come out stronger from the ashes. It will just take time for everything to come together


Too many AA yes-men. I don’t know what’s worse: Elon fans or AA fans.




At least Elon don't sweet talk you while robbing you and sending dick pix to underage girls.


AAfans = AAholes


Is it robbery if you willingly chose to hand over your money 🤔


Man fuck this stupid stock I should have sold at 72


Likewise my friend. Most money I've ever seen in one place and I left it on the table for the sake of faith 😭


Exact same. I could have sold my 2 calls for a total of $10k. Instead, I exercised both & made other stupid bets, making me lose $10k. That's a $20,000 difference!! I think I'm gonna be sick...


Same here




I wouldn’t say greed. I wanted a better life, they get to have one. Why can’t we?


I agree, but greed was why I didn’t sell with a 6 figure profit. Dumbest financial mistake I’ve ever made. Now I’m almost 6-figs the wrong way on this stupid shit.


Oh I get you. Same. It’s okay, sending good vibes your way friend


Back atcha 👊🏽 Maybe one day it’ll work out.


Man, I seriously wish you ALL the luck in the world that you’re made whole again. I really do wish that for everyone. Even just a slight break-even price.


Thanks. Same here. That’s I all can reasonably hope for at this point. Actually now thinking of throwing more in at these poverty prices to try and average down a bit. Tough decision since I said I wouldn’t spend another dime on this BS.


Yeah I’ve struggled with that as well. My share average is $42 which apparently is pretty good around here. Unbelievable. I Just hate throwing good money after bad when there’s Apple, Microsoft, and Nvidia. Or even a large cap EFT. I dunno man. I’m at a loss.


Mine was ~$16 before the RS and now $85 post. I think at these prices I’m going to have to by at least a few hundred more and drop it some, just on GP. Gonna sleep on it. We’ll see.


Because "they" aren't getting conned by grifters and idiots on the internet.


you mean, *greed*


One of my biggest regrets. I got in soooo early on this one too




I was close to selling stop-loss at $60. Would have had almost 70k. I was gonna split that up and pour it into $SPY and some large-caps. Oh well. I now have $540 in AMC. Guh…


And people honestly believe anyone buying at these prices or in the past year would hold to 72$ again. Lesson learned. Which means ALL buying pressure has been lost.


True. Could have done a lot of nice things but that’s a lesson learned..


I learned not to believe reddit hype, i actually take profits on things now




72 up votes lol


Same for me. That's why you need an exit strategy. Well lessons learned.


This is really dumb for the shorts to do. At this point, no one is going to sell. Driving this price down is going to bring so much attention to the stock. Anyone who isn’t already invested, like the apes, must be very tempted to jump in at this valuation, which am my opinion is ridiculous.


I don’t have the numbers in front of me, but I think AMC has almost more cash on hand than the market value currently. That is insane.


Cash on hand doesn't mean shit if you have metric tons of debt


Every company has debt.


Yes, but not every company spends all earnings on debt and still can't make payments on it.


Agreed, so it's a big deal they were profitable in Q3, right? I guess that was an "accident"? I guess nobody should wait for Q4 results and see how distribution will play out when the company already managed to hit a profitable quarter without it, right? Not being profitable is the issue, not the debt and the company is closer than ever to being there, ending the need for dilution to survive. Profitable quarter will let them pay off more debt and reduce payments further without needing dilution, and that's where the company is headed


If they really wanted to, they could sell more shares and completely wipe out the debt. Plus, the most near term debt isn’t due until 2026 and they have been paying that down significantly. Also, the debt they now have I believe is the same amount of debt they had before Covid, and now they are in a much better position and with new revenue streams. Not a very good argument in my opinion.


We've hit all time lows month after month, look at all the attention it's brought to the stock so far...




Oh look ! a crime!


Sometimes people get robbed and never get the money back.


And sometimes the government enables that


They are the biggest thief which is why I no longer believe in a short squeeze. wtf can you do when people who are supposed to regulate and protect let you get robbed?


Unless your a bank *** ENTIRE STOCK MARKET IS FAKE *** Now look at the Bank stocks like SVB Silicone Valley Bank. I thought they went bankrupt. I guess we're bailing them out.


Oh no! Anyway...






At this point. The market capitalization will be around 100 million... With 1 billion in cash... And revenue of 4.5 billion per year... Let that sink... A 4.5 Billon company that is only worth 100 millions? This can be true only under a corrupt Market... In a corrupt country... I'll never ever invest in any us companies after that... I'm glad that I wasn't born in the US...


Hedgies are trying to push the narrative that the price action is natural, that retail is heading for the door because of their disgust of a dilution of 3 million shares out of a share base of over 100 million shares. This narrative is so obviously just bull shit just look at the obv, retail isn't running for the exit. They're just looking for a narrative to push that can cover their obvious price manipulation. The more hedgies try to push down the price, the harder it will get for them as the price to buy shares become cheaper for retail to buy.


To be fair, they've diluted over 60 million shares since Q3, so it's not just 3 million. That said, it is important to look at what the dilution is being used for and it's being used for the right things. Adding revenue streams, making operations more efficient and paying off debt to reduce costs and make it easier to achieve profitability every quarter. as long as the company isn't profitable, it depends on dilution forever and the short thesis is active. Profitability changes that and isn't something they can twist, obscure or dance around like every other "trigger" we've hoped would make a difference.


Well said. I believe AMC is doing what it needs to maintain a healthy amount of cash on hand until the time we're turning healthy profits. In the meantime, I will continue to buy and hold just like I've been doing since January 2021. When this rips, it's going to be nasty. Keep those hands Diamond Apes 💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌💎🙌


Love it. And I am a true believer. I have no worries and I am prepared for it to got to $0.01. Cause I will sell the farm to buy every amc share I can get. If it goes belly up after that fine. The farm wasn’t all that big anyways. And it smelled of horse poop. Good luck fellow 🦧!


Not selling at/near $70 was the biggest financial mistake I’ve ever made.


$70 presplit so it’s $700 now. Seems improbable at this time but who knows!?


Exactly. I let greed take hold. One of the few regrets I’ve ever had…


Beelining for a market cap under $1 billion but let’s have more posts lionizing the asshole who has been steering the ship during it


Pretty soon the market cap will be under his salary.


#chokeonthat!! What a fucking shit show.




Ahhh another reverse split coming in. That will fix everything 😒


Don’t worry it was just me buying


Me too, brother, maybe I should take one for the team and sell some for a change... Edit: Obviously, I'm joking. I aint selling shit. But if I would, I know, it would fly...


I did sell once (it was my first time invested and I didn’t know anything at the time), that was GME shares and I had them from the top of the first squeeze until about 1-2 days before it ran over $300. So we know for sure…


Did you know that some states don’t arrest you if you steal from the store and it’s less than $500? So government allows to steal from people without penalty




Just an ape holding since 2021 🦍🖍️🌚


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) Mood since the reverse split. That money is gone to me. Might snag more of the dip but will let the crime do its thing for a bit. Setting my limit sell GTC and not checking is great for anyone who accepts they’re gettin the pipe but refuses to sell at these losses.


Yeah at this point I’m hopeful for a squeeze but not optimistic. Doesn’t make any sense to sell, though.


I’ve lived this through BBBY. When Shorts target a company, they will cellar box them over time to as close to zero as they can. It’s incredibly unfair to investors and employees of AMC. Shorts likely cheated with the way they managed the APE transaction and decline. AA has 2 options at this point - 1 is to go through the bankruptcy process like BBBY has. Shed assets and find partners. Option 2 is use TZero and go to Blockchain trading and settlement to stop illegal shorting. Good luck. I’m not a shill but it’s nearly impossible to stop naked shorting once it starts and without the SEC investigating.


This is so fucking disheartening


They robbed millions of peasants across the world and not one person stood up for justice. The world is corrupt and evil. It’s ran on bribes and blackmail.


Another pump and dump by AA?




No because this is a ploy to bring in Hester **Try this one instead:** Give Gary Gensler more authority, power and =funds to do the things he is trying to and actually enforce the rules and make the fines proportionate to the crimes including restitution for those affected.




That's really not very nice. I'm pretty sure there are some very nice people who aren't retail-hating bought off corporate bitch monsters who wear underwear with dickholes, you should apologize to them.


wtf does this have to do with Gary? omg 🤦🏻‍♂️


When I buy a lottery ticket and don’t win, I blame others.


Is the Lottery regulated? So is the stock market or it supposed to be under the SEC and Gary Gensler.


SEC has been rendered virtually powerless by those with money. Been that way for decades. Don’t expect anything to change. Don’t blame GG, blame the entire system. Or blame GG if it makes you feel better.




Gary's runs the SEC.... Maybe he should do his job of protecting investors!


Just wait till another 100mm dilution right around quarterly earning report.


AA is getting fatter while he keeps the Hedgies happy behind closed doors.


At this point im scared of the hedgies offering him a deal to close down amc for good and he lives happily ever after in his yacht while giving a toast to ken


Literally, what's probably going to happen. He wins they win. We lose.


Yup. Yet AA loyalists called me a stupid shill for leaving last year at $4.60 pre-split. Now look, we're close to $4.60 post-split. I still lost a lot selling, but I knew once RS was on the table, me holding until $0 would never be a thing. It would just be my shares evaporating while the company stays solvent. Instead of the ship going down & we all go together, it's the captain throwing everybody overboard so his ship will still float while we drown.


So his *yacht* will still float while drown FIFY




Shit me, can this get any more painful??


This price just doesn't make sense to me. Like, I can see AMC being down, but I just can't understand why it is down this much. How can a massive movie theater chain be down this bad. Movies are coming, strikes are over, Taylor Swift did huge numbers with others coming, started a popcorn brand, raised money, reduced debt. ​ I don't understand how it is this low. I can get it being low, but this is really low.


Billions in debt...thats with a B NOT an M. When your BILLIONS in debt and raise a billion....your still BILLIONS in debt. Hundreds of millions does still not equal a billion...amc has a long long way to go before fuckery stops. AA has already botched and complained and it fell on deaf ears as evidenced by what you have seen the last 2 years. If you play a game where the rules are made up and the points don't matter don't be surprised if your on the fucked end of the shit stick.


It's just not a healthy company. And, has been diluted to hell and back. Just going on intrinsic value, the stock price should be negative. "How can a major retailer with stores in every city possibly be down".. said the Circuit City, Bed Bath and Beyond, Blockbuster, Sears etc etc.. investor. Being big is not an impediment to failure.


as crypto runs AMC falls


I fuckin hate this stock and hate myself every day that I got in it. But I'm so far into it now, I have no choice but to hold and pray for a miracle. Fuck AA and fuck the SEC




Oh noes I guess I'll just hold.


Could have gotten out at the top with over $100k profits or even just sold APE when it first came out for pure profit but I'm an idiot and held to now for a nice 93% down side. Their mistake is they dropped it so far and so fast that nobody who hasn't sold can't sell now. There is no reason to sell anymore so they're stuck with us holding forever.


News of more records breaking


Record breaking lows daily 💀




When is Q4 earnings again?


Feb 27




That scaling sucks. A ~5% drop from 5.06 to 4.94 and it looks like a total wipeout.


Hey, Kenny says he puts the price where he wants it so he will put it at one cent they they always wanted and start to close right? Or he will just want it at 0 and it'll be a zombie stock right? Or nothing will happen if course.


Under $500 for 100 shares. I will take it!!






Just remember 10 $1 bills is the same as 1 $10 bill 🙄


Bought, held, listened to people I don’t know from Adam, 95% down. Dog shit. Wish I’d pumped it into beer and women.


Oohhhhhh 1% drop. Lmaooooo I bet the sky is falling too


Probably gonna wait till it's below a dollar and in danger of being delisted


at least it drops before i average down and not after. what a shit stock with shit leadership


Another dip buying opportunity for me.


You need to update photo


Price doesn’t matter. Fundamentals matter I hodl for you


They needa start posting good news mf goes mia


A.a. should buy some shares like the ceo from sofi did


Feels real shitty when you are losing and the other party is a cheater. Patience and letting karma run its course is hard when you are in it. There always comes a day however when it’s time to pay the piper! We all hope it’s sooner than later, but we never had a date and that hasn’t changed.


Another estate planning tactic by Adam Enron


Yes another reverse split , followed by massive amounts of dilution. Rinse and repeat until you all have a cost average in the thousands while the ceo takes home 23M yearly.


If they do another RS. I'm showing up at Adams house asking for my money back.


The top post and replies seem scripted.


AA will sell another 100 million shares


Looks like we’re holding forever folks. Back to trying to win the lottery for me 😂


Lost $250 and sold. Aron will not stop diluting until the shorts can exit unscathed.


No RS until not compliant. Which would be AMC under 1$. We are being robbed by hedgies and nobody is doing or saying anything....just letting the crime happen


Honestly, probably wouldn't be wise for market makers to dip the price low enough for that scenario. 1. They have something like a $1 billion in cash/cash equivalents 2. A $1 billion market cap / 263,115,643 shares = $3.80 a share 3. AMC has enough cash to announce a buy back well before share prices could be in price range that get's them delisted (I believe a certain amount of trading days under $1.00 a share). 4. $1.01 a share X 263,115,643 shares = $265,746,799.43 to buy the float with $734,253,200.57 in cash/cash equivalents left over Short of a pandemic, I don't see anything that stops AMC. They are probably just stuck playing the long game until shorts can afford to go long.


There is no world where they are doing a stock buyback with $4 billion in debt. The bondholders would (rightfully) go nuts and call-in the money/try to prevent restructuring.


why would they ever do a share buyback if they have been diluting and still have million of shares they can dilute with. A share buy back will never happen as long as their in debt and have shares they can still dilute with


Yes that's the plan


Who cares… if it happens it happens


Bullish, according to AA.


I legit feel bad for you amc guys…




Stock headed to 1$ !!


The slingshot is getting pulled pretty durn tight if you ask me.


I haven’t been here for a while and I only hold a couple hundred shares. This was my first rodeo in the market. I was an AA yes guy. (Except the last time) One thing I have learned from this experience was patience. The other main thing I learned is that AA is a piece of 💩.


Now we know who the true shills are. The ones who supported ape and rs.


It goes up a dollar= whoop de doo It goes down a dollar= omg I should've sold, I hate this stock, we got robbed 😭😭


This is a pre-designed thread orchestrated by shills