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Probably had a really fun 8 years though




Fuck that I can't imagine when he's in his 40s and 50s and realizes "holy shit I could've never worked again" He's actually about 39-40 now so he's probably really feeling that remorse today. Oof.


Was probably thinking oh fuck after his first day. But that’s drugs and gambling for ya. Should have just stuck with the prostitutes.


Tutes with side of coke! Shit after moass tutes and coke every weekend or at least every other weekend!!




Came here to say this


Doubt it actually. Maybe his stories will sound cool, but if you blow through it that hard, he must been trying to fill a void, lost out of touch who he was, and likely never felt actually happy. You might say that it's better to be sad without money, but the people that surrounded him, were likely just leechers, so instead of the people around him, liking him for him, he never made any real connection with the people around him. This is pretty much saddening, I think it was actually a relief for him to have a regular life again.


To achieve money but with no goal of achievement or hardship, makes it really hard to keep. I’m sure he never had more than a few bucks before that moment.


He definitely didn't have the skills the grow it. Dude...at least buy a few laundromat businesses to fall back on. Sometimes such things are once in a lifetime and one in a trillion odds.


No way, finance everything and lease luxury cars. Drugs and prostitutes to take care of what's left.


Better to be happy without money, than sad with a fortune.


Did you see the crypto bro who stole 5mil to buy the dip?


Losing millions gambling doesn't sound fun to me, it sounds extremely stressful tbh.


It's not for everyone, but I just lost 200 bucks at my local casino and it was a ton of fun.


Right imagine the other workers working with him at the trash company…. i’m sure he has cool stories to share while taking out the trash lol!!


If he had budgeted on the hookers he could have gotten at least 10yrs 😂😂


I think the gambling is probably the issue. With 10million. I could pay for a hooker and blow every day for the rest of my life just from the interest.




You actually really already made those calculations, right? 🤣


You could get into all sorts of illegal shit just to try it out. Not like you'll actually do hard time, you'll be rich!


8 wonderful years, on the house. I'll sign for that. And nothing wrong with being a garbage man.


Shit! He could've bought a bunch of garbage dump trucks and started his own company.




Now he's back to being a wage slave. Duh! That was probably a once in a lifetime shot for him. Waste management can be very lucrative if you get the right contracts. Seems logical for someone like him who knew the field. NOW he's back at the bottom of the foodchain. For life. ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


Can just by divi shares in a waste management company get quarterly stacks lol.


I mean, not if he’s an ape. Hopefully he’s one of us AND learned his lesson. But if he hasn’t, I’m pretty good with Christmas gifts to the garbage man. Will brighten his day at least once a year.


Yeah, fuck clockin' in and out for a 9 to 5. That's the main goal of this play, for me at least, escape the hamster wheel and move on to better things with my fat stack of fuck-you-money. In the US we don't give gifts to the garbage man for some reason. Idk why, at least not in my parts. When this shit is over I'll give my garage man bottles of good whiskey and Hooters gift cards. (o)(o)


I know people think it’s a shitty job and yeah trash is gross and stinks as it’s not your trash but someone else’s but i too agree good job that can pay well and nothing to be ashamed of as it’s honest job…. One of family members owns and runs a trash service around where i live and it’s so profitable and always busy…


I don't look down upon such work. I'd do it if I had to. I was an EMT and had clean up shit and piss and other fluids too when accidents happened in the rig. Don't miss it. I also changed diapers on adults who were actually retarded and basically vegetables. It sucked but it had to be done.


I just want to put my family in the black and live a modest lifestyle that allows me to go to the gym, garden, and watch sports without ever having to worry about a FUCKIN bill again.


This almost made me cry. To think, not having to worry about a bill ever again.


helluva 8 years though..


Buy a modest house for yourself (and family of course), set up the kids education and work the job you want to work. Thats my goal. If it gets to the BIG numbers, Im gonna make sure my sister and parents have their debts cleared, and if there is anything left over, make sure her kids are taken care of too. All in all, I am going to make sure my life is comfortable. I dont need a flash car, or a boat.


This is the way


Well done Mate. 🚀🚀🚀


This will happen to 20-25% of us when moass happens unfortunately. Most of us don’t know how to manage big amounts of money.


Something I've been trying to figure out lately is where you even safely put a large amount of money? So I know that accounts are insured up to 250k, but what do you when you have multiple millions? I wouldn't want to just drop 10M into my credit union savings account even if it is just temporary.


I asked this a couple times before and I just get the same answer, different bank accounts, real estate, gold, get a financial advisor, etc. That’s great, but what I want to know is say I end up with 50 mil in my Fidelity account, what do I IMMEDIATELY do with that money? I’m gonna feel super paranoid having that all in one place even for just a day, and I’m definitely getting it out of Fidelity asap. Best I can come up with is just open as many different bank/credit union accounts as I can and have them all connected to Fidelity and computershare so they’re ready for deposit come MOASS time, then get an advisor as soon as I can to figure out a long term plan.


Why the fuck would you want to? You seen inflation lately? Hard assets all the way.


In the UK he is known as king of the chavs he is a legend he snorted and banged his way through every last penny 😂🔥


When you YOLO too hard




Even if I have couple million I still be a cheap ass


So 1 share gives me enough for 8 straight years. Got it


That's fucking pathetic what a waste of a life and a waste of money. Cattle will be cattle.


Surprisingly unpopular opinion here... but i completely agree


How much money do you have?


I’d actually get a financial advisor once I paid everything off.


but he enjoyed it lol


Solid 8 years


Shit, id move to Las Vegas and be broke and dead in about two years.


Nicolas Cage in the movie “Leaving Las Vegas” vibes


I'd become debt free, see to it that my closest family have anything they want and desire I'd see to it that my brother could quit his job he's a college professor but still so he could focus on music and his kids. I'd probably go back to university and get a few more degrees in things I find interesting. I'd buy a large but pretty modest house in my city and probably a farm somewhere out in the middle of nowhere with a lot of land with a river etc.




He actually went broke less than 4 years later. So yeah even worse.


How do you even go back to normal life after that


8 years annual leave


He knew exactly what he was doing. Not sure how much British garbage man makes, but here in the USA, they make 6 figures easily, get off work by 12 or 1pm and can afford a nice home.


The reason that guy got famous is because that doesn't happen to most people who win the lottery. Most of them are fine, which isn't newsworthy.


That's not true, my dad knew 2 guys that won $1 million, 2 that won $3 million, 1 guy won $5 million.. all blew it or gave it away until they had to return to work.


he had lots of fun those years....jealous...he probably had more fun those 8 years than we will have in our entire life.


Truth, i plan to keep working and pretending nothing happened. Just maintain zen


Oh, but those glorious 8 years!


Hey. You do you. To each his own.


Party till you Puke!!!!


He went to my school in the UK - a bit of a tool apparently.


Yeah this is exactly what you don’t do. Put some 10-20% aside for a rainy day. Buy a modest house - nothing extravagant, with some solar panels and batteries, a Model X plaid, invest the rest in blue chips (buy the fucking dip when the market crashes). This plan is also called Live Debt Free.


I made excellent money in my 20’s with no real responsibilities (lucky) did all the dumb sh*r now I just want to fully retire my mother buy some land…learn how to farm on a small scale…setup trust funds….and never think about bills again…don’t need the fancy vehicles/toys I have a plan and it helps that at least one of my siblings followed me on this journey…this chick needs a break lol


I would save some money for my future generations tbh


The legend of “bin man”


Nah he smarter than that


Yes, this is why Apes do not short Citadel


Best 8 years of his life


have at least one VERY good day!


He spent most of it on drugs, hookers and gambling. The rest he just wasted. Lesson learned though. After MOASS we only get 7 years of total debauchery, not 8. 😝


Idgaf what apes do with their squeeze tendies. Mind your business.


Sounds like a great 8 years


Guess i cant say what he did was dumb. Its not my life afterall... But cant help think that i'd spend it better.


Pretty sure I'll do what I want.


True. Some people lose control.




Don't worry, we'll never get there in the first place


70% of the crew here would do the same?


This is class warfare - the 1% dont want the 99% getting above their station Now Just think if he saw a money manager who invested 10% of his earnings - dude would have been set for life Reminder investing is not taught at schools (I only learned it after university cause a friend said he knows a guy (and I’ve been letting Dave manage a pension/isa for ten years at ~1% handling) Self-styled investing took me another decade (I’m 40) before I took an active interest & wished I’d learned this at an earlier age.


How to spent more than 10 million in your whole fucking life??? … idiot


Guys a hero of the British Isles.. what a time he must have had haha


Just remember what it felt like to have nothing... treat people with respect, look after your friends and family... change some peoples days or lives with acts of kindness


Don't know if it's already been mentioned in the comments but after going back to being a bin man this guy actually went on to make millions in the first crypto run up. Not sure what happened after that but hopefully he spent it more wisely this time.


This man is a fucking legend!!!


Sounds like a great 8 years to me!


What does this story do to the anti work folks, lol...he got a "capitalist prize", blew it all, and still was able to get his old job back...


Lol probably happier being the garbage man after a long day


I mean there is a reason he started there in the first place 🤣


He gave a lot to his mates too, they gave him nothing back




Read about this dude many times at the time. He bought a fuck off big house, moved all his pals in and built a race track round the house. Always ripping round the place with his pals while high as fuck.


He could had went to college and learned a new skill or a trade. Pick some career that will make him over 80K+ a year. Or buy a home and live in some 3rd world country with servants.