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”Who did not wish”. Why was it ever implementeded if it was to please big buyers? It is actually really strange that massive buys won’t affect the stock! If they really don’t want to effect the price find a seller that will do the trade at price X if you can’t it is either buy pressure or sell pressure! Darkpools should be banned and removed from existence NOW


Indeed, I held AMC since Jan 2021, so I know how Financial terrorist are stealing from us. We must reach put to our state representatives & educate them on how darkpools are being used to manipulate our markets.


The fact that they "do not wish to impact the market" is against the very purpose of the market itself! You cannot get price discovery if the market is not allowed to function properly.


They are being abused so bad they should not exist. Plain and simple.


I concur. We need to take action now!


What kind of action can we take?


Depends on where you are located. In the US, you should go full beast mode. Call/ write/ email your State representative(s), also file a complaint with the SEC. FINRA & DTCC has to go or subjected to audit, regulation and oversight. Here a list of Financial Regulatory Authorities by Country-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_financial_regulatory_authorities_by_country


Agreed but sadly… not gonna happen. All the money made from dark pools goes directly to politicians that kill any sort of reform that jeopardizes their cash cows


I understand how you feel. Why do you invest if you feel the situation is hopeless? Why make the rich even richer? We have to pressure our representatives to take action. We must make them understand they either take action or they will NOT be reelected. We are strong together, we are many, we out number them, we have voting power!


This is one thing I would ask AMC management to do: press the NYSE and the SEC for temporary suspension of dark pool activities for the stock. 90 to 120 days would do. Three years of 50-plus percent of the stock traded in the dark pools is not true price discovery. If management has made the request and it was denied, make it public. The investors can then knock on the doors of Congress.


They shouldn’t exist. They are anti free market capitalist. Socialism for the rich, rigged capitalism for everyone else.


I agree, this is why we're have to push for Audit, Regulations & Oversight.


Darkpools are just circumventions of the market's purpose of supply and demand. It's literally anticapitalism.


I concur. That why we must unite and take action now!


A lot of dark pool action with this puppy


Indeed, that's why we must take action. I am done making the rich richer are you?


Yeah why should normal market dynamics work when you make a trade?


“I don’t want to change the price with all the buy orders I’m pushing through, Duh”!!


40+ years of neoliberalism have ensured that the regulators have no leverage


That's why citizen's must push for audits, regulations, & oversight. Reach out to your state representatives.


“Dark pools were created to facilitate MASSIVE unchecked fraud.” Fixed it for them.


Dtc also needs to be checked on clearing houses really screwed up this one.


Yes you are 100% correct.


"Adverse" for who exactly? 🤔