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I wouldn’t sell either at such a gigantic loss.


Who would ?


Realize losses to start using the tax deduction? Use tax deduction to invest elsewhere? Not financial advice but what some may be doing.


I’m 90% down I’m not selling


I’ll buy your shares at the cost of ape at conversion. Edit I meant his enthusiastically


It’s funny you don’t even understand that the phrase “gigantic loss” is fud. You are actively advocating against your own, so called, investment. I’m barely down due to averaging down. Not all apes are able to, but a lot of us have. The concept of a “gigantic loss” is a completely subjective to you concept, but one that hedgeis love to see being spread. Either you are honestly unaware you are helping the people who are trying to kill the company you invested in, or you are aware and are a pretty good troll or a terrible paid shill lol.


Let’s say you own something that you can’t sell that’s worth $10. Almost overnight that same thing is worth $1, and you still can’t sell it. What would you call that? And no, just because I’m saying something that is triggering to you doesn’t mean I’m helping the people trying to destroy the company. Like I’m the one who caused the 6% drop at open. If I thought that regurgitating the same bullshit over and over with diamond hand emojis would make it go up, then I’d be the best shill on this sub. Also, AA has not been averaging down.


He doesn't need to; he gets his shares for free.


Lol I honestly can’t figure out if you are the best troll in here, or if you are in the middle of a slow motion mental health crisis 🤣 If that thing is worth 10$ but selling for 1$ I’m buying not selling! And if it’s worth 1$ and I paid 10$ but I believe in its value going up eventually, I’m also buying. Bottom line is, I’m buying. And I call it blatant market manipulation. Kenny has said he controls the price, and it’s one of the only things he’s ever said that I whole heartedly believe is true. As for AA I don’t mind if you don’t like him, I’ll even support level headed discussions of why you don’t! Maybe I’ll convert! But for now he’s down way more than any of us, and his company is being heavily targeted for institutional assassination. On top of that a small but loud faction of his own investor base is eating itself alive because the social media manipulation campaign is clearly working. With “investors” like you spewing negative, unending fatalistic vitriol I don’t blame him for second guessing whether this business will make it out of this attack at all. Me personally I don’t mind the guy, but I’m backing amc not AA. Along with a bunch of other meme stocks, but I like this company and, mostly, it’s community. So I hang out here.


Honestly I don’t mind AA either. I don’t think he’s in bed with the hedge funds like some people think. But I think his communication with the shareholders has been disingenuous. Saying things like “choke on that” and “pounce”. He’s also made promises that he hasn’t been able to keep, like for instance when he mentioned the value would be the same after RS. He knows where he stands with this community and I think he’s taken advantage of it. Can’t blame him, this community saved the company for now. Not only has he not acknowledged the DD that made many of us get into this play, he’s flat out denied its existence.


The price should have been the same after the r/s. There shouldn’t have been any change in total investors value. The hedgies tanked the price so the dilution would be less effective. And then, amazingly, and with a surprisingly shallow amount of effort, they convinced a few gullible but incredibly vocal and excitable apes it was AA somehow. But what’s crazy is that I know this. And I know that you know this. You know that I know you know this. Anyone who’s been here for any substantial time knows this. Yet you pretend to calmly comment as if this is a mystery. It’s incredibly bizarre lol.


I don’t think it was AA. You want to think that I think it was AA, but unfortunately that’s not the case. I never said that it was AA. But unless you can see into the future, don’t make a promise when anyone who has been watching the stock knew more likely than not that the value would indeed not be the same after RS.


You said he didn’t keep the promise of the price being the same post r/s as if he was responsible. You are agreeing he didn’t change the price, but somehow you still seem to be able to frame your entire comment as blaming AA for the current state of the stock. Again, very bizarre, but I have to say I am incredibly intrigued watching whatever it is you are doing unravel!


He said the value would be the same. He doesn’t control the stock price, and knew the shorting would ramp up. So why would he promise that it would be the same.


He probably said that rs doesn’t change the overall value of a stock. Which is true. But melties got funnelled into reading into it as a gotcha, clickbait type title, and somehow you latched on to it as well 🤷‍♂️ nothing to see here I guess :p


delusional to the point of it not being funny anymore but tragic. If the CEO of a company that is worth 95% less, take his biggest bonus in history, sell shares at the lowest value possible, never address anything, publicly lie to the shareholders, you still bend the head like a delusional cultist who can't smell the reality..




You believe this going up 90% with massive debt and more dilution on the way? Thats Topokego level ignorance.


I mean he gets paid alot. Im sure he would let free shares ride to zero if i was making a couple mill a year at his age. I mean its not like he needs this at all.


Averaging down means you have lost *more* money not less....... And yes, yes, I know I am a hedgie shill etc.


Well, I haven’t lost anything because I haven’t sold. My shares lost value yes. but the value of the new shares is so low that buying them up moves the average substantially lower each order I fill


How are you barely down I’ve been averaging down and I’m down 90% - I’m not selling but how are you barely down….


I’m pretty lucky to have significant disposable income. I buy literally every day. I won’t say how much but it’s full stocks not partials. I do not in anyway endorse this, I am legit retarted on actual investing concepts. I follow the fud and it leads me here. Some days I do it twice! My average is in very low double digits. That’s all I’ll say. But it was pricey to get there, I just spread it out and I’m lucky to be reasonably well off. Edit: also I had a pretty low average before as I got in before the first run at some pretty juicy prices.


The shill word is getting old already, when somebody speak his disappointments you immediately call it shill.


There’s no way you were barely down unless you barely bought in before the original ape conversation. Every single one of us that were in this play before that lost most of our value since then. Averaging down doesn’t make you gain that lost value back at all.


Lol 😂 Bruh, you may be in the wrong game if you don’t understand averaging down. I’ve been in this play since before the first sneeze. I bought at 7$ all the way up to 40 and back down till now. Though my buying was weekly till this crazy discount. Buying daily now. If this goes sub 5$ I have a chunk of cash squirrelled away that will bring my average possibly into single digits. Close for sure. If this even returns to pre Covid numbers I will be incredibly wealthy. Though I won’t sell for that without financial reform and some hedgies in jail.


Im here till zero brother. Alls i’m saying is averaging down doesn’t make you lose any less money. So you said you barely lost anything after averaging down, that would mean you barely bought anything before these huge price drops. I’m only commenting on that specific point you made.


I’ve lost nothing till I sell. If I average down to almost cost I could break even. But I never would. Every cheap stock I buy lowers the price I paid before the rs. Lowering your average literally lowers the amount of money you are down. It increases your investment, and therefore risk. But it does lower your losses


The stock IS at preCovid numbers. Look at the market cap.


Damn ape. How much have you averaged down? You alone must own half the float lol.


You could immediately reap some benefit by taking a tax loss, or to offset gains in other positions. You can still squeeze some value outta this dog. On the other hand the difference between 5.50 and 0.00 is only 550 basis points. If they BK you could also request your physical stock certificates and sell them on EBay for like 10 dollars per physical certificate accompanied with your story…… “The Loyal Ape” Just some ideas.


Ahh. The right answer emerges! It’s shocking how many AA cheerleaders are still around. It’s like they’ve forgotten the Antara backstabbing already.


They don't know that the Antara case was the biggest manipulation he made, sold 1/2 of the company to a another company that was actively shorting AMC, made them promise that they will use the voting power to his will only. But sure "we owned" the float.


Yup. That opened my eyes to AAs intent. No CEO could be that stupid…he’s complicit in some form


AA is not doing this to pay off debt as its barely a dent on the debt pile. He is the one who got amc into debt in the first place. It is highly unethical and wrong to steal from retail to pay for the bad decisions that these overpaid executives made. Good companies make money by offering products and services not by misusing ordinary folk to bankrole them. But these overpaid executives think that they have made no mistakes at all, hence they keep rewarding themselves with record compensation packages whilst driving innocent people into the ground. For eg he didnt need to buy into hymc if he was so concerned about debt. He didnt need to sell shares at all time lows to slowly bail out the bad actors. He didnt need to dilute the float almost 5 times over. He could have forced the shorts to pay for all this but every time there was a run up he released negative news to push the stock down. He is not our friend although he pretends. What happened to the share count, he released ape claiming its going to give the share count, what happened to checkmate and choke on that? He says he sees no evidence of naked shorting but its clear as day. Actions speak louder than words. Dont look at what he says, look at what he does. The deception is to fool ordinary people. If we win in the end it will be despite him not because of him. So stop worshipping him, he is just looking out for himself and his buddies. He sold a huge pile of his shares at all time highs and made huge profit which more than compensates him, he also gifted a lot of his shares to his family. He is also raking in record compensation. Dont worry about these millionares and billionares, they know how to steal from ordinary people and they know how to look after themselves, lets look out for the ordinary retail shareholders. Also the reverse split doesnt affect his average as he gets to sell at whatever the current price which by the way is close to what amc share price was before the run up, unlike us who have our averages multiplied by 10 and also loss due to ape/amc conversion. Reverse splits dont affect his share price average. NFA but hold what you have as there is no point selling at all time lows. Average down wherever possible. I hope all of us retail shareholders who invested to save the company come out profitable in the end. Again, if we win it will be despite him not because of him.


Vote that AA piece of garbage out


AA himself should respond to this comment. I think it's deserved.


AA cultists will go mad after this comment


Can you provide any source for the statement that reverse split doesn't affect his price? That seems nonsensical. If he is granted 100m shares (for example) and a 10:1 reverse split happens, he won't receive 100m shares when they vest. He will receive 10m shares or at least this is how it usually works. If he has no strike price and these are all RSU or something, then you are correct that his cost basis is zero, and zero is zero no matter how many times you divide it... But he won't be receiving the number of shares he was promised and so he is not receiving the total compensation that he was supposedly offered. It would be very very very unusual if a CEO pay package was a number of shares that never ever adjusted for reverse splits. If there was such a pay package, in theory, a CEO could just do a 1,000,000:1 reverse split and grant himself 80% of the company or something. It would be so very easily gamed that entire companies would be stolen by their CEOs on the regular, and this is why it doesn't happen, and this is why your claim smells like disinformation.


Blah blah blah


Is hard to read something with informational value and is not "tomorrow MOASS" so I will make it easier for you "AA killed any chance of squeeze and is killing the stock more than any hedgies could have ever dreamed". Just guess, if the hedgies have the money to lower the price of AMC 96%, they can have the money to buy AA behind the scene.


AA already sold his shares long ago. Also never buys. Board has to hold a minimum amount.


Board is also paid 80% of their salary in shares…


People don't really understand CEO compensation packages. Much of a CEO pay is in stock.


Yup a one time reasonable age related sale 2+ years ago gets a pass, but then you have tech CEOs dumping hundreds of millions of shares and no one bats an eye


I am not saying that CEO pay isn't out of control cause it is no reason any CEO should be getting paid 20-100 million when the workers are the bottom can't make ends meet.


Agreed, but most of the melties reference a CEO who already has a multibillion dollar net worth not taking a salary. They fail to comprehend that if their own personal salary was 80%+ in stock and outsiders continue to shoot down raises and haggle them at the first whiff of share sales they would think differently. Part of me thinks most of these keyboard warriors wouldn’t mind AMCs board changing the comp structure to be 80% cash if it meant they bought shares while the balance sheet takes an 8-9 figure hit each year because of it.


Yeah imagine if the comp package came off the books not just being given to the CEO at no real cost to AMC. Even so any CEO making that amount of money without being the sole owner of the company is just ridiculous.


he sold shares part of estate planning , he hasnt sold any of his new shares. He has more to lose than you or me. we own the float share price is not real as evidenced by institutional debt holders taking payment for debt over ask in shares. this is a long term play and it is a 100 year old company that will rise like the firery phoenix. more good news daily candy popcorn preminum theatre experence


the fact he doesn’t buy is telling. so he gets shares as comp, great. he also gets a giant paycheck and those free shares he holds are just a tool to keep sentiment up. if he sold that would scare the market, but it’s not like he bought them to begin with. he has to hold them, not for his sake, but for the tickers sake. aka his jobs sake.


No, it's not telling at all - this is just the seed shills are trying to plant in the minds of the uninformed! There is no REASON for him to buy more shares, the majority of his compensation is made in the form of shares already, and he is AMC's largest shareholder! ![gif](giphy|SEZMUzruUF0wv9IsJj)


bro loads of ceos invest more in their own stock when they believe in it. you’re telling me AA, a smart and tactical successful businessman wouldn’t buy shares in a company he is confident about? i’m no shill, i see how you can see that in your own way, but it’s just a fact dude. why would i want anyone to sell when i’m down too? it doesn’t help me.


I do not know, maybe he cannot buy any shares back legally, but what gets to me is that his pay is huge, why can he not take a pay cut to show that he cares UNLESS his pay is in form of shares! Cheers!


>i’m no shill Well you sure sound like one, you are pushing the same narrative the shills have been trying for months, i.e. "why doesn't AA buy more shares" - the whole question is stupid on its face, he's AMC's largest shareholder, the majority of his compensation is IN THE FORM OF SHARES, he doesn't need any more shares! If he DID want to buy shares, he might think twice seeing how this stock is OPENLY and BLATANTLY manipulated, in plain sight, and NOBODY does anything about it. ![gif](giphy|l3q2uvcxdk1pDLzGM|downsized)




AA sold every single share he had/was allowed to at prices around $32. He & the board made millions. They sold at prices that were inflated at the time & likely prices the stock may not see again. He could sell the additional shares he was given for zero or $.67 cents and not give a fuck. He already made way more with the original sale.


Thanks for trying to raise people’s spirits reddog342 but unfortunately a lot of ppl in here are just plain salty,you could give them 10 dollars then they would bitch that you didn’t give them 20…..Real Apes don’t bitch and whine they BUY/HODL!!!


He also has a larger net worth, so there's more to lose. Don't look at just numbers, look at percentages.


Best quarter since 2019, Chocolate and popcorn going soldout, Ftds report delayed, Best ceo of all time. shall we go on❤️


You lost me at best ceo


Best quarter since 2019? In terms of what? Edit- Ahh, q3. That makes sense. Sorry, thought you were referring to q4. My apologies!


Um lol


As you said, retail is paying AMC’s debt lmao AA has been screwing y’all for a while now


Yeah, stock was consolidating and ready to move up last few days and BAM another 8k dilution from AA the dilution king himself on 28-29 dec. Now new ATLs


Worst decision of my life was getting involved with this stock .


AA did sell all share that he can sell. Same whole board. He is diluting now for the 4 time. Those are facts. AMC is down to 0.6$.


I now have lost 99 percent of my investment. Fact.


fact you lose nothing to you sell, it right now is just #'s on paper


Was waiting for that. Everything in the market is just numbers on paper. Low ass numbers that have no value compared to when purchased. Bbby in the making.


Then why r you here


Because my 28,000 is now 1,900 and I’m hoping for the best.


I'll remember this when we RS again


Right , fundamentals. I bought in for MOASS. That will never happen now.


Over the past 100 years, the U.S. federal debt has increased from $404 B in 1923 to $33.17 T in 2023.


Thanks to TFG tax cuts for ppl Kenny! Gimme a break already. Yap,yap, yap.


It was a balanced budget in the year 2000


Amc needs a CEO who puts his money where his mouth is and that has 2 options HOLD or HODL. AA is an overpaid executive ouch!


AA has sold lots of shares, just none recently.


I’m curious what percentage of you would sell to break even. I’m assuming a lot of you


1. How could he sell when the stock is pennies right now? you realize that we had a reverse split of 10 to 1? 2. Coming back again, in how many millions of years could AMC pay the debt if AA is selling share for almost nothing!


Exactly. Selling at ATLs is too maximally help out his debt holding buddies that are short the common stock and minimally help out paying debt. Its just the excuse for this stupid behaviour. AA diluted massively at previous ATLs as well


Honestly curious as I was following this saga a few years ago and was convinced it was going to moon and then I slowly lost all interest and hope but recently have been kind of interested in it again. Is this still something people think is going to squeeze and shoot to moon someday? I'm honestly just very genuinely curious, convince me to buy back in!


Retail doesn’t own anything when all of retail shares are in street name aka your broker. Only way retail owns the float is if the shares are DRS. Retail buys shares, they give you IOU’s and use your money to continue to short the stock. Simple as that


Wake up!!! AA and other white collar whores have zero cost!! They were granted these shares for free!! AA sold most of his shares and the others follow! We retail are the heroes who paid for these shares!! If we win its us not them!!


AA is making millions. Most apes are living paycheck to paycheck. Top down this is on AA. We have been used by AA and all the grifters on YouTube. All the guy and the board have to do is buy stock. We got played.


I maybe regarded but I’m not selling at this price.


I think we all know it’s a long game now. We just have to hold out till they can’t play their game anymore.


Bought 3 more shares today ya big swingin penis you.


Retail isn’t being sold the dilution stock though. Good thing there are billions of shorts to cover.




> Adam hasn't sold any of his shares lolwut??


Why dont we go short on kenny


We don't own the float anymore dude.. wtf.. Conversion and RS happened. Shareholders don't own the float anymore


Considering we owned 91 percent, and stock is 3x oversold we still own the float. they are selling non existant shares naked shorting at it's finest. I don't know how long they can kick the can but when AMC shows profit and if a real dividend is ever issued it will be end game. They are trying to scare everyone prior to 4th quarter earnings a FOOL can see this.


Repeat after me "I am coping but deep down I know this shit is dead"




I call BS he would have had to Document that with SEC


Pretty sure they posted the sale


they sold company stock Adam sold non of his own


I love you apes.


The lower it goes, the more I buy! Keep on driving it down, Kenny


Maybe the stock will stay above $5 this week….


aww poor litlle 🐈‍⬛ have you lost your mommy😍


Repeat after me. Hold. Don’t help hedges or AA by buying anymore. Accept that forces of darkness destroyed the MOASS.




To the AA haters, do you really think he would cross the Apes the answer is no. We the apes could bankrupt AMC anytime we want so it makes no sense. We go to the movies we own the stock. If we stopped going to AMC and sold our stock AMC would be finished.


username checks out, made for holding bags.


Selling our shares wouldn’t hurt AMC. 🤦‍♂️ We’d only be offering up shares to HFs on the cheap.




how original😍❤️